5907/Far falling shadows

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Far falling shadows
Date of Scene: 11 April 2021
Location: Lux - Penthouse
Synopsis: Lucifer calls Amanda for bored check-ins.
Cast of Characters: Lucifer, Amanda Sefton

Lucifer has posed:
The phone call itself doesn't come with any particular warning. No text to see if she's around, or busy ... it's just a direct call, from the line Lucifer has commonly used in the past to chat with Amanda.

"Helllooooooooo," Lucifer drolls into the phone, tone pleasant, but the vowels extended. It reeks of him being playful in some way - which bodes well that he isn't dragging her into a burning church.

Then again, Lucifer doesn't always view things with the same weight as mortals, and this could still well be something large...

In reality, though, he is sprawled on the bed in his own apartment on his back, looking idly up into the ceiling: or more accurately, through it. "I thought I'd give you a ring, see how your adventures are unfolding lately," Lucifer greets.

Amanda Sefton has posed:
Amanda's ears rise faintly as she hears Lucifer voice on the other end of the line. "You're sounding well," she says, a smile touching her lips. She crosses to the couch in her living room, settling down on it with an easy motion. That he's no longer in the throes of whatever dark mood caused that church fire is an improvement.

She has a few tomes open in her dining room, but nothing that's distracting her at this given moment. "To be honest," she says, her feet kicking out before her, "they've been remarkably contained. Activity in Tribeca has died down considerably to how it was back around the solistice." She's not entirely surprised by this, given the fact the equinox is past and mystic power is valenced increasingly toward the light. It's still vaguely frustrating, however. It makes her feel like she's missing something.

"I've heard rumours of odd disturbances in Queens, but haven't been able to track them down, so..." She gives a mild shrug. "I've spent more time studying than anything." A beat. She chuckles. "I did manage to get Sister Phillis to move on, however. That's been nice."

Lucifer has posed:
"Kind of you to notice, I /am/ well. I find liberal doses of high pleasure to create a rather positive outlook," Lucifer teases immediately, a joke and mirth in his even tone, the playful quality very present. "I do recommend such."

Lucifer takes in her report of the containment, and gives a sigh that can mostly be attributed to light boredom. He wanted to be entertained, perhaps. "Oh, moved on? I was quite interested in seeing what we might expose her to while she continued to cling to you," tut-tuts the devilish man, rolling his hand to adjust the hold on the phone while he shifts his weight on the bed, looking at his opposite hand, the fingernails there, thoughtful of his cuticles.

"Studying, mmm? What's the current undertaking?" There's curiosity, but more present, that it's likely he's calling just to sate some boredom - whether or not he'd directly fess up to it.

Amanda Sefton has posed:
Amanda chuckles dryly. "I will admit to actively encouraging her. I was growing remarkably weary of her concern for my imperiled soul." There's a lightness to her tone as she says it, though there's some truth to it, too. The Sister wasn't so bad a companion while it lasted. But she was tenacious in her efforts to reform the supposedly wayward witch. "She liked Kurt, though, good Catholic boy that he is." Despite his devilish appearance.

But, yes. Amanda has caught on to the fact that Lucifer calls her for two reasons: He's bored, or he wants her particular brand of help. Which is fine, given she's inclined to do much the same.

"Currently, I'm actually looking into some mirror magic. I'm not much given to it, myself, but it keeps popping up in various investigations and questions I'm getting from others, so it seemed the thing to bone up on." She shakes her head, looking out the balcony doors to the view of the park in the distance. "The deeper I get into it, however, the more troublesome it seems."

Lucifer has posed:
There's some brief noise as Lucifer adjusts out of holding the phone to using an earpiece, to make his purposeful lounge more deliberate. Though he's found himself wishing for a drink and smoke, and rolls to his feet to procure those additional pleasures. There's minor sounds of it that drift through, and some light music from the room he'd moved into to do so. Still, it's subtle, and it's easy to hear him.

"Oh /really/. The deceit of a mirror spell cast with specific intent can certainly warp a mind ... or entrap. Mirror traps are among the most elegantly nefarious that exist," Lucifer says, chatty. "Don't worry, that's all I'll say about that; I'm not in a mood for monologuing." A smirk is added. "Some /action/ is more my speed, perhaps." He's talking aloud, his train of thought about what he feels like, while talking to her. It's entirely a friendly behavior: boredom, perhaps something more than just that, though; a light willingness to connect...

"Don't get too old: you'll find you have to keep escalating to keep something new or fresh." Random advice, off the edge of the ancient devil's mind.

Amanda Sefton has posed:
"I doubt I'll have the luxury of great age," Amanda chuckles. "At least, not by your standards." She's not immortal, after all. Still human, perhaps with a trace -- possibly more than a trace -- of demon blood. Or perhaps not. It's not something she'd know; she's never met her father and her mother has never spoken of him. But there are rumours, out in the aether, about Margali Szardos. They may have sprung more from a misunderstanding of Kurt's relation to her than Amanda's, however.

As for mirror spells... "Mm. It's the trapping that's been the challenge," she admits. "So many ways to accomplish it, but all of them tailored to a different intent and result." Not really a surprise. That's magic in a nutshell.

"Though, when I was researching ways to encourage Phillis to move along, I did discover one of my more esoteric tomes on the subject had pages removed. It was expertly done. I'd never have noticed it, if it hand't been pointed out to me. And I've no idea if it happened before or after the book came into my possession."