20112/To Scam a Scammer

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To Scam a Scammer
Date of Scene: 22 February 2025
Location: Carrion Cove
Synopsis: Cortez interviews and hires a bodyguard from one of the recent Acolyte recruits!
Cast of Characters: Fabian Cortez, Namor

Fabian Cortez has posed:
The office is a rather over the top affair, draped in reds and violets, the inverted delta of the Acolytes hanging in silk behind the large redwood desk of Fabian Cortez. Despite the effort put into this place, it might be notable this is Not Fabian's main office, nor has either this or his workplace in the castle seen much use recently. The main office space is taken up by a sitting area in the center of the room, equally fine and now Fabian himself waves his guests to take a seat as he moves to a liquor cabinet and starts to pull out glasses, "Thank you both for being willing to take this meeting there than Asteroid M, I'm rather busy and-"

"You said you were looking for a bodyguard, right Fabian? Why?" The interruption comes from a tall blonde woman sitting down at the coffee table, blond hair frames a face marked on each cheek by red lines. Miss Sarah Ryall, also known as Scanner, Senior Member of the Acolytes, "Why haven't you asked Exodus about getting someone?"

Fabian hums lightly, offering a smile to both her and the third person in the room, "Paris and I have an ongoing understanding. I'm surprised at you. Is this really what you want to discuss with your new recruit present?"

"I'm just hoping to understand, Fabian, that's all." While she will accepted the offered glass as Fabian returns to the table, there is a wariness to her, "You've had a lot of people die recently. People are talking."

At this Fabian's smooth external show of diplomacy flickers, for a moment, his gaze shifts to Sarah far less kindly. But the moment is brief, perhaps only notable if someone was looking for it. As it is, he nods and sighs heavily, "Heavy losses and my own frequency in the MedBay are exactly why I'm looking for a bodyguard, yes. It's regrettable, but with increased training, I'm sure that we will all be back to where we should be performing. Now, please, who do I have the pleasure of meeting today?"

Namor has posed:
Standing at 6'6" and weighing in at 497 lbs is the latest entrant into the Acolytes, the simply-named Mister Sharp, steps in from behind the curtain. Dressed in full colors, cape draped and flying the V, this half-giant's costume has been modified for a sleeveless look, demonstrating a ribbon of sharp-looking armored protrusions from shoulder to wrist that ripple in a serpentine fashion as he moves, catching the light like the grooves of an old record. He kneels, head bowed, his vinyl-like flattop hiding his face as well as highlighting his pointed, elfin ears.

"An honor, Mister Cortez. First amongst Acolytes. I am known as Mister Sharp, my lord. Thank you for considering me today."

Fabian Cortez has posed:
Sarah doesn't move from her seat, but will turn to watch the entrance without comment until the man himself speaks, "Fabian, Mister Sharp was brought in about two and half months ago before we started recruiting publicly. He has rapidly distinguished himself. He's only sworn himself to our lord and cause recently, but I think he'd do incredibly well if you haven't found a bodyguard yet."

She glances toward Fabian, a tight expression flickering across her features as it is clear that Fabian is immediately pleased by Sharp's behavior. Fabian pours two crystal shot glasses with brandy, the practiced smile of a life-long politician blossoming on his face as he approaches Sharp, "Please rise, brother. Your words are kind, I wouldn't have agreed to a meeting if Miss Ryall didn't send me an incredibly impressive set of recordings from the Training facility. As I said, I'm very busy and the work of our good lord is never done. Please, have a seat with us, let's talk."

The extra glass of brandy is offered, Fabian's smile broad and seeming incredibly genuine as he steps back and waves Mr. Sharp to sit with him and Sarah. Fabian's eyes linger on Sharp, watching how he moves and seeming to almost look through him a moment, reading whatever powers the man holds. Fabian's smile only grows at this, "Do either of you mind a test? I'm not willing to have someone close to me who I don't trust can handle what I do. Surely you've mentioned this to Mr. Sharp, Sarah?"

Sarah nods, waving a hand dismissively, "Up to him, but yes, I have explained all the downsides of this position in detail. He's-" There's that flicker of wariness in her again as she turns back to Fabian, clearly still not entirely pleased to be here and have to say it, "You're a Chosen of Magneto, what else is there to say?"

Her discomfort in the matter is acknowledged with another smile and nod from Fabian, "That I Am."

Namor has posed:
"I'm grateful for this opportunity, my lord. My parents fled Genosha to Canada prior to the rise of Moreau, but we stayed close with family here--at least, until the last of them died in the Sentinel attack. I have longed for the opportunity to repay our oppressors."

As Sharp rises to join them, he takes the proffered snifter ceremonially, his demeanor not that of an obsequious man but a cautious one, steady at the wheel and quick to know his place. As he moves, his skin ripples and glistens with each muscle contraction, a cascading wave of razor-thin scales imperceptible at first glance.

"Of course, Chosen One. I am eager to begin the enhancement process, at your leisure."

Fabian Cortez has posed:
Sarah sighs at Sharp's words, sinking back into her chair and nursing her own brandy. She'd like to be anywhere else and will remain silent, watching the two men with a marked displeasure.

"Thank you, I'm sorry for your loss, but happy to offer you a place to avenge their deaths. Where that place is has yet to be seen, from what Sarah has sent and what I've seen, I'm impressed. However, I've been injured far too often recently, and being hurt by my own team is unacceptable." Fabian's words are easy, smooth as if discussing the weather.

"This is an order: We are going to have a conversation. I expect you to sit here and sip brandy and talk to me. This is an interview, it will take ten minutes. If there is any inappropriate indication that anything is happening to you, I am not willing to work with you closely. Instead, you will be placed with a tactical hit group, under Scanner's direction if you like." Fabian's smile never wavers. There is no indication that he has done anything. Though his power is more exact through touch, more instant, he does not need to touch his target. And now, he has reached out and will fill Mr. Sharp with power, the heady fulfillment of turning one's gifts Up, lifting them to what they could be, potential unlocked within the normal person and mind. Sometimes referred to as Mutant-cocaine, a full fulfillment of self, and Fabian is intentionally ensuring that this hit is a particularly good one. Finesse of Sharp's skills, Fabian has turned the dial, not all the way up, not trying to break this man's mind or body with his own power, but first double, triple, then finally settling with four times this man's normal abilities and holding there.

"If you can handle yourself, you have the job and accommodations in Genosha will be made and you will be working directly for me." Fabian glances at his watch, "Your time starts now." He looks back at Sharp, smiles in place, that constant feed of power and easy thing to maintain when it's just one person and they aren't even fighting someone right now, this is easy for Fabian, "Mr. Sharp, I'd like to hear about your family if you are comfortable sharing your loss? The extent that humans have wronged us can never be discussed enough."

Namor has posed:
Muscles contract as the power fills Mister Sharp, but outside of a bristling of his scales his countenance betrays little. He sips the brandy with a deliberately steady hand, eyes cast down into his cup as he allows silence to fill the audience chamber for a beat.

"I was born here, though we left before I had reached my first year. I was an early bloomer, and my mother, Alani, had to undergo an emergency c-section once the internal bleeding began threatening her life during the seventh month of pregnancy. Doctor Moreau showed an interest in our case and oversaw my incubation, but my father, Katlego, had served as a file clerk for the Magistrates and was aware of plans to roll out the mutate modification program. Fearing for my safety, Mom and Dad quietly appealed to the Canadian government to accept us as refugees, turning over evidence to the Mounties in exchange for a new life in Ontario."

He takes another sip, his chin griding unconsciously, taking a long moment to compose himself.

"My aunt Josi stayed, believing that reform was morally superior to revolution. She served as a flatscan magistrate, despite her own children having more than a 50% chance of being press-ganged due to the x-gene in the family. When Anderson attempted to overthrow Hodge, she died for her patriotism, impaled on one of that madman's grotesque appendages. Despite our best efforts, her children Joli and Prince--toddlers, mind you--were all but abandoned during the revolution, and it would not be until Magneto took command when they were finally placed in an orphanage and we were able to reestablish contact."

Another silence, breathing starting to labor, an unquiet foot looking to tap stilled with focus.

"We spoke of me moving here once I turned 18, helping to raise them and build a safe place for our kind. But then..."


"2020, when the humans showed their true colors. Hodge and Moreau were not monsters, but men much like any other. They simply had the opportunity to do what the rest of their kind fantasizes about. Mass extermination is not a question of 'if', but 'when' and 'who'."

Fabian Cortez has posed:
Sarah continues to watch, now her attention is more on Sharp. She knows Fabian isn't about to show any indication of what he's doing to the man or asking him to put up with. Instead, watching her latest prodigy recruit try to win a position of questionable value. Or perhaps a lot of value to the right person.

Fabian listens with wrapped attention, nodding encouragingly at appropriate times, the occasional, 'Oh, I see' interspersed politely. This sort of enhancement is barely half a thought, barely effort, even if it is a higher dose and sustained. One person being held up while he has nothing distracting this link and hasn't been wasting his personal stamina for this work on others today beyond those calling in for the small boosts through the Power Receivers. Fabian is a battery, but not an unlimited one, still this? This is cake.

Easy for Fabian, not so easy for his target. No way to burn the power off, no way to at least respond to the upwelling of emotions and ability. Asking the man to sit still is one thing, but asking him to have to Think while one's mind is clouded with what could sometimes be considered battle drugs?

Fabian breaks people with this when he wants to. He's not trying to do that now, but four times someone's power with Fabian's intention to make the experience intense, not leaning into the aggression aspect now, after all he is sitting here and not wanting himself or his nice office to be damaged, but still pushing at that elation that comes with drug-use. That Sharp didn't within minutes lose all composure is saying something.

The near-babble is also saying something, but Fabain doesn't interrupt, does not offer guidance in the pauses of Sharp's words, no indication of how Sharp is doing, "Thank you for sharing. I've seen the recordings, where did you get that sort of practice? Tell me about yourself, you appeared to be trained, if not professionally at least for quite a while. How much combat experience do you have? I have been in the field quite often recently."

Sarah, however, will switch her attention to Fabian at the question. She might not like the man, but she's worked under him for the Acolytes for nearing on eleven years. That Fabian is impressed is clear to her and she'll sigh, a light, inward thing. Quick, light, eyes flicking briefly back to Sharp. The man's already passed the test as far as she can tell.

Namor has posed:
"Private tutoring in preparation for recruitment into Gamma Flight, my lord. Diamond Lil was my trainer, since we had similar powersets. Tough lady, hope to kick her ass the next time I see her. My lord."

"Probably would've ended up one of them, sir, a government stooge. But..."

The fidgeting Mister Sharp sips to calm himself, the snifter barely quavering as it reaches his lips. He sighs and shrugs.

"Turns out the Canadians were subcontractors on WIDEAWAKE, whistleblowers showed the Mounties were working with the CIA on all sorts of dirty shit, mass graves of mutant kids. Then, 2020. I knew then it was total war. So I slipped across the border, hitched my way to Mutant Town. I've picked up some practical experience there, took what chances I could to earn my stripes. Every soldier's got to play their part, sir, if we're going to come out on top in the final battle."

Fabian Cortez has posed:
"Good to know, thank you Mister Sharp, how would you like to be addressed? I don't recall seeing on the paperwork Sarah sent over." Fabian has continued to watch carefully, glancing at his watch from time to time, now one last glance and his smile returns, "And that's time, order rescinded. At ease."

Fabian drops the support, even going so far as to pull the power flow back, not all the way to cause a crash in the man, but enough reigned back in to avoid Sharp having to put so much focus into maintaining decorum as the effects of the gifted power fades. It's still there, but much reduced. It'll take a few hours to a day to fully pass since Fabian's reeled power back in, but should he drop without that, the come-down could take days for larger boosts like that. Still, there is a good possibility that Sharp will spend the following days very ill.

As it is now, Fabian will offer a hand forward to Mr. Sharp, "Thank you, mark me impressed! The position is yours'. You would not believe how many people have sat where you are and unable to hold together for long. If you can't hold yourself together in a safe environment, how should I trust you with my life under attack? You've conducted yourself admirably, thank you."

If the handshake is accepted, Fabian will do a finer tune of Sharp at the touch, a tap of anger to balance the europhia, calm some of the adrenaline but up energy to avoid the draining affect that a loss of adrenaline can have. Ease back the jittering push that can race thoughts and heart and all around smooth a gentler let-down, even if he can't prevent whatever hangover is to come. "We will do this again in the future to develop a tolerance to the negative effects of amplification, but I can't help with that beyond offering practice. Hydrate and sleep, I hear that helps."

"I want to run through something in the Training facility with you, but more for my knowledge of your abilities than a second interview. I'd like to see where you operate best when amplified and set a baseline for you to expect of me when in high stress situations." Turning to Scanner, Cortez smiles, "Thank you Sarah! You're right, I think he is incredibly well suited to this position!"

Sarah herself offers a thin smile, "Oh. Good." She stands, "If that's settled, I'll be on my way. You'll hear from Milan and I as soon as we touch base with Anne-Marie about your projects in Mutant Town." She stops at the door briefly, glancing back at the two men, "Fabian, I want you to know, if Lord Magneto trusts you, I do too. I hope that's not a mistake this time."

Fabian's smile is easy, not a hint of offense taken, just the comfortably smug satisfaction of one who does not doubt his lord's trust, "Who are we to question him?"