20122/Sometimes a girl has to shop!

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Sometimes a girl has to shop!
Date of Scene: 23 February 2025
Location: Greenhouse
Synopsis: Two ladies get home and relax after some shopping.
Cast of Characters: Selina Kyle, Pamela Isley

Selina Kyle has posed:
At the end of a long, but productive day, a green Jaguar convertible pulls up to a greenhouse at the edge of Gotham City. Selina Kyle looks over at her newest partner-in-crime and flashes a grin as she shuts off the engine.

"I don't think there's any more room in my trunk." she declares to the redhead. It wasn't really a crime, since they paid for everything, but at what point does a shopping spree with stolen money count as a crime? Selina pops the trunk and gets out smoothly. It is, indeed, stuffed full of shopping bags from all of Gotham's best stores.

Pamela Isley has posed:
    It is rare that Ivy lets herself go for simple material human pleasures. But when in winter it's good to enjoy it. It was a rare chance to just spend money with Selina and... be women! "Well you usually get higher value per size items I suspect," teasing Selina with a bit of a smile. "We did go kind of insane with the amount of stuff we got. I think I bought more then I have in the last five years." They are pulling up to her home. "Want to come in and recycle your tags and get a drink. I got some very fine wine we can break open if you like." A hand motioning to her little home at the greenhouse.

Selina Kyle has posed:
    Selina grabs a couple handfuls of bags by the handles, lifting them out of the trunk. "Higher value per size? Darling, you don't pay for bikinis and lingerie by the pound." she quips back. "And I would love a drink. There's nothing better after a shopping trip than putting your feet up and enjoying a bottle of wine."

    For her part, Selina is wearing a leather mini, stockings, and over-the-knee boots. Her top is white silk, loose and blousy, beneath a mid-length leather coat.

Pamela Isley has posed:
    Seleina goes to get some bags herself after getting out and stretching. "No but I can't imagine any clothing comparing to precious stones." Which is what she was trying to imply earlier. "Though after what I learned about Agent Provacateur the money people will pay for a panty is unreal." Ivy has the door get opened by some vines so the ladies can go in without trouble. "Is that a request for a foot rub from something," laughs Ivy some. Of course Ivy's plants let both women in safe and sound into the woman's garden. "I think I got some fruit I can cut up with the wine and maybe crackers. No cheese I would trust though."

    "Come in, make yourself at home. I'll get the wine and treats. Just don't sit too close to the large yellow plant. Unless you want a different kind of evening." Ivy carries her bags as she leads the way to her home inside the garden. Setting the bags down and going for the bottles she keeps, only a few of them. "Red or white?"

Selina Kyle has posed:
    Selina chuckles at the last, nodding. "Especially when you think how little time a woman spends wearing them on a date." Her nose wrinkles a little, green eyes bright as she follows. She removes her coat once inside the house itself.

    "A foot rub? Don't tease me, darling." she replies. And after a moment's consideration, Selina unzips both boots and steps out as well. "I think white, actually. Something light and fruity, perhaps?" Padding in just her stocking feet, now, Selina follows more slowly and looks around. "So what's with the yellow plant, then? Or is it best not knowing?"

Pamela Isley has posed:
    "I wouldn't know about that," comes Ivy's voice from the back area as she gets things to play good hostess. "It's me Selina. I can help you relax in ways few can remember?" She comes back with the bottle and fruit she mentioned on a tray with a knife. "I can do fruity," laughs the plant woman. "Thanks for taking me out of my green house. I needed something like this to get through the winter." She shrugs her shoulder and says, "It's a backup guard if I need it and any old enemies come at me. It's my joke on a 'pod person' if you will. Wraps you up in a nice pod and keeps you drugged in a stupor until I get away or let you out."

    Ivy sets the things down and starts to take off her own shoes and sets her bags to the side. "If you are looking for a bit of more fun then I can always get you come catnip," joking as she clearly is trying to relax and enjoy her time.

Selina Kyle has posed:
    "Well I do admit that there are times I'd love to just curl up inside a nice, warm, cozy pod." Selina replies. "But I'm also prone to claustrophobia." Padding over to the sofa, she arches and stretches a bit. All that shopping and walking.

    "You DO know that 'Catwoman' is only a moniker, right?" she offers. Selina is never sure with Ivy where the lines between literal and metaphor start to blur, after all. "That's not to say I haven't... imbibed... in stronger herbs." And with that, Selina settles onto the sofa and tucks one leg up under the other. "This is nice, Ivy. Thank you."