19766/Oan Investigations

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Oan Investigations
Date of Scene: 29 December 2024
Location: E10 - Kyle's Dorm - Titan's Tower
Synopsis: Kyle and Jennifer do a little digging on Oa into the Yellow Lanterns and Jade's past.
Cast of Characters: Kyle Rayner, Jennifer-Lynn Hayden

Kyle Rayner has posed:
To Oa Jade and Kyle Rayner go. Kyle's in inform and talking over the ring to Jennifer. "I think there's a chink in the Sinestro Corps's armor. That requires a little intel on a particular member. Well, former," Jade knows what it means to be a "former" member. For every Lantern that actually retires, three to five die while in service. It means they're looking up someone that fell, probably.

And Oa stands out like the shining green beacon in the galaxy. Lanterns fly in, out, they train, they study, theyd oa ll manner of things. Everythings inf ull swing on the planet. Where they need to go is basically an informational center. It's sort of like a library, but everything researchable is through the filter of an Oan lens. It's their files.

Kyle will make his way to a computer terminal that's in a small little desk area. The device works off of alien tech. So, the keyboard, screen and everything else is almost a hard light projection. The screen does look like onof those old Apple 2 monitors. Grenn images, letters, etc. against a blackish background. So ,it may not "look" advance. It is.

Kyle begins searching for a particular person, "Abin Sur" is the term he used to search. Up comes a photo.

"This is the guy that had Hal Jordan's ring before him. And he was one of the greatest lanterns of his day. This is Abin Sur. I don't know much about him aside from reputation, a few stories," and he will slowly go over what's listed. Not wanting to go faster than Jennifer can read. She can probably read faster, but just in case, Kyle will ask, get nonverbals, etc. before going further downward int he file.

"One of Sinestro's boys is Abin's son. The advantage us Terrans have about Lantern politics, it's all new to us. WE don't know of the prestiege, the glory, the honor, but lots of other planets do. Some even have family members train for it like family members with a deep roots intertwined with cops, military branches and things like that on EArth." Kyle starts to explain a little bit. A lesson taught to him by a woman named Arisia.

"There's only one downside. If a lntern falls in battle, the ring may have other ideas..." his voice trails and he waits to see if Jade puts pieces of the puzzle together. How Amon thought the ring is a birth right, but the ring had other ideas the day Abin Sur passed on.

Jennifer-Lynn Hayden has posed:
Jennifer-Lynn Hayden frowns thoughtfully as she listens to his story. "Soo basically..Even if a lantern falls in battle, even if another inherited the ring..." she blinks, "Oh, so even if the bearer has good intentions...The ring might have ulterior motives?"

Kyle Rayner has posed:
"Well, no one inherits a ring unless the ring chooses them. Usually an inheritence is a retirement of some form with the 'inheriter' VERY close by," Kyle says just explaining that. "Well, that's the thing. I don't think the ring judges on morality, usually. I think it judges more on just willpower. Who has the best they can find."

Jennifer-Lynn Hayden has posed:
Jennifer-Lynn Hayden frowns, "So it won't necessarily choose the most heroic or pure hearted individual, just the most powerful? But..That's- not right.. " she blinks, "is that what Sinestro is up to, giving power to people who aren't necessarily good..?"

Kyle Rayner has posed:
"The most willful," he says correcting the power based. "Who has the most will," Kyle says softly letting that sink in. That it deals with having the most will or something that stands out. "It's why Guy has a ring. He's hardheaded, has a good heart, but is not a few things," he will point out, either about his past or present. Both apply.

Jennifer-Lynn Hayden has posed:
Jennifer-Lynn Hayden frowns, folding her arms, "In the end it amounts to the same thing...power..! Am I not right? Whether it be by iron Will or other..."

Kyle Rayner has posed:
"I think it's less about power and more about skill. Who has the best skill in this position. In this case, will power," Kyle points out the way he sees it. Knowing that may cause the understanding because he can see where if someone thought willpower was actual power then it could be seen as a might makes right sort of thing. Where Kyle sees it as someone that's best suited for a position.

Jennifer-Lynn Hayden has posed:
Jennifer-Lynn Hayden shrugs, "Either way, it could be a problem right? I mean, even if a person is not powerful but skillful, regardless if they have a pure mind they might be selected as a candidate by Sinestro...Right?"

Kyle Rayner has posed:
"It's always a problem, but usually other lanterns will suss things out. Still, there are the ocassional problems," and he will pull up a picture of Sinestro. "He was a lantern, too. However, a battle of perspectives determined whether or not he was a good guy. to me, he was not, but I know Sinestro believed his actions were in the right. I'm sure people that wear his yellow rings probably do, too." Kyle just let's Jennifer read the new file on Sinestro.

An accomplished Lantern in his own right. Sinestro did questionable actions with the ring when it came to protecting his own sector.

"I just say they recruited better, and even cuter, now," Kyle winks trying to add some levity to the moment. Yes, it's very serious and he's trying to not turn Jade bitter somehow.

Jennifer-Lynn Hayden has posed:
Jennifer-Lynn Hayden frowns at the imagine of Sinestro. "Soo are his rings powered by will or something else? What exactly did he do that was so questionable? Surely under such circumstances he can be convinced to not be so...Reckless? I mea, are you saying he's a good guy but ruthless? Or just plain untrustworthy?" it's an important distinction..

As for recruiting others, she just laughs nervously, "Well I dunno, I'd love to be a GL, but..I dunno if others would see me as worthy.."

Kyle Rayner has posed:
     "I think we're figuring that out. I think. I need to compare notes with Hal." A frown comes to his lips when Jen brings up worthiness.

He'll bring up a few more files, "Arisia Raab" she's an alien whose family line is decorated with lanterns. "Kilowag" is next who is accredited to training so many lanterns. Even bringing up "Hal Jordan" a decorated pilot.

Then he types in the words "Guy Gardner" which lists him mainly as an athlete with some corrections background. And Kyle Rayner, which has even less. It does bring up education, an art show and that's it.

"If us two yutzes can be Green Lanterns, anyone can. It's not what anyone thinks of you getting the ring that matters. It's what you do with it," he gives a smile. "Never let your background the hero you choose to be."

Jennifer-Lynn Hayden has posed:
Jennifer-Lynn Hayden chuckles and shakes her head, "I mean it's not that I need a ring even, but I still want to help..I may be rusty and an amateur...But I learn quickly..And...!" she bites he4 lip as he lists off prominent GLs. "So..Any files on my..Father..? I really know next to nothing about him except that he's supposed to be a Latern too..Right?"

Kyle Rayner has posed:
Kyle pauses at the screen and he looks back to Jennifer, "As someone else in the 'I don't really know my Dad' club, I'm asking this simple question. Are you sure you want me to do this? That's the rough part about information like this. It's Pandora's Box. Once it's out, you can't shove it back in," he gives a grim smile and just wants her to be sure.

Jennifer-Lynn Hayden has posed:
Jennifer-Lynn Hayden sighs and nods, "I want to know all I can about my family. I wish I knew who my dad was, who my mom was, if either are still alive. From my research I suspect that my dad is a Green Lantern but is even that true?..I wonder if I even have siblings? I just wish I knew more, like why I can even wield these powers without a ring..Can GL powers be passed down to family..?"

Kyle Rayner has posed:
Kyle tries the last name "Hayden." No results found. He tries "Lynn." No results found. "Green Skin." This brings up results, but no Earthly connections. A few more tries he circles back to an idea. He gets a list of Lanterns from, or associated with, Sector 2814. There is a list of names. Hal, Kyle, Guy and others are among them. "Your Dad is on this list. We may have to do some Terran searches or have a lot more time to whittle this down."

Jennifer-Lynn Hayden has posed:
Jennifer-Lynn Hayden groans, "Wow, that's along list...It'll take a while to check em all out. I mean..Where do I even start? And that's assuming my theory is correct. Seems like my parents didn't want to disclose their identities to me, I was raised in an orphanage and then adopted.." her shoulders sag a bit, looking uncharacteristically sad..

Kyle Rayner has posed:
"Well, the good news is you can cross off Jon, Guy, Hal and myself. You know we're not your Dad. Or at least you hope we're not your Dad's,. That's four," he knows that will reduce a little bit. "Your Dad is human, presumably. So that takes off Abin Surr and anyone we can list off as alien." His gaze slips to Jade. That does cut down the list to about ten ish. Maybe twenty. It's still a list of people on here.

"Heh. Got a GBC guy on here," he looks at Jade. "Guy associated with one of the big television stations. I tried to look into making a cartoon. I remember the guy's name. Small world," he shrugs and makes sure Jen makes a list. Kyle will send a text message to himself with them. Little does he know about the significance of Alan Scott.

Jennifer-Lynn Hayden has posed:
Jennifer-Lynn Hayden hmms, "And you can cross off any one who is too young to be my dad..I mean he'd have to be at least 20 years older than me, right?"

At least the list is considerably shorter now and that makes her hopeful but..Something he says makes her wilt a bit. "How do you know my parents were human? I mean..I do have green skin afterall..."

Kyle Rayner has posed:
Kyle takes the list and he goes through the names. Then he picks one. "Well, maybe we can do a two for one. We'll try this Alan Scott guy. His station employs another name on the list. Well, used to," he looks at her for a moment. "I went with humans because you've always said you're from Earth. Green skin or not, you're an Earthling until we hear otherwise." Kyle says with deterimination.

Jennifer-Lynn Hayden has posed:
Jennifer-Lynn Hayden chuckles and shrugs, "I guess you would know better than me. What do you know about Alan Scott? is he married? How old is he...?" she sighs, "I wonder why I was given up for adoption..."

Kyle Rayner has posed:
"We'll find out back on Earth," Kyle says softly and he turns in his spot. "So, whenever you want to see what's in your future," he grins at her. It's going to be life changing, to say the least.

Jennifer-Lynn Hayden has posed:
Jennifer-Lynn Hayden nods, gathering her supplies which aren't that many - being a GL let's her travel light. "Sounds hood...Hope you enjoyed the vacation as much as I did." she grins, wriggling her brows playfully at him.

Kyle Rayner has posed:
"Careful or I will want another one," Kyle grins and he sits up and stretches. "Let's go," and then they start their journey back to Earth.

Jennifer-Lynn Hayden has posed:
Jennifer-Lynn Hayden oohs, brushing a strand of green hair out of her eyes, "Oh, I'm not worried, as a matter of fact I'm just getting warmed up..But hey, we still have a bit of a trip to head back to earth..After which we might both need a bit of RandR before research.." she chuckles, "But again you're more experienced and can probably make it back quicker and with less effort than me huh.." she grins.

Kyle Rayner has posed:
"We shall see gorgeous," Kyle grins. "And careful I may hold you to such things. Let's go." A smile touches his lips as he starts to leave the termianl. It's time to leave Oa.