20129/Summer in February

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Summer in February
Date of Scene: 24 February 2025
Location: Washington Square Park
Synopsis: Eddie Brock and Karolina Dean meet, Eve Wilkins shows up for a little bit.
Cast of Characters: Karolina Dean, Eddie Brock, Eve Wilkins

Karolina Dean has posed:
Karolina Dean is in the public garden .... which means the tall blonde girl is simple laying in the short grass beside a public box of fresh vegetables, which Karontakes care about in her free time. But now she simply enjoys the sun beams landing on her face, eyes closed, being in a warm and happy mood.

Eddie Brock has posed:
Eddie Brock is crammed into his seat at a picnic table, the kind that have the bench attached and leave no room to adjust them. For a large man, these seats are not ideal, but they're the only proper spot to put down a laptop in the shade of a nearby tree to do some writing.

Clad in a nondescript black letterman jacket with white sleeves, the reporter is hunched over his laptop, typing for minutes at a time before then pausing again for a comparable period. Occasionally he uses the touchpad to insert an image that's likely relevant to the text.

Eve Wilkins has posed:
Eve was...well, taking a study break. In the midst of her time in her new course, she still had her textbook wrapped in her arms as the redhead clad in pink made her way down the path. A coffee in her hand, she was humming to herself as she made her way towards the tables, considering a space for some comfortable reading.

Karolina Dean has posed:
Karolina Dean lets even out a long yawn, which force the blone girl to quickly press a palm of her wide mouth. She sits ups , blinking away the sun before her eyes and looks around, being worried to embarras herself. Deeply blushing she finally stands up and brushes off some loose grass from her legs before she picks up a small basket herself and picks some ripe egg plants , slowly walking toward the closet set of picnic table and benches, offering a warm smile to any present being "Wonderful day, isn't it?"

Eddie Brock has posed:
Roused from his writing, Eddie reaches inside his laptop bag to retrieve a chocolate candy bar. If anyone were to peek inside the bag, they'd discover a whole packet of them, taking up space other people would have a paper notebook or another laptop accessory.

His brow furrowed as he reads what he's written down, he unwraps the candy bar and makes quick work of it, tucking the wrapper in one of the gaps on the table. He'll put it in the trash later. About to get back to work, Eddie realizes there are people approaching. One's humming, and the other is yawning. The latter then speaks up, closer than he'd anticipated. "Cold, but at least it's not raining." he replies, turning haphazardly in the unyielding seat.

Eve Wilkins has posed:
Eve's own drink in her hand? There's the faintest, almost imperceptable flare of pink light within its depths and suddenly the cup was refilled, a little tilt of her head, she settled down onto the seating not far from the table, a little quiet laugh at the comment. "Mmmn, at least the cold weather gives you an excuse to have a hot chocolate or something like that," she offers in interjection, lifting her own cup. "Right?"

Karolina Dean has posed:
Karolina Dean doesnt seem to feel the cold, her body even seem to emit some warmth, "Oh yes thanfully no raining, but the vegetables could indeed need some in a few days." she states with a friendly smile and points to the fresh egg plants in her basket. "Please, i have again way too many for myself." but starts to happily beam at the mention of a hot drink. "Oh a nice chai would be awesome." she cheers, a wide grin an her lips.

Eddie Brock has posed:
"Tell me about it." Eddie responds to the suggestion of hot chocolate, producing a thermos from his bag and opening it. Steam escapes, and is immediately followed by the smell of hot chocolate milk, mixed expertly by a man who knows his chocolate to milk ratios from years and years of having a voice in his head demand it. The trick apparently is so, so much more chocolate than you'd expect.

Eddie lifts the thermos in a form of greeting, then brings it to his lips. Immediately, he starts feeling warmer. Whether from Karolina's proximity or the hot beverage is unclear. "Eddie Brock." he tells the girls after swallowing down his sip. "My name, it's Eddie Brock."

Eve Wilkins has posed:
"Eve," she offers, the young redhead setting down her textbook she hadn't opened, engineering concepts. Settling in properly, she gestures around them before inhaling softly. "Just seemed a good day to get out and about."

Karolina Dean has posed:
Karolina Dean happily smiles to the both persons and bows her head in a quick but polite way, brushing a streak of long blone hair out of her face, "Hi, nice to meet you both. I am Karolina, or Karo, or 'Lina, or Kar." she babbles but suddenly shows a sad face at the smell of the cacao with milk." and quickly explains, "I am vegan, so no milk for me." she apologizes but obviously doesn't seem to want to teach the others a lesson.

Eddie Brock has posed:
Eddie nods at Eve's remark about the day. "Yeah, I'm glad to live near a park like this on good days." he replies with a grin, using a quick key combination to minimize everything on his laptop before slightly closing it.

"Nice to meet you, Eve and Karolina. Or Karo. Or Lina." He pulls his legs up and rotates in place, because that's the only way to escape these benches. "I didn't know you were a vegan." he muses. He didn't know he was offering to share his drink, either. He could, the cap doubles as a cup after all, but he'd have to schedule a meeting inside his head to discuss sharing outside the group. "Did it just get warm a minute ago? Like.. late spring warm?" he asks suddenly, glancing suspiciously up at the sky.

Karolina Dean has posed:
Karolina Dean rolls her eyes on the joke about her names, well she gave the template herself and quickly raies her empty right hand, showing her palm to Eddie, ?You couldn?t have known.? she softly states and happily looks up into the sky, ?Oh i hope so, Eddie.? Karo says and adds, ? The sun?s beams are becoming stronger again.? Finally she turns around to eye the girl in pink beside her. Karo might take a moment longer to look at the pretty blonde in pink, carefully not to make the impressing to check her out, while she checks her out, forming a pout on her lips as the other girls needs to leave in a hurry.

Eddie Brock has posed:
Eddie grins and shakes his head. "It's okay. -Now- I know." he offers gently. "At least you're not obnoxious about it." He pauses then. "..are you?" With a grin his hand fishes another chocolate bar out of his bag, giving Karolina a once-over.

She's a vegan, she's -definitely- checking Eve out no matter how hard she's trying to hide it.. It's the photographer's eye, they will uncover the truth regardless. Eve takes a phone call and hurriedly says her goodbyes before leaving, leaving Eddie alone with Karolina. "So.. uhh.." Eddie starts, realizing he can't offer her a candy bar either. "What brings you out today, other than the eggplants?" he asks with a grin, gesturing at the benches to indicate she could sit down if she wants to.

Karolina Dean has posed:
Karolina Dean accepts the offer and sits down on the wooden picnic table, raising one long slender leg to climb on the bench, ?Oh really nothing special. ? she honestly tells, ?I was away for three months in the amazonas, some students project to check for unknown plants and arrived back yesterday and just needed to check for my vegetables... well not really mine.? She blushes. ?I just take care of them.? As she simply care for everything in her area. ?and no worries, i am not here to promote vegan life style.? She laughs and looks curious, resting her chin on her palms, elbows on the table, ?and what brings you here, Ediie?? trying to get a peek on the screen of the laptop.

Eddie Brock has posed:
Eddie moves his bag to the other side to allow Karolina some more room, given that she chose to sit on his side. "Oh, the Amazon? Isn't it like.. the rainy season there, now?" he asks. "Maybe I have it backwards."

Eddie nods at Karo's explanation and tilts his head. "Gotcha. You have vegetables that you grow and give away. I hear they love eggplants in Little Italy, all the mom and pop shops there. Have you tried offering them?" he suggests, glancing to his side to see what Karolina is trying to peek at.

"Oh this? I'm just writing a piece for my website, the Eddie Brock Report. It's.. just about a minor spree of purse snatching going around lately, nothing too special." He turns the laptop to Karo and opens it, showing her the pictures. They're generally scene-setting images that evoke small-town New York in the reader, and a smaller insert of one local who agreed to be interviewed. "I'm just here because the sun's out and I believe that's something to take advantage of."

Karolina Dean has posed:
Karolina Dean doesnt seem to mind the closeness to another person, she enjoys life and other humans sharing it. ""Oh good idea, but the vegetables are for free. I want childrenn to learn there is more than burger and fries.. especially if their parent can't afford them." She explains her plans and nods listening as Eddie explains his doing, interested looking at the report. "Oh you are a journalist?" she wonders.

Eddie Brock has posed:
Eddie ponders that. "Still, though. If it's all eggplants, the restaurants might want some of that." he insists, but not very firmly. Just the idea of handing out eggplants on the streets of New York.. oy. Though the thought behind it is wholesome.

Eddie smirks when asked if he's a journalist. "Yeah, something like that." he replies. "Not like I have a newsboy cap, but I might get press cards for certain events at some point." He sounds fairly uncertain, but then saves his progress and closes his laptop firmly. "I need to get home though, much to do still that I need internet access for." he tells the girl, as he's slipping out of his seat again. "It was good to meet you, Karolina." he says as he gets up and starts heading off.

Karolina Dean has posed:
Karolina Dean wows and seems to be impressed by the journalist, "You mean, younget free entry tickets for the next concerts and stuff?" Not that that she is in need of free tickets, Karolina has the money, but the idea impresses her. "Cool, it was nice to meet you." She honestly explain with a warm smile, "I will be here more often when the sun is shining." she promises and even adds "and we have to do some5ing for these kids, stopping them from stealing." she hopes for and waves after Eddie "Take care!" She honestly wishes for him, and when Eddie would look a little bit later back to the park, he could still catch a bright multicolored light raiisng up, gaining more and more speed, leaving rainbow colored train inher flight path: Starlight had enough sunshines for today to show off.