17783/Bat & Eagle Perch
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Bat & Eagle Perch | |
Date of Scene: | 27 April 2024 |
Location: | Roof - Titan's Tower |
Synopsis: | Robin uses Titan Tower as a lookout tower. Golden Eagle offers to help, but Robin declines. Golden Eagle tries to help anyway. Robin internalizes his lament. |
Cast of Characters: | Damian Wayne, Yaretzi Acama
- Damian Wayne has posed:
Night has fallen over Metropolis and the eastern seaboard as a whole. The full moon only a few short days ago is slowly working its way through its waning phases. The winds gust and bluster across the rooftop at random moments, sending those standing or sitting up there hunkering against it. It's amidst one of those lulls that Robin can be found settled against the parapet, watching Gotham off in the distance. He's suited up for a night out on the town and his mask has been fixed into place. Whether he'll remain in Metropolis or venture back to Gotham remains to be seen. For the moment the young crimefighter seems content to let the night grow a little later and a little darker before he sets off into it. His equipment is secure and ready, including the sword that's carefully strapped across his back and beneath his cape. The incognito Damian Wayne is ready to do some good for the world. For now, he waits.
- Yaretzi Acama has posed:
Flying in over the bay waters from the north, sharp eyes might spot a figure silhouetted against what clouds are in the sky that reflect either moonlight or city lights, or maybe even against the stars in the sky. It's not long before that flying person angles down towards Titans Tower and, as distances lessen, comes to be easily seen as being Golden Eagle. She comes down pretty quickly, but her speed drops to the point that when she lands, it's like she's gently stepping off a staircase onto the rooftop -- not too far from where Damian himself is standing. "Heya, Rook...", she says, then purses her lips a moment in thought. "... wait, you're going by Robin these days, aren't you?", she adds, after pausing to think and remember, her hands going to her hips.
- Damian Wayne has posed:
If not sharp eyes, then technology tends to play a role in spotting objects moving in the sky at night. Damian's chin lifts and as Golden Eagle draws nearer, he seems to lock onto her descending form with an expression that is as hard as titanium and eyes that are just as firm. The gentle landing by the flying hero would be worthy of applause if it weren't for Robin's hands holding securely to the utility belt that encompasses his waist.
"Robin, correct," the young Wayne answers with a slight tilt of his chin upward in answer. He clears his throat. Likely awakening his vocal chords after not speaking for some time. "Golden Eagle, good to see you again," he remarks with a slight nod. He doesn't step toward the newly arrived superhero, but instead shifts his footing so that he may return to gazing out over the bay that separates the shining city of Metropolis for the dark patch that is Gotham in the distance. He stares for a moment and only after the latest gust of wind has died down does Robin speak, with barely a glance back toward Golden Eagle, "Out patrolling into the night? Anything I should be aware of before I set out on patrol later?"
- Yaretzi Acama has posed:
"I wasn't patrolling, actually", Golden Eagle replies as she turns to look out in the same direction as Robin. "I just wanted to drop by the Tower and see what's going on. "My patrolling happens up in my usual turf, mostly... but if everyone's doing patrols around her, I guess I could join in", she adds with a little shrug. "Unless you'd rather do your patrol alone?"
- Damian Wayne has posed:
Robin's face shifts slightly. He sends a sidelong glance toward Golden Eagle as she turns to face the same direction as himself, but it's likely her words that result in his momentary glance aside. When he speaks it's with a certain measure of grim determination interjected with his voice, "Not tonight, Goldie". He pauses for a moment but when his attention drifts forward again, he elaborates further, "I've got some things I need to work out on my own. Keep my edge sharp, if you know what I mean. Plus I don't plan on being seen and, well," he trails off, glancing again toward Golden Eagle.
- Yaretzi Acama has posed:
The heroine nods, and ponders silently for a moment. "I can fly up high and stay outta sight. All you'd hafta do is keep me updated on more or less where you are and I can do the same, so we're covering the same area and if either spots something, we mention it so there's backup when we go in to help?", is Golden Eagle's suggestion, lifting one hand to gesture as she offers the idea, before going back to having both on her hips. "Or I guess I can go in and hang out in the main room, see if anyone else is hanging out for a movie or something?", she adds, glancing back at the elevator.
- Damian Wayne has posed:
The words spoken by Golden Eagle are received and midway through them Damian's body shifts. He angles himself so that he may more readily turn his attention toward the superheroine without having to crane his neck about to consider her. The hand that gestures isn't given even a passing attention, but instead the wielder of it. By the conclusion of her statement, Robin's head shakes softly and he looks ahead once more, "Not tonight, Goldie. Another time, maybe?"
Again Robin's attention drifts ahead and toward the bay, with Gotham laying beyond it. The frown that overtakes his features is deep and despite his apparent youthful appearance normally, it seems to age him. When he speaks once more, it's with only a brief glance aside toward Golden Eagle, "You came to find someone to spend some time with. You should stick to your plans. Downtime can be hard to come by and you should make use of it while you can."
- Yaretzi Acama has posed:
Golden Eagle shrugs her shoulders. "Okaaay", she says, turning towards the elevator. She takes a step towards it, but her next footstep doesn't actually touch the rooftop -- instead, she just kinda floats along with her knees slightly bent so that her feet aren't touching the rooftop. Getting to the doors, she taps in the security code she was issued and just hovers there, waiting. She does turn back to where she's last seen Robin and lifts a hand, "Have a good patrol!", she says, adding, "...and call in if you need backup, I guess?", as she waves.
- Damian Wayne has posed:
As Golden Eagle floats away and offers her parting words, Robin offers a solemn nod. "I will," he says, perhaps to both elements of her farewell. He can't help it though. While Golden Eagle is there, stuck, waiting for the elevator to arrive. Robin watches her wait. Likely awkwardly. A gloved thumb is used to rub at his chin, appeasing some minor itch no doubt. As the waiting continues, Robin glances down to his left wrist. A shift of his glove results in his checking the time displayed at his wrist. A glance back toward Gotham, then to the time again. Whatever he's waiting for? It's clearly determined to take place at a specific time.
"Have a good night, Goldie. I'll be in touch if I need anything," he finally concludes as the elevator doors begin to open. Is he being honest? Is he lying? It's hard to tell.
- Yaretzi Acama has posed:
Golden Eagle puts a hand on the inside of the elevator door, to hold it open as she looks back, still, at Robin. "...do you need a ride down, or are you waiting on a ride of some kind?", she asks, with a little grin on her lips. "I just kinda realized that you can't fly like I do, so now I gotta wonder how you were planning on getting down if you weren't gonna use the elevator, too", she adds... and just hovers there, waiting to see if there -is- some special way Robin's got to get down without being able to actually fly on his own.
- Damian Wayne has posed:
Robin's eyes visibly close against the moonlight. He takes in a long breath. His cheeks begin to balloon before he releases the breath from lips that pressed together, but with only the slightest part of them for that breath to escape. He looks toward the moon, then toward Golden Eagle, and then to the bay below. There his gaze holds and, after a moment, he finally looks back to the superheroine, "A cargo ship is going to be moving up the bay in about thirty minutes. I'm going to glide from here," he says while lifting a gloved hand to gesture toward a point out in the bay, "to there. I'm going to board that cargo ship - alone - and I'm going to gather information. Without having attention drawn to myself. Would you like to know anymore of my plans for the evening?"
Robin's attention turns away from the bay and back toward Golden Eagle. He considers her with a long, hard stare and his eyebrows seem to shift upward, but his mask conceals them if they actually do. The stare is maintained and then Damian's chin lowers slightly, "Would you like to know the name of the ship? Who owns it? Anything else that I won't tell you?"
- Yaretzi Acama has posed:
"Oh... and, well, if you don't need to give more info...", Golden Eagle says. "I could stay up here and keep watch, just in case there's any trouble that turns up. I can see pretty much anything on the bay easy enough, even if it is kinda dark. I won't butt in, though, unless there's real trouble going on or you ask for help", she adds, letting go of the elevator door (which closes up as she does), and holding up both hands in a sort of 'staying stopped' kinda gesture.
"You're probably way better at the sneaky investigation stuff that I'll *ever* be, too, so you're the right guy for doing what needs to be done. Just don't forget that you've got a team for backup, *if* that backup's even needed, okay?", she adds, floating towards the edge, where she sits herself down with her feet hanging off. "I'll just wait here and keep watch, until you get back from your thing, okay?"
- Damian Wayne has posed:
"I won't be coming back here," Robin answers without a movement. No shake of his head or glances this time. He simply watches the bay and continues without a single stray glance back toward Golden Eagle, "When I egress from the ship, I have business in Gotham. I'm sure you'll see of that though". Now Robin does glance toward Golden Eagle, likely confirming his suspicion that she could likely see the bay, activity on it, and perhaps even his emergence onto the shores of Gotham. His gaze doesn't linger for long though. Long enough to potentially confirm, but not long enough to be considered staring. It's back toward the bay his attention goes. It's back to waiting he returns.
- Yaretzi Acama has posed:
Golden Eagle nods her head. "Maybe I'll see it. You might hafta let me know when you're done, though, 'cause as sneaky as I'm told you are, I might *not* see you heading off... Oh! I should get a T-Com out, shouldn't I?!", she says, looking surprised at her error when she realizes it. She quickly floats back to the elevator door and enters her keycode once more. "I'll be right back! Just gotta get outta sight right quick...", she says as the doors open almost immediately -- the elevator hadn't been summoned back down since she last called it up.
- Damian Wayne has posed:
"That's a great idea," Robin answers on the matter of retrieving a comm. "Communications in the field are an important element of team coordination," he intones as though repeating some mantra that was spoken to him once upon a time. He even seems to inject some serious gravitas into his words, further reinforcing that it's just as likely his own belief as well. Even if it isn't. Robin's attention turns back to the bay. He watches and he waits. Not only for the arrival of the recently mentioned cargo ship, but also for Golden Eagle to slip into the elevator.
He waits to be able to slip away and into a suitable hiding place. He doesn't move, but he does lower his gaze to the parapet at which he stands. He could surely slip over the edge of the rooftop and cling to the exterior of the building. So long as he doesn't lose too much of his current altitude, a push off of the building could provide him enough distance to cover the slight drop in altitude, and still allow him to make his glide to the cargo ship. He has a few moments to ponder it and to plan it, before potentially executing that unplanned need for a reposition.
- Yaretzi Acama has posed:
The elevator doors close... and open again only a few moments later, not nearly long enough for the elevator to have actually gone anywhere. Still, Golden Eagle steps out with a T-Com in her hand. "All set!", she says, as she sits herself back down on the edge of the roof, then narrows her eyes. "I see a big boat out that way", she then says, pointing out across the bay. "Is that the one you're waiting on?"
- Damian Wayne has posed:
"No," Robin answers. "That's not the one," he says through tight lips. "Let's sit in silence until that time comes," he adds after a moment of silence. That's how he plans to remain until the time comes that he plans to initiate his self-imposed mission.
- Yaretzi Acama has posed:
Golden Eagle nods her head and then squints... and calls out the name of the boat she just spotted, as if to just be sure it isn't the right one. Of course, it isn't because it isn't the right time for it. Her T-Com set down next to her, she just sits there and looks out over the bay, also quiet. Eventually, though, she leans forward a bit and squints again... and calls out another boat's name. "Is that it? It's got like those big, colorful cargo boxes on it, like in the movies", she adds, pointing out over the bay.