18828/Of Mice and Planet Eaters

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Of Mice and Planet Eaters
Date of Scene: 14 August 2024
Location: Shaw's Residence - Hellfire Club
Synopsis: Tessa and Shaw discuss Galactus.
Cast of Characters: Sebastian Shaw, Tessa

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
Not all the business of the Hellfire Club takes place in the board rooms, or conference chambers, or private lounges of the Club. It doesn't even always take place in the shadowy corridors of power that are limited to just the Inner Courts and their machinations. Sometimes the business of the Courts takes place practicaly out in public, between members seemingly mingling with the greatest membership as a while.

And sometimes it takes place behind truly closed doors, between just a pair of likeminded people with a desire to converse. Amongst the many other things that they might also be getting up to at the same time.

In the case of Sebastian Shaw and Tessa such discusses frequently take place behind the closed doors of his private chambers -- or upon occasion hers. True, sometimes it is sprawed in some comfortable chairs in front of the hearth, or curled up on one of the settees.

Or sometimes it's just while they are in bed. While the Black King and White Queen of the Hellfire Club might not seem like a natural fit to be bedfellows, they have been tied tightly for far longer then either of them has held either position and even changing circumstances have not yet broken that bond.

So Sebastian lays half-propped up in that bed, sheets draped at his waist though otherwise leaving his chest bared as he folds hands behind his head, casually leaning against the headboard at his back. "I do so appreciate discussing the news of the day in this particular sort of setting," he points out drily, eyes afixed on her.

Tessa has posed:
It is true that traditionally the White Queen and Black King have been at odds, but the Club is productive, the newcomers are proving fruitful, and connections are being made. Tessa is always amused that the terrible things attributed to Sebastian somehow pass her over, as if being his constant shadow - for more years than not and growing with every year that passes - somehow makes her less culpable than actually having her hand on the button.

If only those people knew the truth of how tightly entwined the two are, how they've spent years quietly hashing out their differences and making plans that will ultimately benefit both of them even when it seems as if they are working at cross-purposes. She tips her head back, turning her face just far enough to press a kiss into his neck. "This is much better than still having my heels on," Tessa agrees, rubbing her fingers over the silk collar of the nightshirt she has on. It's his, of course, with a single button closed merely to keep it on her smaller frame. "Although I could probably hear an argument from you about wearing both to bed..." she smiles up at Sebastian, nestled under his arm as if she belongs there. She does, of course.

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
There are advantages that come from working in the shadows to be sure. That has always been the case. And to a certain extent, the entirety of the Inner Court does exactly that, their existence, their identites not generally known to the rank and file members of the club.
ut if any of them are known, it would certainly be Sebastian Shaw. He is the public facing owner of the Club afterall, and while not all would know him as the Black King as well, most would at least guess at his importance. Something that Tessa might not need to deal with quite so much, her position as his assistant for so long making people prone to underestimating her.

In fairness, he has made use of that to good effect in the past too.

Slipping an arm around her, he smiles faintly, a brow arched over one eye. "I do not know if I would agree, though from a comfort level I can certainly understand," the Black King agrees wryly. "Though, it might be my own bias speaking, but you do look rather spectacular in those heels," he points out archly..

Tessa has posed:
"Gliding the lily, my dearest, not that I need to put on a show. Next time I need you to get reports done, maybe." Tessa winks at him. "There is a threat greater than the Sentinels out there, dearest. A... planet eater. The lovely Lady Prince discussed him at that otherwise bland hero thing, but there are people there at least willing and capable of understanding that one must hold hands out to all when it comes to world-ender threats." Her smile is a little thin. "I'll work the polite connections if you'll work the business and impolite connections as usual. Perhaps with some cross-over. Our lovely White Knight can carry the information to the Brotherhood, I'm certain, and I've already made an appointment to speak with Dr. Doom. Perhaps he can work with my fellow queen and Master Tepes."

It's all in his email, of course, at least the pertinent bits, but she enjoys getting to do this part in person. It always makes for a wonderful end of the evening. Her fingers tangle with his, comfortable and secure in his hold.

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
There is certainly a degree of truth in what she has to say, though it does bring that sardonic smile to Sebastian's face once more, the corners of his mouth twitching in barely suppressed amusement. "That is true, admittedly. You certainly don't need such accompaniment," he agrees with a smile. "I merely enjoy it," he adds, smile twisting into the faintest of smirks.

"There is also that matter that if you limit such things onoy to when you need me to get something done, you'll just incentivize me to be negligent until you encourage my better behavior with such spectacles," he points out archly.

That expression grows a little more serious at the mention of that meeting that took place so recently, at the gathering of heroes and other itnerests and the news that a threat to the entire planet is headed their way. "I read over your reports," he agrees. "I have every faith that the costumed do-gooders will find a way to deal with things. But if there are any resources that we can redirect to help insure that we shall certainly want to do so. I think we can safely agree that our interests and their interests most definitely align in this particular instance," he agrees quietly.

Tessa has posed:
"I do enjoy your willingness to indulge my vanity, as well as the lovely appreciation you express for my efforts." Tessa stretches to kiss the corner of his mouth, then settles back into her spot.

Sebastian's mention of negligence makes her laugh. Others could believe what they wished, but he worked diligently to stay on top of things and it was often a more-than-full time effort, even with her own high efficiency added to the mix. "That, my dear, is why I use that method as a sometimes treat only. I quite enjoy the fruits of our combined excellent work and have no desire to ruin that for a bit of short-term sport. The long game is much more enjoyable." Many of the matters could be condensed into short reports or bulleted highlights, ready for him to pass, agree, or ask for detailed information, but there were always things that needed the personal touch, particularly with the number of strings they pulled.

"I believe they will as well, but I did speak with Cyclops. It did not go as well as hoped, as he's quite twitchy about the school being mentioned." She shrugged lightly. "Nonetheless, I will have a meeting with him and a few others, either lunch here in one of the boardrooms or at Westchester. It would be more secure here, but I thought it prudent to allow them choice of location. I may ask Marie to join me."