4368/The Saudi Arabian Heist

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The Saudi Arabian Heist
Date of Scene: 10 December 2020
Location: Saudi Arabian Desert
Synopsis: SHIELD and The Punisher successfully heist a secret Saudi Arabian gold reserve vault. State secrets were stolen, but the desert claimed the vault back in the end.
Cast of Characters: Bobbi Morse, Melinda May, Daisy Johnson, Jessica Drew, Frank Castle

Bobbi Morse has posed:
2 days ago...

    Bobbi has gathered a small team for a clandestine operation.

    "Saudi Arabia has a secret vault where they keep their state secrets. It's kind of a mutually assured destruction cache for those who hold office and power. A guarantee of obedience. General el-Lodi was up to something in the 2010s and whatever it is - it's in this cache. The vault's primary purpose is as a reserve. It contains hundreds of millions in gold and billions in bonds from numerous countries including the United States. Our operation will be in Saudi Arabia which has no treaty with SHIELD. Do not get caught. If you get caught you will be disavowed... however, we're totally going to come rescue you."

    "No one has ever penetrated this vault or at least no one alive has told the tale. We care about the secrets, not the money. But the majority of people don't even know the secrets are stored there, on an antiquated server with no connectivity to anything, locked behind a complex set of security measures. Voice print, eye print, and finger print. A code phrase for the voice and a key. The vault is underneath a mile of sand in the desert. If any of the security measures for the secrets stash are tripped, the entire desert falls on our heads."

    "We're going to go in as three teams. Team Grift will manipulate Minister of Internal Affairs Tareef al-Mohamed to gain all the biometrics and to take control of his phone. At some point during this operation, someone from that vault will call Minister al-Mohamed and if they don't give the right call phrase, he can remotely detonate the vault and crush it with a mile of sand."

    "Luckily, the biometrics were sold to the Saudi's by the CIA who had hope to infiltrate the vault themselves. Their operation never went ahead for various reasons. There's a flaw in the voice security. A joke, in fact, so long as the voice print matches we need only have him say the words 'after ya samosas'... open sesame. This will by pass the need for the specific code phrase."

    "Team Sneak will enter the vault via a hazardous vertical shaft that contains laser trip sensors, vibration sensors, audio sensors, and three fans spinning at high velocity. You'll have to disable each fan on the way down. This will trip a sensor alert that will take them time to respond to, but by then we should have control of the vault."

    "Which brings me to Team Muscle. Since we don't know the layout of the vault and we don't know what level of manpower and machine power they might have in there.. we're going to have to forego the notion of subtle and go for surprise. A full frontal assault. We're going to rob their reserve. Guns blazing. As few casualties as possible.. we're already starting an international incident here. Loud, Chaotic. All attention must be on Team Muscle so they locked down the inner doors."

    "Team Muscle will bring in equipment for safe cracking, explosives for blasting doors and walls, drills.. every manner of piece of gear and you will control the crowd of secretaries and accountants and security and pretend to break in to that vault. What you will secretly be doing is breaking in through the inner doors to give Team Sneak an exit strategy."

    "That will leave only one person in the inner sanctum where the secrets are kept, a man named Raakaan el-Meer. The man sits with his finger on the button that will collapse the entire facility under sand. He must be disabled the moment you enter the hallway from the vent, as there's no way he can miss you."

    "Once the vault door is opened to the secret vault, we plug a device to their computer, which will auto-hack and download the secrets to our servers. Team Sneak joins Team Muscle in the lobby of the vault and makes their exit. Team Grift will join you with the cloaked quin jet outside."


Bobbi Morse has posed:
    She looks at each agent, and their special guest - "Team Grift: Myself and Tech Support. Perhaps Fitz. Team Muscle: Agent Drew and Punisher. Team Sneak: Agent May and Agent Johnson. Everything will happen simultaneously. Stay on comms. Use code names. Be smart. Be safe. Be SHIELD."

Melinda May has posed:
Oh, yeah. This is gonna be fun. No, really... The expression on May's face is fairly neutral, save for a dark brow that's drifted faintly toward her hairline. and the subtlest pull at one corner of her lips. She glances over to Johnson. Yeah. They can make this work. She trusts the young agent.

She'd better. She helped train her.

"What's the timing?" she asks, reaching for gear she knows she'll need. Maybe the front door knockers will be carrying the obvious stuff, but there's no way she and Quake are going in without the latest field gadgets available. Because, really? She doesn't fancy becoming sliced, diced, or fricasseed by any of the defenses they're going to go up against.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Daisy was already pondering which team she'd land on. She even poked on her own arm muscles. Team muscle? No, team sneak! That works for her. She offers a faint grin and then a reassuring nod towards May. But then she quips. "Does this mean you will let me fly the quin this time?" she asks before her eyes go back down to her tablet, flipping through the specs of the hardware they would be breaking into. "Or any combination of those words..." she adds about what the minister has to say. "It can be scrambled back to order afterwards. I do have this snazzy sound editing program that can help just in case." she says.

Though with time being of the essence she has some gear prepped for it too. State of the art? You betcha!

Jessica Drew has posed:
Muscle. Jessica idly asks herself if she is being type cast, the question bringing a smile to her face as she goes through the checklist one more time. Her black neoprene and hi-tech armor has a lumpy look to it. Electronics, a new type of plastique patented by SHIELD, gas canisters for putting people to sleep, ICERs, electronic equipment for breaking the code on the safe, flashbangs and tear gas being but a part of her personnel body equipment. Big guy has got the drill.

Frank Castle has posed:
For once, the Punisher seems to actually be willing to cooperate on this one. It probably helps that without weeks of prep time, getting into the vault will be hell.

Decked out for war, the Punisher has his arms crossed as he listens to the brief silently. That bodysuit with the skull on his chest and the trenchcoat both flutter lightly when he moves just so, but otherwise, the icy man could be mistaken for a statue: A statue with a gear web holding machine guns and all kinds of high-tech explosives.

"If you want loud, I usually bring in the van for that, but I can have an armed motorcycle here in a day that can do the job underground."

Those icy, cold eyes side glance to Jessica. "If you want to be on back with me, I'm going to probably dump the cycle against a wall and self destruct it eventually."

His tone as he speaks is so matter of fact that you'd think it's another tuesday; for him? This probably is.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    "Timing. Would you like to swing on a star?," she says with a playful smirk to May and says. "I'll be spending the day before with Minister of Internal Affairs Tareef al-Mohamed to.. prepare him. Get the details I need off of him at the party he's attending the night we're doing the heist. That means, at exactly 9pm we are go. Team Sneak begins their descent. Team Muscle penetrates the lobby of the vault and takes their hostages."

    "I begin pressing al-Mohamed for the biometrics. Next step, Team Muscle begins breaking through the inner door while robbing the place. Team Sneak should now get to the inner vault and take out Raakaan el-Meer. I should then have the biometrics to send to Team Sneak. I slip away from the party and fly the quinjet to the vault. Team Sneak then opens up the inner vault and plugs in the device. Team Muscle should have the inner door open by that point. Every body exits and we leave."

    She takes a deep breath and ends the meeting, "Let's go people. Gear up, quinjet #19. May is flying."


    Wearing a long white dress and her blonde hair done up, she has the minister arm in arm as they board the luxury yacht. It's not leaving harbour, she checked, but it is a good venue for people to schmooze and show off how much money they have. Including the prototype race car sitting on the forward deck of the yacht. Just because they can. There a lot of sheiks here tonight and Bobbi knows the first part of this journey will be lots of hand shakes and introductions.

    <I'm on the yacht. All teams, we are a go> she says quietly in to her comms and then shakes the hand of yet another minister of who knows what. "Hiii so nice to meet you, I've heard all about you. This is a beautiful Yacht don't you think? the weather is so good this time of year for it..."

Melinda May has posed:
Of *course*, May is flying. Like that was even a question? And, no. There's no chance Daisy will be allowed behind the stick. But, Bobbi will get her turn later.

However, by the time 9pm rolls around, she's got the jet parked and cloaked in its designated landing spot and is standing in shadows near the shaft she and Daisy are expected to descend. When Bobbi gives them the 'go', she does a quick visual sweep and darts forward to the shaft that is their ingress. She examines the lock and glances to her partner. It'd be nothing for the younger agent to quake the lock off, but that might trip vibration sensors. So... She does it the old fashioned way with a small charge and a high temperature burn. Flipping the hatch, she shines a light down into the darkness.

"Sneak is go," she says softly in to coms. Then, she secures her line to the lip of the hole, puts a set of full spectrum googles over her eyes, and begins her descent.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Sniff. Denied once again. But one day!!!! She at least doesn't shake her fist when thinking that, instead focusing on getting the gear prepped. But once that is done she moves on to the quinjet along with the others, "We don't need a double reminder for our guest here about the non-lethality of what we are doing right?" she even dares smiling up at the Punisher, "Because ICERs are a thing, you know?" but then she moves on...


When they move into the shaft and the go is given she nods, "Ready." putting on her own goggles for full spectrum to begin descending after May.

On comms she speaks quietly. "I will handle any auditory or vibrational sensors we come across."

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    The middle of the desert is sand dunes and partly obscured concrete roads. The entrance to the vault is a large set of doors at the end of one of these roads. It is a long corridor deep down a mile underneath the sand. The lobby of the vault is beautiful, large ceiling with obsidian black pillars containing chaotic veins of gold. The floor is made of basalt. There's a security check in desk and two large vault doors. One to the east and the other to the west. There's security standing in all four corners and two other hallways leading off to offices and further security. There's cameras everywhere. There's a security door ready to drop in place over all the entrances and exits... and the ceiling is sand held back by thick glass. Glass designed to shatter. A ceiling death trap.

Frank Castle has posed:
"If you want me to use ICERs, you're going to need to give me the technology." The Punisher glances to Daisy. There's no frown on that face, but that icy glare could freeze the Hudson, "unless you want me to steal one after this."

As the signal is given, the Punisher glances left and right, checking for anyone coming as he drives along. An M4 Gustav was on his back, ready to be grabbed, and the motorcycle itself had two light machine guns in front, with a rack of concussion mines on the back of the frame around the back wheel, and three spare M4 custom shells in a cargo rack. "Don't use those shells on anything but the doors and walls. The putty is designed to eat right through their materials. It's a custom thermite mix, and won't be useful for anything else." Punisher offers in explanation to Jessica.

Anyone looking towards the motorcycle will see the gigantic white skull on the front of the motorcycle, along with the white skull on his chest, leaving no doubt who it is as the Punisher drives right for the vault door.

"Just like I taught you. Get the door itself first. Then we deal the amateurs."

It's not subtle in the least. The Punisher is going top speed right for the door.

"Team Muscle going in."

Jessica Drew has posed:
Being a team player places Jessica on the back of the motorcycle. She balances behind the large man the way only a spider could: no need to hold on for life, the M4 on his back taking up substantial space.

"Taught me?" she murmurs to herself.

"Copy that, we're going in."

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    It doesn't take long going down the vent to hear what sounds like a jet engine. The pull of the air is already starting to be felt. Thank goodness they have lines secured up top or they'd be mince meat, raining viscera down on the vault staff below. The fan, as advertised, is massive and spinning extremely fast.

    There isn't a single place on it that is safe to 'land' and even just being near it causes vortexes and spinning to occur in the air itself. It's a safe bet there are no vibrational or audio sensors at this point in the vertical shaft, the fan is far too noisy. Too noisy to even hear each other. Hand signals are a thing.

    The response from the security team is immediate and swift. They weren't subtle. That was the plan. Metal walls pop up from the floor and machine guns are lifted. An alarm is raised in the vault and security starts to rush out of the side rooms. The entrance they just came in snaps shut; all the drop doors fall in to place, sealing off the inner vault as predicted, as well as the vault with the gold and bonds. They're in now.

    Bullets start flying. There was a surprising number of worker staff, not security, here too. They take cover behind pillars. Some run off down the corridors.

    Bobbi smiles and holds out her phone to take a selfie with the Saudi Minister of Internal Affairs. "Come now Tareef smile for me," she goads playfully and nudges his side. He laughs but is enjoying have this foreign American by his side. He's getting the kinds of 'wow good job' looks from his colleagues that he so desperately desires. The camera takes the picture and captures his eye print. It is sent through to May and Daisy's phone.

    "Tareef you should tell a story. Your friends don't know how good a story teller you are. Tell the one of Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves," she says and gives him doe eyes. He has never been the center of attention before and this blonde is placing him on an uncomfortable pedestal. This will surely get him noticed and promoted further. They will take his work seriously.

    "Okay okay okay, there was once a boy named Ali Baba," he begins to the delight of his colleagues. "No no, in Arabic Tareef. I'm learning the language. It's such a beautiful language." He pauses and smiles to Bobbi and then nods. He begins again. Bobbi records.

Melinda May has posed:
The vibration in her vest tells May the eye print has been received. She doesn't try to telegraph that to Daisy, however. But she does pause above the fan and examines it as well as she can from this safer distances. Much closer, and she knows the vortex will play merry hell with their belaying lines.

She glances over to Daisy and considers their options. The fan makes it impossible for there to be vibrational sensors. So, they could quake the thing apart. But then it would fall and set off all the other traps on the way down. That's... probably not the best plan. So, again, they need a subtler approach. She notes a slim pipe that holds the cables providing power to the rotor. Pulling a high power mini plasma torch off her belt, she points with it down to the pipe, and looks at Daisy to see if she understands. A couple of brief hand gestures suggest that she wants the young agent to steady her, if she can, keep her from swinging wildly, while she descends to cut the power.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Daisy is descending fast, those years of training with SHIELD having made her quite proficient with all these athletic procedures and ..., she has been training for this particular mission too. Lots of hours in the obstacle courses! So when they descend to be close to that first fan and May brings out the torch she offers a sharp nod. She understands.. And she can pull one better too! So she points towards the fan and gestures towards her gauntlets. Apparently she will use her powers to aid.

With one hand she reaches to keep May's rope steady while with the other she points towards the fan. Her powers can be used for more than just destruction afterall. And inthis case..., she absorbs the vibrations that are coming up from the fan towards them. Not enough to fully absorb those vortexes but should at least help.

Time might of the essence so hopefully they can get through these fast.

Frank Castle has posed:
"Fire now, before we get close. I'll give you cover." Punisher barks over the wind as he leans down, behind the bulletproof glass of his windshield. The bullets start being fired, and bounce off. Just as they open fire, Punisher adjusts... and a rain of stun rounds begins to pour ahead. He starts to zig zag, allowing the AI-assisted gyros to compensate and aim as the machine guns flood the lobby, more likely than not tagging the security personnel as they flood out. It's extremely loud -what he's doing can be heard for /miles/- and he's rapidly closing in.

"Gonna veer off soon as you fire it. Don't need to mix it up close quarters yet."

Jessica Drew has posed:
Leaning with the motorcycle, Jessica yells back, "Get your mask snug. I'm throwing gas." Words barely out of her mouth and the metallic ping of a grenade being armed is lost in the maelstrom of noise in the room at their high speed approach. It hops along the floor then pops open spreading gas in a yellow mist. Those nearest beging to stagger and go down.

A bullet ricochets off of metal and thuds into her upper arm, the impact absorbed by the armor, though under it a bruise blooms. The M4 is unwieldy in the best of circumstances, on the back of a speeding motorcycle it is only hours of practice that allows her to use her spider reflexes and aim. A swerve takes the first shot off center of the eastern doors. The percussion of impact fills the room with a solid wall of sound.

"One," she yells, deaf to her own voice.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    The guards start dropping thanks to the ICERs. These guards aren't wearing armor all over their body. They probably wished they had been. Guards in riot gear with riot shields come out of one of the side doors in a huddle. They find themselves quickly at a stalemate as gas fills the room and they can't see anything. "Ya ibn el sharmouta!," come shouts from some of the personal who are hiding behind the barricades. The lobby belongs to Drew and The Punisher.

    The fan's turbulent airflows seem to calm as Quake counter vibrates the air creating a dead zone for May to work in. It's quite the thing, to be dangling so close to a deadly fan that is suddenly whisper quiet and the air as still and calm as a gentle breeze. The plasma torch cuts through the wires and the fan starts to slow down.. and down.. and down.. until it comes to a stop. A quiet alert appears on a security desk.

    The shaft is long and dark and it's not long before Daisy can sense the sensors, pinging and listening for unexpected visitors. They're getting close in now and that's when their comms go silent, and so do Drew's and the Punisher's comms go silent. Something down here is blocking communications.

    Bobbi laughs with the rest of the party goers, and takes a sip from the champagne as the minister finishes telling the story of Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves. If only he knew. A small buzz on her phone tells her that they have got the audio sample they need.

    She casually hands him her flute of champagne and says, "Can you hold this for me." The other men smirk and chuckle a little as he holds the blonde undercover agents flute, giving her the finger print she needs. She adjusts her hair and then takes it back. "Excuse me I need to go powder my nose," she says and sells it with a gently stroke of her hand over his.

    In the bathroom she holds her phone up to the glass and takes a picture of the finger print. It tries to send it through to May and Daisy's tablets but cannot get a connection. "...shit," she says under her breath.

Melinda May has posed:
May sets to work on that fan, bracing her feet against the wall as she ignites that torch and cuts through the pipe and cable in a matter of a minute or two. The pipe is tough. The cables less so. But when they spark and die, she looks up at her partner and gives her a thumbs up.

Yes, she definitely appreciates Daisy's control over her power. The younger woman has come a long way in her training, and the elder agent approves.

"Let's go," she says softly over coms to Daisy. Then, to the others, "Fan one down. Countdown is on." Because stopping that first fan has doubtlessly sent an alert to the security office for the complex. She just hopes Castle and Drew are making enough of a distraction to buy them a little extra time.

She pushes off the wall and starts lowering herself carefully through the now still blades towards the next section of lasers, vibration sensors, and the second fan far below.

She pauses to see the best way through the lasers, knowing they'll need to find a straight gap through them... because ropes can't weave through the crisscrossing web below. They have to drop straight through or disable the emitters as they go.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
When the cables are finally cut Daisy exhales.. It's always easier to do this when she is emotionally upset, doing it like this always takes a bit of a toll, specially the more fine touches. But with the thumbs up she is ready to continue going down. She taps on her comms shortly after though. "Radio silence. Something is off, they must have a signal jammer here." that wasn't expected!

"Audio and vibration I will handle." And again she attunes herself, feeling and sensing those vibrations through the air, weaving and manipulating them to allow them safe passage and without triggering them. It's tricky, but she has had plenty of training back at SHIELD. Yet with her focus on keeping those sensors from discovering them it leaves May to handle the lasers.. Though she does suggest, "If we *do* want to drop through a gap on the lasers I can try to cushion our fall but..." she leaves those words hanging. It would be risky as hell. But it's May's call!

Frank Castle has posed:
"You can hop off or stay on and take pot shots at this point. You'd be better served mixing it up now that they're hunkering down." Punisher yelled as the putty began to eat the vault door and he swerved to the left, sharply, the machine guns stopping their firing as he began to turn. His gas mask was coming up by then, "Should take two minutes to get through the door, if we're lucky. If it takes longer, we can use explosives to clear the rest."

Jessica Drew has posed:

"What about the second door? SECURITY OFFICE!" Jessic yells, the question muffled by the mask. She taps him on the back, signaling that she is unloading. The recoilless rifle under her arm, she waits until they slow enough for her to get off. The spreading gas thins showing small groups of people sprawled willy-nilly around the floor.

Limber as a spider on a web, she gets a leg up and around, leaving her sidesaddle on the speeding motorcycle. She jumps off, crouching low as a bullet zings overhead.

Frog walking, Jessica heads for the door labeled in Arabic letters she's memorized, barricaded by the men crouching behind security shields and armored in riot gear. Slinging the Gustav to her back, she unsnaps the ICER from its holster and leaps into the air. The surprised look on the defender's faces would be amusing at another time. Before they can react, she takes down to two with ICER shots to the back of their exposed necks. The third man turns, spraying the area with gunfire, but she has dropped to the floor, returning fire.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    Bobbi gets in to a bathroom stall and gets ready for the next phase. She has no idea when the timing will be without comms to coordinate with her team. She frowns and turns on the phone intercept and voice modification app. Fingers crossed. Now she plays man in the middle.

    Raakaan el-Meer in all his years working at the vault has never once considered today might be the day he has to push the button. It's a theoretical, a machination to discourage anyone from thinking it'd be a good idea to rob the place. His hand shakes a little as it rests on the button and he picks up the hard line phone and presses the one button to dial out.

    Minister Tareef al-Mohamed holds up a hand amidst laughs with his colleagues as his phone rings. He picks it up. Bobbi establishes the link between the two. "The Moon Dances Over The Fined Vineyard," says Raakaan. Bobbi repeats what he says with her best Arabic accent. It's decent, it's not native. It doesn't matter though, not when people are busy thinking about code phrases. Tareef says, "The Huge Pillar of the West will tumble." Bobbi presses the button to swap voices and repeats it back to Raakaan. Satisfied they think they're talking to each other they continue...

    "Sir the vault is under attack and one of the shaft fans has gone offline," Raakaan says to Tareef. Bobbi instead says to Tareef, "Sir all clear at the vault. Checkin quiet." Tareef says to Raakaan, "Excellent. I am having a lovely evening and I have a date, next checkin 3 hours." But instead Bobbi swaps voices on teh app again and says to Raakaan, "Understood. Do not press the button. The situation will be under control in less than thirty minutes."

    The -three- phones are hung up and Bobbi lets out a soft ~phew~.

    The final step before the vent at the bottom of the shaft. The laser grid. This was always going to be tricky. It's an area big enough that may be they could push feet and hands against the sides and twister their way through, but it's not going to be easy.

    The straight drop is an option. More of an option for someone who can fly. The slow approach is a guaranteed win though. Of course, the moment those sensors start going off, poor Raakaan is going to have the most difficult decision of his life if they don't get down there and stop him from pressing teh button.

    The inner vault door is right there, in Frank's sights. Even though comms is done.. as Daisy and Drew surmise, there must be a jammer in here. The guards are initially surprised. Their armor protects them from several of the ICER shots and they return fire. But she moves too fast, too like Spider-Type and one by one they drop until that corridor is quiet. There are calls of 'are you okay?' from the other corridor. Inside the security office, one loan security guard remains holding a machine gun pointed at the door.

    With Frank blasting at the inner vault door using his bike, that leaves just one optional objective... the gold and bonds. It'd be a shame to come all this way and not get paid.

Melinda May has posed:
They're running out of time. May doesn't need to see a countdown to know this. "I've got one more trick," she tells Daisy. She slides a small disk from her belt, about the size of one of Romanova's Widow's Bite disks. She holds it out at arm's length and presses her thumb against the middle of it. One... two... three! She lets it drop. When it's halfway through the laser grid, a charge of static explodes from it. It's far enough away from both Daisy and May not to interfere with their equipment. But the laser grid? It's toast. That was a small EMP charge.

The spent casing tumbles through the air, a little, old fashioned magnet on the back allowing it to stick to the first metal surface it encounters rather than bouncing down onto the head of the guard below.

May gets a small smirk on her face. It's nice when some thing works out right for once.

"Now," she tells Daisy, and she keys the winch on her line so that it unfurls more like a zipline, sending her in controlled drop towards that vent and the last stage of their plan. As she goes, her free hand reaches for an ICER and she takes aim through the slats in the vent at the head of the man below... and pulls the trigger.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
EMP charge. Nice! Daisy approves, offering a nod and then pushes her feet off the wall. Time to go down! And real fast... Turns out that being able to fly, even if in a limited fashion, does come with benefits. And it means being able to let go into a fall, following right after May as they drop in through the vent, feeling the wind rushing up to her face. The objective? To take out the man on the other side so there's no lockout...

Of course that she is on backup duty too, ready to blast just in case the shot misses and she needs to intervene.

They are a team afterall!

Frank Castle has posed:
"Hit it with a second shell when ready." Punisher yells back to Jessica. Then, as he swerves back towards the vault door again, he starts to burst fire those machine guns as he sees stragglers.

Dozens down for the count: dead? Zero.

When it's clear that the path forward is cleared of hostiles, the Punisher brings the motorcycle around into the tunnel where the inner vault door is... and fires until it opens.

"Do what you need to do." Punisher remarks as he starts to bring the motorcycle into the vault itself, a button press bringing a set of cargo racks popping out of the frame as he begins to load the gold and bonds.

Yep, Frank is robbing them blind. Then again, the man has to fund his operations somehow, right? "Gonna need to go fast."

Jessica Drew has posed:
Their carefully planned timing is in rags. Squeezing off a last shot, the security guard falls blocking the door. With a grunt Jessica pushes him into the hallway, closing it behind her. A computer terminal and multiple consoles with screens line one wall, giving a view up into the tunnel and to the doors of the vaults. The doors melt like hot wax. Frantically, Jessica moves from console to console looking for the monitor controlling security nets and jammers.

One monitor blinks with a red type, fortunately in English, speaking of third party software. All the better. How is she going to get into the system without a password. She looks blankly at the screen for a moment before reaching behind it and yanking cables. All of the screens go black.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
May and Daisy feel a rumble in their pockets as their phones suddenly get an update from Bobbi. Bobbi notices the signal is back thanks to Drew and says <Team, give me a status update. I'm about to leave the party, en route. All the biometrics should be there. Be fast, we're running out of time>. She exits the bathroom and then peers at that sports car... well that'd sure be a fast way to get back to the operation. She smirks a touch and walks over to it.

    Raakaan el-Meer picks up the security phone again and presses the dial button. It begins to dial and gets through to Minister Tareef al-Mohamed, "Yesterdays news is old tomorrows future." Tareef pauses and says, "That's not the right code phrase." Then, pew, Raakaan drops out like a light and slumps forward... on to the button.

    The sword of Damocles hanging over them, a mile of desert sand, looms dangerously against that glass ceiling. The inner vault door blasts open from Frank's attack and before May and Daisy is the final door they need to pass through, the one with the biometrics.. and behind it, the server containing all the dirty secrets for the last thirty years.

    The thick glass ceiling encasing the vault suddenly shatters. From entrance, to inner vault, to corridors, to the security rooms... and a mile of the Saudi Arabian desert tries to swallow up the vault and with it, all its riches and secrets.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Headshot! Daisy is about to give a thumbs up to May when the man falls over the button. Oh no ... It means they will need to be fast or ..., no not fast enough. With the glass crashing all around them when they finally get down with their feet on the ground and facing that final door Daisy knows what she has to do.. She barely even has to think about it, taking in a breath and then just opening her hands up to her sides and up. This is gonna hurt ..

Blast waves leave her, not to strike but to create a barrier all about that vault and their destination. Not a fully perfect barrier has sand still trickles in through it, but a lot better than getting buried under it. She drops to one knee and wheezes. "Better ..., make it fast.."

Clearly this isn't something that she will be able to keep up for long, specially as pressure is mounting up all over with the sand wanting to swallow the vault back.

Melinda May has posed:
May lands roughly on the floor and releases the line from her harness. She doesn't waste her breath either on swearing or on answering Daisy. Instead, she takes off toward that server as fast as her legs can carry her, arms pumping at her side. She makes it to the door, and skids to a stop in order to use her phone to overcome the biometrics -- a retna scan, a voice recording, and a thumbprint scan. "Damned paranoid desert rats..." she mutters, waiting impatiently for the door to open.

When it does, she pelts into the server room and finds the machine she needs. Deft fingers pull the dongle from her belt and shove it squarely into the socket. Waiting only the half second she needs to see the casing light up with activity, she then spins on her heels and runs full out towards her Inhuman friend. "Go, go, go!"

Yeah, Daisy needs to hold it for as long as she can, but there's no way May will leave her behind. So, she dashes full tilt for their egress point with the expectation the younger agent will be as close on her heels as her power load will allow.

Jessica Drew has posed:
A cracking sound above her makes Jessica look up. "Oh, nooooo," she breathes and yanks the mask back down over her face. The other side of the door is partially blocked by the guard she pushed out; it takes all her strength to wedge it open and make it into the corridor.

Sand cascades in threads through the opening cracks; she expects to be buried until a strange vibration, deeply felt, does the unexpected. Daisy. Thank god for Daisy. Racing out into the main room she aims for the door where the secrets lie.

Frank Castle has posed:
As soon as the sand starts coming in, the Punisher gives a sharp look out. "Right. We need to empty this, now. Do your thing. Soon as you get it, We can go. Can't use this shit if I get buried alive."

For his part, the Punisher starts to actually exert himself grabbing up the gold, with a grunt, he starts to place as many as he can carry onto the racks under armpits.

As soon as Jessica has the intel though, he gets the motorcycle ready and turned back around to make a speedy escape.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    Bobbi slips casually in to the car and is chatting with the sheik who owns it, and the yacht, because he's delighted the tall blonde has taken an interest in his toys and she speaks Arabic. Well, a little, that's the way she's selling this cover. "Could I turn it on?," she asks with a playful smile and the man nods her his, "Why of course my dear." He reaches over and places his thumb print on the start sensor and the engine rev's to life.

    Bobbi strokes her hands over the steering wheel suggestively and the sheik grins, "You like her?" Bobbi nods her head, "Oh yes. Very much. I think I'll keep her," she says and shuts the door. With a screech of tires she does a donut on the forward deck of the yacht. Party goers jump back in surprise.

    Minister of Internal Affairs Tareef al-Mohamed lowers his phone with a shaky hand. Something has gone horribly wrong at the vault.. then looks in surprise as the sports car is stolen right off the yacht. Bobbi drives it over the edge and crashes it against the road with a painful thud, but the machine is still good and she speeds off down the highway.

    Bobbi as she's driving quickly through the city of Riyadh she feels a buzz on her phone. With one hand she pulls it out and sees a message 'Upload complete' <Team we have the intel. Get out of there now. If they weren't on to us before, they're on to us now> she says having no idea that the entire vault is collapsing.

    The security guards have surrendered the notion of fighting and they are fleeing out the ramp, having dropped guns to help carrying their unconscious colleagues. It's a mass exodus.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Each second that goes by is one more of agony as her power focuses on her wrists, threatening the burst through the gauntlets Daisy uses to keep those powers in check, and able to use them without too much pain. Of course that when she goes full out there's always a price to pay. She is gritting her teeth down when she hears May telling her to go. Thrice! But easier said than done...

She pushes herself up slowly and starts backingout to the exit. Where exactly? Following after May. But she can't really run, so she is walking slowly while making her way out, some fizzling heard coming from those gauntlets and some blood already down her nose.

"I am ..., right behind you.." she keeps up as good as she can, stumbling along towards the exit.

Melinda May has posed:
May does not outpace Daisy. She's the frickin' Cavalry. There's no way she'll leave without the younger agent. "I'm with you," she says to her, moving as quickly as Daisy's efforts will allow. "We're getting out of this together, Daisy." Together or not at all.

Because May is psychologically incapable of leaving another agent behind.

So she simply clears the way ahead of them, making sure no one and nothing she can do anything about slows them down.

When they finally do break the surface, she puts her arm around Daisy to support her and activates her com. "We need immediate evac. Before the ground falls out from under us!"

Jessica Drew has posed:
Racing out into the main room she aims for the door where the secrets lie. Sliding on the sand, Jessica reverses directions when she hears the message about the intel being acquired. The rev of the motorcycle alerts her to its proximity. She holds her thumb out, miming hitchhiking a ride, then looks behind her assuring herself that May and Johnson are making their way out.

A seemingly casual leap puts her back on her ride. With a double-tap to the Punisher's shoulder, she says over coms, "Let's blow this pop stand. But, May and Daisy need a ride!"

Frank Castle has posed:
The balance of the motorcycle is still there, but Jessica can 'feel' the weight of all that gold and bonds. The Punisher is going to walk away from this with enough treasure to ensure operations for years /and/ the intel.

Without a word, Punisher revs and hits the throttle as turns in place and heads right for May and Johnson. "Get on the racks. This thing was designed to hold a few tons." Punisher snaps.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    Bobbi speeds out through the desert and ditches the car next to where the quinjet is parked. Cloaked. She boards, she fires up the engines. The message comes through that they need evac asap.

    With the four agents on the motorbike, and all the gold.. the bike is pushed to its limits. But it's up and out of the vault. There's an explosion of air behind them as Daisy is pulled away from her area of affect. The desert of Arabia swallows another fortress of treasures.

    Outside some of the guards get an idea of what's going on and lift their guns to stop the Punisher and SHIELD. But then a quinjet de-cloaks above them and over the loud speaker Bobbi says in Arabic, "Lower your weapons. Today was your lucky day, the Earth did not swallow you whole." She hovers down lower and opens the rear hatch for Frank's bike to drive in.

    With the team inside, she shuts the rear door and rises back up in to the sky, cloaking once more. This is going to be a heck of a debrief later. Bobbi doesn't say a word, her eyes are on the horizon ahead as she books it to get out of hostile territory as quickly as possible. There will be repercussions for this. Big ones.