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CBG...T | |
Date of Scene: | 20 February 2025 |
Location: | Clark's Bar and Grill |
Synopsis: | Helena tries to give Courtney some job advice...it goes...ok? |
Cast of Characters: | Courtney Whitmore, Helena Bertinelli
- Courtney Whitmore has posed:
It's afternoon, a normal, non-crime fighting one, and Courtney is sitting at Clark's Bar and Grill working her way through a...business lunch. If by business one means someone perusing the various job sites on their phone, while they eat a rapidly cooling plate of fries and slowly drink a beer. Modern job hunting! Courtney scrolls, and scrolls, and frowns, and frowns at the things she finds. And then eats another fry, before she looks at the plate of half-eaten fries and sighs, "Gonna have to hit the gym tonight..."
- Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Helena Bertinelli steps in from outside, pushing her aviator sunglasses up onto her forehead. Her black hair is pulled back into a tight ponytail. She wears a black top with a leather jacket, jeans and heeled boots. Her hands are gloved as she makes her way up to the bar, just a stool or two away from the young blonde.
"Sam Adams, in the bottle, cold," she says. She turns her attention over to the fries, "Yeah, I should do the same. Instead, I'm going to get an order of those or myself. With cheese. Fuck the gym."
- Courtney Whitmore has posed:
"I mean..." Courtney replies, before she bites her lower lip to keep from saying TOO much of what's on her mind. She then grins and hops up from her barstool to try and get close enough to give Helena a hug, "Long time no see," she says to the taller, raven haired lady. "What have you been up to?" she asks, before motioning for Helena to come sit next to her.
- Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Helena Bertinelli peers for a moment, "Oh yes, I remember you. Yeah, it has been," she says. "You know, keeping busy, nose to the grindstone. Leaving broken bones and bloody noses in my wake, if I'm doing things right," she says. "I couldn't help but overhear a little. Looking for work?" she asks.
She gets her beer, the top freshly popped, taking a long drink before setting it down on the counter.
- Courtney Whitmore has posed:
The hug lasts for just a moment, as Courtney looks up at the response she gets from Helena, and then she pokes the woman in the side, "I would hope you remember me," she huffs, before hopping back up onto her barstool. "Looking for work is...pretty much it, yeah. Graduated from college and now...gotta pay the bills, you know how it is. Almost enough to make me think I should go to grad school, or law school maybe..." She makes a face at that thought. More books. More studying. Less getting out there and fixing the injustices of the world.
- Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Helena Bertinelli keeps her poker face, "This is warm. This is me being warm. I've never been the...expressive sort. I'm the kind who bottles it all up until it explodes. Usually in violence," she says.
"I've been on sabbatical from my teaching job for most of this year - just a lot of stuff on my plate and thankfully I have tenure," she sighs. "Also, I make sizeablee donations to the school now and then from my old trust. To incentivize my continued employment."
"What kind of work are you looking for?"
- Courtney Whitmore has posed:
A slow sigh comes from Courtney as she motions to her phone, "That's the problem. I keep coming up with ideas, and looking into them, and I just don't feel like I'm a good...fit with anything. I'd prefer to be out just punching people who do bad things but....doesn't really pay the bills. DOES help with the cardio though."
She then takes a sip of her beer, and says, "Teaching isn't...I don't think I've been doing anything long enough that I could teach it to anyone, though that's not a bad job if you can get it."
- Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Helena Bertinelli smiles, "Oh, you couldn't do my job," she says. "But you could substitute, probably - you don't need much in the way of qualifications for that and it's flexible. You can do it only a few days a week. Maybe sign up for the little kids - the high schoolers will see you too much as one of them and won't respect your authority. You're not a grown up to their eyes yet."
"So, what I'm hearing is your real passion is...the other stuff," she says, obliquely referring to costumed shenanigans, "and the job's more just a way to make ends meet, huh?"
- Courtney Whitmore has posed:
"The other stuff, the occasional night or two our with fun people, the sometimes I want to take a vacation to somewhere I can look good in a swimsuit and catch some rays..." Courtney says, smiling just a little. "I'm not asking for much, just..a comfortable life where I sometimes ALSO get to be a hero."
The talk of being a substitute makes her wrinkle her nose, "Pass. No. Substituting sounds even worse than teaching. I remember the substitutes in my school. Always the worst."
- Helena Bertinelli has posed:
"If you went to school around here especially, I'm sure. I teach at a private school."
"You could probably do the Instagram/influencer thing. You're bubbly enough, bright. I'm sure some of the others in your circle do a fair amount of that," she says. Helena's a little more of an outsider, bad at being a team player. She tends to get left out of things and she understands why. She's a little intense and uncompromising.
"Hesitating will only make it harder. Follow your gut."
- Courtney Whitmore has posed:
"My gut is telling me: eat fries and drink beer and hang out with pretty people...so I think I can handle that." Courtney replies with a wink.