3168/The Life Giving Sword
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The Life Giving Sword | |
Date of Scene: | 30 August 2020 |
Location: | Wilderness Campsites |
Synopsis: | Laura and Logan discuss Mercy as a tenet of Bushido and practice quiet contemplation and meditation in the woods. |
Cast of Characters: | Logan Howlett, Laura Kinney
- Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan knew he didn't need to mince-words with Laura. They had made an agreement for Logan to share some of his philosophy, and Logan had left a note under Laura's door with a date and time. It is early in the morning, the woods are just becoming alive once more with the sound of birdsong and the scurrying of smaller woodland rodents.
A campsite has undergone a transformation. It's not quite a zen garden, but it's a passable attempt. A few medium-sized boulders have been extracted from the countryside and carried by hand, arranging in a method that is meaningful at least to Logan. In particular, there are two set a short distance apart from one and other, one boulder just slightly higher. A rake has carved grooves in the soil in radiating ripples from each boulder, which inter-mingle as they 'collide' between the boulders.
Logan sits in seiza on the taller boulder wearing a hakama and open-gi top. A katana in sheath lays across his thighs. His eyes are closed, his breathing measured in meditation as he awaits Laura's arrival.
- Laura Kinney has posed:
Likely, Logan will scent Laura before he even hears her - only his keen senses picking up her otherwise practiced, ingrained, near-silent footsteps even in the underbrush of the woods. She had only gotten the note the prior night, havin just arrived back from Gotham and had gotten very little sleep because of the early time; but then, like Logan, she didn't need a lot of sleep necessarily.
Sensing the meditative form of her 'father' and instructor, the girl dressed in an all-black combat-gear outfit pauses several feet away, and waits in silence to be addressed, and acknowleged by him with perfect patience.
- Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan waits for a few moments, allowing the breeze pushing through the forest canopy to anoint his senses. He is in the moment. Laura's scent does betray her, but in his meditative state, even her movement is noticed, not in the sound of her footfalls, but in the way the flora around her responses to her presence, the parting of the breeze, the muffling of the rustle behind her to his ears.
He gestures simply to the nearby boulder and waits just as patiently for her to sit.
- Laura Kinney has posed:
Laura pauses only a few moments before moving to the rock, sitting, and after a few more moments seeks to emulate her instructor. This, at least in the physical aspect she does with absolute perfection. The mental aspect? Well. That's going to take a bit of verbal instruction. She's never been through anything like this before.
Any questions she has, at least for the moment, are curtailed in respect for Logan and the desire to learn. The intensity of focus is scripted over her features - if one could see it.
- Logan Howlett has posed:
"There are a few morsels of insight I've gained in my long life that I want to share, Laura. One of these is to debunk an old sayin'." He takes a breath and sighs, "Some say the road to hell is paved with 'good intentions', and honestly, I think that's bullshit. Yea, some of the punks in this world think they are doin' the right thing as they murder in the name of a shared cause, but its a lack of awareness and empathy that allows those roads to hell."
He shifts out of seiza into a more comfortable cross-legged position. "Intentions matter. When bad things happen from good intentions, those are usually mistakes. When bad things happen because of bad intention that's evil. That's givin' in to our base desires. That's bein' a beast or a souless weapon."
"When you face an enemy, you might take their life. The 'how' is a matter of technique and skill. The 'why' is a question of your soul. Do you kill out of contempt or anger? Or do you kill from a desire to protect others." He takes another breath. "So you must ask yourself... Do I take this single life so that many might live? So that many might avoid pain and suffering? If so, I wield this sword to give life."
He raises a hand and unleashes a set of his claws. "Or do I take this single life because they've angered me? Do I take this life because they dared to harm me? Do I seek vengeance? If so, I wield this sword to give death."
"The only darker path then this is apathy. Do I take this single life because I can? Because its easier? Because I believe it lacks value? Or because I enjoy the fight? If so, I wield this sword to murder."
His eyes open, his gaze settling upon Laura. "The technique. The sword stroke. It can be the same. The outcome can be the same, a life is taken, but what happens inside of you." He taps his heart and then the side of his head. "Can be very different."
- Laura Kinney has posed:
Laura listens to all of this without interruption, and with an intensity about her that proves her interest in what Logan is teaching her as well as her desire to learn from him. To - change. To give herself fully to this lesson.
As each point is given, she listens. As each question is asked, she listens. But her expression doesn't change. Not one bit. It doesn't go either more contemplative, or show confusion. And it is only when her teacher is done speaking that she, in turn, allows her own voice to touch the air around them both.
"I kill to be efficient. So that my opponent may not rise again, later, to strike back at me. Or to harm others. Because, now that I am free, I wish to protect others," she answers to her current way of thinking.
Her jaw sets more deeply, "I accepted the thought of the X-Men, and others. And will apply it when necessary. But I have not been able to grasp why they do not kill those that would continually seek to harm them, and others."
Her dark brown eyes look into his, intently. "I do not wish to be a soulless beast. I - I wish to -find- my soul," she reveals. "To find myself."
- Logan Howlett has posed:
Laura has listened, so Logan gives her the same respect. He's attentive, blue gaze centered solely on her. He nods, "Sometimes, it's the right thing to do. To take a life. It is efficient. Sometimes the more sentimental kid themselves. There is real evil out there. Real evil needs to be snuffed out."
He takes another calming breath, "But the world is also full of 'sides' and misunderstanding. Sometimes the fight isn't as straight forward as it appears. Sometimes its easy to see. Someone gets drunk and takes a swing, calling you by the wrong name. They aren't fightin' you, they are fightin' their owns demon."
He raises an open palm, "And sometimes it's not so simple. I've fought a lot of wars, and the greatest tragedy of war, is that good people do exist on both sides. Lookin at World War Two for example. There were hardcore Nazis, that I gladly took out of the world.. and then there were German soldiers who hated the Third Reich, hated the Nazis, but they fought because their families were behind them, hostages but everythin' in name."
"I won't pretend to say I sorted them out well, but I tried when I could. You say you kill to be efficient.. but that's assumin' your opponent will always be an enemy. Mercy can change people and give second-chances. That person you spare, might save you one day, or someone you love... Or maybe they'll show that same kindness in a different way, helpin' someone you'll never know." He nods solemnly.
- Laura Kinney has posed:
Again, Laura considers Logan's words. She, afterall, has never fought in a war. Personal wars, perhaps. But mostly just wetworks missions, executions. So she takes his shared knowledge to heart, committing it to memory and to turn around in her mind and process both now, and later.
She considers. And with that shared experience, some of his knowledge seems to click into place into her mind. She nods, as the understanding dawns, a new insight is achieved. "You are saying that I should not treat all battles, all fighting, the same. That I should treat each as it's own unique experience, and from that experience, and my perceptions, make the best choice that I can from my own viewpoint based on everything I know, and observe with my senses." It is not a question, Laura is a -damn- smart girl, save where it comes to social interactions. Those will likely still give her trouble for a long while.
"I understand." Again, she nods, and there is a slight release in her from some tension that had been lingering there.
- Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan nods in affirmation and offers Laura a warm smile. "You've got it. It'll make you a better fighter, too. No fight is ever really the same. I know you got a good command of the.. uh.. environmental factors. Weather. Climate. Terrain. The thoughts and emotions of your opponent are just as important."
"In Japanese zen-Buddhist philosophy, this understanding is the true 'Life Giving Sword'. It allows you to defeat an opponent with the least amount of force... In higher application, it allows you to defeat an opponent with no force." He grins, "In my bar example, that might be a splash of cold water to the face and a quick yell, 'I ain't Jerry!' to wake the drunk up."
"In something even more practical, it might be understandin' what motivates your foe and removin' that motivation. Now that might involve cuttin' the head off the snake, or it might involve makin' sure someone's family gets fed." He shrugs deeply, "But you get the most important point. Be in the moment. Seek to understand. Act from that understanding. Even if it means taking a life."
- Laura Kinney has posed:
"It will not be an easy change," Laura admits, understanding the difference between comprehension, and application. "But, you have my word that I will begin to put forth the effort to make myself consider these new ideas each, and everytime I fight." This is spoken seriously; Laura is not one to shy away from committment, afterall. She has something to prove. More to herself, than Logan - but it is clear she does not wish to 'fail' him.
"Be in the moment," she repeats, as if it were a mantra without knowing what a mantra was for, or what it even was. "Act from understanding." She nods. "I can do this. I will do it."
She inhales again, slowly, exhaling in the same manner. Looks around. "Why did you want to meet here, instead of your cabin?" She senses ther is a purpose; the altered terrain, however marginal, the rake, the boulders. But, it's beyond her ability to grasp.
- Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan nods as she speaks and comments after her commitment, "You are right. It will not be easy. You will make mistakes. You will falter, but if you keep that determination, you'll find balance. You feel somethin' change inside too. Pride, fulfillment. Confidence in the 'why' behind your actions."
He takes in their surroundings. "This was for me. A ritual get myself in the right mindset. Its an expression, art. The boulders represent our experiences. I gave myself a bigger one, because I think I've got a bit on you. At the same time, I do not see that difference as bein' a huge thing. So it's not much bigger."
He points down at the raked ripples in the soil. "These represent the effects of our actions. They extend from us.. Farther then we may ever realize. We cast ripples. Our environment is a reflection of our actions. This is somethin' I need to remind myself of. When I'm an asshole, I affect the people around me in ways I don't mean too. Showin' a little consideration can be the difference in a breakin' point for somebody. The way you treat someone might save a life or ruin' it."
Another deep sigh and low grumble, "I am in no way... a master of any of this, but I believe I can at least see the path."
- Laura Kinney has posed:
Again, Laura listens intently. Perhaps both understanding, and yet not. This is a bit - deeper, and something she's not delved into before. But it's not beyond her understanding entirely. Slowly, she nods. She looks at each item as Logan describes it, pairing his explination with the action or visual cue and why it was done the way it was.
"I understand. At least, I think I do," she says slowly. And, says further, "You may not be a master, Logan, but you certainly know more of it than I. You have been through Weapon-X, but you had the opportunity to - be someone, before than. Still, you and Gabby are the only ones who can relate to where I am coming from. To understand my difficulties."
There is a pause, and she says less intently, and more sincerely, some personality showing through, "I appreciate this time with you. To learn. How to. Be. Someone. Find myself." It's not something she had considered before, until someone had asked her to.
"So this, the thought put into battle and fighting, and practicing changing your enviorment into meaning, this is Bushido?"
- Logan Howlett has posed:
"Glad you are findin' something from it, Laura. I struggle sometimes knowin' the right way to be a part of your life. Should I be a mentor? Should I be a father? Do I have a right to claim any kind of relationship?"
He huffs, "While I may not have those answers, I can say this. I want to help. You are right. You and I.. can relate to one and other in ways others can't. I'll willin' to use that to help you understand the world around you. Share some wisdom. Heck, we do this enough. Maybe words like 'father' and 'daughter' will feel more natural to us."
Rubbing the back of his head, some of his composure beginning to chink away, "It's part of Bushido. There are eight virtues to be aware of: Justice, Courage, Mercy, Honesty, Honor, Loyalty, and Self-Control."
He eyes Laura, "You have many of these virtues already. That's why I figure we'd talk a bit on the 'why' behind mercy."
- Laura Kinney has posed:
Laura repeats each of the aspects aloud, after Logan, committing those to memory also. Remaining still seated, and virtually unmoved from where had emulated Logan's position and seat from, the young girl nods - if anyone were an empty vessel waiting to be filled with knowledge, Laura would most certainly fit the bill.
She agrees, "I will need help understanding each aspect," perhaps missing things like 'Courage' and 'Self-Control' she already has a -very- good idea and implementation of already.
That attentive gaze returns to her mentor, ready to learn yet more, this time of Mercy. She admits, "I understand people when they do not wish to kill. I know the definition of mercy. But, ... it is a difficult concept."
- Logan Howlett has posed:
"Yea, ain' it? Mercy didn't come fast to me, and I can't pretend to be Piotr or even Scott when it comes to bein' so quick to show it." He scratches at a sideburn then rubs his chin. "Lot of it starts with 'why' as we've been talkin' about. 'Why is this person a threat to me, my friends, or my family?' Is it by their very nature? I'd rather put a serial killer in the ground then prison. Is it because they need somethin' or are protectin' somethin'? What is that? Do I know any of this? How dangerous are they really?" He offers another shrug and then picks a twig off his hakama.
"Because it's hard to know, sometimes a good default is mercy, especially if your opponent didn't exhibit any particular skill to make 'em dangerous. A worthy foe with bad intentions? Yea, gut 'em." He raises a finger. "Imaging yourself in their place is a good startin' point. If you think you'd make the same decisions as them, givin' their circumstances, might be a good idea to show mercy and talk things out."
He frowns solemnly, "Or sometimes, it means you know you have to kill them.. even if you don't want to. I can think of a couple of people that I... understand. I get why they are the way they are... but I'm pretty sure the world would be better without them."
- Laura Kinney has posed:
"Kimura." It's the single word torn from Laura's lips without thinking on the heels of Logan's recitation of people who the world would be better with out, and people who she 'has' to kill. Has she even told Logan about Kimura? It is, perhaps, certainly Logan's seen a shadow of fear, and utter contempt, come across Laura's face. Only after the name is uttered does she realize she spoke it, and tells Logan with absolute certainty, "I will never have mercy for her. And when I kill her, it will be to save lives. And, for my own vengenance. I will raise the sword to -both- save lives, and I will raise the sword death." Both her hand-claws pop out with that rage, and then after a moment and a twisted expression on her face, they retract again.
It takes her a few moments to find a sembelance of peace again, to let the vehemenence bleed away, and return to the lesson at hand. "That is a lot of things to think about, while you are fighting, in addition to tactical and strategic manuevers, counters, and attacks," she hedges to him. Seeing these as each 'tasks' to complete, the 'job list' is piling up high in Laura's tactical brain.
"But, I grasp the idea a little better, now. It falls in line with deciding which sword I raise."
- Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan stares at Laura for a long time as she expresses her rage. There isn't any sense of judgment. He just offers a grave nod, "Honestly, includes honesty with yourself. What you just said.. is very honest. I won't say its right or wrong, but sometimes people need to die, and sometimes you enjoy being the one to put them six feet under."
"Yea, it's a lot. So when you are scoutin' out a mark or an objective, it doesn't hurt to also research a little bit into people's motivations. It'll make for a better strategy too. When you understand someone, you can predict them. The most dangerous and evil people you'll ever meet, understand this too. They just choose to use that understandin' and twist it to their own ends." He grunts as he considers some of the more manipulative people he's dealt with in the past.
He grunts and nods firmly to her, "Lesson concluded. You are welcome to stay and meditate on what you've learned. That's just taking some time to clear your head and focus on these new thoughts and ideas. Sometimes it's easier when your environment harmonizes with the thoughts. Kind of like a gym with the right equipment is easier to train in... Find things that help you reflect. Maybe it's makin' a garden like I just did. Maybe it's sittin' in the dark and silence. Only you can figure out what works best for you."
- Laura Kinney has posed:
Laura nods, her features shifting expressions, movements, all of which would appear more contemplative, thoughtful, then anything else. Finally, all she can say is, "I will remain. For a little while. And consider what you've said." She nods. Thinking would help clear her mind, ask herself questions, internally, and search for those answers.
She looks up to him, "Thank you, Logan. I appreciate your time. And, you sharing your experiences. I do believe they will help."
- Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan offers a pleased smile, "Glad to help." He then closes his eyes and resumes his meditation, shifting a little bit for comfort. He becomes lost once more in the sounds and smells of the forest, the life that surrounds them both.