19489/Blowing off a bit of digital steam.
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Blowing off a bit of digital steam. | |
Date of Scene: | 12 November 2024 |
Location: | Radical Arcade |
Synopsis: | No description |
Cast of Characters: | Samuel Guthrie, Alison Blaire, Evan Sabahnur
- Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie had to work a double shift at the NYPD today, and then he needed to come up to the mansion for a few things. Since h e has a bit of free time, and is not wanting to crash yet, he heads down to the Arcade. He has a small cooler with him, where he seems to have brought some drinks from the kitchen.
- Alison Blaire has posed:
Alison Blaire has on her casual casual clothes tonight which means she's dressed like a punk rocker in jeans and a ripped (fashionable) t-shirt basically. She has red shades as she talks to some to a couple in the arcade and frowns as they point to something across the room. She whips her head around like Angela Lansbury and takes off her shades, "Oh HEY!" she lets out. She skates across the floor of the arcade and narrowly zips in front of Sam to look at something in the dark corner, "Oh sorry Sam!" she says, "Come here! Help me!" she says urgently.
- Evan Sabahnur has posed:
Evan Sabanhur is well known for being the resident edgelord. His upopular opinions, when they can be evoked from him, are the stuff of legends. His unscaled power is not permitted to be used even in the danger room, so the common from many of the students is that they don't think he has any. When he isn't being othered he self others. He has a tendancy to loom. Today though he is working on some modeling clay atop a small square of plywood, ignoring most of the students until Dazzler catches his eye. Within moments he has reproduced her in clay to an eerie level of detail and accuracy.
- Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie steps out of the way to let Allison pass. With folks at the mansion it is good to keep ones head on a bit of a swivel. He raises a brow as he is called over, and says "Sure, what ya need?" He looks over to Evan and nods his head to the other. Sam tries to be polite and include people. It is just part of who he is.
- Alison Blaire has posed:
Alison Blaire has her arms out and then does the shuffle-dance on her skates to let off some steam, "Somebody took some stuff out of my studio when I was in London!" she tells him. She twists about and looks over at Evan, "Oh well, I think the stuff's in this box! Hey, who brought this box in?" she asks Evan, "Did you see them?" she wonders. She pointpoints down at the large box in the shadowy corner. She then looks back at Sam, "Oh Sam, would you mind checking this box over here?" she motions Sam toward the box
- Evan Sabahnur has posed:
Evan Sabahnur tears off Dazzler's clay arm and considers her for a moment, glancing to Sam, then back to Dazzler. He makes her a new arm, its way too big, bulging with muscle and sinew almost like a flesh eruption from her body that drags on the ground. Her clay body is pushed until its recoiling from the growth in horror, its mouth drooped and eyes saucer wide. He pushes the work to the side and stands up.
"Why would someone rob you and then leave the items here." he wonders curiously.
- Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie will move to get the box, and bring it out so he can see it "You wanting me to dust it for prints?" He jokes, but it is common knowledge that Sam is a cop now. "What are we looking for?"
- Alison Blaire has posed:
Alison Blaire flips down her shades to hide her frown as Evan contorts the (once cute) clay figure. She hmms and twists in place on her skates white she thinks over what Evan asked. She then stops and puts her hands on her hips, "Well...I don't...really know," she mutters, "But here they are," she says as she leans over to look in the box, "Maybe they thought these recording cables were trash."
- Evan Sabahnur has posed:
"Or they removed your things and took over your studio." he said, raising a finger to make his point. "But this is useless conjecture. You, Sam and I should lay a trap for the perpetrator. We should take your things and repopulate the studio, the perpetrator will return and in annoyance cast your things out once more, then we can descend upon them and exact retribution."
- Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks over and says "Or they may have thought something else needed to be in there and was looking for something they thought was needed less. They left it here, so means they were either one not trying to get rid of it, or two lazy." He smirks a bit and says "Well, Ah don't know if we need to trap them, but glad your here to help if we need it Evan." He looks over "Oh Evan, have you met Alison?"
- Alison Blaire has posed:
Alison Blaire motions to the door, "Well...well yeah! I have to ...re- populate my recording!" she tells Evan, then does a little shuffle on her skates, "These peeps in LA want a clip of the Outers Space Funk," she tells them, "You know, my hit from last year," she tells Sam as if he knows what the heck she's talking about.
Alison smiles at Evan as Sam tells her who the heck he is, "Great! Yeah Sam, you can help too. We can catch these guys red handed! I'll probably just end up laughing too much, I'm such a softie."
- Evan Sabahnur has posed:
Evan Sabahnur turns instantly shy now that he's being introduced. His face becomes a stone, lips clamped shut. Silent.