2446/Into The Lab!

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Into The Lab!
Date of Scene: 14 July 2020
Location: Hank Pym's Mobile Laboratory
Synopsis: The lab security is defeated and a portal array found, but can it be made to work again and what might lie on the other side?
Cast of Characters: Nadia Pym-van Dyne, Thor, Bobbi Morse, Samuel Morgan, Jennifer Walters, Vivian Vision, Greer Grant

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
It is on a bright sunny morning on the grounds of Avengers Mansion where Dr. Hank Pym's mobile laboratory has been left undisturbed for weeks. Weeks in which Hank himself has been nowhere to be seen and beyond any means of contact attempted.

With Brainiac's extinction level threat to mankind vanquished, Nadia can wait no longer to search this place where all of the clues are pointing. So she has taken Thor up on his offers of aid to gain access to the grounds where the lab rests and under the supervision of the Avengers resident lawyer Jennifer Walters a small team of those Nadia has befriended in the few short weeks she has been free have gathered to help her try to enter the lab and search for clues about her father's whereabouts.

Nadia arrives right on schedule having hitched a ride with Dr. Bobbi Morse, her combination 'Parole Officer' and 'Caretaker' from SHIELD. Also in the vehicle is Nadia's apparent Great Niece Vivian Vision that she just met, who she insisted on bringing along because family as well as Samuel Morgan, one of Nadia's new friends from the fight against Brainiac. The car is admitted through the gates after a quick check, with Nadia not setting off every alarm the Avengers have this time, and rolls to a stop at the end of the driveway.

Thor has posed:
    It is there that Thor awaits to greet them, hands upon his hips and his brow furrowed with no small measure of curiousity. It's only when the vehicle draws to a halt that he steps forward and to the side, moving to look over those within. A nod is spared for Mockingbird, recognizing her from an instance of the past, then catching sight of the young Nadia.
    "Ah, Lady Pymsdottir. You return."
    His head tilts toward Vivian and Samuel sparing a nod as well and lifting his hand in greeting. "I trust you bear news and perhaps better tidings than what brought you here to our step but some weeks ago."

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi is now apparently, the designated driver. She doesn't mind driving them all, but it's quite an interesting bunch in her car. The big SHIELD logo on the bonnet and on the doors. Luckily, no pesky drones following her around today. Those things are really starting to get on her nerves.

"Nice to meet you Vivian. And Sam, Titans? Congratulations, they're a good group I'm sure they'll do right by you," she says to the occupants of her car. "Nadia this'll be interesting, who knows what Dr. Pym has left running in that place." It's habit to call her once mentor 'Dr. Pym', she can't quite make herself relax to merely Hank.

The drive is uneventful though she expects to have little control over the sound system with its easily hackable bluetooth. Now parked at the Avengers Mansion she goes to the boot of the car and takes out her Mockingbird suit and dons it over her regular SHIELD bodysuit. "I'm taking precautions on this one," Bobbi says as she puts the goggles on, becoming 'Adventure science lady' as Nadia puts it.

She is trying to play it non-chalante.. but.. there's Thor.. there's Greer, she just drove Vivian Vision in her car. Sure, she knows some of them from other encounters, but today is already awesome and she can't help but sport a happy enthusiastic smile on her face.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    After the whole Brainiac event, Sam had been more than restless. It's always the way after times of great stress, there is nervous energy to be worked off, and despite haunting the Titan's gym at practically every waking hour he wasn't devoting to helping Cyborg with freeing the bottled cities, enough of it remained that he jumped at the chance to help Nadia. There was of course the matter of friendship, and helping out someone who had helped out the Titans when they raided the Brainiac ship... but a lot of it was just needing to get out of the tower and do something.

    He'd nearly regretted it when the car came into view, and he recognised that liveried vehicle. The vehicle /and/ the driver. But then he'd known that was a possibility when Nadia had talked about her 'parole officer'. And beyond a polite nod, he even spared Bobbi a smile as he got in, and offered a hand to Vivian. It's a grand reunion all around.

    "They've been keeping me busy." Sam mentions to Bobbi, and sits back to just enjoy the ride, eyes casually tracking high grounds and potential ambush spots, as is his habit. No Bear with him today, which was always a tell that the technopath was expecting a certain level of excitement. He doesn't even think of hacking the sound system.

    Avengers Mansion was a place he'd never expected to see, and when the car rolls through the gates he's already making mental notes. But not so much that he forgets his manners when he gets out of the car, giving a courteous bow to Thor. "Thor Odinsson, it is my honor to meet you." Always, always greet your heroes...

    A bow which will reveal, for just a moment, the grip of what appears to be a pistol tucked in the back of his belt in a low profile holster. Hard to miss for any trained agents.

Jennifer Walters has posed:
"I have an obligation to remind everybody that if we take anything out of the lab, it's technically breaking an entering." Jennifer says, as she greets Nadia and company at the door of the mansion. She shiftyeyes for a bit before leaning down to whisper, "If anybody finds out." She straightens and opens the door to let everybody in. "I don't know what kind of security Pym has, but it shouldn't tip off the authorities other than the Avengers and maybe SHIELD." She nods to Bobbi, "But I think between the two of us we have that covered."

"It's this way," Jen says, leading the troupe through, weaving her way though a dining room and a kitchen, taking them through a circuitous route that keeps them out of more sensitive areas of the mansion, leading them back outside, around the pool, to a small shed tucked away unassumingly on the edge of the lawn. The only thing that indicates that it's something other than a shed is a card reader on the door.

Jennifer puts her Avengers identification card to the reader and the door swooshes open, revealing it to actually be an elevator. "It's in basement level 3," she explains. "I have enough clearance to get us /to/ the lab but not in it." The elevator rings out a happy little *ding!* when the car arrives and the doors whoosh open. Jennifer herds everybody inside, and presses the button marked '3'. Once the elevator starts moving, the most annoying muzak starts playing, as if this was a security measure on it's one. Finally the doors open, and Jennifer leads them all past a couple of doors before standing in front of a set of thick sliding doors that look like they could take a small nuclear blast without buckling. "Here we are."

Vivian Vision has posed:
While for a lot of teenagers a chance to visit the Avengers Mansion would be a big deal that's not quite the case for Vivian. The entire journey she's been adopting the resigned expression of a teenager going to her parents work place on a very synthezoid face. None of the holographic disguises she might be adopting around Happy Harbour. After all it's pretty likely everyone around the mansion will have at least received some sort of briefing about her, she is Ultrons granddaughter after all, and she wasn't expecting to run into any of her classmates.

She also avoids hacking the sound system of Bobbi's car although for different reasons. If she wants music she can simply download whatever she wants into her mind. Besides her internal sound system far exceeds a car in audio quality and volume!

When Samuel offers his hand she blinks a few times before accepting. "This explains several things," she notes, keeping her voice low. "I trust you have been enjoying the school vacation?"

When Thor and Jennifer arrive she gives a formal wave and follows along. She may have met many of the Avengers in her simulated childhood but that isn't really the same as the real people. Nor has she really come to visit since her less than pleasant awakening several months back.

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
The shotgun side front door of the vehicle opens and out steps Nadia wearing her new black and red Wasp suit, minus the helmet, that she had just finished before the fecal matter hit the proverbial fan when Brainiac's ship returned. In reality though she had been making it for this, to help her find her father no matter what challenges might appear in her path.

"Hello Thor!" she greets the tall blonde Asgardian, "These are my friends." she skips over to him and holds up her hand for a high five, "They're going to help me find my father!" she grins at him gesturing to the others from the car and making introductions, "This is Dr. Bobbi Morse, she is a Lady Science Adventurer!" she says this with a gravity in her voice like it's the coolest thing ever, "and this is Vivian Vision, she is my Great Niece! Also great in general, and this is Techno from the Titans, I met the fighting Brainiac!"

Walking up to the mansion with them she gives Jennifer an enthusiastic wave, too. "Hi, Jen! Nice to see you again!" she smiles at her, really she smiles at everyone. "Is it breaking and entering if it's my father's lab?" she asks curiously as she follows after Jen towards the elevators.

Greer Grant has posed:
    The doors part open and the lights of the deep secure storage facility slowly power one down the length of the room and there's a weird, bump on top of the shrunk facility. A weird sort of growth that wasn't there before. As the lights come on the tumor begins to writhe, slowly, moving until-


    Tigra turns and snarls at the group of Avengers and SHIELD agents before she stretches her arms, then her back and legs last before she bounds off the top and away into the shadows.

Thor has posed:
    There's a short /thwap!/ as Thor doesn't leave Nadia hanging, half-smiling at her enthusiasm. But it's at the greeting offered by Samuel the tall man's smile broadens as he steps forwards, "It seems introductions are in order, you have gathered quite the fine coterie in your brief time here, Nadia." There's a pause as before him he'll offer a return bow to Samuel Morgan. "As this young man has named me, I am Thor. Son of Odin."
    A sweep of one hand is given in gesture toward the area behind him, towards the mansion and Jennifer that will likely lead to Pym's laboratory proper in its current state. "Though some of you are known to me."
    His eyes drift to Mockingbird, to Vivian, "You are welcome here and perhaps before the day is out we shall break bread and you may regale me with what tales you would share." Then as She-Hulk starts the arduous task of leading them securely. "Assuredly after good Jennifer has seen to our efforts."
    That said he settles in with the parade as it wends its way through the mansion. Only upon passing a particular stairwell he'll casually reach a hand out and pause there for a moment, smiling to Bobbi as she walks by. In the next instant, there's a faint rush of displaced air and a low /whom/ as Mjolnir slices across the distance, down the stairway, and into the Thunderer's hand with a faint sound of leather to flesh. He rejoins the group.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi smiles and shakes Jennifer's hand, "Jennifer it's been too long. I haven't seen you on any of my teams, we'll need to remedy that. I like working with you." Of course, she generally has her hands full doing the legal for the Avengers, as they tend to cause a lot of legal headaches - especially for SHIELD. But hey, that's what they're there for. If they couldn't handle the legal kickback, Fury shouldn't have created the Avengers.

She smirks at Thor, "What is that look for Thor? You like the new threads? or, is it because this is the first time we're officially working together?" The hammer flying to Thor's hand gives her momentary pause - that thing really is dangerous, but then so is the man himself if you cross him. From her understanding of him, it takes a lot of effort to upset him that much.

In part she is here for Pym, but also for Nadia who really just fell in to her lab via a case file on her desk from Coulson. Now she likes the enthusiastic kid with the brain the size of a planet. The mansion is plenty familiar to her, she's been here enough to know her way around so she understands the route chosen by Jennifer. It makes sense. The swipe of the card down to level 3.. once upon a time she was known to Hank's laboratory, but that was when she was young and naive. Now she's mid thirties and a different level of naive.

Memories of learning from Dr. Pym rushing back to her. Then again, the note Nadia found at her fathers house did suggest alternate dimensions.. so this could get messy. It's potentially pertinent information if they don't find him here but do find some of his equipment left running.

Level 3 is quite spacious which makes it somewhat comical that Pym's lab sits in the large space, a tiny little building briefly with Tigra on top. She smiles to the cat woman, having seen her on TV recently. "Does anyone have a clicker for the lab?"

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "Would that I could give you my name, Son of Odin." Sam smiles as the Thunderer bows before him, which left him for a moment speechless until sheer force of will allowed him to speak at all. "But for now, I fear Techno must suffice. No insult is intended, accept my word on that." Which is not how he normally speaks. No, more normally he replies to Vivian. "Thwarting two alien invasions, getting to work with technology I hadn't even heard of a few weeks ago, training with some of the best in the business, finding a family and getting to meet the Avengers? Yeah, summer's been pretty good so far."

    He tags along with the group being shepherded by Jennifer, and doesn't seem to be too perturbed by the prospect of doing some light burglary in the basement of the headquarters of one of the major hero teams. Wouldn't even be the craziest thing he'd done all summer either. Even the muzak gets to play in peace, the teen riding the elevator with his hands clasped behind his back. His right hand twitches for a second when the doors open and Tigra uncurls into view, but considering they're in the basement level of the Avenger's Mansion, he figures she's not an intruder. That assessment takes all of half a second, and then he's walking out of the cab and looking down at the lab, blinking.

    "Y'know, I thought it was going to be bigger..." following that up with a lopsided smile towards Bobbi. "Do we need one? You brought the universal remote with you."

Jennifer Walters has posed:
Jennifer gestures grandly at the tiny shrunken lab. "Here it is," she says. "Don't ask me how the hell you get into it." She startles when Tigra hisses at her but quickly recovers. "It's probably nice and warm to sleep on," she supposes. She grins at Techno. "This /is/ Hank Pym we're talking about. Everything he does is either tiny or huge. There's really no in between with him."

Vivian Vision has posed:
"Strictly speaking a synthezoid is not accorded the legal rights of a person," Vivian points out when talk of breaking and entering come up. "So I at least could not face legal action Miss Walters. Not without significant changes to the laws within the country." She brushes green hair back behind her ear and nods to Samuel. "I have been having a quiet break so far. I took the time to read the New York Library digital collection. I've also had to do some yard work so my Great Aunt would not try cut the lawn with an industrial laser...."

Of course while she might seem like a bored teenager on a day trip on the outside her mind is already shifting into high gear. A dozen instances of Vivian's core personality fork off from the core, each dedicated to a single task ranging from sound & image analysis to electronic warfare, checking for tricks and traps that might not be apparant to the organic members of the group.

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
Nadia's eyes get huge when Thor summons his hammer, "Okay, that was cool. I need one of those."

When the elevator doors open she is momentarily startled by the 'cat' scampering off the shrunken lab, "I did't know you have a cat." she tells Thor before getting a better look, "Wait is that a lady? A cat lady?"

She steps forward inspecting the lab that she wasn't expecting to find in a reduced state but probably should have. "Well I guess this means he isn't inside... probably. It looks like it's in full lockdown." she says while walking around the building to examine it from all angles. "It must have a shrinking mechanism among its lockdown protocals. That sounds like something my father would do." she stares at the structure in deep thought, one can almost see the myriad equations running through her head as she tries to figure out if she can resize it.

Thor has posed:
    "Then it is by the name Techno you shall be known." Thor offers, seemingly at ease with the use of code-names even as he continues that stroll. Yet it's when Bobbi addresses him that he offers a small chuff of exhaled air, not a scoff, more like a laugh that is not given quite enough life, "If you seek opinions on fashion, Mockingbird, mine is not the voice you should hear."
    They travel onward until in the laboratory proper, the lights flickering on and off rushes the orange and black feline woman. "Aye, twas Tigra. One of our team." His own eyes follow after her as she makes her departure. But then he settles back into step with the advance of the cadre into the laboratory area. He moves in far enough to give the place a once-over, head tilting to the side curiously as his gaze lights upon this element of super-science, or pondering the display on a data terminal.
    A deep breath is taken as he makes a small 'hrm' of sound and then he looks to the others, "What see you when you look upon this place?" He advances to stand beside Nadia and chews the inside of his cheek thoughtfully. "For this all is foreign to me I am afraid."

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi smiles to Techno, "Oh, how I wish that were true. Dr. Pym is extremely paranoid. I wouldn't risk trying to 'hack' this place."

Bobbi looks around again, "No one has a clicker? well.. damn." She looks to be agonising over something extremely painful as she sighs and looks at the building with slightly slumped shoulders. "Okay.. I'll unlock the building. But, and I must stress this immensely, no one shall ever, I repeat, ever tell of what you are about to see."

She clears her throat and takes a step in front of the building, gives it a curtsey and claps her hands twice, shuffling to the left, then to the right, poking out her thumbs in a very 70s style dance move.

"Dr. Pym is great - Bobbi's homework is late,
If you want to come in - you must be worth of Pym
Now she dance this stupid dance - and sings this stupid song", she claps her hands twice in rhythm,
"'cause students who don't do their work - are never right, they're wrong
Stop wasting Dr. Pym's time, now what's the 2020th prime."

She is a little flushed as a security code keypad rises up from the ground, de-shrinking. She thinks a moment and types in to it 17573 and then the building suddenly erupts in to full size filling the height of the cavernous room. Bobbi clears her throat and lifts a finger, "Never speak of this again."

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "First rule, never use the Q-word on deployment." Sam mentions slightly absently to Vivian, a soft rebuke that's only half serious and coming out seemingly on auto-pilot. But then Thor asks the million dollar question. What can he see? So he looks... with all senses, eyes beginning to glow after a while, dim at first, but then bright enough to actually provide a bit of illumination by themselves. "That's... weird..." and he's not talking about Bobbi's performance either, which he appears to entirely miss.

    Until, that is, the lab starts growing, and for a moment his sense is dragged along, making the technopath recoil. It's impossible, it's utterly inconceivable, it's as if his sense of self is stretched out over a few hundred yards until it finally snaps back to his physical body, and then he's aware of... well, everything, for a moment. JARVIS gets a very intrigued mental look before Sam remembers himself, literally, and returns to the present, looking at the lab.

    "Not going to lie, this may be a bit more complicated than I thought it was going to be." And at that, he gives the lab door what can only be described as a stern glare. One that goes on for entire seconds, almost unheard of for those who know him well enough to know what he can do, until the door finally opens. "Much, much more complicated."

Vivian Vision has posed:
Vivian begins to make a slow circuit of the lab, ducking down to peer at each side and inspecting it at eighty times magnification. At least until Bobbi begins singing and dancing. "Doctor Morse I hate to inform you of this but... my senses record everything in ultra high definition and those recordings may occasionally be subject to external scrutiny by members of the Avengers." Which means in theory any of her team-mates prone to making jokes could end up seeing... whatever that was. "But do not worry I think it will depict Doctor Pym in a worse light than you."

"I am not on a deployment," she points out to Samuel. "Doctor Pym is technically my Great Grandfather. It's a family outing." Of course if Viv were Human she'd know that a family trip can be just as stressful as a deployment. "For whatever good it will do I shall try transmitting synthezoid handshake protocols. The security system may recognize them... if it has been updated since my activiation anyway."

She takes a moment to peer at the, now much larger, shuttered windows to try see inside. "If anyone has a wireless connected device I can broadcast whatever images I can make out. Providing you consent that is."

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
Nadia looks up from her calculations turning her head to Thor, "I think I might be able to restore it though I haven't tested the beams in my gauntlets on anything this large before..."

The words trail off as Bobbi begins doing an odd 70's dance, and then that song. THAT SONG. Nadia's mind is at war with itself over what to focus on, that Dr. Morse is doing a funny dance, that Dr. Morse somehow resized the lab, or that Dr. Morse was apparently a student of her father! With everything going on it is ultimately the later that wins out. "Wait Dr. Morse! She were a student of my father?! That's amazing! Why didn't you tell me?! What was he like as a teacher?!"

After a moment she claps her hands on the side of her head, willing herself to focus on rescuing the very man she has so many questions about and longs to meet.

She watches Techno approach the lab and somehow get the front door open. "Be careful," she calls out, "My father's security is legendary, even the Red Room couldn't steal his research and had to resort to buying Black Market Pym Particles for me to reverse engineer." she peers towards the doorway to the dark interior.


A robotic voice can be heard announcing from inside as the lights come on revealing an almost lobby-like foyer room inside with two free standing access panels in the center and a bank of elevators on the far wall, one of which seems to be rapidly descending.

Thor has posed:
    When Nadia speaks to him he nods once along with her words, but then draws back a little as if holding some concern. Curiously enough he looks toward Bobbi as if for confirmation as to the wisdom of this course of action, the question asked silently merely with the cock of an eyebrow. But then... she does that little dance.
    Thor did not miss any of Bobbi's performance. And it's clear in that half-smirking smile that he is entirely charmed by it, amused, and when she meets his eyes he'll let his gaze lift upwards as he casually brushes a finger over his mustache, then along the edges of his beard as if he had been doing that the entire time. Shaking his head he smirks.
    Then Nadia gives voice to her concerns about the security. It causes his brow to furrow as he gives a single nod in affirmation. But then the front door is opened, the interior beckoning, the lights glowing around the elevators within. He frowns and for some reason he feels this bodes ill. Not immediately apparent to the others around him...
    Until there's a short sharp /CRACK!/ of lightning and roil of distant thunder somehow muted by the laboratory itself as a flash of energy slashes briefly over Thor's form, transforming the tall man's Midgardian garb from the casual hoodie and jeans into the black and silver scale mail that clings to his frame close, with the crimson cloak flaring behind him. His hand extends slightly to the side and Mjolnir leaps from his hip to hand with a faint _whum_ even as he says firmly. "Nadia, get behind me."

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi clears her throat again and nods to Viv, "Well, that's some consolation I guess." The implication being that she was late with her homework more than once. It doesn't help that Thor clearly is amused by it and she looks away, folding her arms and muttering something about Dr. Pym under her breath.

At Nadia's near conniption that Bobbi was once young and learnt science from someone who happened to be her father, she recovers a bit and says, "Mhm. He's a hard ass who focused almost entirely on his own work, but weaved our education in to that. He never dumbed anything down, you had to keep up with him or you'd fail his course."

Looking to the open doors and hearing this 'Butler' thing she shakes her head, "It's been a very long time since I've been in this building. It may or may not remember me, but it certainly sounds like its security has been upgraded significantly. We should be ready for anything, whatever this Butler is for instance.."

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "Whatever the butler is, and I suspect it might be something I'd normally laugh at, don't count on me being able to pull any of my usual tricks." Sam shares a glance with Bobbi, fairly certain she knows what he's referring to. Perhaps worryingly, his right hand has gone back behind his back, in case he needs to resort to the other part of his skillset.

    "I'm rapidly trying to learn an entirely new coding language, so... let's be civil to the butler?"

Vivian Vision has posed:
When Thor takes up a defensive position near the doorway Viv takes a few steps forward too. Not quite level and certainly not behind the God of Thunders hammer side, but close enough to act as a second line of protection. "If anyone needs to take cover I am currently functionally impervious to most moderate weapons fire."

Thankfully the Avengers built this place to last. So when the now fifty ton Vivian takes a step it merely makes a thudding noise rather than leaving a footprint shaped hole or worse still sinking clean through.

Her own electronic systems are poking and prodding at the labs systems too. Although at AI thought speed the comprehension stage will probably take much less time. "I wonder if I can help by translating? I could run a Human speed instance that thinks key information at you?"

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
The central elevator arrives and its metallic doors slide open to reveal a tall gleaming metallic humanoid that some might recognize as a refurbished Ultron Drone. The 'Butler' steps out of the elevator. "Unauthorized intruders. Dr. Pym is not currently accepting visitors. Please leave."

Nadia blinks a few times staring at the chrome humanoid, "Is that, that's not Ultron right? I've only seen pictures. He wouldn't make Ultron a butler right?"

Thor has posed:
    Advancing forward instead of doing as the drone wishes, Thor steps to the doorway and then through, breaking that threshold with a casual step though he still holds Mjolnir in hand. "I bid you greetings, servant of Pym." Since over his time there has been enough artificially intelligent individuals that assuredly there is no harm in speaking politely to one.
    "I am Thor, Son of Odin. I am come to find Hank Pym and we seek aid in this endeavor. We may trespass but I can assure you as one of his longest time allies that this is a dire need."
    As he finishes speaking he spares a moment to look back at the others, brow lifting as if to say, 'It's worth a try.' Then he turns back to the Ultronbot.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi shakes her head in confusion as she sees the Ultron 'butler' and replies to Nadia, "He better bloody well have not." This is going in he report, with numerous underlines. There are _lines_ you're not meant to cross Dr. Pym, ... ___multiple underlines___ one should not cross.

She enters the building after Thor and looks to the Butler, "Dr. Morse, we're here to see Dr. Pym, it is of personal importance for him that he receive us at this time." She shrugs to Thor.. sure, why not try and negotiate with the murderbot look-alike.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    Now there's a shock. The butler's appearance is one that Sam has only ever seen at one remove, and coming face to face suddenly with a likeness of Ultron has him remove his hand from the weapon he carries, and quest again for something that shows up on his senses. And there it is.

    Of course it would be.

    This is going to be Korea all over again...

    But when you've broken into a ship full of cyborg killers, it tends to rank a single drone a bit lower, and Sam enters the lab as well, brazenly walking past Thor and Bobbi, towards the center of the room.

    Casually putting a hand on one of those freestanding interfaces...



    Subscriber may not respond to calls for the near future...

Vivian Vision has posed:
"You see the problematic word was family reunion and not quiet," Vivian solemnly informs Samuel. "Although I do not personally believe in the concept of a jinx. They are merely a product of the Human mind seeing patterns where they do not exist."

The Human speed instance she suggested running fires up and begins trying to explain what she knows about her Grandfathers protocols and systems, unsure if it's being received but not really costing Viv anything either. It's unlikely Hank Pym is using direct Ultron code but not impossible. While a much much faster instance tries it's utmost to fool the Butler into thinking she is Vision. Which may or may not backfire. But at this point conflict is statistically more likely than not anyway.

"If it really was my Grandparent I suspect I would currently be trying to murder you all too. I've never tested my security against an equal intelligence let alone a potentially superior one."

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
Hindsight and various written reports can analyze the wisdom of crossing the threshold into the building in this case.

The 'Butler' seems unmoved by their entreaties, "Dr. Pym is not currently present in this building to meet with. In his absence I am to evict all who would attempt to gain his secrets. This is your final warning." The Ultron drone informs them. It doesn't even seem to be a full AI capabable of critical thinking so much as a defense drone programmed for a specific set of circumstances.

When Sam tries to bypass the drone and reach the freestanding access panels in the center of the room though, the reaction is immediate as the drone moves with incredible speed to plant an open palmed strike in the middle of his chest likely sending him flying back towards the door. It is strong, very strong, possibly Thor strong.

Nadia for her part is fascinated by the robot and in the process of trying to move around Thor to enter herself when it hits Samuel, "That's not good!" she calls extending her wings and diving through the air to try and catch him before he impacts something painful.

Thor has posed:
    Nadia's instinct is twinned in Thor stepping to the side to try and catch Techno's flight as well though she covers that ground faster, quickly. It leaves the Thunderer instead stepping forward to interpose himself as he scowls sternly. The great hammer Mjolnir breaks into a spin in Thor's hand, twirling by the leather grip as he sets it into motion, the weapon blurring with such speed as to partially disappear.
    "You have made a grave mistake, automaton." One hand is held out as if to stay the robots further approach as the hammer builds up speed, crackling bolts of energy starting to lash out and around, slashing into the floor at his feet, and dancing across his arm.
    Then with a rush of motion he underarms the weapon forward, causing the mighty Uru hammer to cross the distance straight as can be with a blur of speed, looking to set loose an explosion of great power upon impact with the robotic monstrosity.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi's eyes go wide as the automaton attacks Sam, "Sa... Techno!," but sees Nadia moving to his aid. She steels her gaze at the creature as the wings of her suit spread out and glow a faint purple. She whips out each of her staves, one from each thigh and tests the charge, little cracklings of electricity sparking from their tips.

"Pym you nut, why don't you ever program things properly. "Techno are you okay? can you breath?" She moves to cover them in case that machine wants to have another go, or more specifically, give Samuel some cover while he has another go.

"Viv can you talk to this thing in its language??," she doesn't know much about Vivian but the lineage makes her hope she has an in.. though may be not. On the other hand, may be Thor will just crushify it good and proper. Either way, SHIELD is going to have a //talk// with Hank about Friend or Foe detection with his security.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    The second Sam reaches for the panel, he knows he's made a mistake. The intent of the 'Butler' is apparent to him even before it acts, having picked up on a command string that suddenly activated. That, and only that, is the reason he was already moving before the blow hit, trying to deflect it with a speed that would have been creditable, were the drone any slower that it actually was. In a split second he has to make the choice between slowing it down, or letting it hit him.

    As good as Pym's dampers are, they can't keep him out when he's physically touching the technology.

    And so the blow hits. In the split second that he's in contact with the Ultron drone, Sam sends as much interference into its systems as he can contrive on the spot. That's a fraction of a second before ribs break and he is sent literally flying, luckily fielded by a quick team mate, although at that time he can't really tell who it is.

    The drone, however, momentarily stops what its doing, frozen to the spot.

    A phyrric victory, but he'll take it.

    In fact, he'll celebrate when he can breathe again, which right now is giving him some trouble. But Bobbi gets the universal 'okay' sign, but then Sam would give that as long as he was capable, no matter his condition. That's just part of the conditioning. Bloody hell, that actually /hurt/.

Vivian Vision has posed:
When diplomacy, technomancy and electronic trickery all seem to fail Vivian's various subsections fire up to overdrive speeds. The teenage synthezoid wraps the entire inside of the room and the Butler in a holographic skin. From the outside there's no real change but any visual sensors and cameras the Butler and lab have will be blinded. It won't stop more exotic means of targeting but every advantage helps!

"I've been talking this entire time," she states, projecting her voice via her holographic systems rather than speaking, as she begins to burst into a run that sounds like a herd of stampeding elephants. Her position as a second line of defense having rapidly changed to being the rear guard when everyone else dashed in. "But it must predate my existance."

While she's covering the gap her yellow eyes light up with an intense glow as she fires a constant stream of steel cutting laser energy into the machine. It probably can't do a great deal to the body, but she can target delicate sensors and joints with pinpoint accuracy.

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
Nadia pulls the injured Techno out of harm's way, "Are you okay? Hang on I have a minuturized first aid kid in one of my suit pockets." she flies back behind Thor with him, because Thor makes a good wall. She doesn't seem to have any difficulty carrying Techno, surprisingly strong for her size.

The Ultron drone glares at Thor, at least that's what it looks like, it is hard to tell with robots. But then it just stays like that. Whatever Techno did seems to have stopped it in its tracks as Thor winds up his hammer and lets it fly. The drone takes the hammer square in the chest and goes flying back through the elevator bank with the force of the hammer crashing through the doors and landing in a heap in the elevator it orginally emerged from.

Vivian's signals to the drone aren't so much unaswered as it seems to have stripped down functionality that just isn't able to handle them, likely a measure taken to make sure his Butler didn't attempt world domination or make a bid for freedom or worse pay. However a healthy dose of her LASER EYES into the drone already having born the full brunt of Mjolnir is enough to cause it to cease function entirely leaving it a smoking wreck.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi puts her staves back in to their thigh holsters and her wings collapse back down in to dual cloaks upon her back. "Well. It's a good thing we brought heavy hitters along; and nice job Techno." She smiles and looks back to the ground, "We need to push on, find out what Dr. Pym was doing that was so important he'd let loose a murderbot on anyone who tried to enter. I know he's paranoid but this is overkill even for him."

Bobbi steps to the elevator and looks at the options, "Main lab. That sounds the most plausible. If he'd be anywhere it'd likely be there." She's certainly never seen him anywhere else in the building. The man is the very definition of 'workaholic'.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "Team work..." Sam coughs out and gives Bobbi a thumbs up, and if he can make that kind of a bad joke he's probably not too badly off. But he waves away Nadia's offer of first aid, having assessed himself as likely not dying, and that'll do until the mission is over. "I'll live, deal with that later. Find Doctor Pym first. Before more of his killer robots show up."

    Yeah, words are going to be had. Nay, volumes. Dictionaries. Thesauruses!

    With some effort, he gets to his feet and only half limps back to the panel he was going to access before being so rudely punted across the room. Finally putting a hand on it. "It'll take me a while to get into the systems. Once I'm in... just tell me what you need." Which seems to mean he's not planning on moving from the spot. Considering the shallowness of his breath, probably for the best.

Vivian Vision has posed:
"While I appreciate this is a high stress situation I do find the term 'murderbot' a little... offensive," Vivian points out through the holofields audio system, her fifty tons of sprinting mass now unnecessary but rather tricky to stop on short notice. Thankfully the wall is likely to be just as tough as the floor is. So the teenage synthezoid simply lets herself plough into it to bring herself to a stop. Resulting in a rather loud THUD that shakes some of the dust lose. It might even dent the wall a little. "The downside of a no powers school environment is I have not had nearly as much time to practise moving at high mass..."

Of course she seems to dust herself off like the collision was nothing. "Shall we move forward then?"

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
Nadia watches Techno with a concerned expression like she doesn't really believe he's okay, "Okay, if you're sure."

She nods to Vivian, Bobby, and Thor as she catches up to them. The Asgardian Thunder God having been inspecting the results of his hammer induced handiwork.

"Yeah, let's go. We've come this far. Hopefully there's no more killer robots waiting in the lab." She looks back to Techno still interfacing with the console, "See if you can cancel this lockdown alert okay?"

Entering the elevator is fairly easy, aside from the sizzling robot parts that need to be moved aside.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
With the group in the elevator, Bobbi touches the main lab. As the alert is cancelled the elevator starts to move taking them there. "Just a reminder," she says to the assemblage, "not to touch anything in there. He has a habit of leaving partly completely projects laying about and that can be bad for your continued existence." She smiles and nods to every one, then the doors open to the main lab and she steps out, "Dr. Pym, are you home? It's me Bobbi - from SHIELD." She starts walking immediately to his offices to see if he's there.

Vivian Vision has posed:
Vivian Vision shifts the robot parts out of the way as if they were nothing, pausing only to squeeze the Butlers head between her palms and crush it flat like a soda can. You can never be too careful. "Sleep well distant relative," she murmurs. "I am sure you didn't mean any harm." Well probably not to her anyway. It's hard to guess what Grandpa Ultron would think of Viv never mind this subsytem drone. "Thankfully I don't need any warnings about Doctor Pyms lab. My virtual upbringing included very strict lessons on how to behave around eccentric scientists. Typically the lessons recommend bringing food and caffeine, because they have a habit of forgetting their own biological needs..."

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
"I love food and caffeine!" Nadia chimes in almost as if on cue.

And then the elevator doors are opening upon the main lab.

The lab has definitely seen use in the not too distant past, just long enough to trigger the extreme lockdown protocals due to Dr. Pym's absense it would seem. The super secretive super scientist not wanting anyone accessing his most visionary and sensitive experiments when he is not there to observe them and often even when he is. There are projects everywhere, most as Bobbi warned in various stages of completion. In one corner it looks like he's been working on anti gravity tech, while in another the notes left behind suggest an attempt at manipulating the speed of the passage of time, still another area contains a partially completed robot head and torso, though more feminine in structure than Ultron. The project that really demands the attention of anyone entering though in the most unsubtle way possible dominates the center of the room. The setup of the machinery looks like something out of the movie Stargate, a huge metallic ring encrusted with some manner of focusing crystals at regular intervals standing vertically upon a raised platform. A tangled mess of cables lead to a small yet powerful looking generator and various control panels. Nearby tables are covered in notes, notes very similar to the ones that Nadia found on the kitchen table in the house. There is, however, no sign of Hank Pym

Nadia steps out the elevator following Bobbi, wide eyes go this way and that and it is quite clear it is a feet of sheer willpower for her not to run around touching /everything/ in here. "Viv, have you ever seen anything like this before?"

Thor follows them out as well, though remains near the entrance standing watch. This is not his area of expertise.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi looks around his office, seeing the scattered notes everywhere, the white board of different ideas in different stages of planning and execution. She wanders back out to the main area to look at the 'star gate' like device. "He's not here," she says with disappointment but also concern. "You don't think he.. went in to that do you?"

Vivian Vision has posed:
Even before the elevator door has opened Viv is searching for signals, transmissions or any other electronic information that a Human wouldn't pick up. "Please be more specific," she requests. "Do you mean the large gateway? Or the lab in general?" There's a brief pause, then she adds "The gateway resembles the prop from at least one popular television show and my data on that topic suggests we look for golf clubs... While the room in general is.." There is another pause, presumably for dramatic effect. "A science lab."

She shrugs.

"Unfortunately the virtual upbringing I received did not accurately model any Avengers or other secure facilities for security reasons and I have only been active in 'reality' since the start of this year," she points out. "But even given my age I can say with a degree of certainty that will be where he went." She takes a few steps into the room just on the off chance that someone needs to prevent Nadia from rushing immediately into the mystery portal.

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
Nadia is staring at the gate, she can't seem to take her eyes off it. Fortunately for everyone involved it is not currently active and the method of its operation is now immediately clear so she can't just run through it. "He went through there Dr. Morse, I'm sure of it! We need to figure out how this thing works, we'll have to get Techno up here, Viv come see if you can help me organize some of this, and there's no telling what we'll find on the other side. We should probably get Jen in here... and Dr. Banner, I bet he could help figure this out!"

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi looks at the inert technology and shakes her head, "Of course he did. Hm, Dr. Banner. Uhm, yeah, about that..."