17808/The wrong job

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The wrong job
Date of Scene: 29 April 2024
Location: Harry Leland's Office
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Harry Leland, June Connor

Harry Leland has posed:
It was late. Too late, really, and Harry yawned as he considered the enormous pile of spreadsheets and financial filings he still needed to review. His connect in Switzerland had come through for him in _spades_ and there were so many lucrative opportunities to enhance not only his personal fortune, but that of the Club as well. But for right now nature called, so he locked his computer and stepped out of the relatively lavish office to go visit the men's room. Maybe he'd stop for a glass of the truly excellent Scotch Tessa had gifted him before he put his nose back to the grindstone.

June Connor has posed:
    June thought the job seemed a little too easy, but hey, what's wrong with easy money. Though in a fist fight, being 5'3" and a measely 90 pounds is not an advantage, when it comes to scaling walls, squeezing through ventilation systems, and crawling up elevator shafts, it is pretty handy. Leland's building had pretty decent security, so she kept it simple. She flirted with a security guard and copied his ID pass.

    She carries a worn black denim knapsack, and a belly baring black tank top and shredded blue jeans as she accessed the elevator. She rode it to the right floor, getting off as if she belonged there. No sneaky costume, or fancy gear. It was simple. She walked straight to the custodial closet, which had a lock of no significance, and pulled the cart out as if she was supposed to be there to clean. One ear even got the treatment of an airpod to listen to music, clearly too loud, as it was audible from several feet away. She makes her way to Harry's office, trying to door casually.

Harry Leland has posed:
Harry, in the men's room two doors down from the maintenance closet, was washing his hands after a most leisurely relief. He was even whistling to himself - badly and off-key - as he washed his hands thoroughly, dried them, and then stepped out to make his way back to his office and the gigantic pile of work that still awaited him. His office door was unlocked, all the lights on.

June Connor has posed:
    June arches her pierced brow, a smug confidence on her face as she makes her way into the office, unaware that it's occupant may be back shortly. She didn't waste time, though, heading straight to the PC. She had an override key, and quickly plugged it into the system. A simple device, really, it accessed the cached memory of the last time it was unlocked. A phantom keylog trace. And she is in. She plops herself into the desk chair.

T"Oh shit, this chair is nice," she comments aloud, tapping away at the computer. Files...Clients... Trenton... Financial Audit. The corporate financial data is copied over to the inserted device, and she gives a quick wink at the computer screen.

Harry Leland has posed:
Unfortunately for June, Harry picked that moment to open the door to his office. "Well, hello there." he told the woman sitting in _his_ chair and doing things - probably untoward things - to his PC. He then gestured towards her with his glass of Scotch that he'd picked up on the way to his office. "I think you should get out of my chair and step away from the computer."

June Connor has posed:
    June snaps her gaze up, fingers flying for a handful of strokes, but she doesn't stop. "Oh, sorry, I thought nobody was here," she says with a smug smile that a school dropout can pull off so well. "Was just checkin' my profile," she says, tapping away a little more. "It was unlocked so I didn't think anybody'd care." She gives her best green-eyed grin, not innocent looking, per se, but that look that a girl gives when she's trying to downplay something she just did.

Harry Leland has posed:
"A nice try, miss. But I do not believe so. Whatever device you've just transferred my information to, place it on the desk. Then you can walk away and we'll just assume this unpleasantness never happened. Choose otherwise, however, and I cannot voucy for your continued well-being." he said, and then took a sip of his Scotch.

June Connor has posed:
    "What? No-no," June answers. "I was just..." she has a slight blush. "Well, I mean, it's kinda hard to meet people, and my phone was dead. Didn't mean to get anybody pissed off." She slides back from the seat, though she does slip the device deftly into her palm. "I can prove it," she promises. "I'll leave it up and you can see, just...don't go through the pics, okay?" she says, standing from the seat carefully.

Harry Leland has posed:
Harry just shook his head sadly. "So be it." he said softly, and then concentrated. As he twisted gravity under June's feet, increasing it to twice normal intensity. His heart pounded and he took a sip of the Scotch to steady his nerves. "I did warn you." he said reprovingly.

June Connor has posed:
    The shift in her weight comes very unexpectedly, and her legs buckle. She falls backard into the chair, and drops the small device to the floor. "Holy fuck, what did you do?" she asks, though even her words are a little slower. She tries to pull herself up, pushing against her heavier weight to try to get out of the chair.

Harry Leland has posed:
Harry kept his concentration, as she did not seem to be prepared to deal with his abilities. He walked slowly around the desk to where June lay on the floor, and he used the toe of his very expensive Italian dress shoe to nudge the device she'd let go of further from her reach. "I did warn you." he said with a small cruel smile. If she did manage to start to overcome his abilities, he could just double it again.