18584/Social Time!

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Social Time!
Date of Scene: 14 July 2024
Location: 4B - Mark and Sunny's Apartment
Synopsis: Mark and Sunny settle in for a night of Mario Kart and teasing.
Cast of Characters: Mark Grayson, Sunny Harlow

Mark Grayson has posed:
"I'm almost done setting up the gaming system!" Mark calls out for Sunny. "And the food should be here shortly. Hope you're ready to get your butt kicked." he teases. He finishes loading up Mario Kart 8 and pulls out the control wheels, to make sure they're connected and working properly.

With New York in a heating spree, he's dressed down to only a muscle shirt with a warning side that reads: 'Contents Under Pressure'. A pair of gym shorts sit high on his thigh and he's got socks on his feet. Very lightly dressed as he reaches for his ice water to take a drink.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
"You know I've never done this right...and I'll still whup your butt," Sunny offers, herself lounging across the couch in a pair of hotpants and a bright yellow spagetti-strapped top around her upper body.

Grinning as she reached for the wheel she moved from her inverted position, twisting herself to sit up and tilting her head to the side.

"Prepare to be beat by a princess in a pink leather suit."

Of course she'd pick Peach...she'd even done the cosplay before.

Mark Grayson has posed:
Oh, he doesn't remember if he saw that cosplay before. But he'd definetly have given Sunny a 1-Up for it.

"Big talk for someone that's about to lose!" he says. As she Peach, he scrolls through the choices and picks Bowser. "Prepared to be kidnapped, Princess." he says challengingly to her with a fond grin.

"So. Want to put a wager on it, Sunnylicious?" he asks her, moving a little closer to her, just to feel the closeness to her.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
A mouthed mock 'Oh no!' from Sunny at his choice and she grins, a leaning of her shoulder against him as they pick vehicles and course. "Careful now, I play to win Mark Grayson!"

A raise of an eyebrow at his question and she tilts her head. "That depends, what are you thinking 'oh evil king of Koopas'?"

Mark Grayson has posed:
"Do you really want to know what I think?" Mark asks Sunny. And then he leans over to whisper into her ear before he sits up again, a smug little grin on his face as he tries to look innocent.

But he does add, "Would you like to add your own wager, oh Princess of the Peach?" A pointed look at her rear is given.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
Sunny listens, a flush of red on her cheeks before she clears her throat and turns to look at him. "Mmn, okay then..." she ponders softly before grinning innocently. "If You win..." she leans in to whisper back.

Mark Grayson has posed:
"Oh... wow." Mark breathes in softly, a shiver coming to him for the suggestion. "You're on." he finally says, and grins as he bumps her hip and moves to the side, choosing one of the easier courses so that Sunny doesn't feel overwhelmed. "Alright, you ready?" he asks as he prepares to start the race.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
"Start your engines!" Sunny offers in her best 'grid girl' voice she's almost certainly used in one of her cosplay videos before she grins and prepares to start. She's actually leaning forwards, clearly invested as her hands grip the controller.

The light goes green and her thumb jams down on the controller. Of they go!

Mark Grayson has posed:
She leans forward, and offers Mark a very distracting view. "Hey!" he protests, "That's not part of the race!" But it's only a half-hearted protest as he steps up on the gas to speed up, and they both cross the line neck and next as they enter lap two!

Sunny Harlow has posed:
"It totally helps with speed! Aerodynamics!" Sunny protests as she continues to race and turn the wheel, the princess in pink on the screen seemingly unable to shake the lizard kidnapper and occasional tenis partner on her tail!

Mark Grayson has posed:
"How does that help with aerodynamics..." Mark says with a rise of a brow as he turns his attention back to the race. She usually keeps those closer to her chest when they fly together, after all! "This is the round where I finish you off, Princess! Or start to get you finished off."

A pause, and an amused tone. "You could wear the princess dress instead." he teases her as he tries to find a way to create seperation and win!

Sunny Harlow has posed:
Sunny herself? She angles towards the 'items' as it comes down to the wire, hoping that whatever she gets might edge out the difference as they both try to create an edge and get themselves over the line.

His comment, it earns a laugh despite the nail-biting chase.

"Maybe I'll even bake you a cake!"

Mark Grayson has posed:
They had been neck and neck most of the race. And in this last lap it looked to be more of the same.

That is until they are nearing the finish line, and Sunny manages to get ahead. Nevermind the fact that Mark's foot slipped off the gas and tapped the brake - Peach races ahead and Bowser is left eating her dust as she passes the finish line first.

"That was really close!" he says, and smirks over at Sunny. "I guess you won."

Sunny Harlow has posed:
If asked, Sunny would absolutely say that her mushroom boost came in clutch, and there was no way that she'd accept any different. Instead the blonde gives a whoop of victory before flopping onto her back, steering wheel controller held aloft.

"Victory for the Princess!" she calls before her other hand reaches out to beckon him closer. "C'mere. I think a kiss with the trophy is traditional!"

Mark Grayson has posed:
"Oh, a Princess definetly deserves a kiss for her victory. As for your trophy..." Mark spreads his arms wide. "You're looking at him." he teases lightly. And with that, he leans in, offering himself to her and placing an affectionate and deep kiss on her mouth.

"Best of three." he asks her with amusement as he breaks the kiss. He totally doesn't want a best of three. He wants her.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
"My very own trophy boyfriend," Sunny laughs, drawing him down for the kiss with one hand before finally letting the controller slip from her hand to bounce away on the floor where she'd been sitting and to grin as the kiss breaks.

"You're on!"