3687/Chilling with the Crow

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Chilling with the Crow
Date of Scene: 05 October 2020
Location: April's Apartment
Synopsis: Is it the Crow or the Raven? April and Harley talk about ex'es, Halloween, Tahiti and busting people's knees while watching a cult classic movie.
Cast of Characters: Harley Quinn, April O'Neil

Harley Quinn has posed:
It was hard being Harley Quinn sometimes... Trips to Tahiti, bounty hunting ..., handling April's ex-beaus! Hard life! Honestly, her life she sounded so ludicrous if she got herself thinking about it for too long ...

But tonight it was about keeping a promise. She did say to April she'd have her watch the Crow while they were down at the pizza parlor some days back. And so here they were...

The scene had been set, sofa ready, popcorn, lights dimmed. TV on. The movie ready to roll. Hyenas had been fed royally earlier so they were peacefully inside her room sleeping, one less distraction. So it just left Harley sitting her legs curled up under her on the sofa, shorts and top and some .., necklace of shells around her neck? Someone had been travelling around apparently.

"I met that ex-boy o' youse a few days ago!" It's a great topic to start the night!

April O'Neil has posed:
April is coming out of the kitchen after having been doing some cleanup in there post-dinner. She's got a cup of hot tea and a plate with some little healthy snack foods on it. She's wearing a yellow and white tshirt with the numbers '69' on the chest and back in white, a gift from one of her college friends a couple years ago. A pair of black and white track pants and some fresh new socks that feel loverly on her feet.

"Casey?" April asks, approaching Harley at the sofa and joining her on her right side. She settles down on to the sofa and sets that plate on her lap, then her feet up on the edge of the sofa as she sips her cup. "He's been... going through some stuff lately. Did you two... get along?" Ape asks, glancing to her left with a slight grin. "Or did ya feed him to the hyenas?"

Harley Quinn has posed:
"I affectionately call 'im Crazy Casey." Harley announces in a grand manner, wide grin on her lips and she taking a mouthful of popcorn to chomp on them, the start of the moving just starting to roll up when April joins her there. "And of COURSE we got along!" Harley just gives April a look. As if she got along with EVERYONE! "Have I evah not gotten along with anyone? I mean, lets not count the pizza deliverah guy. In my defense the hyenas hadn't eaten in a while and ...." well, it was a great pursuit down a couple of blocks. But noone got eaten!

"And suwah, we played some Bad Dudes, saved the president that was bein' taken by ninjas. A pretty regulah aftahnoon." She says, "And he got my ol' Jag repaired at his garage. So he's got my approval."

"And yea, he tol' me about some o' the stuff he's goin' through."

April O'Neil has posed:
In truth, April hadn't really thought about how similar Harley and Casey were... and the look on her face as she stares at Harley, is almost frozen in place as she comes to this realization. It lingers like this for a second before she quickly shakes her head and glances away. "Well heck, I'm glad to hear it. I mean... truly, I thin the two'a you probably have a lot in common. Heck, you almost seem like you could be related, now that I'm, well... thinking about it." April laughs a little at that. What does it say about April? Her close friend and reommate, is almost identical to the man she was in the most serious relationship she's been in?

April's eyes zone in on the necklace around Harley's shoulders. "Where'd you get that?" She asks then. It looks like something Mikey would wear.

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Related?!" Now that just sounds crazy for her! Harley lets out a cackle that almost resembles one out of her hyenas and shakes her head at April. "Only ya ta think somethin' crazy like that ..." and as 'punishment' she leans over to snatch some food out of April's snacks, eyeing it briefly before popping it into her mouth. But with Harley being Harley she is one to keep the talk uncomfortable enough or .., well.., maybe just without any barriers on what to ask or say. "He seems ta still be into you." she says, just finishing to chew up the snack. "Goin' back togetha?"

The talk about the necklace does make her glance down though, brushing fingers over the shells. "A trip to tahiti." honestly, those tales just seem to be getting more ridiculous. "I got this new friend..., Spiral. She .., can teleport around." but her shoulders then sag a little. "She's a lot like I was befoouh. I am tryin' ta help her, like people did ta me." she does seem to be taking this whole reformed clownette thing quite seriously.

April O'Neil has posed:
April's plate has some fruit slices on it, and a handful of pretzels with a small cup of dipping sauces, looks like a cheese of some kind. She takes a sip of her drink and glances to the television before she looks back at Harley and smirks at her. "Tahiti huh?" She asks. "Shit, I'd like to go next time. Though I might stay, so maybe it's best I not." There's a smirk and a bit of a slump to her shouldrs at he Casey question. She falls back in to the embrace of the sofa and lays her head back on it.

"I dunno." She admits. "I like him, but he's gonna get mad. Well, annoyed, agitated, whatever you wanna label it. I'm busy with work, two jobs. There isn't a lot of 'time' for what I imagine he's envisioning. He's a bit of a romantic, if ya can believe it."

She glances at Harley wit ha smirk then. "I'm glad you're helping this person out though. That shows how much growth you've had, you're bein' all... heroic and stuff." She picks up another apple slice and offers it to Harley to follow the mango one she'd first taken.

Harley Quinn has posed:
"That'd actually be a great idea!" Harley replies to April, blue eyes shining, "And I know, we been theah twice now. I just want ta stay theah foh moouh time but she doesn't really buy my perfect pleadin' huge eyes." dramatic little sigh escaping her lips. "She needs some friends though, and I think it'd be fun. Believe it oh not we even came across Doctah Strange on the second time!" ok, she must be definitely lying about that! Or is she?

As the conversation shifts to Casey again she offers a small nod, listening, actively doing so, the movie being forgotten for now. She can watch Brandon Lee brooding as the Crow anytime she wants anyway! Even in her dreams! "I believe it." she says, "He was talkin' ta me a bit about his farm and so. He's tryin' ta get bettah. Givin' up on bein' a vigilante?" yea, apparently he told her. "He does seem ta have a lotta angah ta vent." a beat then before she reaches to touch her friend's shoulder. "I think you should do what makes ya happy, Apes."

The mention of being heroic just makes both her brows shoot up. "Heroic?! What's next, broodin' atop rooftops dressed in all black? No thank you!" and she gladly accepts the apple slice, taking it with her teeth.

April O'Neil has posed:
April grins softly. "I saw Doctor Strange in the subway in Manhattan once. He... vanished inside of a train. Just stepped right off of the track as a train rushed in to the platform, and -whoosh- he was gone. Everyone freaked out. But then, like he just sauntered out of the train's interior and told everyone things were fine, he was just... looking for someone, or something." She shakes her head lightly then glances back to the television to stare at it as she raises up a pretzel to nibble on it.

A few moments later and she glances back to Harley on her left. "We all need to do what makes us happiest, so long as it doesn't make others unhappy. That's what I was always told growin' up anyway."

She points at the tv. "He's the Crow?" She asks. "Why not the Raven. He looks more likea Raven to me."

A glance back to Harley then and April is grinning once more. "You gonna dress up as a Bat for Halloween? Harleyween?" She asks, teasing the former Gothamite.

Harley Quinn has posed:
"It's a wizard's prerogative ta just pop up on the most unexpected o' places. But in that case, think he was lookin' foh my friend. Some kinda past between 'em." Harley says, bobbing her head a few times while she nibbles on the apple slice. Eyes only return to the TV when April mentions the Crow-that-should-be-a-Raven. "Look, but Crow just sounds darkah doesn't it?" a beat. "Well, Raven has a nice touch ta it too. But names awhe unimportant heah! It's all about the story!" And just us the Crow is getting about on it's revenge streak apparently. She points. "Look, he's gonna be stabbin' that guy in a bit. And laughin' too!" no wonder she likes the movie ...

Not that she forgot what April said earlier, making her eyes return to her and some worry creasing the clownette's expression. "Yoh have a heart o' gold, April. You accepted me in heah when ya could had just said no, and ya don't wanna hurt Casey even if yoh ain't suwah it's gonna work. But yoh need ta think moouh on yourself. Be more selfish!" she adds, her grin again growing after she says that.

The suggestion to dress as a certain Bat does make her eyes glint mischievously. "Damn, that's a great idea! I will do it. D'ya wanna dress as Robin? The ol' suits with the shorty-shorts.. Gosh, how much fun I had cackling at 'em yeahs ago when they still went with those.." ah, the old murderous times...

April O'Neil has posed:
The bit about the movie makes April grin. "This is like the Matrix, before the Matrix was the Matrix, huh?" She asks, glancing back to Harley as she nibbles more pretzel. "I mean, like 'cool factor' wise." Anothe sip of her hot tea is taken and April glances down at her plate of snacks as she grins at the bit about herself needing to be more selfish. "I do that at work. At the Station that is. I was 'too nice' there early on and it was just getting me pushed around. People calling me 'cupcake' and 'sweetie' like I was some kind of frail flower for them to just push around. Dress up like a pretty little dolly and put on a shelf." She shakes her head back and forth. "That does't fly anymore--" She pauses then and glances up. "Though my desk is still beside the bathrooms..." She mutters, discontentedly-so.

Another look is sent over to Harely beside her and April smiles. "Robin? I remember that outfit, it's like a ... kid from Marching Band forgot their pants, right?" She asks, then laughs softly. "Sure, I'd wear it. You'd have to defend my ass from being groped though, if we go to some drunken parties."

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Fuck yea it is!" Harley says about the cool factor. Look, she is a fan! Maybe not more than she loves Fifth Element. But what other movie can beat that one, amirite?! "Brandon died durin' this movie ya know? So it was his last one too. Sorta tragic." she says of the main actor on the movie.

Those blue eyes do start to squint as April talks about how she was treated. "Sweetie?!" that does make her incensed, leaning closer to April. "So, dya got a list? I can go and uh.., make 'em regret what they did ta ya." give it to Harley offering to help April by ways of violence.. But that isn't a surprise to anyone ...

"And yea it is! Oh shit, marchin' band kid!" She lets out an howl of a laugh, "If I come across one o' em in the future I will have to use that line! Hopefully they won't get too upset." even as she eyebrow-waggles at April about Harley having to protect her rear. "I will keep an eye on it, no worries. I will even bring my favorite bat. Aftah we bust the first guy's knees the othas will keep in line."

Harley Quinn, fierce protector of her friends.

April O'Neil has posed:
April just laughs softly at the other beside her and shakes her head back and forth. "I'm not asking for anyone at work to get their teeth knocked out, or their faces rearranged. People are assholes. Especially in Manhattan where they're all trying to 'make it big'. They don't care nothing about me, and that's perfectly okay with me, cause I don't need them either."

A big smile is shown to Harley then before April offers her another bit of food off of the plate in her hands. "Okay, I'm gonna hush up so we can watch this and I won't ruin it... cause I wanna know more of the things that make Harley Quinn who she is today." She smiles at the other once more before settling in tothe sofa again and... well, she's definitely going to ask questions, because its just her nature!