17784/A Way In

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A Way In
Date of Scene: 27 April 2024
Location: The Hellfire Club
Synopsis: Sue makes a new 'friend.'
Cast of Characters: Jason Wyngarde, Susan Richards

Jason Wyngarde has posed:
Jason Wyngarde has duplicated himself as a perfect illusion of a minor club member, but one with VIP access. He helps himself to the full bar and makes himself an Old Fashioned with insanely expensive materials and sips it VERY slowly, savoring the flavor. He will remember this to turn swill into something worth it later. Sometimes his power has its perks.

He slowly looks around, sipping, enjoying the view both human and otherwise. He should be richer. And frankly, he is determined to get there now. Enough of this paltry nonsense...but how....or rather...whom....?

Susan Richards has posed:
The arrival of Susan Richards to the VIP Lounge is met with a few low murmurs, even now after she has been a mainstay at the Hellfire Club for some time. And why not, as one of the most famous women in the world, one of the wealthiest, one of the most powerful...the list could go on and on. But those that have met her know that she is more down to earth than all of that.

Wearing a daring white dress that clings to her form, she breezes in with a nod and a smile to the hostess, drifting over towards the bar with only a few pauses to exchange greetings with some of the other members. She adopts a spot, for the moment eschewing taking a stool to instead adopt a soft lean as she waits patiently to gain the attention of the server.

Jason Wyngarde has posed:
Jason Wyngarde does one of his most subtle illusions, one which he is more than capable of doing but rarely does. He lets the room and ambiance affect him personally, so that the illusion shows him moving and speaking in subtle ways to impart an emotion, letting the illusion itself act for him based on the perception of ones involved. As he looks around, he sits next to Susan on the bar, nodding politely, letting anyone in the room respond to his subtle but powerful effect and tries to determine if Susan is REALLY THAT Susan.

Susan Richards has posed:
Susan is, indeed, THAT Susan. It is hard to miss. She turns and offers a warm smile and a nod of her head towards Jason as he takes a seat beside her. "Good evening," she says, politely, before turning her gaze back towards the server. A subtle nod of her head once that attention is gained, and the server heads off to fill what is clearly a preferred drink selection for the Invisible Woman.

Jason Wyngarde has posed:
Jason Wyngarde nods and lets his power do the talking though he will make sure he pays attention to what 'he' rather than the illusion of him says,"I'm sure you get this all the time, but....I wasnt expecting to meet a famous adventurer in a famous adventuering club...." he subtly lets the illusion drop a little for Susan, making it look like an idealized version of him when she isnt looking just a little bit at a time until its the handsome and younger version of himself. "It does look to be a very good evening" he smiles.

Susan Richards has posed:
Turning her gaze back towards Jason, Susan's lip twitch as the initial response dies on her tongue, her eyes taking in the man beside her. Or the image of him, at least. "I do, but it continues to amuse me to hear it." She smiles at him, turning back towards the bar for a moment to retrieve her glass of wine, and then her attention goes back towards Jason. "It has the start of one, to be sure." She takes a sip, and nods in approval. "I do not believe we have met before. Are you a new member?"

Jason Wyngarde has posed:
Jason Wyngarde smiles and extends his hand speaking in the accent she finds most interesting, "Isnt the possibility for better the best of all? I love new beginnings..." he sips his drink, "Jason, Jason Wyngarde. Technically I'm not a member" he holds a finger to his lips.

Susan Richards has posed:
"I have often believed that potential energy far exceeds kinetic, in every respect." The scientist side of Sue comes out as she flashes a brief grin at Jason, before swallowing with a sip of wine. "Well met, Mr. Wyngarde. I am Susan Richards." She glances around for a moment, and then back to Jason. "Are you a prospective member? If so, I would be more than happy to give you a bit of an idea of what you might expect from membership. I am not an employee, but I am a rather loyal member."

Jason Wyngarde has posed:
Jason Wyngarde sips his drink slowly, feeling the warmth flow through him, "I knew, but its nice that you formally introduced yourself and not as your codename. You are clearly so much more than that" he smiles calmly, "I am not a prospective member...yet, but I'm sure with the right sponsor I could be" he smiles and his voice has subtle tones in it, almost hypnotic that draw her more and more to him. This illusion is the perfect version of himself as far as she is concerned, "Loyalty is wonderful.

Susan Richards has posed:
"My codename is just that. I am Susan, Sue to my friends, and not the Invisible Woman." Susan takes another sip of the wine. "I appreciate that YOU appreciate the difference, as well." Her eyes linger upon his form, as if trying to place...something. Some random thought that trickles through. "I am a very loyal woman, in every respect."

Jason Wyngarde has posed:
Jason Wyngarde senses a resonannce and the illusion adapts in a subtle way, nodding in agreement with her, "You are a very loyal woman. Not a girl even though some call you the Invisible Girl, but you are clearly not invisible, nor a girl." He raises his glass, the subtle subconcious scent of the illusion shifting the scene to seem almost soft lit.

Susan Richards has posed:
There is a snort of laughter from Susan. "No one has called me a girl in quite some time, Mr. Wyngarde." She takes a long sip, finishing off the glass of wine and then placing it back down onto the counter for the server to retrieve. "I do not mind, of course. So long as people take me seriously, they can call me whatever they would like." She turns her head a bit to throw her blonde curls over her shoulder. "So what brings you to the Hellfire Club, Mr. Wyngarde?"

Jason Wyngarde has posed:
Jason Wyngarde smiles, "Trying to find a patron to get me involved in the club," he smiles. He is surprised the illusion of him said the truth, but he trusts its ability to adapt to her perception and enjoys the hair toss, slowly dialing up the underlying emotion of the illusion to be flirty, fantasy and fascination. He sips his drink slowly.

Susan Richards has posed:
"Ah, well then..." Susan gives Jason a warm smile as she feels the wine already begin to make a bit of a flush to her cheeks. It must have been a longer day than she thought for it to hit her so quickly, but she is not concerned enough to turn down the second glass that arrives from the server. "Perhaps I can give you the grand tour, and you can show me why you think you merit sponsorship?" She eyes him over the glass as she takes a sip.