17905/1 2 3 4 I Declare A

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1 2 3 4 I Declare A
Date of Scene: 11 May 2024
Location: Protest Near New York City Community College
Synopsis: Grenademan stops a conflict with a thumb war.
Cast of Characters: Frank Noble, Candace Hill

Frank Noble has posed:
Things are tense as students protest the treatment of the aliens at the starport and a large line of police is gearing up in riot gear. They are awaiting the word for authorization to clear out the protest by any means necessary. Things are definitely tense. This is a scene of potential violence, potential angst and where lives may change. It requires delicate negotiation and common sense.

This looks like a job definitely not for...GRENADEMAN!

Frank lands right between the two lines of police and protesters staring each other down, temporarily non plussed by the bizarre character, each seeing insane things on his head, from a police outline of around a non dead body, to a CatBox, to a fruit salad to a shaving basin. "GREETINGS CITIZENS. THIS SEEMS LIKE A TENSE SITUATION. HOW CAN WE WALK IT BACK AND MAINTAIN OUR CIVIC ORDER AND FIRST AMENDMENT PROTECTIONS?

Candace Hill has posed:
This is the first Protest Candace has been in attendance in since her own transformation. Getting back to a normal routine is kinda nice really. She happens to be there, behind the front line of the protesting college students. She has a table set up and her first aid kit on hand. Also she happens to have a cooler with waters and should things go bad. She has milk on hand. On her table are two posters, the first says Aliens are people too. The second simply has a person holding hands with what looks like a little green man.

The head of the Police looks at Frank and raises an eyebrow. "These people do not have a permit to be protesting today. They must disperse or we will be forced to make them disperse. They are disturbing the peace." He states and seems awfully proud of himself.

Frank Noble has posed:
"I SEE." He considers this, "WELL, I AM HERE TO PROTECT THE FORCES OF ORDER BUT ALSO THE FORCES OF FREEDOM...TWO DIFFERENT OPPOSING FORCES...YES, WE COULD HAVE CHAOS AND ORDER HERE ALL IN A MASS OF CHAOS, BUT WHERE WOULD THAT" he listens in his ear about Right telling him to reduce volume again and nods, "Yes I see. We could have mayhem and chaos, but what good is that? Instead, I have a separate proposal...let us find another means of addressing our problems. Perhaps a friendly riddle game or a coin toss or..."

One of the students from the crowd postulates, "Thumb war?"

Frank looks confused a moment and then considers, "Yes, that is an excellent idea. Officer, would you care to engage in a thumb war to negotiate the differences therin? One of the students and one of your squad? I agree its unorthydox, but isnt it a more peaceful resolution than the alternative?"

Right mutters something and Frank leans in, "And better publicity..."

Candace Hill has posed:
Candace gets out the milk. She has an idea about how this will go if the cop loses. She doesn't like the way this is progressing but she keeps quiet. After all, it could end peacefully. She quietly pulls out a cold water and takes a long sip. "Ahhh thats good water." She comments to herself.

The officer in question looks at Frank curiously. "A Thumb war? Are you serious? That would make all of us look like a joke. It would be easier to just forcibly disperse this crowd. But... I suppose you are right about the publicity. Johnson. Appease this man."

"Yes Sir!" Officer Johnson walks up to Frank and smirks. Johnson is pretty jacked. Doesn't say much about his thumb war skills but he is quite muscular and its rather obvious even when hidden by riot gear. "Still wanna thumb war?"

Frank Noble has posed:
Frank had hoped to diffuse the situation by having one of the students do so, but at the end of the day, he is trying to cool things down. He smiles and extends his hand, "Well of course Officer. Who am I to turn down a good contest with an officer of the law?" He may look deceptive, but his hands have an insane amount of nimbleness and strength. Officer Johnson doesnt know what he is getting into and says, "On 3?"

Candace Hill has posed:
Johnson looks at Frank and smirks. "On Three." Its the only thing he really says as he puts out his hand. The glare in his eyes indicate this isn't his first rodeo. He simply waits to take on Frank. He turns and looks at his fellow cops and they all cheer him on making as much noise as the protestors were. The only difference is, they are allowed.

Frank Noble has posed:
Frank is an obnoxious an opponent as he is a super hero. The officer might think he was teasing him at first, but Frank works with his hands literally every day, and has reflexes on the upper edge of human potential; when a good old fashioned dash of luck is added, Frank keeps moving his thumb out of the way. A keen observer would notice that Frank isnt toying with his opponent but wearing him down, allowing superior endurance rather than mere agility to function....every time Johnson tries to nail him dow, Frank simply simple isnt there.

Candace Hill has posed:
Johnson glares and moves his thumb. He has done this before and knows what Frank is trying to do. He starts twitching his thumb, trying to make it look like he is Giving in but he quickly pulls back. He's a pretty good thumb wrestler but nowhere near a super powered individual. He tries to keep up with Frank but he is simply outclassed. So he tries to trick the man. He moves his thumb in and pulls it back out again and again, waiting for Frank to strike.

Frank Noble has posed:
Frank is about to take the bait, he is after all, highly distractable. Of course, when one has a master strategist and deadly fighter (for a talking mouse) in his ear, at the last minute (and barely the last minute) he stops and moves to the side, still its a close thing and Johnson may be able to strike.

Candace Hill has posed:
Johnson goes for it. He tries to go for a win, trying to catch Frank's thumb but misses. He is getting tired and is losing his pace against the hero. He tries to get the win again but misses entirely. If there was a time to actually take him down its now. "Gah! This is Ridiculous!" He complains trying to get his Captain to call off this crazy form of fighting. He would much rather get the pepper spray.

Frank Noble has posed:
Frank strikes when the moment is right, perfectly and in one fowl swoop. There isnt even a push from the Helm or Right; he just has expert timing and insanely good reflexes. "Well played Officer." He stays there for three seconds and extends his hand good naturedly.

Candace Hill has posed:
Johnson loses and turns to his Captain. "This was cheap! He cheated! I say we just force these people to disperse! We didn't get all dressed up for nothin'!" He looks at his captain, A sore loser for sure.

"Johnson, fall back. You lost now pull yourself together and act like an officer." The Captain snaps as he is clearly disappointed with his strong officer. "Fine. We can't leave until this group disperses but we will stay back. Just keep it down you all." He turns to his men. "Fall back." He gives the order. One or two of the officers let out audible complaints, clearly looking forward to a violent end to this. "If I hear one more complaint I will be taking badges and weapons. Unpaid leave. Got it."

Frank Noble has posed:
Frank Noble salutes the Captain and moves to stand with the protesters. He respects law enforcement but the attitude of the local constabulary troubles him and if hanging around the students with enough ordinancy to level the block might help them protest peacefully, so mote it be.

He sits, crossing his legs meditation style somehow looking even more ridiculous as his cape crumples around him like demented tinfoil.

Candace Hill has posed:
Candace grabs a cold water and walks over to Frank. The rest of the protestors cheer for Frank before going back to protesting. "Good thinking. I didn't expect it to work but it did. The cops that they bring to these things tend to be a bit trigger happy." She states as she sits down beside him and offers him a water. "Hiya, I'm Candace." She comments as she pulls out her own bottle of water to sip at."

Frank Noble has posed:
Frank Noble waves, "Im Grenademan. It is a pleasure to meet you citizen and you are to be commended for exercizing your rights for an excellent cause. The constabulary has an image just like anyone else, and since they accepted the challenge, it would have been less than ideal if they had acted aversly on losing." Which was true but he had also gotten DAMN lucky..."The inappropriate use of weaponry on the innocent is ungood to be certain.

Candace Hill has posed:
"I've been on the receiving end of that inappropriate use of weaponry before. I got pepper sprayed before. It is not fun." Candace smiles. "Grenademan? So you are a hero then. That is really cool. I am just starting out in the hero game. Learning how to use my talents without hurting people too much. Last thing I want is to kill someone." A look over the girl shows she is athletically built but doesn't look like she could physically do a lot of damage to anyone. "But yeah, I usually bring my little table to protests now. My first aid kit and my cooler with waters and milk in it."

Frank Noble has posed:
Frank Noble says, "I am but a humble servant of the Forces of Good." The latter sounds like it is capitalized in its entirity while not actually shouted or increasing in volume, "I am sorry you experienced pepper spray. I considered using it in a grenade, but the inability to restrict the after or side effects from harming innocents on a wind shift has thus far forestalled my actions. Sleep gas is still dangerous but wont cause pain or suffering. You are a fellow hero? Impressive and I applaud your choice of careers. Not killing people is important for the path of true heroism though to me it is a path not a destination." Frank makes no assumptions based on size, since he is short and not visibly muscled (more of a divers physique) and he nods, "First aid kits and logistics at such an event are wise."

Candace Hill has posed:
"I'm barely a hero yet. I've not done anything really heroic before. I am still learning the basics. I know right now that I can't really touch people cause I will start pulling heat from their body. I gotta learn to control my abilities before I can actively use them to protect people." Candace winces not wanting to hurt people. She already pulled heat from Ted once and she really doesn't want to do that again." I bring stuff because not everyone is about peaceful assembly. Some just want to find reasons to steal. Sometimes people who want to paint the protestors in a bad light will join the protest just to get violent or something.

Frank Noble has posed:
Frank Noble nods, "It took several months before I felt safe putting on the mask. It would have been easy simply making basic grenades and throwing them...but I build safeguards into each one to prevent them from hurting the innocent. Precaution is wise." Says the guy who is using explovive grenades in a non lethal variety..."If you dont mind my asking, what are your abilities? And it is a shame that the exercize of liberty is used as an excuse to initiate propoganda. I shall remain longer to ensure there are no...misunderstandings.

Candace Hill has posed:
"I absorb energy and release it. I can also fly. I am trying to get more agile when I fly so I can maneuver around the city without flying into buildings or anything." Candace flies upward about a foot off the ground hovers for a few seconds and then floats back down to the ground. "Its fun to fly. I just don't wanna wind up hurting anyone." She blushes. "I am actually drawing energy even now. Pulling it from the sunlight."

Frank Noble has posed:
Frank Noble nods and lowers his voice, "My cape is capable of reflecting all energy up to a certain threshold. A highly useful ability to have." His voice returns to normal,"The learning itself is a worthy endevo. One thing you might consider is carrying a small device that can super charge your power in an emergency....such as a battery or ..." heconsiders,"An interesting technical challenge...." he hands her a card,"Ping me some time and I might be able to help. But also dont forget the more creative usages like taking energy from fire or a live electrical wire....flexibility and versatility make you more able to do good

Candace Hill has posed:
"My Mentor actually has a suit for me. It is bullet proof up to .357 caliber. Its a bit odd to wear it But it is really cool. I'm trying to get used to everything still. I only got powers a little over a week ago." Candace smiles and takes the card. She looks at it then pockets it. "I will keep in contact with you." She smiles happily before looking around. "Looks like the protest is starting to break up. People are probably skittish over the cops still being here."

Frank Noble has posed:
Frank Noble nods, "Being threatened can do that. I applaud their and your courage," as he hears about a Giant Cockroach Riding Rodeo Clown that must be put down. "I must away. Best of luck Citizen Candace."