18164/First We Take Manhattan
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First We Take Manhattan | |
Date of Scene: | 03 June 2024 |
Location: | Garment District |
Synopsis: | ...Then we take Beto da Costa's platinum business card? |
Cast of Characters: | Douglas Ramsey, Warlock, Amara Aquilla
- Douglas Ramsey has posed:
Doug... needs a couple of new pairs of shoes. And being something of a fashion plate, he's elected to look for *nice* pairs of shoes.
That's why he's in the garment district; he's being fussy. He promised he'd take Warlock to MOMA after - where there are lots of things to look at and imitate. But first? The interminable boredom of shoe shopping.
And, since Doug likes clothes... he ends up buying other things for himself too. He's looking at a blue and orange polo in the window at the Gucci store right now. "I think I could pull that off." He says, rubbing his chin. "...But is it me?"
- Warlock has posed:
Self is currently in human form, wearing a fairly basic t-shirt and jeans. He looks over Doug's shoulder but his answer is fairly non-committal. "Cannot answer this question for Soulfriend. Is collar shirt aesthetic now? Are colors pleasing to be seen in? These are things Self cannot answer." Self leans towards brighter things, and let his shirt shift into the blue and orange pattern of the polo. "How do colors look on Self?"
- Amara Aquilla has posed:
Amara does, unfortunately, tend to go through a rather large number of clothes. Not everything that happens is convenient enough to happen when in a uniform, sadly. So it is that Amara finds herself in the Garment District (on the recommendation of someone from the school), shopping for replacements for her wardrobe!
She has a generous allowance from her father, bless his heart, and has already acquired a number of bags that are piled up on her arms as she continues to shop for more! The sight of a cute shoe in the window draws her into the store, bee-lining for it to check it over from every angle, seeking out one in her size, trying it on to see how it looks, then promptly boxing the shoes back up and tucking it under her arm!
It's when she turns that she spots Doug, a smile breaking out across her face. "Doug! Hi! Oh, I wouldn't... that shade of orange will clash horribly with your skintone and the shade of your hair. Take it from me, I know my oranges. You need a shade that's more yellow than red."
- Douglas Ramsey has posed:
Doug looks up, and his expression brightens from its serious contemplation of... polo shirts. "Well look at that! It's Amara!" Doug gestures with his thumb to the gangly guy next to him. "Look who I found."
Then he turns back to the polo shirt, and resumes that stern contemplation. "I guess you're right. Also, I'm too stocky for any of this stuff." He rubs his chin, and then says "...I'm just out doing some shopping. Then we're going to the Met. They've got a great exhibit of Roman statuary!"
- Warlock has posed:
Warlock's hand shifts to black and gold as he gives Amara a cheerful wave. "Self has returned from adventures! How has Amara been?" His shirt fades back to a solid color as he smiles, visibly thrilled to see another friend around. "Many interesting exhibits to give Self ideas! Would Amara like to join?"
His attention is grabbed by a longer shirt in shades of blue. "Soulfriend needs this shirt."
- Amara Aquilla has posed:
"Mmmmmmmm, collared shirts are so... 90s. You should go for something like a Henley, maybe in a nice grey and yellow, some nice fitted jeans... do you prefer boots or shoes?" Amara gives her opinion for fashion as she looks him over with a critical eye, then flashes a grin. "Ooooo, or maybe one of those fitted shirts with the silky slacks?"
Mention of Roman statuary has her chuckling, "Shall I come along and tell you which ones are real and which are fake?" Amara lifts a hand to wave at Warlock, "I'm good, thank you! And yes, I'd love to!" Looking over the shirt that Warlock picks out, she gives a nod, "Very nice. Goes with your eyes."
- Douglas Ramsey has posed:
"It depends on the occasion." Doug says. "You know me. Fashion is itself an expression of language, so I like the things I wear to say something about me on any given day." He rocks backward on his heels. He's wearing a neat professional white button-down shirt today, and after a moment he opens it up and reveals a t-shirt underneath that has five commas and a chameleon on it. He winks, and then buttons it back up, before he says, "I agree Lock, I like that shirt. See? You're helping."
Doug smiles. "And I worried you'd be bored. Though I do think you traumatized that poor mime we met in the subway."
- Warlock has posed:
"Mime should not have asked to be put in jail if mime did not want to be behind bars," Warlock reasons. Earth humor is a less slippery thing than it once was, and his lips curve up at the joke on Doug's shirt. Once, he would have earnestly queried what 'Five commas chameleon' meant, but he's been exposed to enough of Soulfriend's humor and music tastes that the chorus of the song comes to mind easily. "Clothing expression is important to human experience. Self enjoys texture and patterns."
- Amara Aquilla has posed:
"I still maintain that man brought it on himself. Besides, all the wonders and marvels you all told me about, all the cautions and hazards.. *none* of you warned me of mimes. Can you truly blame me for my actions?" Amara defends herself even as she chuckles over the memory of that incident. Really, though, she should have been warned!
The sight of the shirt has her puzzling over the commas and chameleons for long moments before she finally lets out a laugh, "Oh! I get it! Very clever!" Nodding, Amara offers, "I hired a car with some of my allowance. If you'd like, you can both ride with me and we can leave our purchases in the car while we visit the Met?"
Nodding her agreement to Warlock, she looks to Doug, "We should get Warlock something.. a nice textured silk shirt?"
- Douglas Ramsey has posed:
Doug looks over to Warlock, and then rubs his chin. "He can get whatever he wants." He looks down at the Bruno Maglis in his bag. "I have access to Beto's expense account; you have no idea how hard it is not to look for ways to justify these as a business expense." He sticks his tongue out.
"What would you like, Lock? I know you don't *need* clothes but..." He frames Warlock with his fingers, making a box. "I think you could use a nice hoodie."
- Warlock has posed:
Warlock thinks on it for a minute, scanning the racks. "Self would enjoy a hoodie with the thumb holes, but does not enjoy these patterns." He holds up a light brown leather shirt with a tiny, allover logo emboss, fingers rubbing at the cuff. "The texture of this is pleasing, and Self could wear it with current clothing or something nicer?" He thinks. Fashion is confusing.
- Amara Aquilla has posed:
"Is there a pattern you would prefer? We can order something for you later..." Amara smiles towards Warlock, following his gaze to the brown leather shirt with a smile. "Excellent taste." She looks to Doug with a grin, "I can cover this... think we can 'expense' lunch after?"
Looking back to Warlock, she smiles brightly, "That one will look wonderful on you, friend. Come, lets take care fo these purchases and we can be on our way!" Always a woman of action, is Amara.
- Douglas Ramsey has posed:
"Hmmmmmmmm." Doug "I think Beto would let it slide if we brought him takeout from Osteria La Baia." He pats Warlock on the shoulder. "Come on buddy. Let's get you some new togs."
Then he looks between the two. "I think you should look Beto up soon, by the way, Amara. He's got a project going and I think you'd be interested in it." He picks out a black and yellow baseball cap. "How about this, Lock?"
- Warlock has posed:
"Self is a fan," Warlock said with a vigorous nod. "The jacket and the hat for Self, then lunch and takeaway for humans. Self will be discreet so there are no queries about non-eating." What shape that would take was something he would ponder during the ride. A watch, maybe? Belt? He considered the idea while they took care of their purchases, but was still undecided as they entered the car.