6213/Getting to know people.

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Getting to know people.
Date of Scene: 14 May 2021
Location: Bushwick <Mutant Town>
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Samuel Guthrie, Atrid

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie is out in the neighborhood this evening. He is wearing a t-shirt with the police academy's log on it. Unlike most police officers in this neighborhood, Sam is trying to get to know folks. He stops outside on of the apartment buildings, and seeing an older lady carrying her garbage out, he offers to carry it out for her.

Atrid has posed:
Atrid moves through the crowds his black leather duster brushes the the ground. His eyes darting this way and that, very cautious very suspicious. Atrid sees the police academy logo on Sam's shirt and eyes him with even more suspicion. He reaches into his jacket locket pulling out a zippo and pack of cigarettes sparking one.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie talks to the lady for a moment, his accent putting him from somewhere else. "Yes, Ma'am, Ah'm training at the acedemy, Ah figure the community here could use some folks around here who want to help out and be there for the folks. No, Ma'am not moved into the neighborhood yet, but am considering it, right now staying at my girl's place." He offers with a smile.

Atrid has posed:
Atrid looks at Sam and the lady he takes a drag of his cigarette and rolls his eyes. Inhale exhale sticks his foot out and trips some random preppy looking tennager. "Have a nice trip?" He asks with a laugh.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks over at the laugh and frowns a bit sighing. He looks back to the older lady "Seems some folks want to help others not so much. He will nod to her, and walks over towards Atrid, not quite moving to him, but close enough to be close if things get worse.

Atrid has posed:
Atrid looks down and the preppy kid as he gets up. "Run along prep." He laughs louder as the preppy kid runs off. Looking to Sam he raises a brow. "Can I help you with something Bruh?"

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks over to Atrid, and says "Just trying to make sure aint no problems around here. Folks about here got enough troubles without others starting more.

Atrid has posed:
Atrid chuckles and looks to Sam. "And you think becomin' pig is gonna do that. Like the helped when I got these?" He asks gesturing to his scarred face. "People are horrible creatures by nature."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks to the other and says "Ah think if you have folks about trying to take care of the people who actually want to help the people, and don't look at the job with a Why the hell am I stationed here it will help. A community does much better when all of the community try to look after one another.

Atrid has posed:
Atrid shakes his head. "That doesn't happen bud. Like how my parents wanted to help me and aid me until I found out I was different. Thats when they did this stuff to me." Atrid says. "Or how all the people in school made fun of me for how I dressed and such. People don't look out for each other the try and tear each other down. The only one we can count on is ourselves."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks to the young man and shakes his head and says "No, not many do, but if we can change that then it is a better place. He looks over at the clinic and the foodbank "People are here trying to help one another, and don't give me they are doing it out of guilt, tax credit, or mandatory community service. Some folks care, If we can get more people to look after the community maybe the good will will grow.

Atrid has posed:
Atrid shakes his head. "I don't belive in people wanting to help others for no reason." He says taking another drag and exhaling. "Freak, Mutie, wannabe vampire." He growls out. "I got these scars because my parents hated what I am. Left me at the hospital never came back for me. If they didn't care why would I believe the rest of the world will?"

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks to the other man, and says "Perhaps, cause some people understand what hardships folks have went through and don't want to see others go through what they did, or even some people just try to be the best people they can. Sorry to hear about your parents, but yea, some folks let their fear or hate rule them, some try to be the reverse.

Atrid has posed:
Atrid shrugs. "That seems very optimistic, but not exactly realistic." He says simply taking a final drag and crushing out the cigarette. "Whats the point if we are hated and feard? And fight amongst ourselves?"

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks to the other man, and says "If we aint going to try for a better world, we might as well lie down and die. We show the world we are good people trying to help people. Yea, there are bad folks, but there are good ones as well. We all are just folks, mutants, humans, or what ever.

Atrid has posed:
Atrid chuckles a bit one right hand flickering flame left with iciclesoff his finger tips. He gasps and calms himself letting the slight flare recede. "Maybe but no change ever comes without a fight. How much blood will be spilled and lives lost for us to prove we aren't to be feared?" Atrid asks sincerely no sign of his cynicism.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks to the other man and says "Less than if we inspire the fear, and more wars and tragedies are brought forth.

Atrid has posed:
Atrid shrugs perhaps. "But when your hands throw fire and ice all people do is look at me like a weapon." He says looking back down to his hands.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks to the other man, and says "It aint all you have to be though." He looks at him, and says "Depends on the strength of your abilities, you could be a welder, a cook, make snow at ski lodges , or make snow cone, and thats just jobs let alone what else you could do with it. He does not add in play a part in the live action My Hero Academia. "What do you actually enjoy doing?"

Atrid has posed:
Atrid leans against the wall and pulls another cigarette out this time he lights it with his finger but it flames up to high and singes his eye brows. "Darn." He growls. "Yea well I don't know the extent of the strength of my powers."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks to the man and studies him a moment, "Ok a little advice, if your really not sure about your powers and strengths, Ah would suggest finding somewhere pretty vacant, and with your powers as flame proof as possible and starting with something small, working on controlling it, your lighting your cig is not a bad thing to start with practice.

Atrid has posed:
Atrid takes a drag inhales exhales but where brows should be singed they aren't per se. "Well I ain't used to trying to control them. I'm used to trying to not use them." He says honestly. "I went four years before my parents found out."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie nods, and says "Well if you could do that, then you could probably control them more with ease." He looks to the kid over and says "From the flinch Ah take it your not immune to your own fire?"

Atrid has posed:
Atrid looks at Sam and gestures to his brows. "No no, I'd never learned if I was or not. But I think I am." He says. "One way to find out " He engulfs his hand in flames panicking slightly st first than he laughs. "Well its not hurting." He concentraes but than decides to empty his water bottle over his hand putting out the flames no redness or burns. "Guess I am."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie nods, and says "Next time, I would suggest bringing the other hand atop it, seeing it is warm, hot or hurting." He offers in advice to the other man. "Knowing how to control your powers, and what you can do with them is a step in the right direction.

Atrid has posed:
Atrid thinks for a moment or two. "You mean my ice side may not be immune to the fireside?" He asks curiously. "I never thought about that."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie says, "Well Ah did not realize you could only do one per side, but yea, it is a good thing to check into." He offers the young man. He hmms a bit and says "Here." He gives the man a card with his name and phone number on it. "Call me this weekend, Ah think I am going to see if Ah can set up a place where people can work on learning their powers safetly here."

Atrid has posed:
Atrid nods and takes the card. "Thanks. That would be a good thing. If I'm gonna have this for my whole life I need to learn to deal with them."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie nods, and says "All, I ask, is if you find what I do helpful, you try to help someone down the road, the whole pay it forward may sound corny but it is a good thing when you commit to it.

Atrid has posed:
Atrid nods. "Makes sense." He says honestly. "Though I may not like or trust many people I will do as you ask."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie nods, and offers his hand to shake on the deal.

Atrid has posed:
Atrid the hand coming out causes him to reflexively take a step back before realizing its a handshake offer. He nods taking the hand and shaking it. "I haven't met other mutants yet."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie grins and says "Well now you have, and look around you probably met some you did not know." He offers to the other man. "Heck the kid you tripped maybe have been one, folks gather around here for a community and being mutants is part of that for some.

Atrid has posed:
Atrid nods thoughtfully. "It was people like him dressed all preppy and pretty that used to bully me. I guess my blood boils still when I see them."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks to the other man and nods a bit "Yea, well a little bit of advice, you judge folks by their appearances things are often not what they appear.

Atrid has posed:
Atrid finishes his cigarette and crushes it out. "Perhaps they aren't, perhaps they are. I guess for me its kind of like pay back for what happened to me."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks to the man and says "Always look forward, looking back just causes pain."

Atrid has posed:
Atrid nods and thinks for a moment here. "I guess that's fair and true enough." He says thoughtfully. "Just wish I knew why they hate us so much."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks to him and says "Part of them fear us, part of them envy us, and some just hate for the sake of hate." He offers the other man in explanation. "The last group is the real problem, cause they use the other twos fear and envy to drag them into their hate.

Atrid has posed:
Atrid leans back putting his foot against a wall. "Yea it still doesn't make sense to me honestly. I don't like what people did to me so a grudge against folks similar is somewhat justifiable but having us just because we exist?"

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie nods, and says "Hate does not have to make sense, look at human history, some men are going to hate as long as they can find something different to hate. Race, sex, sexual orientation, religion, all of that have been reason for man to hate man, and kill one another. Mutant, human, or what not is the newest in a long line of stupid hate.

Atrid has posed:
Atrid nods and runs his fingers through his long hair. "Well yes I guess that is true." He states before adjusting his duster. "But of its merely for differences than its totally irrational no?"

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie says, "Thats the problem with us, it is not totally irrational, as Ah said bad folks on both sides, and we have had some doozies on our side. And sadly the way the world works, you hear a lot more about the bad than the good."

Atrid has posed:
Atrid shakes his head. "What happened to innocent until proven guilty?" He asks with a shrug. "Shouldn't each individual Mutant be given a fair shake?"

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks over and says "Should be and is be are two totally different bees. We can only control what we ourselves do.

Atrid has posed:
Atrid taps his foot against the wall. "Of thats the case than it feels in a lot of ways its a futile endeavor. We can keep showing we aren't all bad but they will still hate because they choose to."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks to the other man and says "But the more minds we change even if not all of them, the more friends we have, and the more people who will support our causes

Atrid has posed:
Atrid looks at him. "How is that going to really help if we can't get all or most to change their minds? Does it really mean so much if in the end we are still hated and feared? I don't get it. Maybe that's just my experiences, but most people are vile and cruel and pathetic."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks to him, and says "Ah don't think it is most, to be honest, most folks could care less one way or the other. If it aint effecting them then and there they don't give a damn. So we try to do good, help show people not only that we can be good folks, but also be an example that if people are willing to work for it they can have a decent life.

Atrid has posed:
Atrid thinks for a bit. "Yes there's that I guess. But is there enough good and decency left in this world to really make our point that clear?"

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie says, "Ah hope and work towards it myself." He offers to the man "Heck if the statue of liberty can go for a walk, right?" He reference a popular movie."

Atrid has posed:
Atrid looks at Sam and shakes his head. "Alas positive emotions and thoughts can't really do things like that." Atrid states in all honesty.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie says, "Thats why I work towards it do whats right, help people, work on becoming a cop, so it is more than just thoughts"

Atrid has posed:
Atrid taps his chin thoughtfully. "You think a mutant might be able to become a cop without any type of backlash?"

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks to the other man and says "Well, will be honest, Ah am not telling Ah am a mutant yet, but after Ah have been one for a while and proved myself, plan on coming out then, that way may have formed their opinion of me already

Atrid has posed:
Atrid nods thinking about this. "But what if it comes out? Or what if the amount of time doesn't matter and when they find out they let you go or the people start pushing them to do so? Fear twists and warps the mind."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie says, "Then I have did my best, and I tried at least."

Atrid has posed:
Atrid nods his head thinking again for a moment. "I gues you're right on that. That might be enough, I just don't.. I guess I'm not sure why you're that determined."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks to the man, and says "I have had some good examples in my life, some living and some not, and I try to make sure my actions would make them proud."

Atrid has posed:
Atrid nods his head. "Honoring those who have gone before you. I guess I can understand that one, wanting to make people proud."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie nods his head a bit to this and says "So, tell me a bit about yourself?"

Atrid has posed:
Atrid looks at him. "Just your average anti social Gothic teen I guess. I did love playing baseball and student Mixed Martial Arts. But above all I loved studying history and science, in particular studying genetics."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie hmms and nods a bit to this and says "Howold are you if you don't mind me asking?"

Atrid has posed:
Atrid blinks. "Seventeen, as of March." He says looking at Sam. "Why do you ask?"

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks to the other man and says "I know someone I have been thinking about talking to about offering some classes and tutoring in the area. Good to know if we have school age people interesting.

Atrid has posed:
Atrid raises a brow. "I see. Well after this year I've only got one year of school left. If I don't fail, I've been to focused on surviving to really worry about school."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie nods, and says "I will talk to my friend and see what he says, if your into genetics, he would be a good man to talk to.

Atrid has posed:
Atrid nods. "Genetics, and biology, leaning how and why the traits people have show up."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie nods, and says "Yea I think Hank might like teaching you if you can come close to keeping up with him

Atrid has posed:
Atrid shrugs and shakes his head. "Well I mean I'm only Seventeen I'll probably not be able to keep up with him that well at this point. Perhaps after a while I could."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie says, "Trying it the main thing." He offers with a smile"

Atrid has posed:
Atrid grins. "Do or do not there is no try. As was once quoted by a wise hero.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie grins and says "And someone who looked different from your average person and had powers none the less."

Atrid has posed:
Atrid nods laughing a bit. "Yes but that was a long time ago in a Galaxy far far away and they still had hatred."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie says, "But people faught against it. He reminds the other man."

Atrid has posed:
Atrid nods. "Yes but it always came back and never was fully eradicated."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie nods, and says "And those who faught it kept trying never give up never surrender.