18414/Six Months of Invincibelle

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Six Months of Invincibelle
Date of Scene: 24 June 2024
Location: 4B - Mark and Sunny's Apartment
Synopsis: Mark and Sunny team up to defeat Gridlock and discuss their shipname and future.
Cast of Characters: Mark Grayson, Sunny Harlow

Mark Grayson has posed:
"So I've been thinking...."

Invincible says this as he's in mid-fight with Gridlock, the villain literally made of street and asphault that has caused a tangled mess in midtown Manhattan. "We've been dating for six months now, right? I think I asked you on Christmas Eve."

"Who me?" asks Gridlock, which earns a punch to the face. "No, her!" comes his response as he gestures off to where Incredibelle is racing in to assist with a fight that is probably going to wrap up quickly.

"Wait, do you have super hearing? Does she?" Gridlock forces Invincible back with a blast of roadway and an overturn car.

"Naw. Earpieces. Anyway. Private conversation. Do you mind?" Mark asks, before returning to the comm.

"We should have a shipname. I mean, we do pratically everything together, and the press and Tik-Tok love shipnames."

Sunny Harlow has posed:
"Oh?" A sonic boom of warning was filtered out, but there was no stopping normal ears from hearing as she zoomed in, her hands moving to grasp at Gridlock and hoist them upwards in a dizzying toss...almost certainly a set-up for Mark as she watched the villain fly.

"A ship name? That might be fun...I mean...which 'us'? Because Indestructibelle doesn't have her own social media page and...well, fan pages are a mixed bag."

A grin, she was clearly teasing even in the middle of the fight. "Maybe someone beat us to it...at least only the -really- big weirdos think we're related..."

Mark Grayson has posed:
"Oh man, you pay attention to fan pages? I learned to ignore them." Invincible grumps, and then considers. "I mean, me being with the Titans, a social media page is a given. I just let whoever handles the social media for the group handle it. I send them pictures every once in a while. Nothing like what Spider-Man does. Man, I'd love to find out who is photographer is."

As Indestructibelle sends Gridlock flying upwards, bits of roadway follow after him, and Invincible braces to launch after him. "But, I mean us. Not out of costume us, only ship I'm thinking about with that one... best discussed after we're done here." he teases as he finishes braces and launches skyward in unison with Indestructibelle to strike at Gridlock. "However, the two of us. I'll always love Prisma, but she's off in Italy, and you and I are here and now."

"I want to move forward with us."

Sunny Harlow has posed:
"I get curious," she admits, a grin from the heroine as she braces, the ground cracking before the pair of then launch upwards with a surge of motion and makes to take the strike.

"She's finding her own path, but we can always stop in on it when it winds our way..." Sunny agrees.

The strike lands, the next comment has her blushing even as the villain is sent crashing back to earth from the pair, a bite of her bottom lip. "M...Invincible, what do you mean?"

Right. Later, there were villains, cameras, onlookers.

"We should finish up here..."

Mark Grayson has posed:
"That's something best talked about when we don't have at least five camera phones on us." A sly wink at the girl, as they send Gridlock crashing back to Earth. "But for now, it's time to put an end to this traffic snarl!"

Grabbing Indestructibelle's hand, he considers. "I mean, you're Incredible..." he starts to say. And with her, the pair to descend down, launching into a last stomp to put Gridlock down and out for the count.

"But when I'm with you... well. We're..."

<title card>

The police and Cecil is telling Mark they'll handle it from there.

"Sounds like we're free for the evening. Wanna go do something?"

Sunny Harlow has posed:
Belle didn't have to be told twice, Sunny grinning brightly as she takes his hand and reaches to tug him skywards.

"It's a date...lets get out of here and find somewhere without cameras...and maybe with some sweet food."

Mark Grayson has posed:
"Without food is a great idea." comes the eager agreement to Indestructibelle's comment, Invincible's own cheeks a light red for a moment.

And then she tugs, and he's following after her - because who wouldn't want to not follow that view.