3969/Somewhere Beyond The Sea

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Somewhere Beyond The Sea
Date of Scene: 28 October 2020
Location: Tricorner Docks
Synopsis: Ivy delivers justice to one of Ace Chemicals criminal management, along the way she meets Namor, and finds he is a true hero!
Cast of Characters: Pamela Isley, Namor

Pamela Isley has posed:
The docks are silent at this time of day, in between shifts, no busy work taking place at the moment. It's also a bit on the dark side, some fog to help things along, and of course the sound of a man screaming. Wait...that can't be right, there shouldn't be a man screaming. That man...? Benjamin Frost, one of the higher management people in Ace Chemicals. Currently he is dangled by huge array of vines holding his legs like a vice, as he is slowly lowered towards the ocean's waters. On the dock, is a lady in green, some would know her as Poison Ivy.

"See Benjamin," she explains, "when you poison Mother Earth, it suffocates her, it kills the lovely green...and it feels kinda like you're about to feel..." a big splash as he's dunked forcefully underwater and kept there, struggling in vain.

Namor has posed:
There's a far off splash of water, which, well, that happens all the time, it's not typically enough to really draw attention. But then there's the fresh smell of the sea, as if someone were at a clean beach rather than a disgusting Gotham dock.

And then there's a voice from above Ivy, only a few feet above, as Namor peers down at her in his weirdly skimpy armor. "You appear to be drowning Benjamin Frost." he says, allowing a pause as he doesn't immediately move to actually do anything about it. "I understand why I would, but I'm mostly wondering why you are."

Pamela Isley has posed:
For a moment, the vines pull a suffocating Benjamin Frost out of the cold water, coughing out water and flailing hysterically, as Ivy looks from Namor's commanding voice, back to her poor victim. "Who...? This Benjamin Frost? Mr. Pour Our Faulty Chemical Batch Into the Ocean and pollute the Earth!?"

Ivy sighs and crosses her arms, "Mr. Frost, answer that man, am I drowning you?" But before Benjamin Frost can say anything, the vines sharply go underwater, dragging him along, even as Ivy looks back up at Namor, "yes, I do believe he is drowning...is thera problem?"

Namor has posed:
Namor lands the rest of the way to the ground as his tiny ankle wings flap, then slowly walks over to the man, his feet partially barefoot other than the armor that stops about an inch before his toes.

"I am Namor, King of Atlantis, Emperor of the Deep, Imperious Rex." he states as more a fact than an introduction, staring down at Benjamin Frost. "I'm in a political truce with 'Aquaman', as that idiot calls himself, not to cause trouble on the surface for now."

He crosses his arms, watching her work. "There is a problem, but I don't seem to have my phone to call the police. I telepathically asked some fish if they could find police, they don't seem to know what police are."

Shrugging, he simply continues to watch. "I've done my diplomatic duty to the surface. I'll simply watch, I won't engage in illegal vigilante behaviors by taking you to the police myself."

Pamela Isley has posed:
Ivy looks fascinated as Namor properly introduces himself, more so when he describes precisely what he will do about her action. "Now that's unusual...a real royalty of Atlantis? Amazing, I didn't know Atlantis was real," Ivy notes with her full attention on Namor, not even paying attention to the bubbles and struggling underwater while obviously controlling the vines that assure Frost will drown. "Pleased to meet you, I'm Dr. Isley but most call me Poison Ivy."

Finally turning to look back at the water which start to still, Ivy sighs, "I feel like I should say something...Benjamin Frost, he was an egotistic, sexist, polluting asshole who wanted to destroy the Earth, and deserves to die early..."

Namor has posed:
"There's a reason I regularly consider drowning the entire surface of the planet. But the knowledge that there are some people who don't deserve it stays my hand." Namor stares at Benjamin in the water for a long moment. "He appears to be dead."

Then, seemingly out of no where, a massive shark dives out of the water and grabs his body, dragging him into the sea. "I can't believe he died from a swimming accident."

He holds his hand out to Ivy, nodding to her. "Yes, Atlantis is real. I am the king of 70% of the planet, as much as the surface dislikes acknowledging it. Would you like some extremely expensive food?"

Pamela Isley has posed:
The vines rise again, dangling Benjamin's body by his legs, bringing him a bit closer to Ivy, who surveys him and nods, "I do believe you're right...." but before she can do anything else, the shark jumps out of the water, and Ivy releases the vines' grasp over the body. "That's a fitting end to a royal asshole, and a scourage on nature." She look curiously at Namor, "depends on what the food is, but that said, did you have anything to do with that random shark deciding to feast? Because if you did...that was a lovely touch."

Namor has posed:
"Within the realm of plausible deniability, I will confirm that I can telepathically control all marine life on Earth." Namor smiles, then stares down into the water. "Well, you have two options, We could eat at a fancy restaurant in Gotham and allow rich surface dwellers to be annoyed at mutants sitting among them, or I could take you to Atlantis as a gift for protecting the ocean, and give you a feast of Atlantean food."

Pamela Isley has posed:
"We have something in common then, I do the same with the Earth's plant life...." Ivy explains as surprisingly, a kelp raises from the deeps to wave at Namor, "all plant life, under water included, all part of our wonderful Earth."

"As much as offending and aggravating haughty bastards sounds fun, I am scientifically intrigued by a chance to witness Atlanatis for myself. Let us go there, if you will!"

Namor has posed:
Namor pulls his trident from his back, blasting some harmless magical energy at her before he returns it to its holster. "For breathing underwater while we're down there."

He reaches over to wrap an arm firmly around her waist, then dives in, pollution seemingly parting as he apparently made a path of fresh water. Their swimming speed is extremely fast, but he controls the water in such a way that she doesn't have to worry much about being harmed from the forces.

"Perhaps if I do one day decide to finally wage a proper war against the surface, something I haven't attempted in decades, I'll incorporate your help to undo the unnecessarily primitive and polluting structures." He speaks underwater, and she can hear just fine. Though he also adds, "Breathe, and speak, you'll get used to it."

Pamela Isley has posed:
Ivy doesn't go into specifics about how she doesn't quite breathe like humans do, but appreciates his gesture nevertheless. Being protected by Atlantean magic certainly sounds better than nothing. As they dive in the water, Ivy looks at the placement of Namor's hand, but doesn't say anything as obviously he needs a firm grasp of her, swimming at the speed he is, "I can believe you are Atlantean Royalty, swimming as you do..." Ivy muses, before noting, "it would be an honor to assist you in such an endeavor. Your heart is in the right place, Namor."

Namor has posed:
"Aquaman remains the primary problem, a problem that I currently can't do much about without dividing my people. I have the Trident of Neptune, he has the Trident of Poseidon. It gives us both some claim to the throne, because I suppose the gods couldn't keep their royal destinies straight. So going to war now would divide my kingdom when Aquaman inevitably stands against me." Namor finally starts to swim up onto Atlantis itself, as they've likely gone hundreds, if not thousands of miles in a few minutes.

Altantis is a sprawling city, some mixture of magical and futuristic. Definitely far above most of what's on the surface in terms of the sights she takes in. "Few surface dwellers get to witness this, because I find that very few of them deserve it. I imagine that in a different time, you would likely be royalty on the surface. Back in ancient times when they respected the planet, and those it chose to wield its power."

Pamela Isley has posed:
"Aquaman...I've heard the name," Ivy muses as she think it over, "he hangs around with other heroes and thinks he's just so wonderful, doesn't he?"

She clearly isn't well versed in underwater politics, but from her brief interaction with Namor, tends to prefer Namor to Aquaman even without knowing Aquaman.

Ivy smiles as she's complimented and notes, "some of the tribesmen, shamans and such do revere me for my affinity with nature. I am glad you understand how important nature is to all existence. I trust Atlanteans are more evolved than the surface humans."

Namor has posed:
Some Atlanteans swim past them, waving to Namor. Unlike Namor, most of the Atlanteans are obviously blue, and have a few more margine features than he does, so there's a clear, odd difference she may take notice of.

"We've been around for an extremely long time, and we've had to master both magic and technology in a way that remained in harmony with our environment. The fact that surface dwellers pollute not only the sea, but their land, and air, mostly betrays how primitive they are." As he swims around the sprawling spires, buildings that could practically equal New York buildings in size, with their exotic architecture, he pretty much gives her a nice visual tour of the city.

"I presume, given your activities, and I believe I've even heard your name before, that you're considered a criminal." He practically scoffs at that. "You're free to return here if you ever want to be apreciated for being on the correct side of history."