4438/Down, Down to Mutant Town

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Down, Down to Mutant Town
Date of Scene: 20 December 2020
Location: Chelsea
Synopsis: Peter Parker meets Allegra Caradenza and gets a case of Interviewus Interruptus.
Cast of Characters: Alexis Carr, Peter Parker

Alexis Carr has posed:
    Allegra Caradenza isn't typically in the business of making public appearances, at least not outside Club Purgatory at the Hellfire Club.

    So when a rumor started flying that the infamously anti-mutant performer had been seen frequenting some charities -- sans her more infamously anti-mutant father -- it had gotten some traction. Especially for a group of young gangers who felt that anti-mutant sentiment had no place in modern society (and rightly so!), but had taken the liberty of announcing they Had Plans if they caught her.

    So, sitting in a coffee shop in Chelsea, her dark hair pulled back into an elegant bun, jacket over the back of the chair, wearing designer jeans and a T-shirt that costs more than a high class meal, Allegra was looking through her phone, a steaming cup of latte that was supposed to taste EXACTLY like a peppermint stick in front of her waiting to go from lava to drinkable.

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter stepped out of the alley, noting it was much cleaner than the ones he usually stepped out of in the Financial District.

JJJ had bellowed for Peter to help him out. He wanted to set up an interview with the elusive Alexis Carr, but Reynolds had come down with a stomach bug (the symptoms were better left imagined than described) AND Jameson had been coerced into paying him the normal rate (rather than the reduced rate for freelancers).

Allegra had been told someone from the DAILY BUGLE would be coming down to set up a quick interview. Informal, no pictures of her.

Two minutes later, the sheepish-looking young man stepped inside, wearing the BUGLE press pass on a lanyard around his neck, looking around curiously...

Alexis Carr has posed:
    Allegra glances up at the sheepish looking lad, and she exhales a moment, looking the teen up and down before she gives a bit of a wave.

    "You must be looking for me." she states with a gentle air about her. She crosses her legs at her ankles, sitting prim and proper as she straightens up, and then stands, to make it easier for the poor young interviewer to recognize her.

Peter Parker has posed:
The young man spots Allegra/Alexis and smiles in an odd, lopsided way as he walks over to her, extending a hand in greeting.

"Hi! I'm Peter Parker. Mr. Reynolds couldn't make it. He...was indisposed."

Actually, when Peter had gone by his place to pick up the press pass, Reynolds had been moaning something about needing an old priest and a young priest, but maybe he misheard.

"Uhm, how should I address you, miss...?"

Alexis Carr has posed:
    That sounds like a devil of a stomach problem!

    Allegra gives a charming smile and reaches out to shake Peter's hand. "It's a pleasure to meet your acquaintence, Mr. Parker. Allegra Caradenza -- you may address me as Allegra, if you would like. Caradenza is a long name, isn't it?" she states as she sits down. "Can I order something for you? I can't imagine the press makes very much -- latte? Americano? Espresso?" she questions. Her voice is very Crisply Proper British.

Peter Parker has posed:
"Oh...no, you don't have to do that, really. I was just going to order some orange juice. I'm also a student at ESU, and finals are over and done with, so caffeine isn't that big of a friend right now."

Peter sits after Allegra sits, taking a tablet out of his backpack, then takes out a Bluetooth keyboard and switches it on, putting the tablet on the table with a "kickstand" to prop it up.

"I figured i'd go with the questions Reynolds was planning to ask, if that's not a problem."

Alexis Carr has posed:
    "Orange juice is also good." Allegra gives a wry smile, and gives a wave to the barrista -- who in spite of not being in the business of waiting tables, will put up with it knowing this was going to be a big tip.

    "Empire State, mm? What's your field of study? Are you a journalism major then?" she inquires politely, and with genuine curiosity -- though the smile fades just a little as he states he'd ask the questions that were pre-planned.

    "Of course -- and I do hope whatever has indisposed Mr. Reynolds is over without too much difficulty."

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter nods. "Over and out..."

He looked to Allegra, then chuckled. "Okay, but then I have to ask YOU a question. Kinda the thing here. Actually...I'm on the science track. Neuroscience. Ways to improve people's lives using technology to do it."

Alexis Carr has posed:
    "Fascinating. Restoring functionality after strokes, for instance?" she gives a wry grin. "Working with microtechnologies? I'm afraid the science is a bit over my head, but I try to understand the best I can. It helps to be a more well-rounded individual." she gives a smile, and the Barrista -- whose nametag says she's Maya -- drops off the large orange juice. It has a funny little paper umbrella in it. So fancy.

    There's a couple of folks with hooded sweatshirts milling about outside the window.

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter smiled, but the smile freezes slightly. Just for a moment. "Uhm...listen, I might...have picked up a little of what ails Reynolds. I need to head to the bathroom..."
Peter stands up quickly, then presses a hand to his belly. "I'll...be back as soon as I...urp."

And with that, Excuse #12 (Medical, Gross Bodily Functions) gets him headed towards the bathroom...

Alexis Carr has posed:
    "Oh-- I hope it's not contagious --" the young woman states as Peter rushes off.

    She wrinkles her nose a moment, and then looks at the abandoned pad and keyboard, and carefully turns it face-down, so that she's not looking at any information, and neither is anyone else!

    She reaches to check her phone, when the front glass of the coffee shop cracks and shatters, sending glass splintering in all directions -- including Peter's orange juice! How awful!

    Allegra covers her head protectively. She feels glass on the back of her hand. There's people screaming.

    Someone grabs at her wrist and tries to yank her out of the window!


Peter Parker has posed:
Yep. It's hero time.

"Yo, idiot? Suppose she's waiting for her date?"

The voice comes from above the window, and eyes turn upward to see Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man looking down at Allegra and the guy holding her.
"I doubt you're her date. Because really, even *I* grew out of the hoodie phase..."

Alexis Carr has posed:
    "Get lost Webhead! She's as against YOU as she is against US!" he snarls through a very broad jaw, and myriad sharp and jagged teeth.

    Allegra hitches a breath and tenses, even as blood oozes down her arm and she gives a soft 'oh, no' -- Cybelle, call Sa-" she calls out, her phone coming to life as she calls for the digital assistant, but Jagged Jaw is already trying to pull her out of the window in spite of the Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, as one of the other guys snorts, leans back, and hawks what may be the World's Most Disgusting Loogie (TM) at the webslinger! It's gross, and green, and goey, and if he gets hit by it he might be in a sticky situation!

Peter Parker has posed:
Yikes! THAT is gonna stain!

Spider-Man leaps away from the lethal-looking loogie (hey, say THAT five times fast) and towards the guy manhandling Allegra, one fist cocked back. The punch is JUST enough to cause damage, but not lasting damage, knocking the guy cold. Spider-Man ALSO just happens to lift Allegra's arm up and away from her would-be captor.

He turns to the guy with the phlegm issue.

"Why are you worried about her? I'M the one who's gonna clean your clocks in about five seconds!"

Alexis Carr has posed:
    "Do you know who she /is/? That is Phil Caradenza's rotten kid, she freaking hosts parties to pander to mutant haters! All her music does is fuel *hate*!" a scrappy girl states. Her eyes are a glowing green, and she looks like she's got stone for skin. "We gotta make her pay for what her kind has done to ours! So hand her over!" she states.

    Jammer Jaw goes down, clocked pretty hard. Allegra is given a lift, and seems a little more concerned for the fact that someone might lift Peter's belongings (can't trust anyone in this city!).

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man faces the girl with the stony-faced scowl.
"Sounds like you got a beef with her FATHER, not HER! So why don't you all just beat feet before you trash what credibility you HAVE?"

Alexis Carr has posed:
    It's hard to know when Spidey is scowling. Something about the mask. Those eye lenses do narrow though! She looks intimidated.

    "That's when Loogie releases another one of those noxious, sticky loogies, phlegm-filled monstrosity and giant gob of grossness at Spiderman's side, looking to stick him to the wall like a stuck bud!

    "Not a chance, man! We're taking her! Stick around here!" he quips, particularly proud of himself.

    Stoneskin looks mildly peturbed.

    "Do you need to say that every time?"

Peter Parker has posed:
It's a well-placed shot. Pity Spider-Man moved as if he saw it coming a mile away.
Spidey jumped to the side, then fired one shot of webbing to cover the spitter's mouth, then a wider blast of webbing to pin him down.

"Now, then...before we were so rudely interrupted...you have three options. A. Leave. B. Stay and try something, and I'll leave you webbed up or webbed down like your friend. Or C, where you just lay down, I can web you up...and we can SKIP A STEP."

Alexis Carr has posed:
    Allegra dangles. She looks mildly peeved at this point, and she balls her hand, tensing her muscles.

    Spidey might start to feel a bit warmer.

    "Or you can let her go and we can deal with her ourselves. Let the chick go Spidey, she ain't worth your time!" the chatterbox states, and her eyes glow a little more. There's a rumbling in the street. That can't be good.

Peter Parker has posed:
Oh yeah, that's the Spider-Sense. That's the Impending Collateral Damage one, he's sure of it.

"Oh...she's a New Yorker. Which MAKES her worth my time. Last chance, lady. Easy way...or the Hard Way? Hint: The Hard Way is MORE painful for you."

Alexis Carr has posed:
    "... technically, Bostonion by birth, but I can and will cheer for the Mets." Allegra might have had a small, shakey word balloon there in a comic book.

    Below, the rumbling gets louder as this Toph Beifong knockoff drags up a piece of sidewalk -- and goes to smash a bug!

    "/Hard Way/!" she growls.

    Looks like Jaws might be coming to. Loogie is still clawing at his mouth with his free hand, and trying to get the webbing off!!

Peter Parker has posed:
Loogie isn't going to have much luck with the webbing, not with the tensile strength of THAT spider-silk variant.
Spider-Man senses the returning potential threat of Jaws, and one arm reaches out towards him while Spider-Man watch pulls at the sidewalk, quickly cocooning the guy.

And here comes the pavement, about to pound HIM.

He fires two weblines at it, then swings it around and puts a little Spider-Strength into the physics, and suddenly the Toph-wannabe sees the pavement coming back at her...at twice the speed.

Alexis Carr has posed:
    Ka-WHUNK! That is the sound of one jaws getting whacked.

    Ka-THUNK! That is the sound of sidewalk hitting the Earthbender, and the three -- with their presumably less powered forces take a tactical retreat, presumably to regroup.

    Allegra breathes out, her hands balled into loose fists as she shudders, her eyes wide, her hair all akimbo.

    "... those poor kids -- I'm pretty sure I've seen more than one in Brooklyn hanging around --" she trails off with a wince, adreniline keying back and making her really take notice of her laceration.

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man looks around to confirm what his eyes are seeing. Yep. Three down, three no longer a threat.
He turned to see Allegra, then reaches into his backpack and pulls out a medical kit. "Hey...I can help with that, ma'am."

Alexis Carr has posed:
    Allegra looks at the back of her hand, and then looks up to Spider-Man, and then states "I... I should be all right, thank you. There might have been others who the glass hit -- and the lad who was conducting the interview! Oh -- his tablet!" she states, turning to go back to the window.

    "Maya! Are you all right? Is everyone in there all right? Goodness, what a scary sort of afternoon!"

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man nods to Allegra. "I know the guy, he's been taking my candids for years. I'll get that stuff back to him. Right now YOU need to sit down and let me take care of that. I've already called the NYPD, let them know it's a 6-0-6. So kindly sit down, be still, and let me look at that."

Alexis Carr has posed:
    "Oh..." Allegra states quietly, and her lips purse a moment as she holds up her hand for Spider-Man. It's a pretty deep cut, but it looks like it's been partially cauterized.


    "He's... not the one who takes the fail pictures, is he? You poor thing. Must be difficult to go about anonymously saving the day." she gives a wan smile at the statement.

    "... I don't hate metahumans, for what it's worth. Seems I shall never shake that image people have of me."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man chuckles as he checks her over. "Not as bad as expected. You can get away with a bandage."

As he applies the bandage, he says, "Personally, I don't mind as much as you might think. Any opponent who is laughing at me behind my back is underestimating me, and the one laughing in my face is going to have lousy aim. And if I have to act like a clown so someone goes home instead of the hospital...or the morgue...then gimme the big red nose. Not the clown shoes, though, I might look TOO silly in those."

Alexis Carr has posed:
    Allegra gives a small smile, and a bit of a titter of laughter. "Are you always so charming patching up people after a fight, or is this just a special day?" she questions gently, "You have a particular kind of wisdom. Clown shoes would be difficult, I would wager, with the wall-running and what not."

Peter Parker has posed:
"Oh, haven't you heard? It's all part of the package. Comes with the spiffy longjohns that somehow seem to be a little tight in the butt area."

Spider-Man applies the tape, then eyes his handiwork. "I think we have a winner. Just check it every 12 hours, change the bandage, and if you see any skin redness, go to your doctor. I used antiseptic, but best to be safe, right?"

Alexis Carr has posed:
    "Funny, last time I helped I didn't even get to keep the ear-comm, let alone a fancy se--" Allegra states, and she straightens up slightly, her eyes going wide. "Ah... I would keep that statement to yourself, if you would. It would be... difficult to explain."

    And she pauses a moment.

    "I think the tightness in the butt is by design. Better pictures from behind. Must be Italian."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man doesn't hesitate, but shoots back, "Actually, it's practical. Insulated fabric."

Ear-comm? How does...no. Non-sequiturs are to be noted, but not mentioned unless you know what you're talking about.

"Anyway, I think Parker's going to probably have to reschedule that thing he was here for at another time. The cops will be here soon."

Alexis Carr has posed:
    "You mean your butt isn't like that naturally? Imagine the heartbreak." Allegra states in a friendly manner, though she's shaking now that all her adreniline is running out.

    "That's fine, I might have to schedule at a more secure location." she gives a sad smile. "Or dye my hair or something. Develop a persona, but the poor lad -- didn't even get to drink his juice!"

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey chuckles. "Considering he didn't have to worry about sucking sidewalk, I think he got off okay. But I will send him your regards."

Spider-Man heads over to the table and picks up the tablet and the keyboard. "Any other message you'd like to send his way? I'll make sure he gets it."

Alexis Carr has posed:
    "Well, I owe him dinner or something for his unfortunately timed exit.

    The young woman brushes some glass off her jacket, and reaches into her bag, then turns over a business card to Spider-Man.

    "If you would be so kind, please give him my card. I can be found in Club Purgatory most nights when I'm not out, and I would happily invite him as my guest for dinner and to conclude our conversation." she gives a bright smile to Spider-Man.

    "I would invite you as well, but other than Masquerade nights there is a strict no-mask policy."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey takes the card and chuckles. "I'll be sure he gets it. But I hope the name's just a name."

Yeah, he's spending enough time in Purgatory as it is.

"I'm sure he's going to want to finish that interview. He has a hardcase for a boss."

Spidey packs up the medical kit as two cop cars show up. "Nice to meet you, miss. Wish it was under better circumstances. Toodles!"

And a few seconds later, he is off, swinging away through the buildings.

Alexis Carr has posed:
    ALlegra gives a smile, and she shakes her head before reaching into her pack again and grabbing her phone, and turning back to the barrista.

    "Maya, I completely apologize -- how much would it take to replace the window? I'm happy to pay for the damage my err... noteriety has caused...." she trails off a moment, thoughs he does look after Spider-Man as he swings off.

    "... insulation, hm?"