2600/Recovering SHIELD Tech
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Recovering SHIELD Tech | |
Date of Scene: | 24 July 2020 |
Location: | Amacayacu, Amazon Forest, Colombia/Peru/Brazil |
Synopsis: | SHIELD takes out an AIM facility in the Amazon forest, but faces off against The Preda... The Hunter. Three agents lose their lives. |
Cast of Characters: | Bobbi Morse, Daisy Johnson, Sam Wilson, Clint Barton, Mikhail Uriokovitch, Leopold Fitz
- Bobbi Morse has posed:
Low altitude flying means high turbulence and a bumpy ride for anyone without an acclimatised stomach. The two quinjets race over dense Amazonian forest and winding rivers as they approach the Natural Amacayacu aka the "Magical Triangle" via Peru. This area of the world, bordering Peru, Colombia, and Brazil used to be drug trafficking central, an area unpoliced by any of the three nations but occupied by ruthless drug cartels often warring over the land.
Now it seems they have changed their cash cow in to technology. What doesn't end up on the black market, or was bought up for cheap - it's sent here for recycling and classified intelligence extraction. This was where our stolen SHIELD drone had called home from. It was a faint signal, but it was all SHIELD needed to zero in on this clandestine operation.
"Here are our operating orders. Recover any stolen SHIELD intelligence, Destroy any active SHIELD technology, shut down the operation if possible, we're inserting a short hike away as we don't know what kind of detection equipment these people might have, or even who they are, and there are no open canopies here to land."
"Keep in mind this is hostile territory, we'll be on the Colombian side of the border and we have no active 'understandings' with their government. We're ghosts here agents," Bobbi explains over comms as she starts to gear up, donning her Mockingbird suit and checking over her weaponry.
It's hot and sticky already. The trees radiate heat but keep the area beneath them very cool. Agent Lyle "Jinx" Reed slaps a hand against her neck, killing an oversized mosquito. One of the pilots with a sense of humor starts playing music as they approach the drop site ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V1FNveyqgRQ - Long Tall Sally by Little Richard).
- Daisy Johnson has posed:
Yay, a trip to Peru!
Of course that then Daisy checked on how hot it would be, what they'd need to be prepared for ... Ugh, what an headache. But Daisy had made sure to bring copious amounts of anti mosquito spray, which she was currently spreading on right now. She was on a SHIELD uniform, black and blue, visor on her head that served as a communicator and AR set and a backpack. Just the minimum in terms of hacking stuff. She wasn't expecting it to be needed but ..., always be prepared.
"What the hell, Davis." She calls out to the cockpit, rolling her eyes. Did she understood the reference? Most likely! But then it's back to spreading more mosquito spray. "Come here, Jinx." she calls out to help in deeeeeting them.
"What should we expect in terms of resistance? Do we have any intel on the area? And what was stolen?" She asks.
- Sam Wilson has posed:
Sam Wilson has a very well-acclimated stomach for flying, as it happens. He's already at the back of the Quinjet, flight suit on, hand around one of the overhead grips. "'Hike,' huh?" he echoes Bobbi with a smirk, flicking his chin toward the nearest groundpounder teasingly. "Let me know how that goes."
Pretty much the moment the back hatch pops open, he's going to dive out, extend the wings, and start coasting over the treetops. He's already doused in Deet, for all the good it'll do him, and the leaves of the Amazon canopy are so dense that he'll be tough to spot even if he flies directly above a hostile.
Over comms, he announces, "Be right back with that map of wireless signals you wanted," as though he's going to the corner store to pick up eggs. He'll also be able to let the group know if the compound they're targeting has been doing any major expansions since the last satellite photos were taken.
- Clint Barton has posed:
It'd been awhile since Clint had been on a hop like this, and the senior agent was quiet on the ride down, but seems calm despite the bumpy ride, even if he was fully in his head. Clint had ditched his standard SHIELD gear for generic jungle camo fatigues, a tactical vest, and a boonie bush hat. Even his bow had been sprayed with jungle camo paint and waited, folded up next to the two quivvers he wore on his back and a pair of pistols on his hips, one ICER, one not. Let it never be said Clint didn't come to a party prepared.
He listens through the briefing, applying the mosquito spray when its passed his way and grimacing when Davis makes his song choice. "Jesus, Davis, if we end up skinned up in a tree, I'm coming back to haunt you," he says tossing the can at the agent with a tight smile. He turns to Bobbi. "Understood," he says of the briefing. "In and out, nice and quiet."
- Mikhail Uriokovitch has posed:
Mik is definitely out of his element. The Siberian warrior has worked in the tropics before, but it is definitely not his home. On the upside it is not a diplomatic mission, so he is able to at least come prepared and in relative comfort compared to a tuxedo. The flight does not bother him too much, having had to deal with far worse in the first part of his career. Though when the music plays, Mik looks to Clint, "Is this joke? If so I do not get it."
- Leopold Fitz has posed:
Ahhh, the field. The last place Fitz really wants to be right now is simultaneously the one place he most needs to be. Not because of duty or anything else like that -- though it plays in to things too. But as much because he knows he needs to continue to push himself on this or he will almost surely be trapped in the lab forever. Mind you, he loves the lab. But he has been told he should try to experience a little bit of life outside of it by a few people he respects.
Right now he's wonder why it is that he respected them in the first place? The trip is decidedly more... bumpy... then any he has been on in the past and he remains in the back on that long bench, ostensibly doubled over going through the pack he has open on the floor of the Quinjet in front of him, going through his gear. Yep, that's why he's contorted like that right now. It certainly is not to try and keep from losing his lunch in front of everyone else. Definitely not.
Naturally the tech-savvy agent has prepared extensively. He might not have quite bathed in insect repellent but it might be a good idea if he does his best to stay downwind of, well, everyone if possible. He will also likely have a fun time hiking about in the humidity they are sure to find down on the ground, his pack decidedly on the heavy side. No doubt it will build character. Or perhaps leave him a melted puddle of perspiration. Either way! It will be a learning experience.
- Bobbi Morse has posed:
"Intel is extremely light. Our satellites just see trees and heat everywhere. The Amazon is an excellent place to hide something you don't want found. As far as resistance? This part of the forest used to be controlled by ruthless drug cartels. Whoever moved in after them is probably worse."
The two jets come to a halt above the jungle, internal lights turn from red to green indicating they've reached the drop zone. The rear hanger doors open up, the quinjets themselves camouflaged from sight. Long black lines drop down and agents begin to descend. Bobbi wastes no time and is one of the first to belay in to the forest below. Sam is out and flying. The mapping of the area comes back with a weak wifi network to the east of their drop zone.
The air is moist and sticky, but cool underneath the canopy of the rainforest. Thick tree trunks, large roots, and mulch covered ground make each step an adventure. There's the instant sound of insects and animals chirping and howling in the distance creating an endless soundtrack to the location. It's far darker than Hollywood movies would lead you to believe under the canopy with the smallest of beams of sun shooting through occasional gaps.
Strewn around the area are bits of metal and plastics, some of which still have insignia on them from organisations ranging from SHIELD, AIM, Stark Industries, Wayne Enterprises, Boston Dynamics, Damage Control, and those are just the recognisable ones. It's like a dumping ground for disassembled technology.
Their destination is east. Agents begin to fan out and the troupe begins their quiet trek through the forest. <Keep an eye out for any tripwires and sentries, if you see any, disarm or disable - quietly> Bobbi says over comms, <Move out>. She makes her way over to Fitz and walks along side with him, "If you need to throw up, now's the time to do it. And if things get messy, don't be a hero."
The team is large today with Mockingbird, Hawkeye, Quake, Fitz, Ursa Major, Falcon, Lyle "Jinx" Reed, Jean "Masher" Nemski, Tessa "The Hog" Hogsberry, Richard "Ramheart" McKensey, and Garry "Highscore" Graves. Every one of them seasoned agents, though Mikhail has the shiniest new level 3 badge.
- Daisy Johnson has posed:
The last piece de resistance is a camo vest that Daisy gets atop herself. As for camo paint ..., LATER! But truth be told she wasn't exactly the most knowledgeable where it came to wandering around in a jungle like a soldier. She had her training, but not the actual soldier one.
"So, any trips on surviving the heat out there? And ..., whole the rest?" she asks of Clint as they are getting ready to go, a grin given to Mik when he asks about the joke. But she will let the senior agent explain.
Then a step closer to Fitz, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Time to go, Fitz." a thumbs up at the techie, as if showing she had his back.
"Alright, let me know when you get it, Falcon." She says through comms. Intelligence was everything where it came to these attacks. Well, almost everything.
And then off they are! She keeps an attentive eye while they are moving, her senses on alert, letting her own vibrational powers get to work as the tries to detect movement in the forest..
- Sam Wilson has posed:
Sam returns to the group not too much later, dropping through the canopy on thrust -- can't unfold wings without getting them hopelessly tangled in the mess of foliage and branches -- and uploading the full map to Quake for distribution to the team. They're using a physical connection to do so, to prevent their own wireless signals from being detected.
"Wifi network to the east, just where we're headed," he informs her quietly. Then he glances back up at the treetops, saying, "I'm going to stay up there, see if I can drop to perch in a tree and get a better look at this base we're headed for, tell you what kind of defenses they have."
He shoots a wry look around the group. "If you hear shooting, they spotted me, and I've just given you a hell of a distraction." With a final grin, he jets back upward, through the gap in the canopy the descending team made when they dropped to the ground.
- Clint Barton has posed:
Clint looks over to Mik. "Yeah, a movie we need to add to your list, Predator," he says, grinning faintly. "We'll watch it when we get back."
Then it was go time, Clint hangs back as people either fly or belay down into the jungle, he waits to make sure Fitz gets set up alright, helping him with his harness and clips, knowing Mik can handle himself, new agent or not, before Clint himself descends into the jungle. Once he's on his feet and detached from the ropes his bow comes out and snaps open, he looks to Bobbi, "Going to scout ahead on foot, if that's alright?" he asks, and if given the okay, he does just that moving carefully into the jungle before vanishing into the foliage, though still trackable through Daisy's gifts, moving ahead and to the left of the team of SHIELD agents, eyes scanning the jungle for hidden dangers.
- Mikhail Uriokovitch has posed:
"Predator?" Mikhail raises a brow, "Sounds simple. Don't get killed." His tone is flat. He snorts at the order to get sick now or forever hold your chunks. The Russian checks his arms and nods to Sam as Falcon goes off to do recon, while Mik readies the his own personal gear, having gotten use to the new setup.
<<Good, seems we have information, then,>> over comms, <<Let's go, then>> he keeps with the main group, as one of the more heavily armed members of the team, and also the least suited for dealing with booby traps due to his size, though Mik keeps his eyes open, along with his ears, not wanting to be in an ambush, again.
- Leopold Fitz has posed:
It takes him a time or two to actually get his pack hefted up and onto his back. He definitely hasn't packed light, but then his normal plan of hanging back and deploying his drones won't work quite so well in this environment. Between the trees and all the branches, not to mention the host of vines and other vegetation that dangles down he would be more likely to get those surveillance drones hopelessly entangled in mere minutes. Nope, he will need to hoof it like everyone else.
"Ype, I'm fine, I'm good. Good to go," he awkwardly assures Daisy, tightening those backpack straps, making sure the load is well distributed as he falls out with the rest of them, giving his eyes a moment to adjust at the bottom of the ramp. Those same eyes dart all about initially, but increasingly are focused on all the debris scattered about, a dozen or more manufacture's worth of designs and fragments, pausing from time to time to study of them as he shakes his head. "Someone has quite the collection. And this is just the discards," he mutters.
- Bobbi Morse has posed:
Birds scatter as they make their advance through the forest. <Mindful of your foot falls, don't make so much noise> Bobbi warns over comms some of the more heavy footed agents who aren't used to this.
Hearing Quake's pleas for knowledge about how to survive this, Jean Nemski, aka "Masher", walks over to join her. She has power fists on each hand, currently disabled, and a machine gun slung over her shoulder. "It's all about positioning and angles. You never want to find yourself fighting on two fronts, so either you keep moving forward and never stop, or you stay smart and be the one setting the trap."
Agent Tessa Hogsberry aka The Hog, joins Quake too. She's a well built woman and is carrying a mini-gun, currently rested against her shoulder, "No, the way to do it is to be ten people instead of one, make the enemy think there's more of you than there is and they will go out of their mind. Set up traps, throw grenades, throw stones, shoot in one location, quickly move and shoot in another." She looks over to Mikhail's weapons and nods to him, "Respect."
Bobbi gives the nod to Clint and Sam as they scout ahead. One up high, the other on foot. Clint starts to see signs of pathways made of bamboo and stones, but also of tripwires connected to claymores. Sam can see bamboo lookouts build with vines in to the sides of trees on large branches. There is oddly no one manning it, but on closer inspection there is a splatter of blood on the perch.
There's a peacefulness to the songs of birds and the cool air, the casual shafts of light that pierce through the canopy above. It's primordial, only ruined by the continued mess of discarded technological waste. One thing is clear, their collection consists entirely of advanced weaponry and surveillance. This operation must have been going on for a while.
- Daisy Johnson has posed:
"So..., we blitz and move around fast. Sounds good." A grin comes to Daisy's expression though and after she wipes some accumulating sweat on her brow she clarifies. "Buuut, I was mostly saying about surviving all this .., heat. The walk." she is speaking in low tones, then a quick snap of her hand on her neck. "The mosquitoes..." a sigh following. "I was told this was the good stuff and would keep the mosquitos away." so much for -that- publicity!
A curious eye goes to the discarded stuff on the ground, trying to place it, a frown on her expression. "Why is this all scattered like that?" she asks, mostly to herself really.
Yet as they get more and more into the forest the less she talks, listening to the sounds around them, sensing those vibrations, the quietness.
- Sam Wilson has posed:
Sam finds a good tree to scan from, descends into it, and -- hey -- someone already thought of exactly that. He drops into the little lookout perch, ready to quickly subdue anyone present, but it's abandoned. A quick inspection reveals bloodstains, which does nothing for his confidence about this situation. Given that there's no one in the lookout and he can't see anyone on the ground, he decides to risk comms to report in a problem.
<<People, there's movement around here. Nothing I've managed to get a good bead on, but my scanners are pinging something. I'd assume birds, but... I'd know if it were birds. It's not birds.>>
With his mind on that particular point, he tries stretching out with his senses, searching for any of the millions of avian species in the region. If there ARE birds nearby, maybe they can tell him about any unusual predators in the area. Maybe they can even be an early warning system if something tries to attack.
- Clint Barton has posed:
Finding a path Clint follows it quietly, careful for- "That," Clint mutters to himself finding one of those tripwires crossing the path just a few feet ahead of him. He doesn't disable it, just plants a small neon orange flag next to the wire and steps over. <<Path fifty meters to your right>> he reports to the main team. <<Mined with claymores, clearly not a fan of jungle to jungle salesmen. Doesn't look like any recent foot traffic though. >>
Clint continues moving, marking any tripwires he spots, but generally trying to keep ahead of the group.
- Mikhail Uriokovitch has posed:
"Respect," Mik says raising his own small minigun to his shoulder. "Da, traps and confusion kill as well as bullets. It would not be first..." the hairs on the back of his neck are on end and he grumbles, and his tone gets even quieter than it was, "Be careful, we are being hunted. I do not like this. I prefer to be hunter."
The Russian is clearly more tense than he was before, rotating to quarter towards the flank, to keep a better view on where he would have safe shooting lanes if things got hairy right away, and if the fight got hairy, he'd be hairy pretty quickly. <<Birds? I have not heard birds, here,>> Mik notes, uncomfortable as it is in the rainforest, let alone knowing that something is hunting him, something he is not a hundred percent certain of who or what or how many. <<Claymores? Will be careful.>>
- Leopold Fitz has posed:
The ground is uneven and tricky, little ravines and slopes concealed by a mass of vegetation that makes it difficult to know exactly where one's foot is going. Not to mention all the stray roots and creepers that are likewise frequnetly masked. Walk quietly? Fitz would be glad just to be able to walk at all. It is definitely something of a quest, to learn how to keep his footing without constantly tripping and stumbling and generally making as much noise as humanly possible and he definitely struggles a little to keep the pace with some of the others who might be a little more experienced in this sort of terrain.
While the air might be a little cooler with the thick canopy blotting out all but the faintest traces of direct sunlight, the humidity still has perspiration beading on Fitz's forehead, occasionally dragging the back of his forearm across it to wipe that excess away. Why did he leave his climate controlled lab again? Oh right. Building character. Stupid character.
Overhearing Daisy's comment he gives a small nod, the question occuring to him as well though before he can postulate any theories Sam's warning sounds on the comms and Fitz crouches a little lower, his attention dragged away from all that discarded tech to scan the surrounding jungle around him, trying to spot any of those same signs himself. Reaching back, he fumbles with his back for a moment, retrieving a hand-held scanning device.
- Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi Morse says, "Drink lots of water Agent Johnson, that's the only way to survive this. Oh and magnesium tablets. Smoke to keep the mosquitos away if you're camping out here. Ash to keep them off during the day, rubbed right in to the skin. There's a whole course you can take that'll put you in the Amazon for about four months if you're interested. I can sign you up," Bobbi adds encouragingly to the conversation of how one survives this. She raises her goggles up a moment to wipe down the condensation, then puts them back on.
Bobbi holds up a fist to hold and those not scouting ahead pause. She looks out across the confusing horizon of the forest, listening, looking. She frowns a moment and then motions to move out again. "Could have sworn I saw something," she murmurs to herself and looks to Mikhail, "You might be right."
The operation is a confused mish mash of technology and nature. Bamboo constructed lookout towers, stone foot paths amidst muddy ground. There's a fuel dump off to one side, on the other two pickup trucks running none stop on chocks acting as primitive generators. There's a communications array at a central hut poking out its top.
Camping tents little the place amidst piles of skeletons of technology. There's more than a few SHIELD drone parts mixed in to the mess. Bamboo cages for animals and probably humans are scattered about the place, though no people are kept in them there are some chickens and hogs. There's a mess tent with overturned chairs and blood, some of it still steaming in the heat, fresh.
Large piles of twisted metal and armor are arranged near a still active smelter. In this heat, it is a strong glowing radiator. There's slag dripping from it, but it is unmanned despite being in operation. There is a path that leads down in to a large open cave.
This is what Clint and Sam find first, as the advanced scouts. There are AK47's laying on the ground with pools of blood and spent shells everywhere. Some at target practice, but some clearly fired recently and seemingly in all directions.
The rest of the team notes the little flags Clint has placed to warm of tripwires and have soon caught up. Agents spread across the edge of the camp, not entering yet. <Where is everyone?> Agent McKensey aka Ramheart says over comms.
- Sam Wilson has posed:
Before he leaves the lookout nest, Sam communicates another warning: <<Just got word from the birds. They've all packed up. Something very bad happened here and they think we should stay the hell away.>> He's starting to agree.
Still, he and Clint are both physically unpowered humans who nonetheless tool around with the Avengers, so neither of them has a particularly strong sense of self-preservation. Sam drops and glides, as effectively as he can in the forest, and takes up the other wing -- so to speak -- of their scout formation, picking through the camp from the opposite side from Clint, wearing a grim expression.
By the time the question comes in from McKensey, Sam has an answer, although no one's going to like it. <<Everyone's dead, from the looks of things. No bodies, though. Just dropped assault rifles and blood.>> Reflexively, he moves toward the warm smelter, ducking between it and the scrap metal. At least it's cover; and at least nothing TOO big can fit in here with him.
- Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Nah, think I am good..., Mockingbird." A faint smile given to the senior officer. Though as they begin to speak in about being hunted, of traces of people about she frowns deeply. "I have been sensing some heavier footsteps from time to time. I can't really pinpoint them, could be an animal, or someone real good at not making any noise.."
A look of discomfort passes Quake's expression when Mik mentions they are being hunted, eyes scanning the ground as she makes sure to not miss any little flag that marks a claymore. No need to lose a leg or two.
- Clint Barton has posed:
Spotting the camp, and seeing Sam descend into it, Clint moves to take up a covering position just to his left at the edge of the camp, waving to his fellow Avenger as the other lands, letting him know where his backup is if things go bad. Which is what looks like happened to the original inhabitants of the camp.
<< Yeah, confirming what Sam's seeing, no people here, just blood, so dead, captured, whatever, hit them they didn't care about the tech, that's still on site by the look of things, do see a comms hut if Quake wants to take a look, though my vote is we blow the drones and exfil ASAP. This place is creeping me out."
When Ramheart calls out over comms Clint replies << Southwest corner of the camp. What's your status Ramheart? >>
- Mikhail Uriokovitch has posed:
It is tense now, or at least Mikhail thinks so, but he nods to Bobbi, "Da, this is trap." His judgement is based on what they have seen so far and with Falcon's response over comms, <<I think we all heard word you get from birds>>. The Russian keeps his minigun in a shooting lane, on edge, but at least Mik has proper trigger discipline.
<<So they just go poof and die?>> Mik inquires over comms, though the combination of traps, missing people, and discarded weapons do not bode well, but he stays in formation, keeping his eyes open. <<I concur with Hawkeye, move quickly, or we find what did this on its terms.>>
- Leopold Fitz has posed:
Four months? Who would be crazy enough to willingly spend four months in all of this? And just for a training course at that. Fitz is at least smart enough to keep his opinion on that to himself, starting to creep forward once more when it seems that they are cleared from any obvious, immediate dangers. Well, aside from those tripwires right? Those seem kinda dangerous, but at least you can step over them. Which is exactly what the young agent does, moving forward with increasing care.
He alternates between glancing around, peering about intently and dropping his gaze to the handheld scanner he now has in his hand. Without the benefit of elevation, it isn't quite as effective as those mounted in the drones, but he does sweep all the obvious spectrums and frequencies -- the screen giving him infrared and ultraviolet views of their surroundings as well as sweeping for any electronic frequencies coming from nearby. He moves in slow, careful circules, sweeping it about and suppressing a flinch when the news that the compound up ahead appears to have been emptied out. In permanent fashion. "I'm seeing what I can pick up..."
- Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi scans out over the camp site with a shared concern to Ramheart. Eventually, since they can't just stay here forever, she motions for the group to move out. <Right, let's do this quickly people. Search the campsite, search that cave. Jinx and Ramheart, to the west of the camp, sentry. Falcon, what does it look like from up there. Good positioning Hawkeye> As she gets closer to the cave she peers down inside with the night vision setting on her goggles. Her hands go to her machine gun, turning the safety off as she slowly walks in.
The cave has many pathways, like a honeycomb maze. Here there's more technology than outside. It seems they were constructing something. Large cables lead out to the generators, while other cables lead further in to the cave to where their servers must be. There's signs of battle, burns and blood but weirdly no bodies.
There's a large set of machinery in the middle of the room and halogen lights lighting it up. It looks like they were building something here. Welding torches, one of which is on the ground and still lit, fabricators, computers. It's a regular R&D engineer laboratory here. The computers are still logged in, some laptops - one splattered with blood - has up schematics.
The design is labelled "Project: Hunter", an iron-man like armored exosuit with chameleon technology, large retractable blades on the forearms, a mini-plasma cannon mounted on the shoulder, a HUD and brain interface. The brain interface looks incredibly invasive and extremely dangerous. The design is a hodgepodge of stolen technology, classic AIM approach.
Hanging on the far end of the cave is a moisture eaten flag for A.I.M.
<Quake, copy everything they have on their servers. Fitz get your drones in the air, if this is a trap I want control of the battlefield. Someone figure out what they were working on. Every body else, grab some C4 and start planting it.> Bobbi instructs the teams. Agent Hogsberry aka The Hog drops her carry pack and unzips it. It's full of C4.
- Daisy Johnson has posed:
The desolation visible on the camp makes Quake frown, turning her nose. This was all wrong.. But orders are orders. She makes her way over at a jog towards the cave and ..., as they say, follow the cables!
She does so, winding through those tunnels, following that maze as if a rat set upon cheese. She'd find those elusive servers.
Taking a turn she comes across what she wanted, <Found them. Going to start --> A pause, then she adds. < Lots of bodies here, wearing yellow hazmat suits.> she reports. Not that she stops working on hooking herself to the servers, beginning to download the info. < Plasma burns? Whatever killed them was some really nasty weapon. This looks .., really recent too. >
She quickly looks around the server room. Suddenly this doesn't feel like a great idea.
- Sam Wilson has posed:
<<Wait, you have visual on bodies?>> Sam asks. <<Every other body is missing, but the ones in hazmat suits are still here. Some kind of scent thing, maybe?>> He's not the scientist here. Still, you don't have to be a scientist to plant a bomb, and before long he has placed several on anything load-bearing and anything that looks valuable enough.
The entire time, he has his head on a swivel, looking for more of those anomalous scanner readings on his HUD.
- Clint Barton has posed:
Missing all the fun and games in the cave, << Any idea what took them out? >> Clint asks about the bodies. Wondering what they were up against. He scans their surroundings, even as he starts taking explosive arrows out of his quiver and begins them to fire them into the sides of vulnerable structures in the camp, there's no booms though, they just hold fast, the LED light on their cylindrical heads blinking red, while the waited for the remote signal to detonate.
Once those are placed, he shifts position 100 meters to his left and, drawing a broadhead, keeps an eye on the team as they place their explosives.
- Mikhail Uriokovitch has posed:
Mikhail listens as the instructions given by Bobbi and gives a quick nod as he moves quickly. Having had a little explosives training back in the day, it is fairly simple to begin moving C4 quickly and placing it as needed throughout the structure. Mik has a particular set of skills, one of them is making thigs go 'boom'. His minigun is riding on its sling, though it rides there and is a bit bulky, the large Russian is moving quickly enough, though not the most gracefully.
- Leopold Fitz has posed:
The area around the encampment is necessarily a little more clear then the surrounding jungle which makes moving a little easier fortunately. Of course it also means that there is less cover, but sometimes you take the good with teh bad. Fitz does his best to ignore the feeling of being watched as he rapidly crosses the encampment towards the cave complex that seems to be it's heart, keeping his eyes focused on where he is going and counting on those with a little more experience to spot any imminent threats. The conspicuous bloodstains that seem to lack at bodies are ignored.
Following Bobbi and Daisy into the complex he looks over all the machinery that has been assembled, noting each device, noting it's purpose -- at least where it's discernable -- his frown deepening as they make their way deeper into that maze.
Of course his interest is peaked when they stumble over the actual research and development facility his eyes widen a little at the schematics on the screen, sweeping his scanner across the area, taking an assortment of readings and making a recording for later analysis before Bobbi issues her orders. "On it," he says with a quick nod, trotting back towards the cave mouth entrance, unslinging his backpack and already starting to delve into it, hand emerging with a pair of small drones and the control panel needed to pilot them.
Crouching as he reaches the entrance to the cave facility he initiates the start up sequence for the drones as they start to get airborn. Which is when his scanning device buzzes quietly. With a frown he glances over it, brow furrowed. <<I'm picking up a blur of electromagetics in the area. It's not a strong, concentrated source. More like a general flood. It's the kind of thing you might see in some stealth systems. Not the sort of thing you would generally pick up until you're practically on top of it.>> he warns over the comms.
- Bobbi Morse has posed:
Agent Graves aka Highscore moves quickly in to the cave along side Fitz and he stares with wonder at the makeshift engineering station too. He grabs at the least bloodied laptop and starts looking through it, "Chameleon armor, plasma cannon, exoskeleton, brain implants.. this is nasty stuff. It's also //not here//. I think may be they succeeded and their candidate has gone a bit crazy."
Bobbi leaves the cave. She stares out at the tree line, watching it very carefully, "Stealth technology." It is then that over comms the team hears a gurgle, followed by the sound of machine gun fire. <All agents, report in, what was that?>
Clint has the best vantage, the ground shimmering as two large blades thrust out of the chest of agent Jinx, followed by a burst of red plasma seemingly coming from Jinx and hitting Ramheart dead center mass. The ground blurs. Quake can sense a small shaking of the ground. Sam gets strange dots all over his HUD again.
Bobbi has mere moments when a red dot appears on her chest. The plasma bolts don't travel as fast as a bullet. She grabs a chunk of metal off the ground and holds it out like a shield. The plasma burns through it and flicks hot slag against her armored torso. She recoils in surprise, dropping the hot metal before it liquifies all over her. She takes cover.
Clint sees where that shot came from too, but then that shimmering ground sees him and the red dot appears on his chest, and the plasma bolt is fired. The next shot from the hunter is trained right on Sam.
<We have a hostile on the surface, be quick in the cave, plant C4 and regroup with us up top> Bobbi says over comms, her eyes scanning the camp, but the assailant is hidden once more. <We need some way to track this thing, any one got anything on UV, Heat, Motion, Sound.. something, anything>
Agent Hogsberry aka The Hog lowers her minigun and its barrel starts to spin up, "Don't worry Agent Morse, I've got this fucker." She slowly begins to stalk through the piles of metal and plastic, calling, "Come out, come out, where ever you are."
The drones give those with HUDs a picture of the battle field from above. There is a lot of heat in the air, making UV and Heat useless. The general sound of the area hits with peaks that identify a location briefly each time that plasma cannon is fired, but the actual attacker is invisible to them.
- Daisy Johnson has posed:
Daisy is still taking a look over the bodies while the download is going on the servers, answering Clint. <A burn weapon of some kind. Cauterized wounds on the chest.> though apparently they soon get the exact example of what she means when Agents start getting taken out.
Daisy's eyes go wide and she jumps up to her feet. Screw safe removal of her laptop. She /yanks/ it up and tosses it into her backpack. <I am on my way.> Quake says, <I am sensing something..., small shakings. I need a little more time to pinpoint it's exact signature.>
She puffs and sweats as she reaches the cave entrance, moving closer to Fitz in a protective manner, placing herself against a side of the cave to peek outside, seeking the creature with her senses.
- Sam Wilson has posed:
Sam shouts a warning to Clint as he sees the laser sight appear on his fellow Avenger's chest, but it's only a second later that he's the one who has to dive out of the way -- and he doesn't move quite quickly enough. There's a scorching pain at his thigh, and the stench of burning cloth and flesh. "Shit!" he bellows as he lands on the opposite side.
Gritting his teeth, he tries to scramble up from his prone position, only to hiss in pain and duck down again. This isn't an in-and-out: whatever just hit him is /still there/, cooling out of its superheated state rapidly. Forcing back panic, he flips over, grabs a knife from a sheath near the hit, and starts to pry at the wound. He needs to get whatever he was hit with OFF of him before it goes solid and becomes a permanent fixture.
- Clint Barton has posed:
"No!" Clint shouts as Jinx is skewered alive by the Hunter and it blasts Ramsheart next. It was a breach of discipline and it gives away his position but he doesn't care, he draws and fires cursing knowing the broadhead he had nocked wasn't going to do the job on something like this. He draws an explosive arrow next but when he's bringing it to his string that's when he hear's Sam's shout and sees a flash of red in his peripherals, there's no time for conscious thought, he just jumps and fires. The arrow meeting the blast somewhere between the Hunter and Clint. The shockwave hitting him like a truck, leaving him dazed but still alive. He gets, up, flinching, he was hurt but still in the fight.
He slides down the embankment getting a new explosive arrow on his string as he limps his way towards Sam. "Falcon, I got you, do what you need to do quick, then we need to get out of here," he says, shielding the other Avenger with his body as best he can as he scans the trees for sign of the hunters.
- Mikhail Uriokovitch has posed:
"Go to rainforest, they said, be easy, they said," Mikhail grumbles as shit goes down, tensing as he becomes hairier, and bigger, his suit barely able to handle it, and this is why he decided to make sure his trigger guards were extra large. <<Big gun ready, just say where>> and the slightly modified GAU-8 begins spinning up, though without its telltale song going off quite yet.
Mikhail goves over to where Daisy is and gets ready to go where she points, "Say where," he asks, <<Will see if I can smell>> he calls over comms and sniffs over the air, hoping that whatever hunting them smells off. The shots by Clint and Falcon cause him concern, but his gun is not exactly something worth risking friendly fire at this point in time.
- Leopold Fitz has posed:
Hey, it's a pretty good hypothesis. Even before things went all to hell it is one that Fitz would have been made. But as things go very wrong for Jinx and as that plasma ray tries to cut down Bobbi, well, even the diligent scientist isn't going to insist on any more emphirical data. "Pretty sure you got that right Agent Graves," he says, lingering in the mouth of that cave complex, doing his best to use it as cover. If there is cover from that kind of weapon. Even as the weapon simply spears through the plating Bobbi tries to defend herself with, the resident science geek resolutely drops his gaze back to the drone controls.
"Careful Daisy," he says without looking up. "Plasma will carve through stone. Not instantly, but quick enough," he warns his protector. He decides not to mention what it will do to flesh. She probably doesn't need the warning as far as that goes. He's a big believer in knowledge being power but every once in awhile he's not entirely sure if there might not be some truth in the notion that ignorance is bliss.
Overhead the two drones circle the encampment, the more customary infrared and ultraviolet views providing very little value, the screens almost blobs with no distinguishable views. "I'm going to try and use that stealth tech against the target. Trying to clear out the general interference and zero in on the source," he says, releasing a third drone that begins to flutter upward to try and triangulate and make the source plain.
He is quickly given another distraction however as the console in front of him begins to go crazy, buzzing softly but repeatedly as an angry red light begins flash rapidly. "Radialogical alarm. We have significant radiation levels in the area. It's plastered all over the camp, equivilent to a low kiloton yield," he says, somehow managing to keep his voice level and reasonably calm over the comms.
- Bobbi Morse has posed:
Agents Nemski and Graves grab the remainder of the C4 and quickly start planting it around the equipment in the cave.
Bobbi steels herself a moment, taking a breath, then lifts up her gun and aims down the sights as she slowly starts to stalk along the stacks, making her way over to Agent Jinx and Ramheart's location. When she gets there, Ramheart has been shot through the chest, through and through, dead. Jinx is writhing on the ground. She rushes to her side and pulls medi-glue out of Jinx's backpack and squirts it in to the four puncture holes, "You've probably got internal bleeding Jinx, stay with me here, we're going to get you out of here.
<Team, that's enough C4, kiloton yield? yeah, we're done here. Everyone, tactical retreat the way we came, bug out,> Bobbi instructs as she lifts Jinx up and over her shoulders in a firemans haul.
Agent Hogsberry turns the corner in the stacks and sees a blur. She starts to fire, shouting out loudly as she does so. The sound sensors light up as bullets tinktink against the chameleon armor, momentarily revealing it to anyone with vision of it. A very human sounding roar is heard from him as he runs full pelt in to the minigun fire and picks up Hogsberry, minigun and all, and slams her to the ground.
- Daisy Johnson has posed:
Daisy was the kind of Agent that was quick on the pick up, specially after that crash course on seeing all those dead bodies. Being hit by one of those would ..., really hurt. Going through stone though? That's ..., disturbing. But no time to think on that now, agents are in danger. She focuses, scanning, sensing, filtering out the other sounds, of her friends being hurt or dead..., searching for their enemy.
"There. Get it, Mik!" She points. "Cover us so we can start moving out." she suggests, a gesture for Fitz to get on moving and she begins to dash out. She looks around at the wounded, focusing on Clint and Sam. "We will cover you. Can you walk?"
Hand comes up and she points it towards the source, sending her own shockwaves in an attempt to aid Mik's assault on the creature.
- Sam Wilson has posed:
Covered for the moment by Clint's heroic stand, Sam bites back panic and focuses on keeping the knife-blade steady. With a raw shout, he flicks something out of his leg; a viscous glob of now-liquid metal hits a rock below him, instantly igniting the moss upon it. He flips onto his back as the molten slug uncurls like a living thing on the stone next to him. He jams the handle of the knife between his teeth, then digs into his medkit with a shaking hand. He manages to grab a tube of cooling disinfectant, which he slathers on two gloved fingers. After taking a single, sharp breath, he jams those fingers into the wound and screams into the knife-grip he's biting down on.
He takes a moment to catch his breath, but not too long -- he can't wait around for shock to set in. He lurches up to his feet, reaching out to clasp a hand Hawkeye offers to steady him. He can barely move his right leg; any flexing in his thigh sends waves of pain cascading through him. Still, with one hand on Clint's shoulder, he stays upright.
- Clint Barton has posed:
Clint keeps his eyes fixed on the treeline but what he can see of what Sam got out of his leg is enough to make him glad he was missed. He tosses his arrow and slings his bow when Sam stands and takes his shoulder, the archer drawing his pistol with the non-ICER rounds with his free hand.
As Daisy opens up with her powers shouting for them to go, Clint goes, offering whatever help Sam needs to withdraw, hell he'll even carry him out, as long as Sam understands he will never get to live that down.
Y'know, if they survive.
"C'mon flyboy, time to go."
- Mikhail Uriokovitch has posed:
Mikhail is not happy. This thing just took on Hogsberry and that cannot happen. Daisy's call is all he needed for the goahead to let the now spinning minigun let out it's signature BRRRRRRRRT, throwing anti-materiel rounds down range towards the threat and if they hit anything, it is a guaranteed bad time.
The Russian has not seen Falcon hit yet, as Mik is in full on war bear mode, getting into an old mindset to just wreck everything that is not an ally. Those who can see notice that he has a rare feature at the moment, a smile, and it is a dark one. Mikhail is sober, he is tired, he is hot, and this thing has found his last nerve and Ursa Major just ran out of mercy.
- Leopold Fitz has posed:
Not that anyone is going to ask him, but Fitz heartily endorses the idea of getting out of here. Indeed, by the time that Daisy motions for him to fall in the begin that retreat back to their exraction point he has already managed to haul his somewhat lighter pack back on on, slinging a strap around his neck to insure that he won't drop the drone controls while they beat the hasty retreat. It might be something of a challenge to keep his footing while moving at speed and trying to pilot that trio of drones mind you but that's why he's here right? New challenges.
He does his best to focus on his own assignment and leave the rest to his squad -mates, keeping his head down, eyes flicking back and forth between the terrain ahead and the screens draped around his chest as he abandons what little cover the mouth of the cave offers for a sprting back across the encampment towards the waiting cover of the jungle. Up above his drones continue to circle but as their attacker becomes visible for a moment a trio of laser lights suddenly flood down from the sky, marking the target, tracking him as he struggles with Agent Hogsberry. "Initiating a counter burst now. This will hopefully make that electromagnetic field light him up instead of giving him any sort of concealment," Fitz says over the comms right before initiating the pulse. He doesn't look back though, plowing straight into the jungle and -- temporarily at least -- not even bothering to look at his control panel as his gaze instead darts all around, looking to make sure that he doesn't accidentally trigger one of those trip wires on the way out.
- Bobbi Morse has posed:
The hunter stomps down hard with augmented exosuit strength on The Hog's neck, snapping it. She shudders beneath him as her minigun continues to fire wildly up in the air until eventually her finger depresses and she stops breathing. He lifts his arms up in the air and shouts in a gutteral voice, "Imparable!." (Unstoppable!, Colombian accented Spanish).
Another plasma bolt is fired toward Fitz and Quake but it goes wide as he is hit with a blast of vibrations. Agent "Highscore" Graves rushing out of the cave takes it to the head, his brains splattering back over Agent "Masher" Nemski who catches his collapsing body. She cries out, "NOOOOOOO!."
When Mikhail opens fire he feels the burn of bullets hitting him hard, several piercing through his armor and out the other side. He lets out a gutteral cry of pain and leaps across the buildings. His chameleon field flickering on and off as a trail of glowing green liquid spurts from him showing the way he is escaping in to the forest. Alien blood? no, hydraulic fluid? yes. If it leaks we can kill it. Fitz' field makes the hunter positively glow before he disappears in to the jungle.
Those looking get a good view of the hunter now. Clad in metal all over his body, it looks more beaten in to shape than carved with laser precision. A mask covers his face, wrapping around the back of his head to protect his neck. He has long dreadlocks that fall down to his lower back. The four wicked blades attached to his forearms are blood red and the plasma cannon on his shoulder seems to be turning on its own, seeking out targets even as he retreats.
Bobbi's wings deploy and she lifts off the ground, picking up speed and taking Agent Jinx, now unconscious, to the edge of the camp. She looks to regroup with the rest of the team. Agent Nemski, shell shocked by the sudden death of her partner, taps Quake on the shoulder, "We've gotta go... we've gotta go." She taps the giant bear on the .. side, next. "Big guy, we've got to go!," she tries to out shout the minigun.
<Keep those drones with us, if that ugly sunnova bitch comes anywhere near us I want him lit up like a christmas tree> Bobbi rarely sounds //this// angry over the comms.
- Bobbi Morse has posed:
Daisy can sense the thump of the hunter as he lands off in the trees. She nods her head, "Right, he's gone for the moment." She checks to make sure the copied data from the servers is secure and then makes a hasty retreat to the edge of the camp, meeting up with Bobbi.
- Sam Wilson has posed:
"Thanks, man," Sam hisses, clapping Clint on the shoulder to signal that he's ready to move. The pararescueman has carried his share of brothers-in-arms off the battlefield, and he'll certainly take never living it down if it means he gets to live, but one non-functioning leg isn't going to take him off the board just yet. He drops a hand to his side to grab one of his machine pistols, giving the pair of Avengers two hands' worth of firepower between them. He'll be ready to unleash a full clip the moment Fitz and his drones give him a clear target.
Until then, he's going to move at the best hobble he can manage, back toward the Quinjet. In an absolute emergency, he can take flight, but everyone but Bobbi would probably be surprised just much you have to move your legs as a counterbalance in winged flight. Let's not even consider the agony that would be a /landing/ right now.
- Clint Barton has posed:
"No problem," Clint replies to Sam. Though the man's voice is strained. They were losing a lot of agents and Clint was doing his best to shut that out right now. Seeing Sam's got his gun, Clint nods, keeping his eyes open for the Hunter and if it shows, then both agents are ready to light it up with everything they've got.
- Mikhail Uriokovitch has posed:
It is a good day to kill, a good day to die. The predator has become prey. Or at least Mik thinks so as his minigun sings its deadly song. He feels the tap from Nemski and nods, letting the gun silence itself and gradually slow. "Da, we go now?" He says a bit loudly, his hearing a tad off at the moment due to well, minigun.
With that, Mikhail goes forward to where Hog fell and after a quick check, realizes she is dead and frowns. He uses a free arm to sling her over his shoulder, balancing there, Mik not wanting to leave anyone, alive or dead behind, and once she is there, picks up her minigun, having now become the Russian Bear Tank, He will go begin moving where directed, ready to let rip if anything remotely a threat shows up.
- Leopold Fitz has posed:
Trying to do several things at once can be something of a challenge at the best of times. Trying to manage that while also dashing headlong through a thick jungle? Fitz might want to consider taking up juggling. Chainsaws. While blindfolded. With one hand.
"Doing my best," he says over the comm as one of those stray plasma blasts tears into a tree a dozen or so feet to his right, angling his path away as quick as possible while continuing on a line back to the Quinjet. More or less. As the sounds of combat begin to receed, the tech geek slows his headlong dash enough to at least manage the drone controls in somewhat shakey fashion, not even trying to bring them under the jungle canopy but instead setting them up in a formation above, pumping out hose counter-pulses and counting on that to provide them enough warning if that... suit comes anywhere near them again.
With the course back to the extraction point laid in, Fitz picks up the pace once more, hustling through the jungle with a little more confidence now -- or perhaps just a very burning desire to be elsewhere.
- Bobbi Morse has posed:
Through the forest, the calls of their opponent ring out, taunting, "No puedes correr!, No puedes esconderte!"
Bobbi finds a nice clearing between large trees and turns to the agents, fury in her eyes. She sets Agent Jinx down against a tree trunk. She looks at the agents still standing and takes out a detonator. With a touch.. kaBOOOOM the C4 goes off blowing up the facility. The explosion shakes the very ground they stand on and the noise echos through the forest.
"No. We're going to kill this murdering piece of shit. We're SHIELD, we draw the line, not them." Her lift eye twitches a moment and she holds out a hand to Nemski, "Agent Nemski, your grenade launcher." Nemski tosses the grenade launcher over to Bobbi. "Agent Miniguns, by that tree. Agent Hawkeye, somewhere sneaky. Agent Quake, you're the bait, shield yourself from that plasma. Agent Fitz, take cover light this arsehole up with those drones. And Agent Falcon, rest against a tree and shoot everything you've got. This is the line, we're not going to lose to this guy. Agent Nemski, get those hidden claymores and reposition them in a perimeter"
She locks and loads the grenade launcher and stands next to Quake. With a fiercely determined look on her face she says, "Time for some payback."
- Sam Wilson has posed:
Wilson keeps moving, keeps waiting for a target to appear, keeps listening for the report that they've lost yet another good agent. It's all a lot to take, on top of keeping himself upright. At Morse's order, he gives Barton a quick nod and turns to lean back against some inanimate support, leaving the expert archer unburdened to do what he does best.
Flicking the machine pistol's safety back on, he drops it to his side and instead raises his gauntlet micromissile launcher. The extra firepower might peel away the armor, or if he's lucky, wedge its way into an existing break in the armor and crack it open like... like... like a coconut with a bomb inside it? Great -- shock is starting to affect his one liners, now.
- Clint Barton has posed:
"On it," Clint says to Bobbi, though before he goes, he hands digs into a pouch and produces some of his explosive arrowheads. "Hit em on the ground once then throw, got a three second timer. In case you need some extra punch."
Then Clint is off moving through the foliage to take up a position in the trees on the line's furthest right flank. He pulls arrows from his quivver and sticks them in the dirt, putty arrows, freeze arrows and the last of his explosive ones, ready to set up some combos as needed to take this sucker out.
- Mikhail Uriokovitch has posed:
Mikhail's Spanish is pretty bad, mostly from lack of use, but he knows a taunt when he hears one. The Russian has not been in bear form long enough to lose his senses, though, and is restrained enough to not yell back. Instead he nods to Bobbi and takes the place he is ordered to, taking a chance to lay down Hog's corpse where it will not be in the way.
When Mik gets into position, he makes sure both of his guns are loaded, and while the barrels were recently fired, they are cool enough to work, and so he waits. Murderbear gonna do his job if this threat shows up again.
- Leopold Fitz has posed:
There isn't really cover per se, not here. Maybe nowhere nearby. Not with that plasma gun. It will cut through the thickest of trees within mere moments. Now is probably not the time to point that out however. Besides, maybe it's the adrenaline, but Fitz doesn't disagree. It's a ahrd lesson, being on a mission with casualties, a reminder of the stakes they really play for.
So the young agent just gives a nod, trotting to the edge of the clearing where the tree cover and undergrowth is thickest, sinking down to the jungle floor until he is half buried in the leafy undergrowth, scowling a little as he continually pushes that greenary away from his control panel as he maneuvers the drones into position overhead, set out to their max spread where they can still maintain full coverage, pelting the jungle canopy with that counter-frequeny while linking the other agents in to any approaching electromagnetic emissions.
- Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi digs herself in to the muddy ground next to Quake, hiding, waiting, <Come on you cheap Predator knock off> she murmurs in to the comms as they wait, quietly, expectingly. Agent Nemski takes the safety off of her assault rifle and hugs the side of a tree too.
Agent Johnson stands in the open, trembling air at her fingertips, ready to shield herself the moment they hear the woosh of that plasma gun. The jungle is eerily quiet, but SHIELD agents have nerves of steel, this is what they train for. A hog fleeing from the campsite squeels and rushes headlong in to one of Nemski's claymores and explodes.
It is at that moment that a bolt of plasma shoots out through the tree line and Quake lifts up her hands. The plasma hits it like a wall and bounces on to the ground, starting small smoulder on the wet brush.
The drones picks up their attacker as he shoots again.. and again and starts walking toward the ambush and yells angrily as his canon fails to penetrate Quake's shield. The large blades extend from his fore arms as he starts to run with heavy armored footfalls.
Bobbi shouts in to the comms, <Now!>
- Sam Wilson has posed:
Sam waits for Fitz's drones to feed his targeting system a fixed lock, then cuts loose with missile after missile, launching as quickly as the rotary loader will allow. Once all five projectiles are fired, he brings up his other arm, with the machine pistol, to add to the inevitable hail of small arms fire.
- Clint Barton has posed:
It's on now. Clint slips into an icy focus, years of training taking over as he calmly draws, aims and fires, and then does it again, in the span of a few heartbeats. First arrow, putty, aimed at the thing's feet; meant to stick it in place. Second arrow, explosive, meant to blow a hole in that thing and put it the hell down.
By the time the explosive one hits, Clint is drawing a second explosive arrow ready to fire if the thing is still standing.
- Mikhail Uriokovitch has posed:
It is back to the old days for Mikhail, waiting for his target to show, but when that plasma bolt goes by and Bobbi's order comes through, Mik grins and lets it rip, bracing himself against a tree to help with the recoil as both miniguns BRRRRRRRT towards their target. The Russian has no mercy in mind, and has no problem putting down this threat.
- Leopold Fitz has posed:
Fitz is armed. He's fully qualified on the range even his hand to hand skills could definitely use a little work. But really, with the people he's with and given what they're up against the ICER rounds in his pistol are not exactly going to add a lot to the equation here. Instead he remains entirely focused on keeping the clearing filled with that electromagnetic interference and insuring that the target is lit up as bright as day for the others to extract a suitable amount of justice for their fallen.
- Bobbi Morse has posed:
The Hunter is struck by multiple munitions at once, the putty arrow pins him to the ground and his canon shoots down at his feet, the explosion hiding him in the dust for a moment. Nemski starts to shoot at him from behind with armor piercing rounds, Bobbi pops up and thuds him with the grenade launcher, as a torrent of micro missiles rain down upon him and Clint's explosive arrows begin to hit. The miniguns positively tear up his now mostly unarmed torso. Quake swaps from defensive to offensive, blasting him with a massive vibration.
As the dust settles, Bobbi is half expecting the monster of the Hollywood classic to somehow be gone. But instead, The Hunter is ripped open, his armor busted, his technological camouflage defeated. He is coughly blood from the mouth - the remains of his armor the only thing keeping him upright.
Bobbi stares balefully at the Colombian man, presumably of AIM as he begins to laughs, then coughs up more blood, then laughs some more. He slumps and says, "todos ustedes van a morir."
A small digital display on the inside of his wrist activates and a clock begins starting at three minutes and counting down quickly. His haunting laughter persists as he stares defiantly at the agents who took him down.
"Ah.. Fitz, ..you said something about a kiloton yield device... didn't you." She steps back warily and then scoops up Agent Jinx, "..... Everyone, get to the quinjets!" Her wings deploy and she starts to fly forward toward the extraction point.
- Sam Wilson has posed:
"Oh, good, running. Perfect," Sam groans, rolling off the tree trunk and limping toward the Quinjet. Not that he'll hesitate to accept assistance from anyone who can help him get to tha choppah a little faster...
- Clint Barton has posed:
Clint breathes a sigh of relief when the Hunter goes down, but that relief is short lived as Bobbi calls for them to run. << Mik, get Sam, and get the hell out of there >> he shouts to his former probie over comms as he makes good his own retreat towards the waiting jets.
- Mikhail Uriokovitch has posed:
When the smoke clear, it seems the threat has been remedied. Mik snarls and gives a dark laugh. When the comms come through, Mik flashes Clint a thumbsup and uses one free hand to again sling Hogsberry over one shoulder and trundles over to where Sam is and as he moves to grab the former pararescue airman by the waist and carries him like a football and keeps barreling, though a tad clumsily and not as quick as possible due to carrying half of a fireteam and their gear along with his own towards the quinjets.
- Leopold Fitz has posed:
Well shit. Earning his stripes in the field was supposed to be exhilerating. It was supposed to leave him with a sense of accomplishment. Instead, at best, it seems likely to leave him with a few unsightly stains in his pants or at worst, leave him a radioactive smear in the middle of the Amazon. Neither result exactly makes him jump for joy.
He only gets a very obscured view from his drones above as his fellow SHIELD agents unleash their all on the crazed nutjob who killed some of their own. But he certainly doesn't miss Bobbi's orders over the comms. "Umm... yeah and that radiation signal is getting significantly more unstable," he agrees, not needing the order to get scamper back to his feet and make a headlong dash back towards the Quinjet. Trying to avoid making noise, to watching his footing? Yeah, that's all forgetten now. He's probably never run that fast in life and doesn't even break his stride as he races up the ramp of the waiting jet, stumbling onto the far end of the bench panting.
- Bobbi Morse has posed:
The race through the jungle is not a stealthy one, nor does it need to be. They're not hiding from AIM, they're not hiding from The Hunter, they are running from a small nuclear bomb. They make good time despite the uneven ground. Bobbi flies Jinx up and bursts through the canopy on to the first quinjet. Quake pushes her hands down and the ground begins to shake as she lifts up in to the air too, going up the quick and quaky way to the quinjet.
The rope ladders are dangling for Agents to get up and Fitz makes short work of that!
"Agent Davis, Agent Reves, prepare the quinjets for incoming nuclear blast," Bobbi says the moment she back on board. The pilots respond by switching on the hardened electronics for hover and turning off all the regular electronics. The exterior armor turns off its stealth and angles itself to deflect the majority of a terrestrial nuclear explosion.
<Does anyone need a quick lift up.. Fitz? Nemski? Hawkeye? Falcon? Ursa?> Bobbi blinks as she sees Fitz clamber up the ramp. She smiles with relief and then not long after, Nemski makes it too. "Come on guys..." She checks her watch, 55 seconds remaining.
Any one who says cardio isn't important for an agent is an idiot.
- Sam Wilson has posed:
Sam Wilson is being carried by a bear man. He holds his leg as steady as he possibly can, while being carried -- I don't know if I mentioned this - by a BEAR MAN. Under normal circumstances, he could hand-over-hand his way up the rope ladder with his arms alone, but shock and fatigue from his injury are settling in fast, so pretty much all he's able to do is hold himself steady with his arms and boost his way upward on thrust. Once he's actually into the quinjet, he's going to flop on the nearest flat surface and start in on some of the medical attention he wasn't able to give himself in the middle of the fight: immobilizing his leg, dressing the wound, and injecting some serious painkillers.
- Clint Barton has posed:
Clint gets to the quinjets and holds, waiting until all the other agents are up the ladders or otherwise onboard before climbing up himself. He's got enough red in his ledger as Nat would say without adding leaving a fellow agent behind to the list.
- Mikhail Uriokovitch has posed:
Mik hustles as quickly as his legs will carry him, though once he gets to the ladder he sighs and quickly is pawhand over pawhand climbing up the rope ladder, carrying Hogsberry with surprising speed, eventually getting his way up there and setting down their fallen comrade.
- Leopold Fitz has posed:
Leaving no one behind right? For Fitz, that includes his drones. While all he wants to do after boarding the QUinjet is remain there huddled in the corner and perhaps drink a gallon of water he forces himself upright almost at once, fumbling for the controls once more and guiding 3 of his D.W.A.R.F.s over before powering them down and beginning to pack them away. The data they gathered he'll download and begin sorting through on the way back home. That might help keep his mind off those agents who aren't coming back with them, at least not in one piece.
- Bobbi Morse has posed:
As the last of the Agents get in to the quinjets, the rear cargo bag ramp shuts and there is a bright flash from the windows following a roaring groan of the forest. Trees obliterated as a mushroom cloud blossoms in the air near them and the shockwave hits the quinjets with a ringing thud. The engines shut off and both quinjets begin to fall from the sky, but the main electronics kick back in once the EMP has passed and the jets fire up once more in the turbulent post-nuclear bomb air.
The quinjets begin their exodus back through Peru, the mushroom cloud towering in the sky behind them as SHIELD is left to tend to its wounded. Mission successful, but at great cost. Three agents lost their lives and one is in critical condition, thanks to a psycho in a tin can suit playing predator in the jungle. Their names will be added to the wall of honor in the Triskelion.