17838/Tandem Refrigerator Raiding

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Tandem Refrigerator Raiding
Date of Scene: 03 May 2024
Location: Main Kitchen
Synopsis: Betsy and Kwannon have a talk about who is who, and also make Nikuman!
Cast of Characters: Kwannon, Betsy Braddock

Kwannon has posed:
Kwannon Is making Nikuman , right now, she's making the filling as it seems the dough is already resting in the fridge.. She's got 2 cleavers out and is mincing up some pork with ginger and garlic .

     To her, it's nothing special, though some people might think it's a bit scary how fast and accurate she is with those super fast chops!

     Once it's chopped, she adds some carrots and daikon strips for texture in a bowl with some various sauces like soya. She turns to grab the dough in the fridge.

Betsy Braddock has posed:
And that's when Betsy is standing there, holding the dough in her hands. "Looking for this?" She smiles wryly, "Had a bit of a craving, so I thought I'd come down and... well, I guess I shouldn't be surprised, huh?" With that, she looks over the knife work that Kwannon has done for now.

"Need a hand with anything?"

Kwannon has posed:
Kwannon Blinks, she senses Betty, but she's surprised the girl had the same craving as her. Then she realizes why not?they are basically the same person, too. She just jerks her head over to the dry cutting board, " You can roll it out so we can stuff it."

     She starts getting the steamer ready. She already set out very British dipping sauces in her version of the fusion; she also added pork belly, but then again, who doesn't like bacon?

Betsy Braddock has posed:
Betsy chuckles and rolls it out with surprising ease... but then again, they are pretty much the same, at least as far as blended tastes go. "I have to admit... I haven't been able to have a proper English breakfast since this happened. I suspect if I mentioned that to anyone else, they'd look at me and think that was a benefit not a drawback."

She chuckles and gets things ready quite properly, as if she's been doing this for a while. And well, one of them has, so they both have, now...

Kwannon has posed:
Kwannon She looks over and smiles. " I made myself an English breakfast a few times." She admits, " I liked it a lot, but I admit I like the blend best." She says, " Something about having miso soup helps get me going in the morning ".

     She grabs the dough you roll out and, plops the filling into it, and puts them on a sheet; she'll fill them up and pop them into the oven to proof. Then, all she needs to do is steam them.

Betsy Braddock has posed:
Betsy laughs softly, "Did the beans weird you out at first? That's the first thing I noticed Americans freaking out about." She grins wryly, "But I /love/ miso. I mean, I always did before, but now it's just something particularly delightful."

She leans back against the counter, watching Kwannon work. "How's it been going here? I've... been trying to give you some space, just because I don't want to intrude." And she seems to do it subconsciously, just with her own habits, so is trying to steer a bit clear.

Kwannon has posed:
Kwannon shrugs " Not good but not bad," She says, " I'm still trying to make sense of who is who.. since we split. I had my work with the clan.. until they betrayed me .. but I always questioned "

     " just put off thinking about it, " She says, " Now I'm here trying to figure out who I was before and who I am now. "

Betsy Braddock has posed:
Betsy nods, "Yeah, that sounds pretty familiar." She pauses, looking curiously at her 'twin', "We still need to corner Jean about helping us sort these things out a bit more... but, if you ever need to talk, I /am/ willing. I just... well, like I said. Wasn't sure if you needed the space."

Kwannon has posed:
Kwannon She looks at her, opens the lid of the steamer, takes some out, and hands one to her. " I don't need space. " She chomps and then scrunches her nose and opens her mouth cause hot! After a moment of that, " I had nothing but space and my brain.. and you know as well as me that's a bad place " .

     She sighs. " I guess the first thing is how are you sure you, Betsy? "

Betsy Braddock has posed:
Betsy hrms, "Honestly, I thought that myself for a long time. And then I tried to astrally project." She smiles faintly, "When I did that, I was me. Well, I was Betsy, before everything happened. So I felt the psychic footprint there was why I was Betsy." A bit of a shrug. "Lack of taste for English breakfasts any longer as an aside."