17939/It's A Great Day... for CHILI DOGS!

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It's A Great Day... for CHILI DOGS!
Date of Scene: 14 May 2024
Location: Cherry Hill Fountain
Synopsis: Gwen buys Quentin lunch and they make weekend plans. Jeff is the best boy.
Cast of Characters: Gwendolyn Poole, Quentin Quire

Gwendolyn Poole has posed:
It's a beautiful near-summer day in New York City. The temperatures are in the low 70s, the sun is high, the breeze rolling in off the ocean isn't too chilly. Gwen is out and about, enjoying the pristine beauty of Central Park, rollerblading along the paths with Jeff at her heels, the pair kicking it up (and occasionally terrifying frisbee-chasing dogs).

She's got her hair up in two short pigtails today, the pink tips bobbing about as she glides along in a bright pink tanktop proclaiming 'I'M AN ACQUIRED TASTE' in silk-screened letters that mimic spraypaint, a pair of white short-shorts, and white knee-high tube socks with pink stripes. There's a pair of ridiculously large white catseye sunglasses perched on her nose with pink lenses.

As they approach the fountain, the scent of fresh chili dogs catches her nose and she gasps, "Now I *know* its summer.. the vendors are out!" Grabbing her phone from her hip pocket she texts Quentin.

<<Chili dogs in CP on me? Jeff says hi!>>

Quentin Quire has posed:
Quentin was off doing whatever it was Quentin does when he's not around. Robbing banks? Coming up with new witty t-shirt sayings? Loitering at the X-Mansion? Who knows! But wherever he was, it had coverage since Gwen's text goes through without an issue, and gets a semi-prompt response in turn.

TXT: Chili dogs? Sure. Be right down.

Within ten minutes, Quentin can be found wandering out from behind one of the ubiquitous rest room buildings throughout Central Park. Darkening the lenses of his sunglasses with a burst of telekinetic molecular tweaking, he heads towards Cherry Hill Fountain, boots crunching down the path. The everpresent leather jacket is there, open against the warmth of the New York afternoon, revealing a blue t-shirt and today's witty commentary. A pair of cut-off shorts finishes the punk-esque look.

Gwendolyn Poole has posed:
Gwen is well versed in Quentin's antics, almost as much as her own! She makes sure to read up on what he gets up to in the 'main' universe, and largely presumes him to be a (slightly) more laid back version of that self here. So she and Jeff hang out at the fountain, with the little landshark splashing about IN the fountain (who's going to tell him to get out?) while Gwen reclines on the lip, soaking up the sun. Not that any of it ever seems to penetrate her pale complexion.

When he comes shuffling out from around the restrooms, she lifts a hand and grins at him, "Hey! Nice shirt. And true! You ready for a feast of dogs?" Turning, she grins at Jeff, "C'mon buddy, it's time to eat!" The baby landshark yipes happily and swims over to perform an impressive 'Free Willy' style leap and flip, landing on all four feet

Laughing, Gwen pushes up onto her blades and rolls towards the hot dog vendor she smelled earlier. Glancing over her shoulder at Quentin, "How's it going? Having fun? Sewing chaos? What color are the eyes today?" She flashes a grin at him, "How many dogs you want? Split some cheese fries? Oh! And don't forget what you want to drink!"

Quentin Quire has posed:
"Hey Jeff..." Quentin says, allowing the torrent of words spilling from Gwen's overactive mouth wash over him as he drops to a knee to give the baby landshark a good petting in the proper direction. Wouldn't do to shred his palm right before lunch, after all.

Turning on his heel and watching Gwen roll off towards the hot dog vendor, he rises back up out of the crouch, spine stretching briefly. "Sure, sewing chaos, waiting to see which way everyone lands after this whole spaceport thing. Keeping an eye out for sorta-Sentinels. THe ussg..." he says, dropping the 'ual' from 'usual' and somehow making it work. The glasses are a pitch black today in response to the sun shining from on high, darkened to the point that she couldn't see his eyes if she tried. Jeff trails along, scurrying around and between Quentin's feet as he follows Gwen towards the hot dog cart, "It's been a slow day, just need a dozen I think... and a diet coke."

Gwendolyn Poole has posed:
"Yeah, I heard about that. Crazy shit." She shakes her head and turns towards the vendor with a grin. "Two dozen of your best chili dogs, an order of cheese fries, two diet cokes. Thank you, sir!" Already reaching into her shorts, she pulls a crumpled wad of bills from one pocket, flipping through until she finds a $50, then handing it over. Waving off the need for change, Gwen will shift aside, rolling back over towards Quentin and Jeff. Grabbing him by the lapels of his jacket, she lays a smooch on him and winks before rolling around behind him. "Good boy, Jeff! Goodest boy!"

She keeps up the slow roll around the space, watching as the pile of chili dogs grows on the cart, "Man those smell so good." Then she's looking back to Quentin, "We should do a thing. Like.. like an action thing! Go hunt someone down, kick their teeth in, take and or destroy their toys... you know, something fun!"

Quentin Quire has posed:
If the hot dog vendor finds the order unusual, he's smart enough not to say anything as he starts to put together Gwen's order. One dog at a time, rolling them in pages of foil paper rather than trying to make a mountain of chili dogs.

The telepath is more amused than surprised as Gwen grabs at the lapels of his jacket and plants a smooch, allowing the woman to do so and resume rolling in circles around him, Jeff, and the vendor. "That does sound fun, but I've got no angles on anything at the moment. Mostly I've been trying to deal with this almost-Sentinel thing before it turns into another Genosha." he explains. As the first few hot dogs are made ready, he grabs two and offers one to Gwen before opening up his own and starting to devour it.

Gwendolyn Poole has posed:
Gwen tsks at him, "Lucky for you, I have a loooooooooong list of assholes that need a good whuppin'. Most of them have some fun toys, too. One of them has a legit aquarium at his place. He's one of those nuts for sea critters. He tried to have my boy Jeff-napped once. He's been on my list for about six months, but there's never been a good way in for one person. Two, though.. especially when the other is you? Cakewalk." She flashes a grin at him, "Iiiiiiiiiiiiif you're interested."

She takes the offered dog when he holds it out, slowing to a halt and tipping a heel back to keep the stopper on the ground while she unwraps the chili dog. The long end gets broken off and tossed to Jeff for him to snap it out of the air in a CHOMP! Gwen takes a slightly smaller bite for herself and gives a moan, "MMMMMmmmmmmmph.. so GOOD!"

Quentin Quire has posed:
Licking chili off of his fingers as he listens to Gwen explain her afternoon plans, he gives his best noncommittal shrug, "I mean I know you're useless without me, but I'd never make you say it like that." he says in a teasing tone as he grabs another chili dog off the growing stack; vendor-man is STILL making them. Two dozen chili dogs is no mean feat to accomplish.

"You coulda just went with 'dude tried to kidnap Jeff' and that'd be enough..." he points out as he peels open the second dog and works to consume.

Gwendolyn Poole has posed:
"Well, yeah, but I kinda want to steal his place while we're at it. I'm still just kinda kicking around and it sucks. I need a pad. You KNOW Jeff would be super thrilled to have an *aquarium* to play in. Besides, it'll be fun!" Gwen grins at him shortly before shoving the last of her chili dog into her mouth, nomfing on it. She doesn't eat QUITE as quickly as he does, but she is dedicated to demolishing her food. THat vendor is at least getting amply compensated for his efforts!

The second dog gets broken in half and tossed to Jeff to disappear in another CHOMP. Gwen takes a big bite of the other half and looks to Quentin. "So. You in?"

Quentin Quire has posed:
"I guess I can for Jeff. He shouldn't be living on the streets, after all." Quentin replies after he consumes the second dog, pausing in hot dog destruction to get his diet soda, slurping it up through the straw.

Gwendolyn Poole has posed:
"Awwwwwwwwww, see Jeff? He DOES love you!" Gwen coos at the baby landshark, who mirrps and wags his tail at Quentin with a broad, toothy grin. The little landshark bounds over and nuzzles against Quentin's boots, giving a small, affectionate gnaw to the toe of one boot before turning to yip! at Gwen. Laughing, she tosses him the last bit of her chili dog, "That's a good Jeff!"

Quentin Quire has posed:
Thankfully they're steel-toed boots, so the baby landshark gnawing at the toe doesn't do that much damage. "So where's this kook with the aquarium fetish, then?" he asks as he picks up another hotdog from the stack. Then pauses, eyes darting about as he counts out the number of hot dogs on the stack. "And that's all of them." he says, scooping up the whole stack into his hands, leaving Gwen to grab the sodas.

Gwendolyn Poole has posed:
Jeff is contentedly gnawing of a last bit of hot dog, so Quentin's boots are safe... for now. Gwen chuckles and lifts a shrug, "Oyster Bay, in Long Island. We can kick his ass, take his house, and go get some fresh oysters from Cooper Bluff's." She grabs the sodas and the cheese fries and lets him pick the spot to sit. Jeff will bound along after him. He has the dogs, after all.

Quentin Quire has posed:
He ends up on one of the many benches surrounding the fountain, Quentin plopping himself down at one end while keeping the chili dogs balanced between two hands. Of course he's cheating, subtle telekinetic touches keeping the pile from toppling over, but the flatscans don't know that. Setting them down on the bench, he pulls another chili dog off the stack as Gwen follows along. "Sure, haven't been out to Long Island in awhile. Why not? And it'll get you off my case about crashing on my couch."

Gwendolyn Poole has posed:
Gwen plops down on the opposite end of the bench and sets the cheese fries down next to her, holding his soda out to him once the pile of chili dogs are between them. She chuckles and glances sidelong at him, "Yeah, that whole one time I asked you about it. And you made some lame excuse about not being welcome on the Asteroid. Hence, stealing the place with an aquarium so Jeff can have his own little ocean!" She grabs up a chili dog from the mountain and sucks down a slurp of soda before unwrapping the dog and taking a bite. She eats steadily, one bite to her, one bite to Jeff.

Quentin Quire has posed:
"It is the Asteroid, y'know. Not like it's a Motel 6 or something." Quentin points out in between devouring his chili dogs. He's not going to beat the world record holder for fastest hot dog consumption, but he's making a pretty good show of himself, devouring the carbohydrates.
"Besides, Jeff wouldn't like it up there." he points out as he grabs a forkfull of chili fries in between hot dogs, shovelling that into his open maw in turn.

Gwendolyn Poole has posed:
"Mmm, you have a point about Jeff. He hates heights. And I'm aspiring a bit higher than 'Motal 6'." Gwen pauses long enough to stick her tongue out at him. She splits her chili dogs between herself and Jeff, at least until Jeff has had his fill and hops up onto Quentin's lap, turning three times before curling up for a post-feeding snooze.

She sucks down a little more of her soda before enjoying some of the fries herself. She glances to Jeff and smiles, "He does like you, you know."

Quentin Quire has posed:
Quentin continues working on his hot dogs, careful to hold the one he's working on out of Jeff's reach as the landshark hops up into his lap. Once the beastie settles in for a post-feeding nap, he lowers his arms and finishes the dog. "What's not to like?" the cocky telepath asks as he gives Jeff another pat before getting more soda, fries, and chili dogs.

He's easily demolishing his half of the chili dogs, and in short order there's a pile of empty crumpled up paper wrappers instead of chili dogs on the bench. He lets loose a loud burp, completely unabashed even if it startles Jeff up onto all fours, the landshark bouncing back and forth looking for trouble before resettling.

Gwendolyn Poole has posed:
Gwen rolls her eyes and looks sidelong at him, her tone dry, "Gee. I wonder what ANYONE could possibly find to not like." She fisnishes off the last of her own dogs, gathering up all the rolled up balls of foil and rising up to skate over to the nearest bin and dump them in. Pausing to look back when Quentin lets out the belch and giving a small laugh at Jeff's reaction.

She rolls back over and retrieves her soda before plopping back down, closer this time now that the food has been consumed. "So... got weekend plans?"

Quentin Quire has posed:
"Apparently I'm getting into real estate, from what I've heard." Quentin replies with a grin as he finishes his soda off, chucking it at the garbage bin. The empty cup wobbles through the air before visibly gaining altitude and bouncing into the bin. "Something about a place with an aquarium that needed to be flipped."

Gwendolyn Poole has posed:
Grinning at him, she bumps his shoulder lightly with her own. "I really appreciate it, you know. And hey, if you want to help me explore the place after we get it cleared out... I'm sure there's all kinds of interesting nooks and crannies to poke into." Finishing up her soda, she lines up her shot and takes aim, she shoots and... she scores! Both arms go up in a brief victory V. Looking back to Quentin, she chuckles, "Alright. So. Weekend plans. House flipping and oysters."

Quentin Quire has posed:
"Oh, that's a given. Always handy to have another safe house dirtside, one that the X-Kids and the Brotherhood don't know about." Quentin replies, patting at Jeff as he talks and watches Gwen stretch and sink her cup in turn. "So that's the weekend set, and it's only Tuesday. Progress, I suppose."

Gwendolyn Poole has posed:
Laughing, Gwen pushes up to her feet and rolls away a little bit before flipping around to face him again, "Well, you know you're welcome to chill wherever I get a spot. Especially if you're helping me clear out current tenants." She winks at him, "Call me when Jeff's awake and I'll come get him, but don't wake him early, he can be a cranky sharkbaby if you wake him up from his nap." She chuckles, "Besides, I can't fill your WHOLE week. People will talk!" Then she's rollerblading off down one of the paths, leaving Quentin with a full belly, plans for the weekend... and a sleeping Jeff.