20085/Two Minds Think A Like

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Two Minds Think A Like
Date of Scene: 17 February 2025
Location: Stark Hanger Bay (Rented by Crush)
Synopsis: Crush was working on a project that Tony had already finished so he comes by the hanger to tell her that, which sets her to working on a new project for the eventual space station construction crews.
Cast of Characters: Xiomara Rojas, Tony Stark

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
With the shuttle complete and the primary tests complete, Crush had spent the last few weeks performing hundreds of other tests. Many involved flying the Hot Rod into space, and she'd gone as far as Pluto, even though technically it was no longer a planet.

In between the tests, while the techies sifted through the data, also known as drooling over information, Crush had begun the attempts at designing space suits that weren't the size of studio apartments. She had a pretty good idea on how to do that, so her mind had also been wandering to ways to compress air into small canisters so they were less bulky.

In her mind there were two reasons for this side project, the first being the eventual need for hundreds of space worthy suits for construction workers, the other being the desire to have safety for oxygen breathers on the shuttle that didn't take up too much space. And of course, she wanted to put Belinda into a space suit and take her outside the shuttle while in space at least once.

Today was more information crunching for the techs, so Crush was working on possible idea for compressing the containers. Air was technically a liquid, and only liked to be compressed so much, so she was having issues finding the means for smaller canisters.

Tony Stark has posed:
    Tony isn't spying on Crush or anything, but HOMER tends to keep an eye (as it were) on all the Stark Industries networks. And so it is that while he's in his workshop, HOMER chimes in.

    "Sir, Crush seems to be working on an issue you've already dealt with. I thought you might like to know so that you could save her some time and effort."

    Several holographic displays pop up showing Crush's current work. Tony looks it over for a few minutes.

    "Well, she's on a decent track for the suits, but the tank thing is gonna run into the same problems I already ran through. Think I'll save her a little time today, the kid doesn't need to be spinning her wheels at an already solved problem. Open the door."

    HOMER replies "Of course sir." and the armored door set into the outer wall of Tony's workshop opens. He starts towards it, reaching up to tap his arc reactor, which causes the iconic red and gold armor to flow over his body. Stepping out the door, he blasts into flight, turning to head for the airfield. Roughly five minutes later Crush would hear a metallic *clang* just outside the hangar, then the personnel door opens and Iron Man walks in. The armor retreats back to his arc reactor as he heads across the hangar.

    "Hey there kiddo, HOMER let me know you're working on something I've already solved, so I thought I'd drop by and talk to you about it."

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
Most people had no idea that when Crush was working on something, ninety percent of her attention was focused entirely on that something. The other ten percent kept tabs on her surroundings, including listening for trouble with her insane hearing.

When Iron Man landed, the sound was distinct enough that she lifted her head from the problem on the work table and looked toward the personnel just as he is walking in. It didn't matter how many times she saw Stark in that suit, it still turned her insides to a fangirl of excitement and butterflies.

Ripping her head back to the here and now, and what he said as the suit disappeared she lifted a brow and looked back at the table. "Was jus playin with ideas mostly," she flat out lied with a shrug. "Thinkin we might need something less studio apartment for workers on the station... an those air canisters," she made a psheeeew sound. "Fuckin nightmare... not enough air, too bulky for the purposes of dexterity and movements..."

Stopping there, she realized he knew all that and had already solved the problem. "So... uh, you already figured all that out, huh?"

Tony Stark has posed:
    "Yeah, well, the air one I had a long time ago, cause I needed life support in the armor, and obviously big air tanks on combat armor was just right out."

    He hops up to sit on the edge of the desk, continuing "I've got an oxygen production and scrubber in there that's about the size of a deck of cards, and it'll hold me for six hours of hard vacuum. Got a more specialized suit for extended space work, but it's just got a bigger version of the same thing. After that, the spacesuits themselves are pretty easy. They're based partially on the interior lining of my armor, with built in heating elements. Really, I had a head start because of building the armor, I just modified tech I basically already had. Been planning the space suits since we made the deal with Cranston to put up the space station, I knew I'd need a lot of workers, and if they had to work in suits like NASA uses, it'd take forever."

    He shrugs, saying "Kind of how it goes some days. Sometimes I'm just trying to come up with something entirely new for the hell of it, sometimes I've got to fix a specific problem. Those are usually the easier ones since I already know what I want, just have to figure out how to make it."

    He makes a dismissive gesture, standing up from the desk and walking a over towards the Hot Rod, looking it over with a practiced eye.

    "Looking good for how much you've been blasting around in it. I guess we do good work." He turns back to her. "I know you don't need a suit, so I'm guessing you wanted some for your passengers as well as trying to help get the station workforce up and running. Which I do appreciate, by the way. Just because I happen to have it done already doesn't mean I don't appreciate you looking for a way to help with the project."

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
Honestly the idea of the suits and oxygen problem already being solved was a relief, though Crush was pretty certain the suits would be in a more adult style... nothing flashy, probably boring. She could probably take the design and snazzy it up for passengers of the Hot Rod.

"Yer right there, I don't need a space suit," she offers first with a grin. "But I'm always tryin ta think ahead to the next problem that may come up, an that lead me to needin suits in the Hot Rod... but I also wanna let Belinda free float in space, cause she's always wanted to."

No, she does not go into detail about Belinda, or who she was, or why she would get special treatment. She leaves that right there and moves on to the next topic.

"Ya managed to get them /real/ small, I'm lovin that a lot," comes next with a broad grin on her white features. "Deck of cards for six hours, damn Mr. Stark, /that's/ beyond amazin... an that's not even for extended space time."

Nearly skipping around the table to his side, she leans against it. The man was a genius, and it felt really good to be working with some one whose brain seemed to work like hers... when no one else was around. Get her into a crowd and it was staggering just how stupid she got.

"The Hot Rod's been all the way to Not-A-Planet-Pluto and back, an all the techies are /lovin/ the information dump with each trip." She glanced over at him, then slouched down a little so that while sitting they were closer to the same height... did not make her feel right to be towering over him.

"We do good work alright, but as for thinking ahead bout the construction workers in space... they're all I can think about." She admits with another shrug. "I know how dangerous space is for humans. I know the sort of accidents that happen with construction, then put that in space and the danger gets doubled... so yeah, I was lookin for ways to better protect the workers."
Shehe pauses a moment, looking the man over again... he wasn't a father figure, no way in hell would Stark be a father in anyone's head. He was more like the geeky older brother, and that thought made her laugh out loud.

"Thanks for lettin me know you'd already done suits an easier air," she finally offers. "You mind if I take a look at their designs, materials an such, see if I can't improve on the idea for construction workers? I kinda know what sort of movements they make, the areas that'll get more worn, that sorta thing."

Tony Stark has posed:
    "Sure, that'd actually be great. I just designed them as fairly generic space suits, but you've got a construction background, so by all means, take a look and let me know what you think would improve them for space construction. HOMER, download the spacesuit design files into Crush's system here so she can take a look and suggest changes."

    "Done sir, they are available whenever she wishes."

    "There you go, have fun with them. Oh, and if you want to design a specific pattern or something for the look of the suits for the Hot Rod, just put it in the system, the outer shells are easy to modify if the basic look is a little too boring for you. Now, don't mean to blow you off or anything, but I have a meeting that Pepper made me promise I'd actually show up to, so I gotta scoot. Keep up the good work, cause you're right, the techs are just losing it over the data you keep dropping on them. They're like kids on Christmas morning, I swear."

    He waves and heads for the door, his armor forming around him as he steps outside and takes off into the sky.

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
"Thanks!" Crush responds first to the approval to look over the designs. Then the second, "Thanks." goes to HOMER for making them available. She totally hadn't forgot that the AI was there, nope, not at all... yeah she did, it was a mistake he wouldn't make again.

"Once I have a working design, I'll have HOMER let you know... as for the suits for the Hot Rod, trust me... they gotta be cool." She grins broadly with a wiggle of her brow, then stands up straighter.

"Thanks for comin by Mr. Stark, an lettin me know I could stop smashin my brain against the oxygen problem. Tell Ms. Potts, "Yo." for me, an if you think of somethin ya need my help on, let me know."

This time she actually walks with him to the door, almost like the place is her apartment or something, and waves as he heads out.

Geeky Big Brother vibe.