
From Heroes Assemble MUSH
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Date of Scene: 23 February 2025
Location: Carrion Cove
Synopsis: Fabian Cortez Vs Bishop! How honest can you be with the enemy?
Cast of Characters: Fabian Cortez, Bishop

Fabian Cortez has posed:
Fabian Cortez generally has a pretty busy schedule usually and today has been no different. He left his home and dropped by his office in Carrion Cove promptly at 7:15am, leaving again only a mere 20 minutes later with a briefcase and proceeded to spend the next few hours dropping by a host of locations around the city of Carrion Cove itself. This, notably, he does this on foot. Though over the past week he varies between a teleporter staff member or his host of fancy red cars. But today, is purely utilizing the public transportation of the city to get where he needs to go. Though he is dressed in more generic professional suit and tie than usually on governmental business, he is still often recognized by the populace. When this happens, Fabian is always the perfect picture of a caring representative of the people.

There is lots of hand-shaking on the bus, listening with wrapped attention and nods to the impromptu conversations with citizens of all stripes. There are occasional photos, but he seems less of a celebrity and more of someone that the people of Genosha trust to listen to and solve their plights at a governmental level. It might be notable that some of these people do occasionally wear the red inverted delta of the Acolytes, but many do not. Cortez is incredibly well thought of by the people of Genosha and seems to make an effort to ensure that continues to be the case.

Today, he visits local businesses, has meetings with various people on a huge range of topics, all very benign. A request for his appearance at the opening of a local bakery, conversations about asylum paperwork, arranging a safety crew to investigate a recent factory collapse in Hammer Bay, if he endorsed the small movement to change Genosha from the metric system (he didn't and spoke passionately about the superiority of the metric system over whatever nonsense Americans use).

However, a careful observer will notice that despite living in the digital age, Fabian Cortez still gives out business cards and some people, oddly, give him business cards back. Given the number of stops he has made today: Clearly today must be mostly scheduled to catch up on conversations with people who have roles outside of government and some small professional social engagements, it is odd who he does and does not give business cards to. And who offers him one in return.

What makes the business cards all the more notable is that they do not appear to have his phone number on it, just an office line, yet he checks his phone often. Takes calls often. And in lulls between places, texts almost constantly.

Now, with the day rounding to an end, Fabian's travel takes him to the upper end of downtown, leaving the hyper rail to walk. He does not appear to be heading up to Asteroid M this evening. The phone rings again, but this time, as he pauses briefly on the sidewalk to pull out the phone, a business card escapes the pocket and floats down to the pavement, Fabian already walking away.

"Yes?" He checks his watch, "Ten minutes, which powers?-Please start with that then." He's a good few yards from the lost business card now, "Speed ten minutes, healing five. Very well. Starting now." Fabian hangs up and turns into a high end restaurant, the sound of being greeted warmly audible before the door closes behind him.

Fabian Cortez has posed:
Should the business card be examined, it is of heavy card-stock heavier on one edge than the other. Designed this way so that the intended side the the card will always be facing up when dropped. As it is, the card does not need to be picked up to see what is printed on the face:

             Mr. Bishop
        I hope you you've enjoyed your time in Genosha. Please feel free to join me for dinner, I have a table reserved. I'm sure we would both benefit from a conversation.

If the card is picked up, the back contains:

        If you have any dietary restrictions, I'm sorry but you have been a difficult person to get information on. I am trying to be accommodating.

Bishop has posed:
The card rests on the ground. Undisturbed. Ignored. Pedestrian traffic meanders around it, stepping around it - sometimes upon it - but never paying much of any attention to it.

Long heavy seconds pass as the sidewalks briefly clear in that sort of resetting of momentum that happens when throngs of people are moving here and there....and a pair of heavy shod boots loom in and then come to a stop just infront of the card. They stand there. Still and unmoving, until eventually a long shadow falls over the resting piece of card stock and a large hand dips down to lay thick fingers upon it...and retrieves it.


As Fabian nears his restaurant of choice...a large figure soon steps into view. Moving from the side of a storefront into the path of the approaching 'royal vizier' of Genosha. By any metric, Bishop is unmistakable. Six foot six, thickly built, dour features, dark skinned, long haired braided into thick dreads and that tell tale M tattoo. A dark blue jacket, comfortable casual wear, heavy soled boots, and red-tinted shades which rest upon his broad nose are his wear of choice.

"You won't find much of any information about me." he says simply, low voice somehow managing to be both casual and stern at the same time. "But if it helps I'm not a particular picky eater or allergic to much of anything. You learn to like a wide variety of food when you've been the places I've been..."

Growing up in mutant camps in a post apocalyptic future means beggars can't be choosers after all...

Fabian Cortez has posed:
At the approach, Fabian is all smiles, not unlike the mask that has been seen often today when dealing with concerned citizens. The mask of a man who just wants to be helpful.

"Awe, thank you, please, right this way-" There is a brief look over of Bishop's clothing, smile tightening slightly with half-concern, "You're not quite dressed for the occasion, but with the last-minute invite, it really can't be helped. Yes, it has been rather a headache finding out anything on you. Quite good to hear it! But some things are important to know, particularly-Do you prefer Merlot or Cabernet? We could get one of each, but I worry you wouldn't trust me enough to enjoy it if I didn't share the bottle with you."

As he speaks, Fabian start to will guild the man out of time to the restaurant of choice. On the steps, he will hold the door for Bishop, his smile growing with a half-bow, the hint of mock dripping into his words, "And You Sir, are clearly on vacation and here to enjoy yourself. What sort of host would I be if I didn't try and help a little?"

The staff of the establishment seem mildly alarmed to see Fabian holding the door for a random ruff and tumble who does not look to be the sort this establishment would usually seat. Yet, immediately the pair will be escorted to an alcove table. There is an offer to take their jackets, one that Fabian will shed his for, passing it off without a thought. The shoulder strap of the carry-on Bishop likely already knew the man had is barely visible just under his vest. Fabian taking his seat and asking for the winelist.

The moment the waitstaff are gone for appetizers and menus, Fabian's full attention returns to Bishop, relaxed, seeming pleased with the world, "As pleased as I am to make your acquaintance officially, I know you have my number and know where I live. I suspect you could have bothered me at most points of my day to day life without much problem and I was really hoping you would and save me the trouble. So, how can I help you?"

Bishop has posed:
Frankly they're probably lucky Bishop elected to not come here in full uniform. X's emblazoned onto his uniform. Pouches full of subsidary material. X.S.E. blasters and other weaponry tucked away. Not that he's not without his weapons. Neither men are 'unarmed' so to speak. But entering as an 'X-Man' would have had ripple effects, some unexpected. The X-Men are both loved and loathed. Honored and reviled. Champions and traitors. Such sentiments would have likely created quite the stir and not necessarily one Fabian or Bishop would have been interestd in attempting to wrangle and manage. Public Relations isn't his forefront.

Law Enforement and Security, however...

"I'm afraid I left my formal wear back in New York." he rumbles as he takes a seat. "I didn't exactlyc ome here expecting to be wined and dined at Genoshan's best. If I was...."

There's a heavy pause and he then says, quite deliberately, "I would have soimply spoken with Lorna and I'd likely be dining in the palace in private with her."

First name basis with the queen. Comfortable enough to make that known - by which he adds, "She probably owes me for me embaresing myself by speaking at her event she held in the Genoshan embassy."

His eyes hold Cortez in view as he speaks, expression neutral and passionless in contrast to Fabian's own attitude but each word is chosen deiberately. The two men are engaged in a game of sorts right now and that was a salvo.

"You can help me by answering my questions honestly and without attempts at guile or hidden agendas. There's been some recent events involving you and yours and I'm interested in truth and de-escalation."

Fabian Cortez has posed:
It is a game, one that Fabian clearly is enjoying and not making any attempt to hide that fact. An opportunity for a battle of wits with a virtually unknown opponent who has clearly come armed well for this particular fight? What a treat! It's about time things finally go Fabian's way and avoiding another debacle with the press is always appreciated.

"Hmmm, yes my lady Queen is incredibly forgiving of all of you, despite my complaints on the subject." Fabian offers a mild shrug in the manner of 'oh what can you do', as if this was a minor matter of the weather, "I hope she appreciates my recent efforts to play nice."

The waiter returns shortly with bread, butter, sliced apples and cheese for the table. A winelist and menu are put in front of each of them with chilled water and lemon slices. Then is off again, it would seem that this was not a meeting that encouraged conversation with the staff and was communicated in the reservation.

Fabian waits to respond til the waiter is gone again and will nod, leaning forward to take a menu. The movements are slow, deliberately not raising the paper to hide his face nor hands, all openly visible and will remain at ease, "You'll have to be more specific-I'm a busy man. I assume you are Not referring to the increased number of asylum seekers on my desk nor my official position here on Genosha. Am I safe in -assuming- you mean the Acolytes? Please, if you expect open honesty from me, I'd ask you to grant me the same respect. Say what you mean."

Bishop has posed:
"My apologies, Cortez, I didn't think you needed me to spell it out for you or connect the dots. But yes, good job. Your Acolytes. Ones whom, for all intents, it seems you have limited actual control over...which makes me wonder how 'yours' they actually are."

Bishop leans back, body language casual a large hand making a dismissive gesture at it all. He doesn't bother with a menu yet, instead simply watching and waiting. His gaze so intense one might wonder if he's literally peering right thorugh the opulant paper to lock eyes with Fabian on the other side.

"The Acolytes who were engaged in a disruption at an open fight club venue. The Acolytes who have antagonized a being classified as a 'Thor Level Threat', meaning, in case you weren't aware, individuals who are singularly capable of global level catastrophic acts on a 'good day'. Who threatened human civilians, without care or remorse, as part of that vendetta...getting one killed and another arrested and being held despite being a Genoshan citizen and so potentially threatening the very tenuous position Genosha is in. Do I need to connect more dots for you?"

Bishop's stern tone ends, letting silence hang in the air for a few seconds before he leans forward. His voice softens slighlty. Empathy lingers into the air as he asks.

"Tell me what happened with you, The Acolytes, and Sinister...."

Fabian Cortez has posed:
"Please, of course they aren't Mine. Since my failings in 2020, you know Exodus has final say in things, but no one is going to ask Exodus to be the public facing half of anything anytime soon. And above that, we fulfill the will of Magneto. I'm a gear in a machine that turns, some of that turning I do influence, but certainly not all." Despite the needling, Fabian remains unoffended, he will however, glance at his watch again briefly, then back to the conversation, "Speaking of Paris and my Lord, I hope we are clear that I am unwilling to discuss incriminating information about them. I'm agreeing to be honest, but I reserve the right to not answer if needed."

As Bishop lists the sins of the Acolytes, Fabian listens and nods eyes scanning over the wine list, his tone never changing from the polite conversing about the weather, "You never picked, Merlot or Cabernet? They have really lovely options for both. Yes, yes, I was only running one of those operations. But Yes, she will be remaining in United States Custody until I'm ready to deal with all three survivors of that particular mess in one go. I've been considering serving them to Mister Marko on a silver platter, but I'm sure when I'm less angry about it I'll be feeling more forgiving."

Fabian looks up from the winelist with a bright smile, "Thor-level threat? Rather flattering if you think about it. That is very kind of you to remind me, given the recent blunders of my people. We do efficient work when we need to."

The shift however, the question about Sinister will, for the first time get something from Fabian that looks real. The briefest flicker of cracks across the perfect mask, something underneath that looks like alarm. Maybe, almost Like Fear.

As quickly as it is there, it is gone, but Fabian still sobers. He doesn't answer right away, eyes locked on Bishop, searching for some flicker in the other man's mask. Clearly not particularly liking the hint of empathy, but his words are steady, "Sinister was after a databank. In Person. We were actually a bit late, I assumed other teams would be there, and we were Alone. I had a Very good team with me, almost all hand-picked, a smooth unit that I expected to work flawlessly while we played backup for the X-men or X-force. They were all the high ranking and most powerful members of my side of the Acolytes."

There is a pause, seeming to notice his words becoming sharp and needing to reel himself in. If Fabian is faking this, he might deserve an Emmy, this reads real. This loss Hurt.

When he speaks again, his words are smooth again, "We prevented access to the full database, destroying a little over half, so he didn't get what he wanted. But only three of five that made it back onto Asteroid M survived. Myself included myself in that."

Bishop has posed:
The mask is back. Bishop's expression is stoney but not unkind. Impassive but not without understanding. He listens, eyes hooding in concentration and consideration of all that the man before him has to say. Beyond all that -- it was the reaction he sought. The 'crack' in the facade he was looking for. It was a rather deliberately chosen question after all ..and it provided him with much that he needed clarity on.

"...I see.." he says while relaxing and then, he ffers a slight olive branch by saying: "I will take whatever wine you suggest. I believe your taste is more then adequate."

After another pause Bishop says, voice lower, "I know what it's like to lose people under my watch. It's indescribable..... Regardless of your professional needs...to maintain the act of the commander.. it doesn't change what goes on inside. The need to atone. The desire to make those who you feel contributed to the loss...pay in order to balance the scales..."

Despite his words there, this tone lacks the tone of one who is accusing another, merely a statement of facts. Bishop eyes Fabian and then raises his voice slighlty, lifting the volume up to a more conversational level again as he says, "I'm sorry about what happened. Your people were heroes...as were you. A sudden mission like that it's... The X-Men and X-Force can't be everywhere. We -should- have been there but..we weren't. That's -why- we've maintained an alliance with The Brotherhood for as long as we have. Because working together we're stronger, can accomplish so much more. Cover the gaps. One moment you're relaxing in your chambers and the next...you need to take an instant teleportation to Madripoor as it's being besieged by Stryfe. We're scattered, strained, stressed. Unity is our strength - but, it seems, our philosophies and end goals still remain tested and at odds..."

His voice trails off at that and then he adds, "Yes, if your people were able to put The Juggernaut on a back foot that suggests considerable capabiltieis and, I will note, not something I would have attributed to most of the Acolytes. I must assume...your tech played a role."

Fabian Cortez has posed:
"Cabernet it is." Immediately latching onto the olive branch, Fabian seems to return to the ease of a host at a business party, "They do have a very nice 98 here, dry but flavorful."

Though he doesn't interrupt, there is a slight nod, a half smile offered at Bishop's words, at the end a simple shrug that will maintain his relaxed demeanor, "I have yet to forgive Paris for not being there. More people would have survived. Thus, we are currently awe-what's the best way to put it? Not Talking."

Though, if Bishop has done his homework, which is likely, Paris Bennet and Fabian Cortez tend to go through cycles of Not Talking and apparently Working Seamlessly together. It is and always had been, a push and pull and a balance that is not always clear when struck. Cortez generally represents the Soft Voice of the organization and Exodus the Big Stick. Though perhaps, that Exodus DIDN'T attend that particular operation against Sinister might speak to where Cortez and he stood prior to the event as well.

There is another nod, holding up a hand briefly to summon a waiter, Fabian orders wine and food for both of them, seeming to take to heart that Bishop was willing to secede such opinions. It's quick, but deliberately done before having to answer Bishop's last question and allows Fabian the chance to scoop up his briefcase when the waiter leaves again. From within he pulls a familiar wooden box and puts it on the table between them. He flicks the lid up briefly, showing two of the silver watch-sized circles, then closing it again.

Fully regained the ease of before, "Speaking of X-Force and my Tech! It's been a nightmare trying to get a word to and from Mister Wade Wilson or Cable. Please, if you could take this to X-Force, the same offer as stands with the X-men is theirs. Please don't argue this, please have someone check them, they are identical to the ones I gave the X-men. But ultimately, I agree. We are scattered, stretched thin, and strained. I can help with that. One person is double with my help and I hope this will encourage more cross-communication between teams, ideologies aside."

He will continue on without pause, clearly not interested in arguing the gifted tech right now, "Yes, they were all boosted. They took the Brotherhood's set along with the Acolyte's two. They broke one, lost one, Cain is ignoring me. It's an unfortunate situation and were not, I'd like to be very clear in this: that was Not a sanctioned hit. I've put too much time into trying to court the Juggernaut as ally to waste it on something that poorly planned out. That team, boosted, should have won with or without M's interference and I'm furious that they used my generosity to target a man they Know I've been working with. I stopped the support when I realized that they'd lied."

He doesn't sound furious, but there is an edge to the words, barely detectable. "They're lucky that our patron is so forgiving, I'm trying to take the example before I clean that mess up."

Bishop has posed:
No arguement nor protest. Bishop simply nods his head. The truth is that X-Force and the X-Men are...very different in methods of operation and intent, even if they share members. When Bishop is in X-Force mindset his way of going about things is ..different. X-Force would be more likely to make use of such a 'gift' then the X-Men but ....there are still too many questions that need answering on it.

But having the tech, studying the tech...and most importantly to Bishop, discovering a way to -counter- the tech...means they need their hands on the tech...and here it is.

"I will make sure Cable is aware."

A slight slip there, perhaps, revealing in his words that Cable is the one to whom he defers, not Wade. But given how similar the two time warriors are, it's probably not hard to guess at even if Bishop's own origins aren't exactly public.

But he listens, his eyes narrowing slightly at Cortez's words. Because now there is contradiction between the information he is giving..and what he himself has heard.

"So...it was unsanctioned? You did -not- order the attack on Juggernaut? Because Monet seems to think otherwise, listening as she was, on the psychic link.." He seems aware that was happenig so no point in hiding that. "So who do I believe? You? Juggernaut is human. The Acolyte's beliefs are clear. Magneto's messaging is 'mixed' at times but we all know where he's often fallen. They had no problem endangering human lives..."

After a pause he says, "I suppose there's not much youd' -gain- by killing him unless there was some sort of outstanding reason for it. He's allied with The Brotherhood....meaning he's directly aided Magneto on several occasions. That would earn you considerable ire unless you had a legitimate reason. There are things not adding up here... Why would they think it was even possible to win, boosted or no? What sort of thinking drives this..?"

Bishop lifts the box up now, holding it up for emphasis, "We -saw- the effect of this tech on Logan. Have heard witness reports of what it feels like to have your powers influence others. Are you -absolutely sure- you are not negatively influencing peoples abilities to think and act properly when being boosted through this tech? Even if they were simply ignorant of Juggernaut's sheer powre and thought being boosted would be enough... The sheer aggressiveness of the attack in public, on him, is raising questions."

Fabian Cortez has posed:
"I did Not Order an attack on the Juggernaut, nor was I involved in the planning of it." Fabian nods easily, starting to butter himself a slice of bread, "Like I said: If I had been, they would have won. Also, from the two that survived: Apparently, Killing Cain was not the goal. They knew who he was and didn't think they could, even while boosted. They wanted him to level the neighborhood and were providing him with both incentive and first victims that couldn't run."

"I'm afraid Miss M's understanding of the situation via psylink must have been a misunderstanding, though perhaps my people have lied to me again." As Bishop continues, Fabian nods along, seemingly in full agreement with everything, "Yes, Cain Marko is an incredibly valuable ally and-Yes, my working with him Has been bad for my reputation among my people. The Acolyte's teaching is clear, and my beliefs remain unshaken. Yet, if I am to continue to adapt to the changing world, if I am to offer my assistance to my ideological enemies, I must also recognize the values of working with those I see as beneath me if I must."

At the last words, Fabian pauses, studying Bishop openly a moment, but the smile growing at the question, "I see you don't know what I do to people. Not really. Research only gets you so far with gifts like mine, there's maybe only three other mutants in existence who do what I do and neither of them have the control I have. Mr. Bishop, I don't think, I -Know- that Most people have a hard time controlling themselves under my influence. It takes practice to be able to think, much less, not act entirely on emotion. I told the X-men they should practice before using the tech in the field, I meant it. Practice allows control of a greater power and reduces the side-effects. Think of me like a battle drug, if you must. Have you tried Cocaine? Speed? Would you like to? I can be better than -that- if I feel like it. That tech, thankfully, doesn't give me that level of control, but if you ever want the real-deal we can talk."

"This is not a question, this is an assurance. Yes. My lower ranking members did not, until my loss with Sinister, get much practice handling my gift. Yes, I do have a few people very addicted to it and we are working to fix that. It is a mistake I'm working to rectify within my ranks as it Has affected the efficiency of my teams. I'm currently trying to ensure my people can function with increased power, that I'm not breaking them or they are not breaking each other. But desire for a hit does not influance thier actions."

These words have come with a smile, but now Fabian pauses, leaning back with a chuckle, "This is all true, However, this is Not what inspired the attack against the Juggernaut. Assuming my people are being honest, it is the death of one of our own earlier that day. He'd stepped out of line, antagonized Cain on multiple occasions and it landed him in a car then the Medbay. They blamed Cain for the murder of their own and wanted to ensure he murdered tenfold of his own. The with teachings of the Acolytes behind them, grief of a fallen brother, and full faith in the justice of their cause: it was a hit of revenge that they thought I'd be Pleased by. They are now very aware they were wrong that assumption was."

Bishop has posed:
There is a subtle shift in Bishop. A slight tension that rises in him as he listens. His mind is racing. Calculating. Pondering. This is indeed all new information to him...and that in part is why he came. To get information.

But he's not liking what he's hearing and putting together more and more as Fabian reveals the particulars and the nuances of it all. He frowns.. It's disapproving, concerned and dour and eventually he just sighs and rubs his bearded jaw...and shakes his head.

"Cortez.. I don't think you've thought this through and people are -dying-. The Acolytes, your Acoyltes, are effectively rank amateurs. Let's be plain. You wanted me to be, after all. These are not trained paramilitary fighters or experienced X-Men or Brotherhood members with years of behind them. These are largely young adults who have bought into your messaging and are angry at the world. Yes, Exodus has his elites but we're not talking about them. They aren't the ones who have been in field as you've pointed out. Your people aren't -used- to this power which, boosted, probably -barely- equals one of our trained members. It's a crutch and it is clearly inhibiting clarity of thought. It's too soon for them to be using this power in any field capacity and they -obviously- feel they can get away with using it without your express permission or clarity on what they're using it for. Now you've one in prison and another dead, broken tech that is possibly in the hands of the U.S. Government -and-...."

Bishop leans forward now, his mood growing more grave and expression darker. "A -super-villain- who thinks -you- ordered the hit on him. Let me be clear and put to bed your assumptions about victory. Had you been there yourself you'd probably be dead. Do -not- under estimate The Juggernaut. You'd need your full amplication to keep up with an enraged Juggernaut and even then it might not be enough. The X-Men have entire protocols themed around containment and re-direction and you need the precise collection of active combatants to pull that off. Do not misunderstand me when I use the term 'Thor level threat'."

Bishop shakes his head, "You're in -danger- right now. The only thing that is keeping Cain Marko from coming after you is the good will several of our peers have managed to build with him and the mutant cause. Otherwise Genosha would be another Los Angeles. You need to fix this."

After a pause to let his words sink in, Bishop says plainly, "I want you to bench all Acolyte operations. I know you claim Paris is the one calling the heavy shots but he hasn't been seen in public in ages. -You- are the face of the Acolytes. Get them under control."

Fabian Cortez has posed:
"I appreciate your honesty. I can assure you, the US Government does Not have my tech. I might be leaving my person in prison, but I have done a preliminary clean-up of the situation. If I am to believe my people, the X-men have it. They gave it to M, unless she broke it as well. I can't tell from my end." This is pinned with a shrug, However, the shift in Bishop's demeanor seems to have caught Fabian's attention. The game seems to have changed and he doesn't seem to be sure how or why Bishop's stone face has suddenly become earnest advice and out right concern. Fabian does not appear to entirely trust it. "Paris was seen in public a month ago at a history exposition in Metropolis."

Beyond this, Fabian doesn't speak right away. It is both that dinner has arrived, wine poured and the bottle left behind, but he does seem to be genuinely considering Bishop's words. Waiter gone, Fabian will pick up his wine, swirl it and take a sip. Still silent.

When Fabian finally speaks, it is measured, far more the politician working a case than the host now, "Mr. Bishop, I appreciate your concern. I am Concerned. Cain is ignoring me right now. But I do want to make one thing clear: Despite the value I add to a team, I am Always dealing with people more powerful than myself. I am Not kept around as Magneto's pet battery, I'm not Exodus's PR manager. The things I am good at, the value I offer to the two Omega level mutants I work with is Not my gift. I want you to believe me when I say that I could arrange a situation that ended Cain Marko if I wanted to. I want you to believe me that I want him as an ally. I want you to believe me when I say I have a plan and I intend to survive no matter what happens."

"I'm Not underestimating the Juggernaut, I'm getting everything in order should he Not Believe Me. I'm not willing to share everything, but my sister has been called in, last week I confirmed that my Lord Magneto will talk to Cain if I can't convince him, I'm willing to sacrifice the three survivors to keep things peaceful. I intend a lesson to my organization about doing stupid things like that in the future. While I hope that Cain will listen, that my preparations for the worst are not necessary, I am not about to walk into another situation I don't know that I can walk out of again."

Fabian's head tilts slightly to the side, holding Bishop's gaze without hostility, but with an intensity that certainly reads as Fabian believing every word he's spoken, "The Acolytes will not stop current operations, but I promise, they will be fully under control very soon."

Bishop has posed:
"Cortex you are--"

Arrogant? A fool?

"...being extremely naive. And let's say you did have the means to 'end' The Juggernaut What do you think that would do to the balance of power among meta's, humans and mutants? You would create a situation that would have the wrong attention -fixed- on you and Genosha by powers you and I rarely have to deal with...."

Bishop's mood shifts again, the stoicism returning as he eyes the man, " But I'm not here to act as Cain Marko's PR machine. I'm doing you a favor by warning you and urging caution. Take it from someone with far more knowledge about the individuals involved then yourself and concern for everyone that would be caught in the middle. Don't misunderstand my motivations."

The food arrives. It is untouched. Bishop simply stares at Fabian, watching him, quiet for a moment and then he speaks again.

Second Attempt....

"..That is not the answer I'm looking for. The Acolytes will -stop- all operations and use of your tech until all parties involved are satisfied with the safety of the tech and legitimacy of Acolyte activities."

Seems liek this is coming to a head...

Fabian Cortez has posed:
Fabian Cortez is, in fact, incredibly arrogant. He is such a spectacularly proud elitist. However, there is no offense taken now and him genuinely believing this things about himself does not necessarily make them true.

"I don't want to end the Juggernaut! I want him to work for me!" There is a touch of exasperation to Fabian's words, "I'm aware of what an unmitigated, pointless disaster that would be. No one here wants to deal with gods. I'm just saying I could make it happen if I needed to. And in this case, I'm preparing for the worst and hoping he's simply amenable to a conversation."

Fabian will turn to his own dinner, humming lightly at Bishop's return to the status quo enjoyed before, Fabian fully comfortable back in the role of host, "I know fish is normal on Genosha, but here is simply superb."

He takes a bite, nods in appreciation and considers Bishop in the pleased friendly manner of an amusing request, "No one has to use the tech, it's an offer to all groups, non-compulsory, including my own. I have already Limited who gets the two the Acolytes have been promised. But again, the tech Is Safe, and the person who judges the 'Legitimacy' of the Acolytes has recently given me a green light on all of my current projects. Thus, they will continue, unless you are implying that someone other than Magneto should have such sway over the Acolytes of Magneto?"

Bishop has posed:
"When The Acolytes of Magneto are willing to engage in destructive acts of open terrorism and violence on U.S. soil and threaten to set back the baby steps we've made in human and mutant relations then yes, perhaps I -do- think that." counters Bishop.

He's not going to continue debating the matter of Juggernaut however. He's given the warning. Fabian will learn the hard way - or perhaps surprise the world at large. Time will tell - but Bishop's expressio nand words clearly show that his lack of faith is...fairly evident.

"..And I'm not alone. Now I've stated my piece. I'm here on Genoshan soil where you've managed to secure a strong political and presence and I've seen you put your life on the line against Stryfe, Apocalypse ...and I heard you were present on the joint missions regarding Galactus. I'm giving you some benefit of the doubt here out of consideration for that and my respect for Polaris and others who are still lending their skills and time to The Brotherhood...but.."

The X.S.E. Enforcer had been lurking. A wolf behind the diplomacy in Bishop's eyes.

"If I find evidence that The Acolytes are involved in further matters of destruction, illegal activity or more... My return trip to Genosha will not be for another vacatio and 'dinner date'. Now i've told you waht you need to do. Leash your people and change your methods. After this....it's up to you."

He finally reaches for the glass of wine. It'd be rude not to at this point.

"Good taste." he confirms, regarding the choice. "I rarely do wine. Luxury isn't something we had much of where I come from."

Fabian Cortez has posed:
"Baby steps? You mean Appeasement and letting people suffer? This is where our political ideologies cross and perhaps it not worth the argument. But yes, I do have full support of my Lord, even if Exodus and I will continue to ignore each other for the foreseeable future." Hiding behind Magneto's coattails does not seem to be something that damages Fabian's ego. However he will acknowledge each of his recent activities with a lifting of his own glass and a sip, "Thank you, I've put a lot of work into being able to be useful in the field. Threats to Earth are Threats to Mutantkind."

Thus, the smile is constant and at the threat, Fabian Laughs, "For someone so worried about civilian casualties, your powers don't strike me as the sort that would allow you to pick a fight on my home turf. Do you intend to fight Mystique when the Brotherhood wakes up from it's mild mannered year? You've asked me to be honest and I can honestly tell you, I'm collecting as much good will as I can among other teams. I'm really trying to be friendly and play nice. I'd call that quite the change in methods. My people will be under control, and as for my own leash-it is far looser than it has been in years and I intend to ensure that trust is not misplaced. I've been stuck behind a desk, Mr. Bishop. And now I'm not. My work is important and there will be things the humans would consider illegal along the way. So, all is to say: I look forward to your next visit."

"Perhaps by then we'll be on equal footing, where on Earth are you from? You don't appear to have existed, it's causing some of my people a great deal of frustration."

Bishop has posed:
"Cortez..." Bishop lowers the wine glass and points a massive finger at him, "Our different ideologies? One of them has the avatar of a god of destruction looking at you with a fist like a mega volcano eruption and the other ideology has that self same avatar being kept in check on account of earned respect and mutual co-existence. That sounds like a point in our corner."

Sighing he shakes his head, "Professor Xavier has -never- preached simplle 'appeasement'"

Bishop sets the glass down and for a moment, a brief moment, a look of frustration bleeds across his face.

And a faint look of something haunting him but the rest of Fabian's words sink in. About trying. Making the effort. He grunts.

"I acknowledge your efforts. I wiIll admit I felt some of us were overly antagonistic when you came to The Institute. But you have to trust that I know what I'm talking about.."

That last question though... Bishop pauses in consideration.

Then he finally shrugs. He did make talk about it openly a year ago...in a Genoshan embassy no less. It's mere happenstance that Fabian was no there for it.

"I'm from the future." he says matter of factly. "An alternate reality from about seventy to a hundred years from now - after things went sideways. Very sideways..."

Fabian Cortez has posed:
Fabian's smile grows at the accusation, a response already on his tongue, "He doesn't have to preach it for that to be the result. See? That works for me too, a mistake was made with the things I preach by people who do not understand what a Threat is. The Juggernaut problem is absolutely of my own creation. I'm willing to admit when the things I preach cause problems. Xavier does not appear to do that, but appeasement is absolutely what has happened with his 'dream'."

Clearly his time as a politician has done him well if he can justify both his own failings while insisting it is still a failing of others. Still he'll nod, "I do, I am taking Cain seriously. It'll work out fine."

However, the words 'The Future' seem to catch Fabian's attention, looking at Bishop a little more closely for a moment before the easy smile returns. So many time travelers in his life recently. Strange, that. Will have to ask the other time traveler recently added to his life about Bishop.

"Is that so? Same future as Cable, by chance or is the future so bleak that we've got multiple potential horrors rising up in front of us? Is it appropriate to ask about the potential future, particularly who is in charge in the future?"

Bishop has posed:
The Security Commander narrows his eyes as he hears Fabian's counter to his comments. Just like a politician indeed. But it is the rest of Fabians reaction - or lack thereof - that causes him to narrow them further. Usually such a revelation creates more...surprise? Shock? Disbelief? Granted given their line of work -anything- is possible...but still.. 'I'm a time traveler' resulting in what he sees as a knowing smile and a glint of held knowledge...is cause for consideration.

But the mention of Cable puts him off the trail. Of course he'd know about Cable...

"..No." he answers, "Cable is from a much more distant future. An alternate time where Apocalypse had managed to conquer parts of the world. In my time....after a terrible incident involving mutants and wide spread destruction..the sentinel program was re-activated and mutants were rounded up and placed int camps. I was born in one of these camps. However the Sentinels then turned on humanity as well. IF they were designed to control and hunt mutants and yet mutants are born from humans then clearly the solution is to control and hunt humanity. Both humans and mutants fell to them until they joined forces together to fight back and ove throw them.. My world is in ruins with pockets of civilizations rebuilding and the same old talking points between humanity and mutant kind rearing its head again. It was felt that one of the ways to help maintian peace was for mutants to police their own and vice versa for humans. I was part of a security and law enforcement front that saw to that..."

Fabian Cortez has posed:
Held knowledge is absolutely the case this time. Though Fabian has been surprisingly honest this conversation, this topic leads into aspects of his current projects unrelated to the Acolytes. Still, he is maintaining the interested host. Very Interested.

"It's always good to live in interesting times, but I didn't realize this time was so very pivotable that the X-men had been granted more than the one resident time-traveler. Or-Two, I suppose if rumors about Rachel are true. That school collects all sorts." There is a laugh, a dismissive wave of a hand and a return to his dinner. Still, he's clearly turning this new information over in his head.

The words are still light, but it's Fabian's turn to probe for information, the first time this whole conversation that he's done so, more than questions intended as rebuttals, "You didn't mention a specific event, I won't press you on that but I would be interested in knowing what you are doing Here and Now if your Then and There had such pressing need of your services. What brought you to Xavier's doorstep? The limited amount of 'policing our own' is mostly only done in organizations. Or-I suppose this meeting could be seen as an extension of your old work. I'm flattered I'm worth 'policing,'"

Then again, this is role that is not being filled here. Magneto clearly isn't slapping Fabian on the wrist and Exodus is ignoring him, and the man himself has barely mentioned Lorna. Acknowledging her only briefly, though still in respectful terms, perhaps someone who could rein Fabian in if she tried to.

Bishop has posed:
"You opted to let me know in the beginning of this conversation that there were things you'd be obliged to not reveal. The same is true in reverse. I've told what I've told you because others know as well even if a given database may not have that information."

Another reversal attempt as Bishop moves to level the playing field.

"I won't go into details but it was mass death and destruction on a large enough scale that it left countries devestated and sent humanity spiraling into a full scale Sentinel Program and putting mutants into camps. Let your imagniation do the rest in terms of just what that means and what could have happened..."

He reaches up to his face, tot ouch the 'M' tattoo there, revealing for the first time what it undoubtly means. 'Mutant'.

"As to why I'm here in tims time? What led me to Xavier's? , the nature of my 'policing'...?"

There's a heavy pause and he then simply says: "Classified."

Inclining his head now, Bishop considers Fabian for a second and then ammends, "Though maybe some old habits die hard hence why I'm taking a personal hand regarding you and yours. That shoudl be enough for you for now, hmm?"

Fabian Cortez has posed:
Fabian is not about to let the potential of answers slip away quite so easily. Though there is a nod of ascension, he hums lightly.

"Only fair, of course! Mark me incredibly disappointed, but let me hazard a guess as to what you are doing here. I can't imagine time travelers are All the same, but you are either you are trying to Prevent your future from happening. Or already have and are Stuck here somehow and can't go home. Or perhaps you came to your senses and hope to live in a relatively peaceful time away from the hell you've known." Each option is marked off in the air with a glass of wine. Now he sips the wine, seeming to ponder, but the smile is ever-present and his tone could imply the sort of joke between friends. He sighs lightly, taking on a more thoughtful air.

"Since you are here with me, Policing away like old times. Since you work with X-force and that is not a hobby-team-I'd say the last option is unlikely. You are here for a reason, but is that by choice or not? If you could go home, I wonder if you would, or is meddling with time-lines something you're attempting to do or have already done. Perhaps there is something I'm not considering here-" Fabian leans forward, that thoughtfulness staying with his expression and tone, "I'm just musing outloud of course, you mentioned Sentinels-I'm not a fan of those myself. I don't think Xavier has done enough against their creators nor in eliminating what remains of them. The Brotherhood doesn't stand much better since Genosha burned, admittedly. I don't suppose that's them. Who could trigger a world-wide disaster that is apart of or is opposed by the X-men. Phoenix perhaps? One of Xavier's talking bombs? I'm intrigued."

His smile is fixed on Bishop again, "Yes, quite enough for me now, I think. I must ask then: How's the real world treating you? Surely, whatever brought you here or left you here or you've tried to do to sway a future yet unmade-Is the modern era the sort of place you'd imagined or hoped?"

Bishop has posed:
"Maybe it's all of the above? Maybe it's none of the above. Maybe it's both all and none? Time travel is a funny thing. Cable is from a more distant future but it doesn't mean ti's -my- future. This isn't necessarily -my- past. It is -the- past but events I know as history to me I haven't exactly seen here. but I see parallels. I see similar threads. I see and know enough to know how things can go horribly wrong and I see threads of those in the excuses you make for the actions you and yours take...but I'm afraid my larger motivations and activities are going to have to stay an enigma to you for now."

Bishop is now on his feet, the empty wine glass being set back to the table in front of Fabian.

"As to the guessing games you're making - remember what I said. I'm from almost a hundred years from now. Not next week. Maybe the source of the disaster I'm speaking about hasn't even been born yet. By my time the X-Men, The Brotherhood... they were legends. Detialed information no longer existed and the few survivors who were long lived enough to have been around them..."

He pauses.. suddenly clamping shut as if realizing he's starting to tread to close to something specific. A slip up..but one that's done.

"Thank you for drink and taking time to talk. I think I've some time for some sight seeing still and maybe a stop by the palace before I head back."

He nods his head to Fabian one last time.

Fabian Cortez has posed:
"Excuses I will continue to make then, sir. If this is not your past, then the future I hope and work for perhaps still exists." Tone warm, Fabian only shrugs, "If anything, that is a comfort to me that so many time-walkers have popped up in the time I live in. Not just interesting times, but important ones it would seem. Age of Heros and all."

Fabian makes no attempt to stop Bishop, but every word is taken and weighed. That near-slip up is considered. Some people of today do and did exist whenever Bishop is from. Fascinating. Not enough to use against Fabian's new time-traveling ally, but certainly worth consideration of things Fabian had considered lies. Same timeline perhaps. He'd have to ask Trevor.

Fabian raises his own glass in response, his phone rings and brings a sigh.

"Give my regards to my Queen." The words are offered to Bishop's retreating form, the sound of Fabian answering the phone likely still audible, "Yes? Okay.-In twenty minutes. Yes.-Make it quick, my guest wasn't interested in staying so I'll be up in time to work in person. . . . . Thank you-See you soon."