20095/Jazz and Alien Mindedness.
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Jazz and Alien Mindedness. | |
Date of Scene: | 19 February 2025 |
Location: | Superiors |
Synopsis: | Nia and Cinque meet for the first time at Superiors. Cinque talked about being in Metropolis on business, and Nia was at the club for a scoop. They promised to meet again to talk more about Cinque shelter, and for Nia to show him the city. |
Cast of Characters: | Cinque Evers, Nia Nal
- Cinque Evers has posed:
Cinque is seeking corporate donations for his shelter, but he knows that navigating the city's power structures often requires more than just formal meetings. If things take an unexpected turn, he may need to don his guise,something that demands an intimate understanding of the city's hidden currents. And there?s no better place to start than the underbelly of the metropolis. That?s why he has come to Suicide Slums.
As he steps into the district, his eyes widen for a brief moment, taking in the harsh, chaotic layout of the place of twisting alleys, flickering neon signs, and the ever-present air of desperation that clings to the streets. He shakes his head, refocusing, before making his way towards Superiors.
Choosing a vantage point near the counter, he settles in, letting the noise of the room wash over him. Conversations swirl around, gritty, murmured deals, drunken boasts, whispers of the city?s unspoken rules. He listens carefully, watching, absorbing, waiting for the city to reveal its secrets.
- Nia Nal has posed:
Clubs, are not normally Nia's thing, but tonight, a good reporter is an /undercover/ one. It helps that she's not Lois Lane after all, just some no name lowbie at the Planet. So the pretty dark haired young woman in heels is doing just that, mingling, dancing, wondering about the place.
Once she's done pulling herself away from one of the male patrons of the club, she meanders to the bar and takes a seat near to Cinque. Whom she sends a slight curtosey nod and smile before ordering a drink.
- Cinque Evers has posed:
Cinque Evers pulls up his hoodie when Nia sits down, but still offers her a friendly nod. The jazz music slows down as a singer grabs the open mic and does their best Billie Holiday impersonation as she sings, "But Beautful" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IeIdvL7Y13I This is how Cinque will always remember his first interaction with Nia. How the ligh falls on her face. The conversation between the patrons to his left about who is going to win between Metropolis and Gotham in baseball. The aroma of drinks, mixed with sweat and perfume and cologne. All of these moments are collected and stored in his forever memory. Cinque raises his right eyebrow slightly and mumbles, "You are a good dancer."
- Nia Nal has posed:
Nia lights up as she brushes a stray strand of hair away from her face. her smile is bright as a summers day and she just gives off a certain kind of joyful energy.
"Thank you" she adds blushing bright red as her drink arrives and she starts sipping on it.
"I, uh, umm" and there's the nervousness, "Come here often?"
To say she visibly cringes at herself is an understatement. She almost scrunches up in to her own little, /Did I really just say that?/ singularity of /oh gods Nia get a whold of yourself./
- Cinque Evers has posed:
Cinque fights back a laugh, but a small chuckle slips through. "No, I am new to Metropolis," he admits, a casual smirk playing on his lips. "Actually, I'm only here for a week. I got some meetings with companies and charities while I'm in town."
Even as he speaks, his attention remains split. His eyes scan the room, picking up on the ebb and flow of the crowd, his ears tuned to the undercurrent of hushed deals and whispered tensions. But he power that allow him to multitask allow him to continue the conversation without missing any of the moments.
Turning his gaze back to Nia, he flashes an easy grin. "What about you? Are you a Metropolis native, or did you just descend from heaven to bless us mortals with your beauty?"
Then, with a laugh, he quickly waves a hand in mock surrender. "Kidding! I just figured you shouldn?t be the only one saying something cringy tonight."
- Nia Nal has posed:
Nia sets her drink down and turns to face Cinque more directly as they speak, leaning casually on the bar. "Oh? Buisness then?" Yeah, always the reporter and curious soul.
She doesn't, for her part, notice the split attention. At least, not that she lets on if she does.
She moves to grab her drink again and that comment causes her to nearly spit the drink out when she takes a sip. "I, umm" blush, "Me? Oh, umm no..." pause, break, "I uh was born in Cali, went to Uni in DC and moved here a few years ago." If the blush on her cheeks was giving off real heat, she could set the whole room on fire.
"Oh, hehe, yeah, right..." she adds giggling like a schoolgirl and giving him a thumbs up.
- Cinque Evers has posed:
Cinque Evers pulls his hood off his head as he extends his hand, "Cinque Evers, it is a pleasure to meet you." Cinque says, "And yes, I am here for business. I own a shelter in New York, and always looking for charities to help support it." Cinque shrugs his shoulders and looks at one of the Superiors wearing a Black Widow costume, and he agains tries to hold back a laugh, but fails,
When he has regain his composure, "So, what is it like living in the City of Tomorrow?" Two guy get up and starting singing, "I'll Be Glad When You Are Dead?" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o2vdCm4tZDA This gets more of the crowd dancing again.
- Nia Nal has posed:
"Nia Nal" she adds extending her own hand back, "Pleasure as well Mister Evers." Oh, she's a polite one.
"A shelter? Condier my curiosity peaked."
"Oh, here in Metropolis? Busy, very, very busy" she adds laughing as she finishes up her drink.
- Cinque Evers has posed:
"It has been awhile since I made someone blush, so the pleasure is entirely mine, Ms. Nal" Cinque states as he shakes her hand. Cinque nods, "Yes, it is pretty modern homeless shelter. I renovated a hotel, and turned into a shelter. We have a daycare, classes to get people back on their feet, and a lot other amenenties that other homeless shelter don't have, but those amenenties cost money, so I am always looking for donors."
Cinque puts his hood back on his head as he asks, "So what do you do for a living, and will it prevent you from showing me the city sometime this week?"
- Nia Nal has posed:
"That, is incredibly noble" Nia replies smiling warmly again. "As for me and what I do" she leans in a closer, "I work for the Daily Planet. I was here looking for a scope, but seems I just found it" she replies as she leans back and smiles. "As for it keeping me from showing you around the city? No, no it does not."
- Cinque Evers has posed:
Eyes widen as that is nothing something that he would have fathomed about her. "Hhmm, interesting." Cinque grin sheepishly, "Well, I don't think my shelter is Daily Planet worthy, but I am never going to shy away from free publicity." Cinque pulls his wallet and hands her a business card. "I look forward to seeing Metropolis with you." Cinque departs as another singer gets on open mic night to sing Ella FitzGerald's "A Beautiful Friendship" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EidguzhUUYI