6554/House Visit From an Owl.

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House Visit From an Owl.
Date of Scene: 14 June 2021
Location: Scott Lang's house
Synopsis: Strix and Scott catch up. Strix brings presents for Scott and Cassie, and they teach her the power of NOOGIES.
Cast of Characters: Strix, Scott Lang

Strix has posed:
It's late afternoon and Strix has spent all day trying to navigate the public transportation system to figure out how to get to Scott's house. Her bandaged head turned the attention of a few people, but for the most part people were immune to the weirdness since this is public transportation after all. It takes her a bit of time to walk from the nearest bus stop to his house (after one wrong turn) but all in all she's made it here okay.

She walks up to the door and rings the doorbell. She's dressed in jeans and that fuzzy pink unicorn sweater that Scott gave her that Christmas, never mind the bullet holes that has marred it's jaunty print. In one hand she's got a shopping bag filled with stuff that she bought the day before all in preparation to one of the first people she met that had shown her kindness.

Scott Lang has posed:
"Just a minute! Just a...NO DOWN! Get down off of, fine, it's fine! Stay up there then, see if I care!" comes the muffled sounds of an annoyed Scott, a sounds of thumping steps before he opens the door. He looks a bit frazzled, the reason why seen skittering behind as a trio of ants the size of guinea pigs go upside down across the ceiling from one room into another. His eyes slightly bloodshot he looks at Strix and must really be tired as it takes a few seconds of blinking before recognition finally clicks into place.

"Mary! Kiddo! You made it back whole...ish. Hey c'mere," Scott with his usual lack of social grace enveloping one of the most dangerous ninjas assassins on the planet with a hug. To be fair he sounded genuinely worried about her, given she left under threat of death from a whole other cadre of ninjas. His welcoming squeeze given he steps aside and ushers her in. "Come on, come in. I can, uh, find you a new shirt maybe and patch this one a bit?" he suggests, briefly rubbing one of the bullet holes in her sweater between two fingers with a grimace.

Inside Mary will find the house in a bit of disarray, more ants than usual roaming around, some handling cleaning supplies or moving things, others seeming to act of their own accord. Scott wasn't as good wrangling a swarm as some others might be. "Sorry, been away myself, trying to get the house back in order. You need a drink? A snack? How you been?" he rattles off as if her muteness wasn't any sort of obstacle to concern himself with.

Strix has posed:
Strix will gladly hug Scott in return, grinning widely. She shakes her head at him resolutely when he offers to replace the sweatshirt. It has too much sentimental value for her to replace. She steps into the house and her eyes go wide at the large ants skittering all around the place. She turns to Scott and gives him a questioning look.

Once inside she sets down her bag and pulls out her notepad and pen. Skribble, skribble, skribble.


She says on one page. Flipping to another page:


She looks around expecting to find somebody else here and scowls. Turning to yet another page she asks:


Scott Lang has posed:
"I was in outer space, it got dusty and I couldn't clean it all myself! They're almost done," Scott explains while only raising far MORE questions in turn. Of course he doesn't answer those, instead heading for the kitchen, stepping over several large ants as he pulls out a container of dip and a bag of chips. The chip bag is tossed at Mary even as he pops the top on the dip and sets on a nearby counter, a couple of glasses following. He starts rummaging in the fridge, at least a few ants turning hopeful antenna his way.

"Anyway Cassie is on her way, whole reason I'm getting the house clean in such a hurry. Hate it when the ex walks in and sees the place kinda crazy. But I think I have a good excuse this time! She should be here in an..." his head popping out of the fridge to glance at a clock and nearly dropping the liter of soda in his hands when he does see it. "NOW!" he squeaks, his track of time well lost. Of course that cues the sound of a car door opening and closing. The front door flies open, no doorbells for Cassie who dashes in.

"Daddy, Daddy, I...ANTS! MARY!" Cassie squeals as she takes in the sights before dashing at Mary and nearly tackling her in the legs.

Behind her then comes another woman in her 30's. Like Scott she was, well, plain. She didn't look like a supermodel heroine or an evil villain. She was just an ordinary woman who took one look around the house, at Mary, the ants, and then Scott and lets out a sigh. "I'm not even going to ask. NO MORE SPACE!" his ex-wife demands though with a pointed finger before thunking the door shut behind her.

Strix has posed:
Strix just kind of accepts Scott's answer at face value. Scott was in outer space. That happens. She catches the bag of chips deftly, and pops open the top, and moves to where Scott left the dip and sets them down besides it. She takes out her notepad and flips through the pages until she finds the one she's looking for.


A wandering ant carrying a dusting cloth skitters by her and pauses to tap at her with its antennae curiously. Strix looks at it with just as much curiosity, and decides to pat it on the head. The ant doesn't seem to mind too much but it's got a job to do and skitters away.

At the sound of the car door opening and closing, Strix tenses for a moment, before relaxing when the door opens to reveal Cassie, who is now barreling at her at top speed. She staggers a bit as the weight of an entire six year old is thrown at her legs, but grinning, Strix leans down and gives Cassie a big hug.

Once settled in, Strix takes the shopping bag that she had brought and sets it on the table. From it she pulls out a powder blue sweatshirt with a rainbow Pegasus emblazoned on it. This she hands ceremoniously over to Scott. To Cassie, she holds up a finger warning her to wait, and pulls out a black sweatshirt with a rather terrifying and dangerous looking wolf printed on it. This she hands to Cassie. They both look like they're sized perfectly.

Scott Lang has posed:
"OK! FINE! I SAVED A PLANET YOU KNOW! IT WAS WORK!" Scott hollers at his annoyed ex as she storms back to her car and despite the fact everything he said was true he still looks guilty. He had left Cassie behind for quite a while after all and with no warning, only able to call. Pushing those thoughts aside as best he can he fixes a smile back on his face and kneels down to give Cassie his own hug, the little girl fairly bouncing as she holds up her shirt, the image CLEARLY not one most would consider appropriate for a six year old.

"I love it!" Cassie squeals who in moments has it pulled over her head. Scott likewise shows no hesitation in donning his own gift soon after with the multi-hued pegasus, not an inkling of shame on his face for what most would consider a less than manly image. He hung out with Captain America, why worry about trying to be manly around someone like that, he'd never compared anyway.

"Thanks Mary I...alright hold on, wrap it up guys!" Scott clapping his hands a couple times. The ants seem to understand this at least as they turn almost as one and skitter out of the rooms and through a petdoor into the backyard single file, taking a good three or four minutes before the last one is out the flap. Scott lets out a sigh and grabs a chip, a noisy bite following.

"You're safe then now I guess? Or, well, safer?" Scott questions.

Cassie puts it another way. "Did you beat up all those bad guys who threw knives at us?!"

Strix has posed:
Strix nods at Scott's question, and then nods more vigorously at Cassie. She mimes a couple of punches and kicks to demonstrate just how much she kicked the bad guys asses. When she straightens up and sees that Scott has donned the sweatshirt that she gave him, a strange looks passes her features.

Strix doesn't have many friends outside the Bat Family, and they're usually so serious. There's something about Scott's grounded hominess that fills a little gap in her heart that was left when her own family was torn away from her all those years ago.

That expression disappears as she breaks into a grin and gives Scott another hug.


Scott Lang has posed:
"Cassie being a hero is more than just...OK yeah it looks like she did beat them all up I guess," Scott TRYING to confer the idea that heroics isn't just fighting and thwarted at every turn. As for him, well, he still doesn't know and may never fully understand what Mary has gone through. But inviting people into his home who needed help was just how he worked. He catches the weirdly intense expression on Mary's face and seems confused a moment. "What is there something on my face?" he questions self-consciously, rubbing at his cheek just before the pint-sized ninja grabs hold of him again for a squeeze that catches him off-guard.

"Whoa! Hey! Alright Mary, I like you too. Thank you," Scott awkwardly answers, still unsure what prompted the second hug but patting Mary on the back through it.

Cassie meanwhile has locked eyes on the boss of soda and has begun pouring a glass, foam rocketing dangerously to the top which the 6 year old vigorously sips at to keep from overflowing. Disaster narrowly averted she asks, "Daddy, is Mary going to go to school with me? She could learn to write better!"

Strix has posed:
Strix just shakes her head at Scott's question, scowling. It's something that's a little hard to express in short bursts on a notepad, but she tries nonetheless.


Cassie's comment, however, gets a grin out of her and she bends down to write:

2 OLD 4

Besides, people can understand what she writes and that's what counts, right?

Scott Lang has posed:
"I can teach her instead!" Cassie crows excitedly before Scott can say anything, fairly bouncing as the idea comes to her and she starts clapping her hands. "We can do writing lessons and I can read to her and she can learn everything I'm doing. Mary, Mary, I'll be a good teacher, please!?" Cassie pleads tugging on the hem of her sweater.

"Alright, Cassie settle. You can maybe show her some stuff now and then you're working on but Mary isn't living with us I don't think. She's just visiting her friends," Scott explains taking a soothing tone of voice as he pours his own glass of soda...and winds up having to do the same sip and save as he pours with exactly the same talent as a 6 year old. Another crisis halted he pauses thoughtfully before a worrisome grin crosses his face. An arm stretches out around Mary's shoulder and draws her in closer. Cassie seems to know what is happening judging by her own smile and snicker. "Of course good friends get good...NOOGIES!" both he and Cassie exclaiming the last word as one as Scott tries to apply his knuckles to Mary's scalp. Because physically assaulting one of the best hand to hand fighters on the planet was a good plan in Scott's mind.

Strix has posed:
Strix likes this idea of having Cassie teach her a few things and nods encouragingly at the idea. A frown pulls at her lips as Scott instructs Cassie to calm down, but when he explains that this would be a thing that she can do when she comes to visit she nods in agreement. Her head shakes when Scott seems unsure as to Strix's living situation telling him that, no, she won't be living here.

She's brought in unsuspectingly by the arm around her shoulder, expecting something friendly, but then she is NOOGIED! She expertly twists out of the headlock, and pushes Scott away (gently. She doesn't want to damage him) not understanding what a noogie is. She gives him a look of utter betrayal.

Scott Lang has posed:
One moment Scott's knuckles are worrying away at Mary's head and the next she's gone and he's a few feet away from where he'd been with barely an idea of how he got there. "How did...when...oh right the ninja thing," he absentmindely remarks before he catches the look on the young ninja's face and quickly raises his hands, palms forward. "Hey hey, calm down Mary! It's a sign of affection! You noogie people you like! It's a thing I swear!" Scott vows, defending the sanctity of noogies in his rainbow winged horse sweater.

Cassie meanwhile is rather fearlessly scaling a stool behind Mary. She barely had a sip of cola but the caffeine combined with excitement of her father back and an old friend has put the 6 year old into hyperdrive. It was hard to say she was sneaking up on Mary per se, it was doubtful one could truly get the drop on someone like her, but she might not be expecting an attack from the 6 year old also. "RAAR!" exclaims Cassie who leaps off the stool at Mary's back, trying to cling to her shoulders.

Strix has posed:
Strix scowls suspiciously at Scott's explanation of what a noogie is, and looks to Cassie for confirmation. Strix turns her back to Cassie in order to pour herself some soda, and unlike the Langs, she manages to keep it from overfilling as she pours. More ninja tricks!

But while her back is turned she's leapt upon by a hungry wolf! Somehow the bottle of soda is kept from tipping over as Strix makes a show of struggling under the claws of the ferocious beast (somehow at the same time managing to keep Cassie from falling from her back), and slowly the feral wolf manages to take down an owl.

Her shoulders shake in a silent laugh, and wrestles Cassie until she's got an arm around her neck (gently!) and gives her a noogie! She looks at Scott to see if she's doing it right.

Scott Lang has posed:
There's no blood and Cassie is only squealing, "Nooooo!" while laughing so it seems Strix had mastered the art quickly enough. So now Scott had taught a master assassin that liked to stop by unexpectedly how to noogie. He gives a nervous smile and nods his head in confirmation even as he considers if he should go get his helmet on. "You got it, just not TOO much. You don't wanna take her hair off," Scott advises.

As Cassie is released she lets out a 'harumph' and fixes at her hair a bit before her attention span shifts again. "Pretty Pony Princess Paulina Periwinkle Peachy Prequel is about to come on!" The speed with which she vanishes to the TV might just impress the Flash and Scott sighs and rubs at his temples. "Well that themesong is gonna be stuck in my head again soon, maybe I should head back to space sometime."

Strix has posed:
Strix gets up off the floor, still chuckling her silent chuckle as she fondly watches Cassie zoom off to watch her TV show. She wanders back over to the island and drinks some soda and eats some chips before she turns back to Scott.

She's not exactly good at small talk but she does give it a try.


Scott Lang has posed:
The sounds of cheaply made cartoon music fills the air as Scott settles back into the junkfood himself and gives a shrug. "I don't know, aliens, lots and lots of aliens. Robbed some space cops, tried to touch a gravity worm, saved a shrunken city. Took a lot longer than I would have liked and I wasn't exactly ASKED to go but, you don't say no to an alien woman that can bend steel with her mind. How was, uhh, you know, what led to this?" Scott pointing again to one of the bullet holes in her sweater as he takes another noisy bite of chip.

"Pretty Pony Princess Paulina Periwinkle, I am here to save you, Lil Laughing Lilly Lulu Lamb!" Cassie can be heard gasping, high art is taking place assuredly.

Strix has posed:
Strix nods knowingly as Scott explains his space adventure, as if she knows what he's talking about. Scott's question about the bullet holes in her shirt causes Strix to blush a little, thinking about Deadpool. She pulls out her pad and looks at it, thinking what to write down.


That's probably pretty obvious considering who she is, though.

Scott Lang has posed:
Scott stares at the notepad blankly for a long few moments before he chews on his lower lip and then nods his head. "You're a helluva storyteller Mary. But I'm glad you made it through it all OK," he finishes with a pat to her back.

This interrupted by the call from the family room, "DAAAAAD! You and Mary need to see this! It's the wedding with Heavy Hairy Hooty Horse Henderson!"

Scott fairly grimaces but starts turning that way. "C'mon Mary, you survived that, you can probably make it through this too," he warns as he leads the poor time displaced ninja to the doom of watching terrible cartoons she's far too old for.