5241/Neon-blue winter

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Neon-blue winter
Date of Scene: 18 February 2021
Location: Location
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Naria Shepard, Cecily Winters

Naria Shepard has posed:
It was cold, windy and... well, cold. Add the fact that ice was slippery and it was a less exciting time to be a speedster who absorbed light through her skin to power herself and preferred revealing outfits.

Slippery and cold, not a great mix. Wrapped in a heavy woolen sweater paired with her usual shorts the girl was resting in her kitchen watching a kettle boil. After all, she needed a hot chocolate, and this was painfully slow...

Cecily Winters has posed:
    Maybe it's the fur on her tails and ears, maybe it's the magic foxfire in her. Whatever it is, Cecily's attire changes... very little for the winter weather. Battle-proven office lady flats. Stockings. Skirt. Vest. Blouse. Okay, and a jacket. Footfalls carry her quietly down the hall before she raps gloved fingers on Rave's apartment door. Tap tap tap. "Miss Shepard," her authoritative voice sounds out, but not as sharp as it could be. A hint of playful in there, but she does her best to try to disguise it.

Naria Shepard has posed:
Zip, flash, the door is unlocked quickly and Rave opens it, her hair and still faintly glowing around her. "Ms. Winters!" she greets, tilting her head to the side. "I was just about to make some cocoa. Want some? It's only taking a -million years-!"

Well, at leaat the cold hasn't dampened her energy completely!

Cecily Winters has posed:
    "Rave," comes the vixen's voice, but she smiles. She smiles and pushes a paper bag into the speedster's arms. "Curry," she states, and moves past her into the kitchen. A frown at the stove is given and she lifts the kettle up in one hand, putting her other hand beneath it, and with a 'fwoosh' there's a spectral blue flame in her palm. "I would adore some cocoa, love. Thank you for asking," Cecily casts a playful smirk towards her friend before monitoring the kettle she's trying to flash-boil.

Naria Shepard has posed:
Handy! The fire lights of that fox power had Rave giving a little exclaimation. She'd tried that with her lasers...and then she had burned a hole right through the last mug.

Chocolate and curry? It was a mix that worked for Rave! She moved to unpack the containers, zipping around the room to set things up.

"Thank you for coming! I've been so -boooored-!"

Cecily Winters has posed:
    There's a few containers. Two full of the curry itself. Two with various vegetables and meats and things. ANd a third just packed so densely with rice that it probably has its own small gravity well. She puts down the kettle when it starts to steam and bubble, dusting off her hands. "You -are- an outdoor creature after all... and I do understand there is some... hazardous terrain with ice... and the gloomy overcast sky?" she offers quietly. "I'm afraid I don't have entertainment. I do have lunch," she gestures to the containers before she goes hunting for mugs.

Naria Shepard has posed:
Into the danger zone, Rave fishes out a fork to attempt to split the rice between them...and almost immediately ends up flicking several pieces of it at herself as the tension of that density breaks.

A soft eep, at least she's able to pick up the mess pretty quick!
     "It's really embarassing to slip while running at highway speeds and go tumbling, and....yeah." Rave trails off, rubbing her behind reflexively and then turning back to the Vixen. "Food is good, company is better!

Cecily Winters has posed:
    It might almost seem for a moment that Cecily is going to tease Rave, but she doesn't. Instead, she offers a sympathetic smile and starts to pour the mugs full. "..I can't help you with a fractured tailbone, love... but I can at least come to your aid to mend a bruised ego..." she states gently. She's probably slipped and fallen like an idiot dozens of times in the winters she's lived here, before and after her... changes. Now she just heals her hurts a lot faster. "Don't tell me you've spent all winter cooped up inside though?"

Naria Shepard has posed:
A shake of her head, Rave gives a little laugh. Rave could heal as long as there was light, the ego was probably a big deal. Continuing her setup of both bowls, the bluenette smiles. "I've been out, I just have to take it easy a lot of the time...or try running to somewhere warmer."

Cecily Winters has posed:
    There's a laugh and Cecily carries the mugs to the couch. "...Rave, love... you ... really could go elsewhere. Crime occurs in the southern hemisphere, you know... you could take a nice vacation to the side of the planet that isn't getting ten inches of snow yet people still drive like it's the middle of summer..." she says playfully. "Of course... a hot cup of cocoa and a big bowl of curry isn't nearly as rewarding in the summer heat..." she purrs, "...nor are warm fluffy fox tails."

Naria Shepard has posed:
"Then I'd have to get my passport checked, or get chased around by immigration..." Rave muses, accepting the drink and giving a little giggle. "Vacation is nice though but...even Fiji lacks foxtails and comfy snuggling."

"And I'm sure fluffy tails could be fine in summer. Like a leaf fan!" She actually giggles at the mental visual.

Cecily Winters has posed:
    "If you are implying that you would pull rank on holding my bodyguard chain to force me to wear a two-piece bikini and fan you with my tails on a vacation to Fiji..." Cecily starts, voice low. Then she laughs, "...I'd ask why didn't you ask sooner? Between here in winter and Gotham.. always.." she sighs, getting cozy on the couch.

Naria Shepard has posed:
"I mean," Rave shrugs, turning to face the other woman with a grin. "Is that something I can do? Because I would buy you a ticket....running that fast to travel over there is impossible while carrying someone else."

Still, she leans back to lounge on the couch. "Maybe some day. For now couch curry and chocolate will have to do."

Cecily Winters has posed:
    "You do hold the reins of my contract, so to speak," Ms. WInters offers with a playful grin. "...your parents would absolutely want to be sure you're kept safe if you're vacationing, after all..." she lets out a theatrical sigh, "...and of course I'd have to follow you, taking to sandy beaches and luxurious hotels and being at your side at all hours... yes Miss Shepard... no Miss Shepard... the drinking age isn't twenty-one here, Miss Shepard..." she cannot keep a straight face, grinning at her companion and sliding those tails around the bluenette.

Naria Shepard has posed:
"Oh yeah..." Right, she -could- drink elsewhere, she -could- just lazily take a vacation, just relaxing and reclining at some resort in a bikini, perhaps thwarting the odd purse-snatching...

"I mean..." she trails off, giggling a little as she drinks a sip of her treat in the embrace of those tails. "It's doable..."

Cecily Winters has posed:
    Cecily doesn't go for the cocoa. She goes for a bowl of curry. She came all the way down here in winter traffic to bring lunch, after all. "It is. But you know that you couldn't sit that idle for that long..." she says playfully, leaning warmly into Rave's side as she starts eating. "Maybe take a week off sometime for it, but not a full time run.... right?"

Naria Shepard has posed:
Rave gives a mock-pout at that, tilting her head to the side and placing her hand on her hip. "I don't know what you're talking about, I'm a beacon of patience and calm."

Okay, now Rave was struggling to keep a straight face!

Cecily Winters has posed:
    "Yes, Miss Shepard..." Cecily rolls her eyes, then playfully pokes out her tongue before digging in to her curry. "So what -are- you doing these days? Not a lot of people wanting to hit up a show in a cold warehouse? Considered doing online shows instead or something?" she kicks off her shoes finally and shrugs out of her coat, instead basking in the other woman's warmt--and that of her lunch.

Naria Shepard has posed:
A little shift of position, she leans lightly against Cecily's form while finally taking another bite of her own curry, digging into the meal. "The occasional nightclub, mostly working on coming up with stuff for when it's 'in-seasons'," mention of the online shows earns a shrug of her shoulders. "I could put some songs online...but man, I'd have to avoid the comment sections given what I already see on social media."

One could only endure the mix of insults, trolling, sexual comments and requests for nudes after all.

Cecily Winters has posed:
    Cecily listens, nomming on her meal. And then she just grins. Griiiins. "Ah if only they've seen what I've seen..." she says, quite aloud, quite teasingly. "...I wonder if people have written fanfiction about the two of us..." she muses, idly stirring her bowl a little. "Do I need to go hunting down IP addresses and serving boots to the head, love?"

Naria Shepard has posed:
A blush, bright red and having nothing to do with the curry she was eating. Still, she shakes her head, giving a little giggle. "I mean, that might encourage them. Some people are into that. It's be like reverse doxing."

Fanfiction? That earns a little snerk, a tilt of her head. "I'm not game enough to go googling myself."

Cecily Winters has posed:
    "Not up for it?" Cecily asks with a wink. "We'll save it for when we're on vacation somewhere you can get drunk, okay? Deal? Then we can get hammered together and try to brain-bleach it away..." she laughs and reaches over to lovingly squeeze the speedster's shoulder. "...so come on, what's the plan for the day? I wore my professional socks and everything..." she teases. She always wears her professional socks.

Naria Shepard has posed:
She had to have a plan? Rave pouts again, a groan given and another bite of her curry. "I mean, can't my plan just be wearing an ugly sweater, eating some curry, enjoying chocolate and lounging?" A shake of her head and a shrug. "I mean I -could- ask you to make me dessert and offer me a massage, but that's probably too much..."

Cecily Winters has posed:
    With a sigh, Cecily rolls her eyes. "No, love. While I tease about you tugging my 'leash' into fanning you on the beach, you can't use those powers to have me make you dessert... though a good rub down never hurt..." she twirls her spoon a little. "I was going to suggest going to the Central Park skating rink, get you some practice on the ice and have a little fun in the park. But if you'd rather stay here, I'll just lounge on you."

Naria Shepard has posed:
More blushing, the bluenette actually clears her throat to avoid choking on her rice. Looking back across to the fox with a tilt of her head. "I mean, skating could be a good idea. I'll have to change..."

A glance down at herself, the girl clears her throat. "There's no hurry."

Cecily Winters has posed:
    "Do what you like, love," Cecily offers gently, casually. "The rink will be there tomorrow. Let's just rest and eat and see if there's anything fun to watch, mm?" she smiles and gives Rave a kiss on the cheek, her tails curling snug around her waist. "I don't usually watch any new shows."