2368/Something tap tap tapping as my HOJ roof.
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Something tap tap tapping as my HOJ roof. | |
Date of Scene: | 07 July 2020 |
Location: | Downtown - New Troy |
Synopsis: | And Bar gets advice on going green. |
Cast of Characters: | Bart Allen, Hal Jordan
- Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen is in his Impulse garb and has been running all over Metropolis, and his latest stop was near the Hall of Justice. He looks over at it, and thinks a bit about his Grandfather, wishing he could maybe get some advice there. He ends up running up the side of the building to sit in the front center of it, feet hanging over the edge tapping his heels against the building. He surely sets off some internal alarms in the building but he has not thought about that.
- Hal Jordan has posed:
An alarm did indeed get tripped, and the Lantern happened to be watching...and so it is there's a glowing green light hovering above Bart. Well, for the most part. A Lantern can't keep up with the Speed force, not in the slightest. In space...well, the Lanterns are pretty good, but the speed force is matchless.
"One of Flash's people, right? He didn't tell me anyone was coming today..."
- Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen jumps a moment, and stands on the roof, and looks over um "Hey, um yea The Flashes are my... mentors." He says taking a moment to figure which word he wanted to use "Your Green Lantern right...." He thinks for a moment and says "Hal right?" There has been so many of you, hard to keep track of which is which, but I think I got it right. Um, I was just looking at the place across the street, and some other places I am considering checking out.
- Hal Jordan has posed:
The Lantern facepalms a little, and mutters something about "He should know better than that..." Evidently Wally is now going to get a talking to next time Hal runs into him.
"Alright...well, if you're gonna visit the Hall...you should probably either tell us or have him tell us so we know you're coming. We usually have a warmer welcome than this."
- Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods a bit and says "Well was not actually a planned visit, was sorta hoping the Flash might be here for a bit of advice, but figured as long as I was not messing anything up would be ok, and sorta felt like up here I might be able to chat with both of them in spirit, I mean I could go to the flash museum but, I am looking at the places to take someone here and in new york.
- Hal Jordan has posed:
"...Well, He's not here right now..." Hal checks his ring for a moment, "And he's not taking calls at the moment. But ya know...unless it's Speed Force specific, there's a chance I can help while he's busy doing whatever he's doing." The Lantern seems to be content with the whole advising thing, since that's what's up at the moment.
- Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over and hmmms, a bit and says "Oh it's not speed related, no I am trying to find a good place to take a girl on a first date." He will admit. "She likes music, and is nice, we were on a game show together, and she can do this really neat thing, but I probably should not tell people about that. " He hmms and passes a bit on the roof back and forth back and forth at super speed, it makes it look like there are a few of him. "She likes video games too but seldom gets to play and is looking for a job like I am, so we got a lot in common, but she only knows me as Impulse, so that might limit the places we can go."
- Hal Jordan has posed:
This kid...wants to take a girl...on a date...and came here of all places to do that? "...Well, lesson 1: You can't talk to her much if you take her to a movie, so save that for later. You want to spend time getting to know her, not watching a film. Lesson 2: Food is fine, but don't over spend on a first date, you want her to like you, not the restraunt. Lesson 3: Get to know her. That's the point. Ask her questions, and remember what she says, as if she's going to quiz you on it later. ...Women actually do quiz you on it like 1 time in 4, so don't take the chance. Lesson 4: Have fun, and make sure she's having fun. If she associates you with fun, you're more likely to get a 2nd date. Lesson 5: Make it clear you don't see her as just a friend, or she might see YOU as just a friend. You probably don't want that."
"...And that's all the green light I can shed on this for you."
- Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods his head a bit and says "I asked her out to eat, cause figured we would be able to talk yea." He tells the other hero "I don't know what it is going to be like having a date in costume, have you ever did that?" He will ask. "I mean I know the whole secret ID is important, so can't tell her who I really am, but what can I tell her. I won't have trouble remembering what she says I remember everything." He will tell him.
- Hal Jordan has posed:
"...In costume? ...Kinda. Star Sapphire is a Lantern whose ring runs off Love, of all things. Unsurprisingly, costumed dates are something she's fine with...and even needs, really. It helps her ring. It's not what I'd choose, but sometimes you gotta make the girl happy." It's just a thing ya gotta do. "If you're not gonna reveal IDs, and you're right, you shouldn't, because you don't know if you can trust her with that yet...you should probably pick a place to fight some crime together or something. If you're gonna wear that, see if she wants to be productive about it. You'll learn a lot about her by the way she handles bank robbers or whatever you come across that day."
- Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen shakes his head, and says "Na that won't work, I mean she has abilities, but I don't think she does the superhero thing. We met on the TV show, and have ran into a couple other times, once out of costume, but I don't think she knows it is me, but then again, I wonder if she might recognize my voice, I had not thought about that.
- Hal Jordan has posed:
The Lantern shakes his head. "Unlikely. Unless she has voice or sound related powers, recognizing you by voice isn't the most likely way to recognize you. Although, as you get more experienced at this, you might want to change the way you speak in costume just that little bit. It helps, sometimes, when you do run into those masters of sound, or detectives or people with super sense, or whatever."
- Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen hmms and says "she has language based abilities so it is a possibility, maybe I should ask or maybe not. I will have to think of it. Oh by the way can you get me any space snails, that can survive on earth maybe in special aquariums or something?
- Hal Jordan has posed:
The Lantern shakes his head. "...Transporting life from other planets just to impress the cute girl you just met's not generally a great plan. Species from other planets have biosystems that don't belong on earth, and could become what scientists call an 'invasive species.'"
- Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over and says "Oh it was not for her, I am starting a snail wall with different snails I take care of and watch and thought might be neat to have one from somewhere else. It is sorta an exercise but also I wanted a pet, but had to pick something that was not going to make a mess or get all over the place.
- Hal Jordan has posed:
"Still not a good idea. Too many things can go wrong from bringing in alien species. I mean...just trust me on this. If you want something unique from Earth, great, but...species from other planets...just not the best plan." He doesn't seem willing to go there.
- Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods and seems a bit disappointed "Yes, sorta figured but thought I would ask." He offers a smile, and says "So any suggestions on a good place to take the girl?" He will ask GL. "I mean I think you know the area around here better than I do after all."
- Hal Jordan has posed:
Hal chuckles for a minute, "...Several, but if you're gonna woo this girl and make her your girlfriend, she's gotta sense that you have that decisiveness in you. Don't be the guy who says, 'Whatever you want, babe.' Be the guy that has a plan, and invites her to share it. So make that plan, so it's truly yours."
- Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen sighs a bit and says "A plan for everything sheesh." He sighs a bit and says "Ok, I will have to continue doing research at least I guess gives me new excuse to check out the food at different places." He paces back and forth again.
- Hal Jordan has posed:
"Your metabolism requires you to try everything, right? Trust your instincts. You'll know the right place to take her when you see it." The Lantern really does hope he pulls this off.
- Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen says, "Well not require, but yea I eat a lot, I mean I can eat before we go and then eat normal on the date, but I want to make sure it is good food. Oh by the way know any place hiring people for normal jobs?""
- Hal Jordan has posed:
The Lantern chuckles, "...I'm a test pilot. Even when I don't wear the ring, I live my dream. You should probably think hard about doing the same, if you're given the chance..." And then, the Lantern takes off. "...Gotta get back to monitoring. Hope she wants a second date." And off he goes.