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Bartime | |
Date of Scene: | 11 June 2024 |
Location: | A Bar in Upstate New York |
Synopsis: | Hal and Paige meet and have a drink. |
Cast of Characters: | Paige Guthrie, Hal Jordan
- Paige Guthrie has posed:
Tuesday nights aren't exactly the most jumpin' of nights at a local pub, but jumpin' is not exactly what a Miss Paige Guthrie is looking for. Dressed casually in a pair of snug fitting jeans and a grey ESU t-shirt, she's come into the little dive hole in the Lower East Side beelining to the bar.
Glancing at the various wares on the shelf, she purses her lips and looks to the bar tender. "Rum and coke please." How basic.
- Hal Jordan has posed:
Hal Jordan arrives perhaps a couple of minutes after Paige. He walks in through the door and looks around, taking in the few patrons, noticing the snug pants on Paige, and then starting in her direction, because...company is nice when you're drinking. He comes to a stop a few feet from Paige and orders himself a beer, before he nods to the woman. "Evening," he says by way of greeting.
- Paige Guthrie has posed:
Hearing the unfamiliar voice, she looks back towards Hal as she gets her glass from the bartender. Raising it in Hal's direction, Paige can't help but smile as she looks him over. "Evening." she says, returning the greeting. "Just get off work?" she asks, making with the smalltalk.
- Hal Jordan has posed:
"Uh...sure. As much as I can ever be off work, I suppose." He's not wearing his ring, so as far as he's concerned Hal is off the clock. He grins and then asks, "You?" Smalltalk seems to be about what he's in the mood for at the moment. No cosmic issues, no explosions, or whatever else might be plaguing this reality for the time being.
- Paige Guthrie has posed:
Is the work of a mutants right activist and student ever done? Who knows? But in this case, Paige shrugs her shoulders, "Just thought I'd take a break, so here I am. Needed to clear the head, you know?"
- Hal Jordan has posed:
Hal Jordan grins and lets his eyes wander over Paige, since she's done the same to him. He doesn't seem to mind what he sees as he replies, "Oh, I know that. A little time away from it all is what we all need now and again. What is it you do?" he asks, looking back up to Paige's face.
- Paige Guthrie has posed:
"Oh, I have a small business." Selling mutant related merchandise, but of course, she isn't going to say that. "Sell novelty items like shirts and whatnot." Paige explains. "Nothing really that special. And you? Oh, by the way, I'm Paige." With that said, she extends her hand out for a shake.
- Hal Jordan has posed:
"Hal. I'm a fighter pilot," Hal says, ducking his head a little. When someone declares that out in public, it tends to go one of two ways. He's apparently expecting one of them by the way he glances over at Paige.
- Paige Guthrie has posed:
Blink. Blink. She just stares at him for a few moments. "A fighter. Pilot." And then she looks over him once more. "So we're talking Top Gun or?" Paige asks, as that's the only real reference she has to such things.
- Hal Jordan has posed:
"Yeah, Top Gun is about what it's like. I mean, sort of. The flying part is different. But...yeah. I fly one of the few remaining jets that the U.S. Air Force lets pilots fly these days. We're a dying breed." Hal replies, grinning over to the younger woman, "Is that a good thing, or a bad thing?" he asks.
- Paige Guthrie has posed:
"Well, I don't know." she says with a soft chuckle escaping from her lips. "I mean, I liked the movie, even though it was just one huge propaganda film." a beat. "It was a fun watch, and I'm pretty sure Tom Cruise is a meta. He's looked the same since FOREVER."
- Hal Jordan has posed:
Hal Jordan laughs, "Tom Cruise is too short to be a meta. He'd have grown himself up a couple of inches if he could have," he shoots back, and then he shrugs and says, "I mean, yeah, it was absolutely propaganda, but at least it's the fun kind," he notes. He takes a sip of his beer, and then nods towards a booth off to the back, "Wanna go sit and talk or prefer the bar?" he asks.
- Paige Guthrie has posed:
Taking a quick glance around the pub, Paige mulls over the question. After a brief clucking of her tongue on the inside of her cheek, "You're a forward one, aren't you? I guess we can sit over there." she says, motioning to a booth in the back.
- Hal Jordan has posed:
Hal Jordan blinks, "Forward? I figured it beat standing is all," he replies, before he follows after Paige towards the back, eyes gliding over her figure as they go. Once they get to the booth, he motions for her to slide in first, and then he follows. He doesn't sit RIGHT next to her, but he's closeish. Closer than before.
- Paige Guthrie has posed:
Paige lets out a hearty laugh as she decides to follow. She runs her fingers through her hair as she scooches into the booth. Picking up her drink, she takes another sip. "I'm just teasing. So have you been to this place before? It's my first time. It's not too shabby, might have to make it a regular place."
- Hal Jordan has posed:
"I've never been here before, just was low on gas on my bike and decided to stop. Gonna have to stop here more often if the clientele is as alluring as it is tonight," Hal replies with a wink, before he takes another long sip of his drink. He lets his eyes wander again, and then he asks, "Where are you from originally?"
- Paige Guthrie has posed:
"Kentucky." Paige says that with a bit of a southern accent, letting the drawl come out for the briefest of moments. "But I've lived in New York for a while. Have family up here." she explains.
- Hal Jordan has posed:
"Oh, that is...you can hardly tell you've got an accent. I mean I didn't figure you were from around here, because you don't sound like a New Yorker but...I never would have guessed the South. Figured maybe like...Ohio or something." Hal says, seeming genuinely surprised at that. He scoots a little closer to the woman in the booth, almost close enough to be touching her as they sit side to side.
- Paige Guthrie has posed:
"I guess I've been here long enough though..." and she muses for a few moments, chewing on her bottom lip. "My brother still has it, and he's in the P-D." Paige says before watching him scooch closer, not seeming to rebuff or move away.
- Hal Jordan has posed:
"Might be useful in that job, maybe throw some people off guard," Hal suggests. As he's not rebuffed, slides just a little closer, now they're touching thigh to thigh. He asks, "What do you like to do for fun?" It's somewhat obvious what HE might be thinking.
- Paige Guthrie has posed:
Her brows raise once more as he scooches just a wee bit closer once more. Once again, the question causes her to pause. What does she like to do for fun? Train? Rally for mutant rights? Be a superhero? Paige decides that her answer will encompass all this and more. "Save the world." she says with a coy smile.
- Hal Jordan has posed:
That is an unexpected answer. Hal just stares at her for a moment, and then goes with, "I...see. And, how do you do that?" he asks, tilting his head a little. He's surprised by Paige, but it doesn't seem that it's changed his mind any about being close to the younger woman.
- Paige Guthrie has posed:
Will she answer in the literal sense or in the figurative sense. "I do a bit of activism. Already been arrested once or twice over it." Paige explains. "Mutant rights and all that." That's when she pauses, gauging his reaction to see if he's one of -those- types of guys.
- Hal Jordan has posed:
"Oh, that's great. Good for you." Hal says, and it sounds like he genuinely means it. "I think people really need to get out and use their rights more. Let the government know what you're thinking. It's why I do what I do, to make it so you can do what you do," he adds before he takes another long sip of his drink.
- Paige Guthrie has posed:
Raising her glass to him, she bows her head. "Well, thank you for your service, good sir." Paige says before taking a sip as she leans back in the booth.
- Hal Jordan has posed:
Hal Jordan smiles and then says in a husky tone, "I mean, thank you for yours as well, is there any way I might give you a reward for all the hard work you're putting in?" As he asks this, his hand brushes against the woman's thigh.