
From Heroes Assemble MUSH
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Date of Scene: 23 October 2024
Location: Genoshan Embassy - 3rd / 4th Floor
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Lorna Dane, Amy Winston

Lorna Dane has posed:
Amy's had ample opportunity to acclimate to the Genoshan Embassy of Brooklyn, especially its upper floors. The fourth is for comfort: suites, dining halls, and other amenities to accommodate visiting dignitaries and employees; Lorna herself has taken up regular residence in one of the suites. The third is where the 'real' Embassy - the part meant to draw in foreign visitors for fellowship and negotiation - begins, and today one of its meeting rooms has been transformed for the express purposes of the former. Banners displaying the crest of House Amethyst hang on one side of the room and Genoshan script - the product of enterprising expats experimenting with the idea of a unifying language for Mutantkind - with a message of strength and unity is emblazoned high above the opposing side. A long, dark table runs the length of the room, oriented such that it's the sprawling horizontal planes which have been set up for occupation, cutting down on the amount of space between parties regardless. Lorna's already seated, because Lorna was up with the sun to supervise setup-- even when that meant curling up in blankets in a corner, drinking coffee, and shaking the previous night off.

Far from a cozy bundle, the Queen's now draped in a deep, dark green arm-length cape, top, and slacks. The cape and top share a dazzling starfield of embroidered crystals: around the shoulders of the former and the collar of the latter lie thick concentrations of shiny stones; moving down either garment, the crystalline clusters gradually thin out. A quarter of the way down the cape, the concentrations grow so thin that the rest of its dark body is more akin to a vast swath of space pieced by the odd point of light; they never grow quite that sparse along the top itself though, retaining enough space for the dark material to show through without ever going too long between stones. Her hair's been swept back and gathered into a bundle of soft curls secured by sparkling, crystal-encrusted ribbons; her make-up's understated, save for the dramatic pop of peacock green eyeshadow framing a cut crease.

Amy Winston has posed:
Amy arrives at the Genoshan Embassy with purpose in her step, fully embracing her role as Princess Amethyst tonight. While her heart carries warmth for Lorna, much more than a friend, she knows the weight of this moment is far greater than their personal connection. Tonight, she stands as a representative of Nilaa, her home, and must speak on behalf of her people.

As she enters the meeting room, her amethyst tiara catches the light, casting soft violet reflections across the banners bearing the crest of House Amethyst. A wing sweep of purple eye-shadow highlights only her left eye, foundation covers her usual freckles, her lips painted a muted lavender.

Her violet gown is intricate with delicate floral appliques and flowing layers, seems as if it's crafted from the very essence of moonlight. Each petal and detail weaves an aura of elegance, the soft shimmer of the material catching the light in gentle waves. Her mist-silk, like a veil of enchanted fog, drapes playfully over her shoulders, a lavender-colored veil. It moves with the faintest touch of a breeze, as though alive, complementing the gown's luxurious design with a touch of magic.

The corseted bodice hugs her form, while the cascading layers of the skirt ripple with each step she takes, a symphony of movement and stillness. With every breath, the gown speaks of her royal grace, strength, and the mystery of her world. Her posture is poised, her expression serene yet commanding, a queen ready to rule, a warrior clothed in splendor, a young woman ready to take on the mantle of leadership. Her eyes meet Lorna's, a brief, knowing glance between them, but her expression remains composed and formal.

Amy takes her seat at the long, dark table, her posture poised, her mind sharp and focused. She takes in the room, Genosha's banners of strength and unity hanging opposite her own, the weight of this gathering settling on her shoulders like a familiar cloak. She has acclimated to the embassy in Brooklyn during her visits, particularly the upper floors, but today feels different. The fourth floor's comfort and familiarity, where Lorna has made her residence, are far removed from the seriousness of the third, where negotiations will now unfold.

Amy Winston has posed:
With a deep breath, she straightens up regally, her voice calm but firm as she begins. "Queen Polaris, I stand before you today not only as Amy Winston, your friend, but as Princess Amethyst of Nilaa. My people face a threat we cannot ignore, and while my heart holds fondness for this place and those who dwell within it, I come seeking more than camaraderie. Nilaa is at war. Dark Opal's reach extends across all of Nilaa, and without aid, I fear we will not be able to push back his forces alone and he may gain the power to reach beyond."

She pauses, letting her words settle before continuing, her tone becoming more resolute. "I am here to negotiate for your assistance, to forge a path where Genosha and Nilaa can stand united against this threat. In exchange, I offer what aid Nilaa can provide-our resources, our magic, our loyalty. But we must also consider the cost. Genosha's support does not come lightly, and I stand ready to discuss the terms that will ensure a victory not just for Nilaa, but for the strength and future of both our realms."

Amy's eyes remain locked on Lorna as she finishes her statement, the room quiet for a moment as the weight of her words lingers in the air. She knows this is only the beginning, that there will be questions, discussions, and likely debates before any agreement is reached. But tonight, she stands not just as a friend but as a leader, ready to do whatever it takes to save her people. And a smile touches her lips finally. "And you look amazing, Your Majesty. I come bearing a gift from our home. Reaching into her gown, she pulls out a dress box and presents it to the Queen before she bows into a curtsey and steps back. Inside the box, folded neatly, is a bolt of the same mist-silk that Amy wears so effortlessly. "It'll take time to train it to respond to you... but our alliance hopefully has that kind of time."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Among the many differences between Lorna and Amethyst:

Where wearing the trappings and habits of royalty comes to the Princess like breathing, the only things holding Lorna to standing from her seat and merely reaching across the table to offer her hand in friendship, rather than her arms for comfort, her lips for appreciation, and her sunbright words for encouragement are willpower;

... and the cold, sinking thought of what her father (magnetic) would say if he could see her wearing his mantle with such flippancy.

Still: there is nothing remotely professional or diplomatic about the smile accompanying her greeting-- nothing the least bit polite in the way her eyes roam, catch, then roam some more over the exiled royal in violet spun moonlight. Maybe there's a level on which this underscores her grave commitment to propriety, but it's still a hole in what should be perfect poise and utmost resolve.

But maybe they can go over the game tape later, to highlight these kinds of foibles.

"Genosha knows you well, Princess Amethyst," only comes a couple seconds later, when she has tamed the exhilaration from her demeanor, "for you have offered steel, blood, and mystical aid in defense of Her people: the posthuman, the X-Active, the metanatural-- the Mutant, in all its glorious variations, for whom she thrives." Withdrawing - and straightening from the perfunctory bow that came with clasping hands with the Princess - Lorna folds her hands in front of herself with a muted smile. "Having seen the face of your plight first hand, I know well the stakes of Dark Opal's reign, and would like nothing more than to see your homelands freed from his clutch."

The silence that follows is tangible, until ... And you look amazing... breaks it. At that point, the Queen relinquishes a long sigh, leans across the table, and takes both of the Princess' hands in hers.

"And I must humbly beg that you accept this statement of my inability to express the full," she whispers in reply, "unabashed," as green eyes cheat momentarily downwards, "depths of my appreciation for your attire directly, in turn." Polaris takes a careful breath when her eyes make it back to Amaya's, steadying herself--

-- squeezing the other woman's hands, rolling her thumbs across the knuckles--

-- before withdrawing, as she must. Opening the box left behind summons a wide-eyed gasp and a soft smile; a beat of admiration later, she lifts her eyes back to Amaya's.

"And likewise:"

Lorna reaches out rather in. The cape momentarily flutters as identical lengths of slender, exquisitely polished metal slither out from either side - one for each - and flow towards Amethyst.

"Chromium, nickel, cobalt," she ticks off as metal strips sculpt themselves into metal arcs, "and a hint of adamantium: a steel alloy resilient enough to survive all manner of tribulation."

An inch removed from the princess' right wrist, their ends even less separated from one another those semi-circles spin, and spin, and spin,

"Let this be a symbol of an alliance between nations to outlive either of its signatories:" she declares while snapping her right hand into a fist that snaps both halves of a bracelet together around Amethyst's wrist. "An unbroken circle gleaming in the light of possibility."

She doesn't so much sit, afterwards, as she collapses into her seat with a heavy breath, lidded eyes, and a small smile.

"... shall we begin?" she exhales after a chest-swelling beat.

Amy Winston has posed:
"If I thought our situation dire, I would not be here as a Princess, I would be here on my knees, offering my life in return for your assistance. I believe we can still fight. But we can no longer do so alone. I have seen the wonderous things that you and other mutants can do. I have come to call them allies and friends. I ask for your assistance in forming a foothold on Nilaa from Genosha, a gate that can be held and guarded by joint forces. Land in Amethyst so that those that are willing to handle the wilds of a new world can carve out a life for themselves. A refuge in the face of Galactus' threat."

Amy Winston has posed:
Amy's breath catches for just a moment, a flicker of emotion passing across her otherwise composed expression. Where she had come prepared to embody the role of a ruler, grounded in the weight of her mission and the needs of her people, Lorna's words which are so unexpected in their warmth, momentarily pull her from that state. For the briefest second, the mask of the Princess cracks, and Amy, the young woman, shines through.

She meets Lorna's gaze, the smile lingering at her lips softening in kind. The sensation of Lorna's hands clasping hers is a comfort, one that grounds her amidst the high stakes and formalities. For a moment, it is just the two of them, Lorna, a Queen by duty and war, and Amy, a Princess expatriated from her home, fighting to reclaim it.

But Amy knows well the balance between affection and duty. As the polished metal arcs snap into place around her wrist, she lets the weight of the alliance settle on her shoulders once more. The cool metal hums with significance, a tangible reminder of the promise forged between their realms, an alliance as resilient as the steel now encircling her wrist. Her eyes briefly flit to the bracelet before returning to Lorna's, a spark of determination lighting them.

"Your Majesty, your words are both a balm and a promise. I will carry this token, this circle, as a reminder of the strength we share, and the hope that ties our realms together." She squeezes Lorna's hands gently before releasing them, standing tall as her regal tone flows naturally into her voice, steady and clear.

"Let it be known that Princess Amethyst of Nilaa and Queen Lorna of Genosha stand together, not merely as friends, but as allies. Our people will thrive together, our lands defended by magic, by steel, by unity. It is a fight I will not abandon, nor will I allow my people to stand alone."

There's a pause, a brief flicker of warmth that returns as her gaze softens once again. "And Lorna," Amy adds quietly, a smile tugging at the corners of her mouth, "thank you for your kindness. You've given me more than I could have hoped for tonight."

With a deep breath, Amy glances around the room, the banners of their respective realms framing the space, the weight of the moment settling in. "Yes," she nods, her voice returning to the task at hand, "let us begin."

"Let's start where we stand now. Most of Nilaa lies under the first of Dark Opal, who seeking out the gemstone of every major house to grant him total rule over Nilaa an beyond. Some he has taken by alliance. Some by force. Some by deceit. There are few, myself, Prince Topaz, Lady Turquoise, that still hold their birthrights."

""Several key regions of Nilaa remain under siege, including Citrinie's realm in the north, where battles have raged fiercely for months. The central territories, including our capital of Amethyst, remain strong, but the strain on our resources is evident. Our magical reserves, once plentiful, have been stretched thin, and the protection offered by the crystals, our primary defense, has begun to wane under constant assault."

She pauses for a moment, letting the gravity of her words settle in before continuing. "In the southern provinces, once under the control of House Garnet, Dark Opal's forces have laid waste to much of the land. The people there have fled or have been forced into servitude under his regime. This has caused a growing humanitarian crisis, with many seeking refuge in the capital. Our cities are overcrowded with refugees fleeing the war, and while our people remain resilient, there is only so much we can provide without aid."

Amy's voice grows more determined as she presses on. "However, not all is lost. The people of Nilaa still have hope. There are factions and alliances, like House Topaz, who remain loyal to the cause. Our warriors fight valiantly, and I have personally led efforts to rally support from neighboring regions. Our magic, though strained, still holds great power, and the will of Nilaa's people remains unbroken."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Being here in dual capacities is...

Challenging, let's just say.

The Queen in her must maintain a semblance of resolve and remove, as befitting a budding friendship between dignitaries of their respective realms...

... and the rest of her would like nothing more than to wave this all away and sweep this one-of-a-kind picture of poise and power off her feet, carry her back to the 4th floor, and call the negotiations settled.

"You... have given me more than I could have hoped for," she echoes from the space between, each word weighted with the gravity that keeps them orbiting one another. It's not the Queen who's looking across the table through that performance of restraint with fire crackling gently in her eyes...

... but the besotted survivor basking in the way her Princess sparkles in the light of trouble isn't quite the one answering, "Land belonging to Genosha, extending its territory betwixt dimensions... or land where Genoshan settlers are once more guests separated from their homeland?" either.

'Complicated' is another word for it, cliche though it may be. It's complicated, juggling so many sets of interests-- especially when they include those of the woman across from her.

"I'm open to the discussion, in either direction, but I do want to be clear."

Leaning forward - sitting up, really, now that she is fully recovered from the gift-giving - Lorna folds her hands loosely on the table and favors the Princess with a gentle smile.

"Genosha is the home we've made out of the prison where we were dumped, and that home was built on a foundation of blood and toil," she tells Amaya. She's told the story of Genosha's bloody, brutal history - its oppression under the Genegineer David Moreau, its liberation at the hands of Magneto, and the post G-Day reconstruction period - but when Lorna told Amy the history, it was to share a critical piece of who she is, and how it connects them despite their differences.

"So understand: we know what it is to be trapped beneath the heel of cruelty, and I do believe that my people would be willing to take up arms in defense of yours, if it meant freeing them from that familiar yoke."

When Queen Polaris tells Princess Amethyst, it's more of a prelude.

"... but then, we come to the question of what comes after. Regardless of who would, ultimately, own the territory that you've offered - a boon for which I am deeply grateful," Lorna slips through to note with briefly hooded eyes, "in the face of Galactus' threat... would my people be limited to its borders?" the Queen wonders.

"Be bound to restrain their gifts, beyond those lines? If we are to come to Nilaa's aid, and Nilaa is to offer us shelter in turn, then it must be asked: to what extent would we be welcome to live in your realm?"

Amy Winston has posed:
The weight of Lorna's words, the duality of duty and desire, resonates deeply with Amy. As she listens, she feels the pull of their connection, complicated and beautiful, but there is also the pull of their respective worlds, their people, and the responsibilities they must bear. When Lorna leans forward, speaking of Genosha's painful history, Amy's heart tightens. She knows the weight of oppression, the heavy hand of tyranny, all too well.

Her gaze never leaves Lorna's as she begins to respond, her tone gentle but resolute.

"Your Majesty, I do not take lightly what you have said. I know what Genosha has been through, what your people have built from the ashes of a world that sought to break them. You have made a home from devastation, forged a future out of cruelty's shadow, and that is a testament to the strength of your people and of you as their Queen." Amy's eyes soften for a moment, but her voice remains firm.

"I would never ask you to limit the gifts of Genosha's people. I know all too well what it means to be bound, to have one's power restrained. Nilaa is a realm of magic, and in its heart lies the freedom to be what we are, without apology. If you come to Nilaa's aid, it will not be as prisoners in a foreign land, but as allies, as equals. Your people would be welcome, not as settlers, but as partners in rebuilding a world ravaged by war."

Amy pauses, considering Lorna's question more carefully. She knows the importance of defining what comes next, after Dark Opal is defeated, after the battle is won. The future of Nilaa, and its relationship with Genosha, hangs in the balance of this moment.

"As for the land itself, whether it remains Nilaa's or becomes an extension of Genosha, I am open to that conversation, and to ensuring that the terms reflect a true partnership between our people. You would not be bound to borders, but instead, share in the protection, growth, and prosperity of both realms."

The Princess wants to say more, to sweep Lorna up, lean into her and insist that they can rule jointly. But she has Genosha, Amy has Nilaa. That goal, for now, is unattainable.

Her voice softens again as she leans forward slightly, her gaze locking with Lorna's.

"I offer this because I believe in the bond we share, and in the strength of what our people can achieve together. But make no mistake, Lorna, whether we speak as Rulers or as something more personal, I will always stand beside you. In war, in peace, and in whatever future we build together."

Amy's words hang in the air, the sincerity and depth of her commitment clear, not just to the political negotiation at hand but to the person sitting across from her. The complexity of their roles: rulers, warriors, friends, and something more, makes the moment all the more poignant.

After a brief pause, she adds softly, "Let us find a way forward that honors both our people and the bond we share."

"I offer you a parcel of land. On the border of Amethyst and Moonstone. It is a land with both mountains and valleys, and fresh water lakes. It is a spot we can create our gate. Our portal between worlds. Opening the portal takes a lot of mana, unlike when I portal us between worlds. The people that you chose to take on this bold venture first? They should be ready to spend a good deal of their time in a world of magic, no electricity, no internet, no social media. You have seen it for yourself."

"Will your followers accept that?"