3030/Hunting the Myasnikovs (2 of 3)

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Hunting the Myasnikovs (2 of 3)
Date of Scene: 22 August 2020
Location: Ashton Heights, Arlington, VA
Synopsis: A team of experienced SHIELD agents intercept the Myasnikovs at the home of Senator Jackson Gauge (R - FL), only to find he and his teenaged son in mortal peril.
Cast of Characters: Melinda May, Peggy Carter, Clint Barton, Daisy Johnson
Tinyplot: Nuclear Evaluations

Melinda May has posed:
2:55pm. Ashton Heights, Arlington, VA.

The home of one Senator Jackson Gauge (R). It's not an ostenatious place -- mainly because Senator Gauge's consituency is not Virgina and he's not among the wealthiest lawmakers in the country (though, okay, he's got enough to maintain a million-dollar secondary residence a stone's throw from the nation's capital). It sits in the middle of a well-heeled neighbourhood that could best be classifed as upscale-suburban. Beautifully manicured lawns, low stone yard fences, wide driveways, double-car garages, and enough room out back for a modestly sized pool and patio combination. Neighbours are close enough to greet when collecting a tossed newspaper off the porch, but not so close as to peek into the windows without mechanical aid.

Perhaps it's surprising to find a senator on the list of IPs SHIELD gleaned from the murderous Twitch broadcast. Especially given how rarely they're supposedly at home. (Did you know 20% of House freshmen sleep in their offices rather than rent a place during their first term? Gauge isn't a freshman...) Nevertheless, one of the electronic trails lead to Senator Gauge's front door.

Or, more accurately, a modem ensconced somewhere behind that front door.

Given the near miss the Boston op was, where agents -- both diligent and alert -- managed to *not* set off the firetrap the Myasnikov brothers left behind to delay them, SHIELD is taking no chances now. Especially not with a senator's life.

Consequently, the team they've sent in this time does not include trainees and lab specialists. Rather, its compliment consists of well-experienced field agents. Even May's shown up for this one.

Agent evaluations? Secondary (perhaps even tertiary!) to protecting the senator's life and catching the bastards behind the threat.

There are SHIELD support teams nearby and in the air, though none are hovering so close as to be apparent to passersby or -- hopefully! -- murderous ex-Russian blackops specialists. Regardless, this neighbourhood has probably never been so secure.

"Latest intel suggests Senator Gauge is at home," May says as she guides her SUV around the corner and approaches the front of the house. "So, we'll try a front door approach. But, be alert. As far as we know, the Myasnikovs haven't yet contacted the senator. That could change at any time."

After all, the Myasnikovs haven't been shy about approaching their victims. And every single murder site they've been through, so far, has had multiple body counts. May doubts a house full of agents will stop them, now. Especially agents armed mostly with ICERs rather than more leathal options.

SHIELD wants the bastards brought in alive, if possible.

Peggy Carter has posed:
While she was still getting used to the modern SHIELD uniforms -- Peggy spent so much of her career in an olive pencil skirt and heels -- she had to admit they were nice. Easy to move in, well tailored pockets for several supplies, fitted to the holsters of her ICER and other weapons, and the body armor that's already saved her life twice over the last few weeks. She looks far different from her historical file, all in the slimming black and outfitted like a soldier trained in the modern world. Even her hair is tightly braided back today.

"Understood, ma'am." Though, as they approach the house, it seems Peggy has a thought. She offers over the comms in her clipped tone, "...Do we know if the senator has a child or wife who may have been watching the broadcast? I would, somehow, pin this far more likely on a restless teenager than a middle aged center to know what this digital Twitching is."

Clint Barton has posed:
<<On foot around the back of the house >> Clint says as he walks down the alleyway, wearing a local amature sports team jersey and carrying a duffle bag over his back, conveniently hiding his bow and arrows. Just a guy on his way to practice walking down the alley separating the various yards from one another. << No sign of the opposition yet. >> he reports as before waving to a woman walking her dog down the same back alley. "Nice day, huh?" he says as he carries on past a few feet before stopping behind the senator's place and making a show of checking his bag like he forgot something.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Back to her roots. And that means being in an inconspicuous green van on the same street that leads towards the Senator's house. The difference is instead of working for the enemy she is now working for the good guys, dressed in her SHIELD uniform and techno gloves on while she types furiously away at her keyboard..

<You'd be surprised at what some senators do for a hobby...> no, she doesn't give examples, instead continuing on her typing, bringing up the senator's file.. < But in this case a family member will be most likely the one behind it, yea. >

A few more keystrokes and she carries on with her monitoring of the both the place and broadcasts, looking for any disturbances that the Myasnikovs may be about and up to no good. <So far all is calm that I can detect, though I will try and break into that IPs computer if I can.> yay, breaking into a senator's computer! How many laws would be broken there?

Melinda May has posed:
May nods to Carter as she climbs out of the vehicle, though the others won't necessarily see it. In deference to approaching a senator, she's dressed more like a standard government agent -- dark dress slacks, white shirt, black blazer... and fashionable, chunky-heeled ankle boots that will allow both running and ass-kicking despite the nearly two inches they add to her height. "It's possible," she tells the other agent, her voice carrying to the rest of the team on coms. "Senator Gauge's wife and son live at his primary residence down in Tallahassee. But his son is known to visit periodically." She doubts, though, that the Myasnikovs will make much of a distinction between the senator and his son, should that turn out to be the case. They've not shown such discrimination thus far.

The back of the property has a relatively tall fence -- tall as the local housing regs will permit. Most people in this neighbourhood value their privacy. The good thing about it is that, once inside the yard, concealment should be easy. The bad thing is that, if someone's in the yard right now, they're probably already concealed.

And it's a good thing Daisy's working for SHIELD, now. Breaking those laws won't have nearly the same consequences for her. More than that, however, the computer isn't quite as well shielded as one might expect. Or, more accurately, the router's firewall is an off-the-shelf setup. Sure, it's one of the more highly rated firewalls out there, but it's certainly not SHIELD-grade encryption. So, getting in? No so hard for a decent code monkey.

May starts up the path to the front door, giving Carter that faint not-quite-smile that is something of a rarety for her, but indicates a decent modicum of respect. (Hey, May was active in the organization in the 80's! She just happened to be a *probie* then.) "Politicians don't change much from decade to decade, I think. Let's go ruffle some feathers." She presses the doorbell and waits...

Peggy Carter has posed:
Peg still moves like a soldier, falling into pace next to May. She well knows what she's doing, leaving her back as little exposed as possible, and taking subtle body cues from her team lead. Boots carry her smoothly closer to the house, weapon not yet out but she's ready to reach for it at any point in time. While May is dressed to be the diplomat, the face of this all, Peg's well into silent body guard territory. Her dark uniform isn't obvious SHIELD unless one is looking closely, but she's got the look of someone who most senators and government officials just pass over as secret service. Trained. Quiet. Highly dangerous. Generally just a part of the furniture.

<You're... not wrong about hobbies.> Peggy mutters over the comms, the last little bit of mission chatter, but there is some rueful amusement behind her voice. She's encountered more than one 'interesting' senator in her life. As they step onto the front porch, Peggy stands slightly off to the side, back tilted to the door and eyes out on the street around them. She's covering both May's six and whomever may open the door.

Clint Barton has posed:
Clint listens over the comms still 'searching' his bag by that tall fence. << Waiting on you guys to ring the bell. Won't jump the fence until I know there's trouble. >> No sense scaring the senator if there's no reason to right? All the same, Clint's hand in the bag, is gripping his bow, ready to move at a moment's notice if things go bad.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
A click of her tongue, followed by a tsk is just about what Daisy's opinion about that router is. Expensive, yes! But she has broken into these before, even before she was in SHIELD.. <<All your secrets are belong to me now, Senator...>> she whispers. But well, she is in comms so everyone hears it. She clears her throat. << I mean, not literally but mmm, I should be through security soon. >> and she gets on to it, using those techniques that first got her to start working for SHIELD.. Some bit of Mac spoofing, then some brute forcing on some ports and voila!

She begins to poke about the network to reach into the computer or devices that may be connected inside the house to peek at activity. But then ... <<I found a security system, tapping into the cameras now....>> and as the porch image pops up she says, <<Say cheese..>>

Though if there is one thing she will regret is she didn't get to see May smile. It's one of those fabled rarities! But then she starts cycling through the cameras.

Melinda May has posed:
When the front door is openned, the senator himself stands in the gap. His brown hair is disheveled. He wears a white button-down shirt with his sleeves rolled up. The top button is undone. No tie. His trousers are a little rumpled. Naturally, he is not wearing shoes in the house. He is careful, however, to keep the door close to his shoulder, the gap only just wide enough to show the front of his body and little beyond. "Can I help you ladies?" he asks, his eyes fliting first to May, in her 'CIA' disguise, and then to Peggy, who telegraphs 'armed and dangerous' well to his experienced eye. His eyes are a trifle wide, body language stiff.

May's face is a mask of plesant professionalism when that door opens. One might almost think she's been taking lessons from Coulson. (Except... not quite.) She doesn't spare Peggy a glance, because she trusts the other woman to pick up on the same cues she is. "Senator Gauge," she says, her tone warm and reassuring as she pulls out her SHIELD badge and shows it to the man. "I'm Agent May with teh Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement, and Logistics Division." A beat. "SHIELD." Her eyes flick past him to what she can see of the house.

Which isn't much.

Daisy can see more, now that she's got access to the cameras. Like the 6'7" tower of muscle standing just off to one side, a .44 with a suppressor on its muzzle in his hand. Alexei Myasnikov. It's too bad the cameras don't extend farther into the house. Sergei is nowhere to be seen... unless, of course, someone resorts to using a laptop webcam.

"I'm sorry to bother you at home, senator," May continues uninterrupted, "but we have reason to believe your life is in danger. May we come in?"

The senator shakes his head firmly. "I'm sorry, Agent," he says, only the faintest hint of discomfort in his voice. "I'm afraid that's not really a good idea right now. I appreciate your concern, but I'm fine."

Illogical response much?

Peggy Carter has posed:
While Peggy is still sharply looking around the outdoors, as May's offer goes unheeded, those matte red lips turn into a touch of a frown. Dark eyes give the street another sweep before flickering over her shoulder, just for a second, in the Senator's direction. Her thumb carefully slips the securing strap off her ICER. Not drawing it yet, but the whole situation now reads as strange. Something is screaming in the back of her head and she's ready to draw.

"Senator, I assure you that we don't pay visits for our own health or amusement. When two SHIELD agents arrive at your front door, we are here because the threat is very real, and very imminent. We can provide identification if you need them, but you and anyone else in your house are in immediate danger." Peggy's clipped, cold tone is flat and serious as it gets. It's a voice she's used for decades to scare idiot government officers straight.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
As those cameras are being scrolled Daisy freezes on one where Alexei is shown. Her jaw tightens and all means of playfulness from before are gone. Instead it's serious mode Daisy that speaks into the comms quietly. << Alexei is on a side room left of the foyer with the Senator's son as hostage. Careful. >> she taptaps on the screen again. <<No signs of Sergei but he should be around.>>

She frowns, pulling up a blueprint of the house to her screen. <<Go in through the patio window to the bedroom and then to the hall. Avoid the back door as it's screened in case they are keeping tabs on the cameras as well.>> This last part she sending in advising to Clint.

<<They are close to the door, near the north wall of the room left of the foyer.>>

Clint Barton has posed:
<< Roger >> Clint says to Daisy before pulling his SHIELD badge on its chain out from under his shirt then pulling his bow and quivver from his bag and putting it on his back. An ICER follows with a clip-on holster that gets added to his belt.

A moment later Clint is up and over the wall, drawing that ICER as he moves to the patio window, giving it a careful once over before trying to slide it open and slip inside as Daisy advised.

Melinda May has posed:
"And I have a family emergency I need to deal with, Agent," the senator replies, the lines around his brown eyes deeping noticably with stress. "So you're just going to have to wait outside until it's resolved."

"I see" May says, her tone hardening to match Peggy's, though the professionalism stays in her expression. Even as she speaks, she's listening intently to Daisy's report of the situation inside the house. What she's wondering is what else is going on here, that the brothers haven't already set to killing the boy and his father, leaving the agents to happen upon a crime scene after the fact. No other scene has indicated the pair are willing to play with their victim's first. It's always been get in, kill, get out.

Of course, those thoughts are lightning quick and play across her mind as swiftly as the tactical situation becomes apparent.

"Alright, senator," she says, ultimately, raising her hands as if in surrender. "Whatever you say. I'll wait right here for you." She takes a step back.

Gauge eyes her warily for a moment and then gives her a shakey nod. He closes the door in her face. She turns to Peggy, pointing off the porch to the nearest entry point. "Go. Help Barton." Because she knows Barton's already inside.

She then ducks down and hunkers herself against the wall, pulling out her ICER as she does.

"I'll be around back, in case they run."

Then, leaving Peggy do get in and help Barton, she adds instructions to Daisy as she starts to move. "Get the Trisk on the horn," she tells her. "We need thermals. I want to know exactly where everyone in that building is. And keep monitoring those cameras."

Meanwhile, once that front door is closed, Alexei moves to drag the senator back into the same room as his son. There, Sergei sits in front of the senator's laptop, typing. There is still a gun in his hand. He types one handed, setting up some sort of file transfer. It's only when the bigger Myasnikov enters the room that he puts the gun down to pay closer attention to the file he's creating.

Peggy Carter has posed:
The reports coming over their comms are enough for Peggy's hand to wrap around the ICER and slide it out of its holster, safety thumbed off as she moves. She's not certain how May is going to play this, if they're charging through the front door or not, but she's done with trying to convince the senator of the danger to his life. The moment she gets the order from May, she nods, "Got it." And she's on the move.

The senator is inside and things aren't going to be subtle for much longer, so Peggy wastes no time in moving to not draw attention. She's not *loud*, having no wish to alert the enemies inside, but she sure is fast. She keeps swift and low, head below the level of the windows so her shadow doesn't give her away, as she cuts across the yard and then scales the fence smoothly ito the back area. <Barton, on my way to you.> She whispers over the comms, but is going to be about 15 seconds slower getting in the house than he is. In battle, 15 seconds is a lifetime.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
<<On it.>> Daisy replies to May, already reaching over to an alternate set of comms and speaking in. <<Trisk01, come in. The senator is in danger. We need thermals on that house, send info to my station, please.>>

And then it's back to monitoring the situation. <<The two Myasnikovs are inside the room too, along with the senator>> She warns them. <<Guns are lowered so you may have a chance to intervene.>>

She does get curious about that computer though, and what is being made there. <<I am going to take a peek at what the big guy is doing at the computer.>> Carefully though, because she knows she is dealing with highly dangerous mercenaries and hackers too... So she will need to bring out her best game. But she does work the better under stress too! It's just a matter of outsmarting the other hacker...

<<It appears he's looking for information on some deals between the US and India. Energy deals. Hmmm..>>

Clint Barton has posed:
<< Way's clear behind me >> Clint replies to Peggy, aware that if things jump off those fifteen seconds might be all the time the battle would last. << Moving to the door of this room >> he pauses at the door listening for a second before he pulls the door open and risks a peek into the next room, then moves across it to the next set of doors, peeking down there as well. << Closing on the room with the hostages, want to wait on Carter before I move >> he was a good shot but he'd rather have an agent with a gun per shooter rather than risk taking them both down himself.

Melinda May has posed:
"Globe-X was involved with water rights in India," May notes, circling around to the back exit... or side exit as the case may be. "And in selling stray nukes to the Indian government." And SHIELD hackers recently confirmed the Myasnikovs were the sellers in the deal Globe-X brokered. So, there are connections to be made.

Question is: Is the senator complicit or just a target?

"I trust your judgement, Barton," May tells the Avenger. "But if things start to go south, you move in." Because she also figures the Avenger is good enough in a pinch to handle two.

The thermals, when they come online, however, indicate that neither Alexei nor Sergei are taking any chances. They've positioned one hostage near each interior door into the room, in the most likely line of fire. And by the time Peggy is catching up to Barton, Alexei has taped a small electronic device to the boy's torso and is crossing toward the senator to do much the same.

Sergei, meanwhile, is uploading the data from the laptop to an encrypted server offshore... Or, at least, presumably off-shore. It's already starting to reroute itself through a spider's web of proxies.

Peggy Carter has posed:
Dropping into the yard, Peggy wastes no time on recoiling or recovery, but is moving fast and low into the way that Clint's already cleared. Knowing that her path is open means she transverse even quicker, the only thing slowing her down being the care she takes to make certain her boots don't clap on floor, no doors shut behind her, and not a single noise makes it to the people in the front room. Peggy is no sound other than the necessity of breath and very faint brush of fabric as she moves.

<<I'm with you.>> Peggy chimes in, exactly 12 seconds after Clint makes it into position, though those are a painful 12 seconds as it means something's been secured to the kid's chest now. Still, he's got his back up now and she's clearly ready to move, ICER in hand, though pointed at the ground without a clear target in sight.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
<<It all goes back to Globe-X, doesn't it?>> And Daisy is doing the Daisy-frown now, she doesn't like the sound of this at all, and what this may be leading to. But trying to steal secrets away? Tsk tsk... Daisy notes that start of transference from the laptop to the encrypted servers. << I will try to divert this upload and scramble the data if I can. >> she says, already typing down furiously on her own keyboard in an attempt to first divert the info Sergei is putting on that server so that it mirrors to one of SHIELD's too but also to corrupt the data...

As the thermals come in Daisy tells them. <<They are right on the next door from your position.>> She says, watching as they go about placing the devices. <<One hostage near each door that leads to the room.>> a beat. << They are placing electronic devices on the senator and kid. Mini-explosives? >>

<< Give 'em hell, Barton and Carter. >> Hey, she can be supportive!

Clint Barton has posed:
Barton's heart sinks when he hears about the device on the kid. Shit. If it was him doing this that'd 100% be tied to a deadman switch. Insurance.

Clint glances back at Carter. "Gonna do something stupid here, hang back and if you get a shot on these guys take it."

Then without another word he moves into the doorway weapon up. "Hey guys," he calls to the Russians. "Wanna talk about this before we make a mess of the senator's living room?"

Melinda May has posed:
Within the room, the senator can be heard arguing with one of the Russians -- well, more like pleading, really. As with most fathers, he wants them to leave his son alone. One of the men laughs. "You really don't get it, do you, senator?" Sergei says, his accent thick but his English impeccable, nonetheless. "*You* are the collateral damage in this case. Unless you happen to be the one prone to watching late night game streams."

"Games?" The senator sounds confused.

"I didn't think it was real, Dad..." The boy is probably 16 or 17. Old enough to be jaded by online stunts. Young enough not to know better.

However, when Clint steps into the doorway, he gasps. The Russians' guns come up, and Alexei can clearly be seen holding a trigger box for the devices.

"Stay back," the smaller of them -- Sergei -- says, "or they're both dead."

"Didn't think what was real?" The senator's voice is small. He sounds confused. He's not actually looking for an answer at this moment. (Though, if they survive all this? That's another story.)

Sergei continues unabated. "This is what is going to happen," he says, picking up the laptop and putting it under his arm. "My brother and I are going to walk out of here, unimpeded. You will let us, or we blow both of them -- and you -- to hell. You will not chase us. When we are far enough away, you will know." A beat. He smiles. "The devices will become inert."

May, outside the back door -- meaning outside that door leading out from the room they're in to the yard beyond, touches a hand to her ear, listening to everything coming through the coms. Like Barton, she has to consider the possibility they're using a deadman's switch. She also has to consider just how much flack the agency will take if a senator and his kid end up smeared across the neighbourhood. "Damn it," she swears. "Someone talk to me. What are you looking at in there? Can they be disarmed? Can we diffuse them?" Otherwise, she'll have to let them walk and pray they're telling the truth.

That does not sit well with the field leader.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
With Clint getting in there to talk with the russians it makes Daisy mutter a.. <<Damn ...>> at the courage to just step in like that. But her mind is already gone past it and studying a way to get through those particular devices.

<<One sec...>> She brings up an image of the devices up to her screen, gaze squinting. <<Mini-explosives, they are very effective. I don't trust them to not try to blow them once they are safely away but you may have a window to disarm them. The quickest way would be a surge of electricity on the devices. Yet there is a feedback. Unless the senator and the boy are insulated they may die from the process.>> a beat. << I will try to figure out the trigger frequency, can you get me some time?>> she then asks.

<<<I can try blocking the signal once I get it. But there'll still be the deadman switch to worry with.>>

Clint Barton has posed:
"LK-79s nice," Clint says with a glance towards the bombs confirming the type of devices they were working with, 10 mile range, deadman's switch, high-tech stuff.

"Alright, going to let you guys walk your asses out of here, but you're going to remove the bomb on the Senator," one less bomb to defuse. "Before you do. Sound fair guys? I'm an Avenger, so you know I'm not going to let a kid get hurt, so, you've still got your leverage and you get to show me I should trust you to keep your word."

Peggy Carter has posed:
Peggy is suddenly quite happy she didn't come the rest of the way into the room. She's not given herself away yet and, if they thought Clint was working alone (minus maybe someone on the porch), she could keep a tail on them as they go. As silently as she made her way into the house, now she's backing out, trying to cut around the other side so she can get a view of where ever they are retreating when they do.

<<Barton, you're solo again. With permission, I'm going to try to keep a tail on them to clean up after you've managed to disarm.>> Peggy is actually pretty decent at following orders, especially when they come from someone like Melinda May. But if she's not ordered off the follow, she's going to tail them as long as it takes to put their original targets down.

Melinda May has posed:
"Good call, Barton," May says, cautiously backing away from the door she'd been hovering by. She steps back to the corner of the house so she can watch the rear exit and catch a glimpse of the street. "Go, Carter," she tells Peggy, expecting she'll head out the front to the SUV. That's fine. May can grab a lift with Johnson. "Johnson, get us discrete eyes in the sky to follow them."

Within the house, the brothers look to one another. After a moment of apparently silent communication, Sergei gives Alexei a quick nod. Alexei steps forward and snaps the device off the senator's chest. He leaves the boy's intact. The device that had threatened the senator is palmed and slid into a pocket of his jacket.

"Good choice," Sergei says, now, still with that computer in his arm. He starts backing away toward the rear exit because it's the closest door. "It has been a pleasure, agents."

He reaches the door, Alexei moving with him, both with their guns trained on Clint and the senator. (Why target the boy? He's already got a bomb on his chest.) When the door is opened, he turns and begins sprinting across the lawn towards the back fence.

"They're heading to the back alley," May says, letting Peggy know where to go to catch up with them. As the pair of men clear the fence, pelting away down the alley to where their vehicle is hidden, she moves swiftly to the door and enters the room where Barton is with the senator.

"Let's get to work," she tells him. They need to find an insulator for the boy.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
With them choosing to go with insulating the boy it makes Daisy focus on following the two brothers. And that means getting some drone action goin'. She opens a box, taking out a drone and slipping out of a window to gain altitude, controlling it to a comfortable distance to do the following. <<Drone in position. Ready to follow.>> She announces.

<<I am still trying to figure out the frequency but really, you may want to consider the alternative.>> She calls out on comms, cleaning some sweat off her brow at the stress of the situation.

Peggy Carter has posed:
<<Roger.>> Peggy breathes over the comms, but she's already moving, trying to keep ahead of them, one set of yards down so she's mostly hidden but can keep the sound of their loud, clapping boots easily in range. She swears as she hears them moving towards a vehicle. <<Keep that drone on them, Daisy, I'll catch up in a second!>> Thank gods Daisy is the brilliant multitasker Peg knows her to be.

Out of a back yard and across the street herself, she books it for the SUV that they came in, mentally praying that the modern vehicle has better handling than it looks. She hits the keyless start up in her pocket as she swings into the driver's seat and starts a hard turn in the other car's direction. But she's still trying to stealth -- a bit. No violent peeling of wheels and she's not joining the street they are on, but trying to keep parallel, one street down from them. Thank god for planned grids and cookie cutter suburbs.

Clint Barton has posed:
Clint keeps his gun raised until the brothers are out of the room. Sliding it back into its holster he says, "It's okay, we've got you," to the Senator's son. "What's your name?" he asks nodding to May as she joins them. "Senator, do you have anything that might make a good insulator in the house, spare tire we can cut apart, an electric blanket, something like that?"

He looks over at the kid and puts a hand on his shoulder. "I've got you, I'm not going anywhere until we get this thing off of you."

Melinda May has posed:
"I-I don't know," the senator says, rising to his feet. "A blanket, yes, but... is that really enough?"

"Rubber car mats," May suggests. "They're lighter and easier to manipulate than tires." She purses her lips. "Do you have silicon oven mitts?" Because that might not hurt, either.

"We do," the boy says, speaking before his father can. "They're in the kitchen."

Well, duh. But, give the kid a break. He's under a lot of stress. Right now.

He glances to Clint. Wait. There's an Avenger in his house! An Avenger will save him for sure! "Jason," he says. "My name is Jason."

The Myasnikovs are in an older model sedan that stands out somewhat in this neighbourhood because of its age, not its condition. Its paint is unmarred and its handling is good, given it's about 10 years old. They waste no time in getting themselves heading out of the neighbourhood towards the nearest interstate.

As Peggy gives chase, May moves to retrieve the mitts and the mats, so Clint can stay with the boy and decide how best to approach that bomb. She returns in short order with both.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
With the Myasnikovs now on the loose Daisy makes it her task to follow them from above. "They are in the sedan ahead of you." she says to Peggy, continuing to track it through. "Heading to the interstate. They should reach it soon..." the cat and mouse continues for a time, she using the drone to good effect to assist as a 'wingman' to Peggy's driving.

As they begin to reach that long tunnel entrance she warns. "I am going to lose visibility on them when you get into that next tunnel. You will be on your own there... Let me see if I can get the boys to give us thermals..."

And she starts doing just that, requesting for some aid from even further above! Yet it may just be not enough..

Peggy Carter has posed:
<<Got it, Daisy. I've got eyes on them.>> With the drone's assistance and Daisy's confirmation, Peggy is fairly easily able to catch up with the car. She's an expert driver, even if the SUV is a little bigger than what she's accustomed to handling, she's been getting in some practice. She's also pretty damn talented at staying hidden, knowing well how to keep 3-4 cars between her and the person she is tailing. Occasionally switching lanes, so it doesn't look like she's always on their six. She feels pretty confident with her tailing, even if it means she's going to be solo when they finally stop moving. Worries for another time.

<<They're three cars ahead of me. Going into the tunnel...Now...>> Peggy's tracking tail lights, doing her best to follow maybe a bit uncomfortably close in the tunnels, but she knows what she's doing. Then... they're gone. Tail lights just not there. She blinks, cursing in the car. Her head turns momentarily, trying to see if there is any side turn off or tunnel IN the tunnel, but she can't keep eyes on the interior too long because she's still driving at high speeds. When they come out the other side, she curses louder. <<Hell... *HELL*. They...turned off, or something... In the tunnels. They're gone. Shite.>>

Clint Barton has posed:
"Hey Jason, it's going to be okay, I do this sort of thing all the time," Clint says chatting casually with the kid before May returns with the floor mats and the oven mits, pulling out a knife he cuts the mats and gloves down into strips and then begins to layer them between the bomb and Jason's chest.

Insulation set, Clint reaches behind his back and pulls out three of his Taser arrows, lining them up carefully. "May can you take the senator out of the room, please," he says and when the Senator is out of the room he looks Jason in the eyes. "Okay Jason, here's what's going to happen, I am going to count to three and-" he doesn't wait for the three count, as soon as he gets to 'and' he closes his eyes and jabs all three arrows into the bomb housing at once. This was either going to save the day or leave a smoking hole where Clint and Jason were kneeling.

Melinda May has posed:

The taser arrows fill the room with light and sound as they overload the circuitry of the bomb. It's always been that model's flaw. The rubber smokes beneath it, warming Jason's chest. But the energy doesn't overwhelm him or leave more than a lightly pink spot underneath his faintly crisped tee shirt. "Ohgodohgodohgod..." the kid prays when it happens. But when it's over, he's just about ready to hug Clint. (It's tough to be a cool guy when you think you're gonna die.)

In the other room, May holds out an arm to keep the senator from rushing back into the room when the lightshow begins. "Don't," she tells him. "Just wait."

Only when the lightshow fades does she let him past her. Frankly, she'd have preferred to see into the room first, to see if everything went well. Because she doesn't really want the first thing the man sees to be his kid burnt to a crisp. Fortunately, the gods smile upon them, because Jason is fine. Singed, but fine.

"Oh, thank god..." the senator breathes. He looks to Clint. "I don't know how I'll ever thank you." Then to May. "All of you."

"Oh, don't worry," May says dryly. "We'll talk about that."

But for the moment, her attention is on the com chatter in her ear. When Peggy loses their quarry, she swears softly, walking towards a window to look out at the neighbourhood. "Alright. circle back here to pick us up," she tells Peggy. "There's still only so far they could have gotten. We'll get teams down there to search for clues."

There's nothing more they can do.