20108/Dinner at the Club

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Dinner at the Club
Date of Scene: 21 February 2025
Location: The Strait Lace Steakhouse - Hellfire Club
Synopsis: Shaw and Diana hit it off and go to see some artwork.
Cast of Characters: Sebastian Shaw, Diana Prince

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
The Strait Lace Steakhouse is one of Shaw's favorite places to be in the Hellfire Club. People dining and having deep conversations. The bar with a constant stream of who's who of the city and beyond, all talking about the events of the day, or making deals. It's as close to a salon from the 18th century as one is likely to get around here these days. For himself, he is standing by the bar at the moment, in a quiet discussion with his manager of the establishment, probably about some petty seating issue, or perhaps a discussion about why the wine list isn't up to date. Whatever it is, it doesn't seem to be the most important talk in the world for him. He looks a little annoyed at it, to be honest.

Diana Prince has posed:
It was not often that Diana Prince made her way in to the Hellfire Club, and even though she was not an outright member on the books, she never seemed to have trouble getting in, when she apeared at the Club's entrance. Of course, maybe she wasn't trying to get in to the more exclusive areas, and thus it was far from an issue, or maybe someone just knew who she was, and fancied a Princess being in the place.

Whatever it was, Diana was here tonight, and striding in to the very same section of it that Shaw was in right now.

In the doorway, the tall woman appeared, dressed in a black form fit sweater, with a turtle neck, a black leather motorcycle jacket, and dark grey slacks, she stood out simply by her height being over six feet, with heeled shoes carrying her up a couple inches over that tall marker for a woman's vertical. Her dark hair was tied back in a loose pony tail on the back of her head, and golden jewelry adorned her ears, while dusky hued makeup was worn over her facial features.

With her hands at her side, one holding a leather clutch, Diana stepped through the room, headed for the bar.

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
Sebastian Shaw finishes his discussion with the manager rather quickly, and then looks over at the new arrival. How could he miss Diana's appearance? The outfit she wears is enough to draw more than a few men's attention -- some, to the obvious displeasure of their dates -- and, well it IS always good to have a Princess in the Club. He grins and walks in Diana's direction, saying, "Your Highness, it is always a pleasure to have you here," and then, he gives her a deep bow before he rises and asks, "To what do we owe the honor?"

As he asks this, he is looking over at a pair of servers and practically willing them with his glance to make sure they have a table ready for Diana. A table for two, of course. In the best part of the restaurant. They scurry off to ensure such a place exists and is ready for the new guest.

Diana Prince has posed:
If ever she were ever asked, Diana would insist she wasn't interested in special treatment, or special priveledges. She'd experienced so much of that throughout her life, both on her home island, and beyond, that she felt humbled by a life of being treated so well. Case in point, she had turned down a few special offers from the initial Club staff that had approached her tonight, when she had arrived, and instead had told them she just intended to stop in for a drink. Such as now, having thought she might run in to the notorious Sebastian, when he approached, he received a large smile to touch her dusky red lips.

"Ah... Mister Shaw," she spoke in a thick Themysciran accented voice, naturally husky like a smokey liquor. "It is so good to see you again..." She trailed off, as she watched his little exchange with some of his staff in the restaurant.

When she looked back to him, he placed her hands in front of her lap, holding that leather clutch against her legs. "Oh, I had just intended to stop by for a drink or two. It has been awhile since I came in here, and since I was in the neighborhood... I thought, why not change up the evening routine a bit?" She asked, showing him a friendly grin.

"How are you today?" She asked, with a slight tilt of curiosity tipping her head to the right as she stared upon him.

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
Sebastian Shaw nods his head and says, "Well, you are absolutely always welcome here," he leaves off the unspoken 'member or not' part. But, it might hang in the air a little bit. He puts his hand gently to the small of Diana's back. Not pressing on it, but, just the lightest touch to direct her towards a miraculously cleared table for two tucked away in a corner. Noticeable enough to be seen, but far enough away from the hoi polloi to be discreet. "Might I join you for a drink or two then? I was just considering getting a nightcap myself before retiring to my chambers for the evening." As he says this, he starts to gently lead her towards the table. It's not forceful, it's not pushy, it's just: this is where things are set for you now and they've been waiting oh so long for you to get here, please, take a seat.

Diana Prince has posed:
As Sebastian made his offer, Diana spared another glance toward the bar, before she regarded him again, and then the table being indicated. She lowered her chin ever so slightly, before she showed a half smirk, and glanced back at him to her right. "Of course, that would be lovely." She said, as she moved her hands to her side, her clutch held in her left. As she walked, Sebastian might catch the most briefest of glimpses of coiled-up golden rope beneath the material of Diana's motorcycle jacket. Her famous lasso, worn beneath her jacket like some kind of an assassin might carry a concealed gun.

She moved with grace, and fluidity toward the table, with the staff who set it up being given a very warm smile from the Princess. "Thank you all, ever so much..." She said, her husky voice kind, and sincere when offering her thanks. She had an air about her, an honesty, and a kindness that seemed to easily get in to most people's hearts quite quickly.

She sat herself down, and set her leather clutch upon the table in front of her.

"How is the Club doing, Mister Shaw?" She asked, as she looked up to him, as he presumably joined her.

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
If he saw the lasso he made no mention of it. He is, after all, in charge of a club that caters to the wealthy and powerful. Sometimes you have to take it on faith that the powerful person you're letting into your club isn't going to start lassoing people and making a scene. He seems perfectly comfortable, and is sure to pull out Diana's chair when she goes to sit. He lets her settle on it, and helps push it back in, before he moves to his own seat across from her, "The Club is doing well, as always. One of the joys of an establishment like this, one that has been around for so long that it's practically an institution is, so long as you keep it fresh, people keep coming back, and they are willing to pay top dollar for that privilege. It's not every day you can say you ate in the same restaurant as royalty," he notes.

He lets the lady order, and then makes an order of his own -- her drink absolutely comped -- before he asks, "And yourself? I haven't been keeping up with the latest news, unfortunately, so I cannot say that I have heard much of what you have been up to, though I must figure you have been involved with...some of the recent events around the City."

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana had quietly expressed her thanks to Sebastian, when he helped her seat herself too, though when he joined her across the table, she showed a slight smile at his response to her question. The indication of dining with a royal, caused her to glance around the room. She was used to eyes being on her, for a variety of reasons, but in the instance, she saw several that did seem to be curious about who she was, or in the process of having someone tell them. She rolled with all of it, as she looked to the list of drinks on hand, and with a quick once-over, she placed an order for a top tier red wine, before she handed the list back to the server.

When she looked back over the table to Sebastian, she showed him a faint smile, and lowered her chin again, just a little. "I am ever on the move, you could say." she replied to him, as a little laugh started within her throat, but never quite made it past her lips before she settled herself again. "Truth be told, though, I would have it no other way. There are problems that I wish I could see to, every minute, of every day. But sadly, there are only so many minutes, in every single day we have, that each one has to be relegated to specific places, most of the time. tonight? Mandated time off. Friends and family dealing with the larger issues. Hopefully they are going well, too, and since my phone is not buzzing rapidly, then I assume it is just so..." She grinned softly, and shook her head in a faint fashion.

"Thus, for my mandated time off this evening, here I am.. breaking my routine of sitting inside, at home, and reading a book... My sisters are insistent I change it up a bit." She admitted to him.

"And you? You said you were planning an evening in, once you settled the little supply issue, I believe I overheard when I arrived." She cast him a larger grin, showing him that her hearing was Super, to say the least...

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
"A night out without any strings attached? Well, you had better take as much advantage of it as possible." Shaw replies with a mischievous grin as their drinks arrive. He takes his and holds it up, "Too an enjoyable evening," he toasts her, before he has a sip and sets the glass down, leaning back in his chair.

"The supply issue was a minor thing to take care of, the real goal was to get a drink and then head back for the evening. Perhaps with a companion, perhaps not. We shall see how the evening goes." He says this as he's sitting right there with Diana so...he may have revealed his goal for the night. Either way, he picks up his glass again, and takes another sip, as he adds, "And, I am sure your sisters have everything well under control for at least one evening where you can let loose and enjoy the things you don't usually get to enjoy."

Diana Prince has posed:
With her drink offered to her, the Princess accepted it, thanked the server with another genuine smile, before she sampled it. She did not comment on it, but her expression seemed more than pleased with the taste of the contents. Her eyes flickered around the room again, before they returned to Sebastian, and his playful demeanor. She had a smile blossom across her lips once more, as she just nodded to what he said, and glanced down to the leather bag she'd set upon the table. Her phone was within it, and it was oddly quiet. "Probably." She said in simple response, before she looked back up toward him.

With her lips pursed together, she seemed to be a bit lost in her mind for a moment, before she gently shook her head from side to side. "I would not wish to hinder your ability to find the evening that you're seeking, Mister Shaw." She said back at him, grinning in a playful way of her own. "But, I will admit, I came here because I find the place unusually different from my day to day. So perhaps it is just what I needed." She raised her drink up to her lips, to take a sip from it, before lowering it again.

"Come what may, as they say?" She asked, tilting her head curiously again, as she eyed him back.

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
The man grins and then says, "Well, here I was going to offer to show you my art collection if you had the time. Something to take your mind off of whatever you're usually dealing with..." Shaw suggests, smiling to Diana, "And you're not stopping me from anything. Worst comes to worst I take my shot and I miss. It is not the end of the world, if I aim it at an alluring target." He then stands slowly, and holds out a hand for her, "Would you like to come with me?" he asks, looking down at her.

Diana Prince has posed:
The Princess was in the process of sipping from her glass of wine, when Sebastian made his offer more clearly defined. He stood, and she finished her sip, and lowered the glass down to her place for it upon the table. With him standing, and his hand being offered, she looked up to him, and showed him a sweet smile. With a soft shake of her head, she reached up to take hold of her clutch again. She slipped it inside of her jacket, and tucked it within a pocket there, as she gathered up her glass, and moved to rise, her opposite hand lightly in his own, though it was clear she needed no assistance in rising, even on two inch heels.

On her feet again, she showed him a warm expression, and glanced toward the exit of the restaurant. "I do enjoy a nice art gallery." She said in-return, clearly intending to see what he has in his collection.