591/All Too Familiar Faces

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All Too Familiar Faces
Date of Scene: 18 March 2020
Location: Back Yard
Synopsis: Scott seeks out one of the time refugees to see just what she's doing here.
Cast of Characters: Scott Summers, Hope Summers

Scott Summers has posed:
It never rains but it pours.

Maybe a somewhat pessimistic mindset, but Scott Summers is used to expect the worst, so he prepares for the worst. The arrival of someone from an alternate reality claiming to be a relative of his would be somewhat unbalancing. But THREE in two weeks is positively worrisome. It can't possibly be a good thing.

And just after Genosha was annihilated, when he needs all his wits and time to figure out the whys and hows. Coincidence? One might have been coincidence (except it is never coincidence). Three? It -is- a pattern.

So, this is business. Not curiosity. Not a family affair. Not a Terminator flick (he hopes!). And he came here because he checked Cerebro sensors and he knows the girl calling himself Hope Summers is in the area.

He is in his civilian grab, but with the combat visor over his eyes because it is more comfortable. Also, it allows for bigger blasts.

Hope Summers has posed:
Left to her own devices, Hope would normally be training. But it's not like they're letting the random kid who says she came out of a different timeline set up danger room protocols just so she can stay sharp. She's spent a lot of time trying to catch up on this reality and timeline, then more time riding the Hyperloop around to various places in the area to see the cities and the state of the world. But now she's back at the school, and in the absence of anything more intense, she's gone for a run.

In a tank top and sweatpants, with her hair pulled into a loose ponytail, she's making her way around the bend in the backyard toward the school, moving at a ground-eating lope that looks like it's come from a lot of practice running. Catching sight of Scott, she slows her steps to a walk as she approaches, tipping her chin upward in a cautious greeting. "Hey."

Scott Summers has posed:
Scott studies the girl as she runs for a few instants, then moving to stand on the way of her circuit, making sure he is seen. When the redhead greets him, he nods in response, and waits a few seconds until she is closer.

"Good afternoon, Hope?" He greets. Of course he has no doubts of her identity. "I would like to talk with you. I am Scott Summers, I'd like to think you have heard of me."

Hope Summers has posed:
"Yeah, that's me." Something about what Scott says earns a faint smirk at one corner of her lips. "And yeah, I know you. Well. //A// you, at least. Everyone here is a //lot// younger than they were where I came from." Wiping the back of her arm across her brow, she half-turns to keep moving, cooling down from her run.

"So I'm guessing you've got a lot of questions?" she asks, looking over with an arch of her brow.

Scott Summers has posed:
"I have heard that before," comments Scott with a humorless smile. "Not a grizzled veteran yet, hmm? But I am still one of the oldest mutants in the school, so I got put in charge of security and a few other matters. I do have a few questions. But most of them can be answered by a general report on the events that brought you here. Said report might wait until later."

He gestures for her to keep walking. After the run she shouldn't come to full stop, anyway, and they can talk while they walk. "What are you doing here, Hope?"

Hope Summers has posed:
Hope's smile quirks once more at the way he speaks, something familiar about the expression. This is not the first mission talk she's had from Scott Summers. "Here specifically, I'm going for a run," she answers, humor balancing out some of the snark of the comment. "Here at the school, because it's what Nathan taught me several times - if you don't know where you are, if you're trying to find a safe base to fall back to, find the school. Here in this...//universe// is kind of a more existential question as much as a practical one."

She sticks her hands into her pockets as she walks, giving him a sidelong look. "I //think// that I got pushed here in the process of destroying the Phoenix force, is the shortest answer."

Scott Summers has posed:
"The Phoenix Force, again," repeats Scott. "I will need a detailed report on that particular event. But if you are here because you have nothing else to do, I think we can give you plenty to do. This place is a refuge for mutants in trouble, but you are not exactly lost, are you?"

It seems to him Hope has landed running, so to say. Handling the timeline-switching much better than Rachel. "So back to my original question, what are you doing here? Or perhaps, what do you want to do here?"

Hope Summers has posed:
"It's a pain in the ass and it's best avoided. By you especially. Trust me on that. Nothing but trouble for you." For all her humor, Hope says that with the utmost seriousness. She's done her best to remember that the people here didn't do the things that the people in her world did, but one of her last memories before she ended up here was fighting Scott for the Phoenix and the madness and destruction that went along with it. That's hard to shake.

As his question sinks back in, she tilts her head, considering him for another moment. "You're talking about the teams." It's not a question. "Full disclosure, you and I have not always seen eye to eye about...a lot of things. Probably because we're too much alike. Not because we're related," she adds, shaking her head. "In case anything weird's been going through the grapevine. We're not. I'm not actually related to anyone here by blood. Just...let's say we've got similar training influences."

Taking a deep breath, she lets it out with a sigh and a shrug. "That said, this is the first time in my life I //haven't// had a mission. I offered to help Laura with Alchemax. And I've been trying to help Lorna with the whole Genosha thing. It might be better if you had the whole report before you made any decisions, though."

Scott Summers has posed:
"I am talking about the school," replies Scott cautiously. As far as he knows there is only one team. Unless Hope thinks the New Mutants are a team. Which they were, but not in the official sense.

"I'd like you go through a battery of tests in the Danger Room, and a psychological assessment by Jean Grey," he offers. "Regardless of the results, we do have a place for you here, if you want it."

He should also ask what is up with Alchemax, but it perhaps that can wait a few days.

Hope Summers has posed:
"Sure," Hope nods, tightening her ponytail. "Whatever I can do to help. It seems like things are a lot better here than what I'm used to, but whatever I can do to keep it that way, I'm there for it."

Wiping her brow once more, she turns back toward the school. "Just let me know when you want me to show up and I'll go through it."