17963/My Most Precious Thing

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My Most Precious Thing
Date of Scene: 16 May 2024
Location: Frost Enterprises - Emma's Penthouse
Synopsis: Emma Frost catches up with her favored minion, Divine!
Cast of Characters: Emma Frost, Divine

Emma Frost has posed:
It's a quiet evening over at Frost Enterprises in Emma's penthouse. A rather standard one - Emma has a decanter of something rather strong in front of her that she's had far too many sips of and doesn't seem to be showing it, even as she reviews business reports. Occasionally tapping with one hand over on a tablet while she would skim things, humming along to some classical music.

Divine has posed:
Divine doesn't bother knocking as she enters. It's not Emma's work office, it's... home. At least something that's becoming home, even though she's got a small studio in the Bronx now that's closer to her job at the zoo. The pay isn't great, but her coworkers have tolerated her oddities so far, and are pleased that she's not squeamish about even the gross, dirty jobs as long as she's not cooped up inside all day. Learning the ropes on the job is good for her too, but she hasn't been there long enough yet to know if it's something she wants to keep doing or if she'll move on once her contract's up at the end of the year. For now, it's enough to make some part of her quietly content.

She checks that the door is locked behind her, then calls out a cheerful "Knock, knock!" that is likely louder than it needs to be. Moderating her volume is still a work in progress.

Emma Frost has posed:
Divine has several things going for her when it comes time to making others tolerate her. As the knocking comes, Emma gets up to smile from her position, "Come in darling. I hope that your new job is goin gwell. Are you adjusting to it? You've not gotten to the point yet hwere you've had to throw some of the tourists into orbit, have you?" She would query over while gesturing over at Divine to come and take a seat next to you.

"Do forgive me for not having some of your favorite snacks around."

Divine has posed:
"I stopped for dinner on the way over," Divine says as she crosses the room, reaching out to hug Emma before taking the seat next to her. "I got to help clean the tortoise, and it was stinky work, so I cleaned up at the apartment. And then I was hungry and there was a chicken cart. Why is it called halal chicken? Is it the spices? It was really good." She leaned into Emma, not bothering to look at the tablet. She wouldn't understand most of it, just that her.. benefactor? Guiding light? Best person ever? was being successful and ruthless to her enemies as always. "No throwing tourists yet. I do get to yell if they stick their hands in the big cat fence though. Why do they want to get eaten? They are not strong enough to establish dominance over even our small animals."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would smile and listen, "The spices, yes. That's the way it's prepared and cooked. It's often rather calorie dense so is quite filling." She would laugh at the calling of it 'stinky'. "I can imagine. Just be glad that you're not having to track it into the sewers." There were stories about the sewers and that kind of thing inhabiting them since God knows how far on. "And people will be people. By that I mean total idiots with no sense of self preservation. And you've not been tempted to heat vision then? Your self control has improved." Letting Divine lean into her and stroking her shoulders.

Divine has posed:
"That would ruin the fence, and maybe some of the habitat," Divine said with a frown. "I would not want to do that to the animals, they are minding their own business and only see that prey is easy and available. So I yell instead, and if they do not learn I pick them up and carry them to security. It is important the animals are not harmed because of stupid behavior." The stroking of her shoulders is very soothing, and her head tips against Emma's shoulder. "I would go into the sewers if I had to, but it is not my first choice. How was your day at work?"

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would let out a sigh, "Yes, ti's never worth going down in there. Almost better when there is something down there wretched to leave it to it's own devices. Rather than lower yourself into the gutter with it." Emma would quip. "But like caters to like, and all too often something freakish revels down there for the freedom it has. And I'm glad that you're enjoying your job. And work is eternal, darling. Ever consuming. Purchases to finalize, underlings to crush, businesses to conquer."

Divine has posed:
"I like to see the animals happy, and the vet likes that I can help hold the big ones in place. It is hard to hide being strong, but someone asked if I was a bodybuilder? I just nodded and looked it up later. It seems like a good cover." She squeezed Emma's hand very carefully. "You enjoy crushing them beneath your heels, I know it."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would smile, "Yes, it's all worth it in the end when you feel thier despair radiating off of them. Knowing they've been outplayed and lost everything. It can take years but it's always worth the trouble you put into it for that last moment." She would give a kiss to the cheek of Divine. "So please, if you're going to take anything after me, don't do that."

Divine has posed:
"I will destroy them quickly and relish in their short-lived despair instead." She smiles at the kiss to the cheek. "I am pleased to learn to be even a small amount like you. You are strong, capable, decisive, and very fierce. Those are good qualities to have. You are giving me chances nobody else did, and you are not asking for much except knowing I am safe and well."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would smile, "Yes dear, I just don't want to inspire you to the type of lifestyle that would ill suit you. Don't take that much inspiration from me. And remember I've made a great many mistakes in my life and I will undoubtedly make more." Honest on the matter. "And thank you much for your faith."

Divine has posed:
"You have faith in me, and I barely know how to be a person," Divine pointed out. "You haven't asked me to be anything I am not, just given me tools to find out who I want to be. That is not a small thing." She wrapped her arm around Emma's shoulders in a side-hug. "TV shows say you act like a good mother. I am glad to have you."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would smile, "Dear, you are -trying- to be one and taking the initiative to discover things. And about yourself. That is far beyond what the vast majority of people do. If I had never come upon you, I'm certain you would hve figured out your own place in the world." Her accepting the hug with tenderness and affection.

Divine has posed:
"It is easier, with help." Her admission is quiet for her, but earnest. "There are many things I can try, and I know you will support me. I can change my mind. Right now, I am enjoying the animals and learning a lot about them. Trying to blend in better with other humans instead of tossing them off the subway and into a wall. Not setting anyone on fire." She beams. "I haven't broken any doorknobs in my apartment this week."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would smile, "Good. We all have to start somewhere. And I'm glad that exploring being normal is working well for you. It will have it's pitfalls and it's adventures. It may or may not be rewarding." Emma was honest in that. "But it's a way to discover more. And you'll get more of that by doing rather than hearing."

Divine has posed:
"Yes. It makes more sense when I see and hear things done together." She was glad for it, and Emma's understanding. "I will bring pictures next time. They took some while we cleaned the tortoise. Did you eat dinner or did you skip it for reports?"