6976/Seeking a Second Opinion

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Seeking a Second Opinion
Date of Scene: 17 July 2021
Location: Medical Lab
Synopsis: At Lorna's insistence, Clarice gets a second opinion from the esteemed Doctor McCoy.
Cast of Characters: Clarice Ferguson, Henry McCoy

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice had sent Hank a text message - a bit vague at first. Would he be willing to provide a second opinion on a private medical matter? Just what the issue was, specifically, she was loathe to express via cellphone, though, and so she arranged a private matter, complete with a thumb drive containing copies of the MRIs and CAT scans taken on the Asteroid, which she was just handing over - after having secured his promise that he wouldn't be divulging the contents of their discussion to anyone else. The last thing she wants getting out is just how vulnerable she is right now.
    "So - yeah. The mutant who did it - he tried to reverse it, but couldn't completely, which is why there's two different sets of scans. One for after he messed me up, and one for after he //tried// to fix me. If there's another way to fix this that doesn't involve waiting for weeks to see if it just fades, like Mansa says it will... That would be a lot better." Mansa, of course, was the mutant that managed to get the drop on her.

Henry McCoy has posed:
Of course, Hank was up for helping with a mutant's medical issues - it's kind of his thing! He agreed to meet her, bringing her to the more secure medical lab where all the equipment was there for his use. He'd taken the information and looked it over on his personal tablet, frowning a bit at the results as shown. "Does this Mansa know if it is a genetic level change, or something more affecting of the mind?" He hrms.

The tablet is set down, Henry regarding Clarice. "I can go over the changes, certainly - but if he has some sort of prior insight into how his gift works, it would eliminate the initial research needed." A slight smile. "When was the last dose you had, to prevent any accidental episodes?"

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "I don't think he understands very much about his powers, honestly. He's from Liberia." Not one of the most developed nations of the world - so education was not very comprehensive there. Clarice sighs in frustration at that, before adding, "He's in Genosha. He's been very cooperative and apologetic - once we got past his brain-washing, but... honestly, I don't know how much insight he can offer that isn't already..." she gestures to the tablet, "included. I'm sure Lorna could get him sent over here if we need, though."
    As for the medication... "It's twice daily. I take it at 9, so it's been five hours?"

Henry McCoy has posed:
A claw taps on the tablet, as he thinks a few moments. "All right. So, we can look into it. I'm not... a fan of surpressing mutations, as it often turns into a larger problem than it solves." A wry grin is given to her. "You have your medicine on you? Or what is it you're taking and we can have some on hand for your next dose. I can look over all this now, if you're not in a rush to run off?"

"Either way, I think I can help you. If it were a mental thing, I am sure Emma or Jean would be good at fixing you up - or Betsy for that matter." A nod. "But if there were changes in the CAT scan and MRI, it is more likely a genetic change. With a bit of study, I can hopefully prepare a remedy for that."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "I'm on a very forced vacation," Clarice remarks in a dry tone - that does little to cover for her frustration. "So - I have no where to be, and nothing to do. I'm at your disposal, Doctor McCoy." As she talks - she reaches into her pocket, pulling out a bottle of seizure medication, and offering it over. "And believe me - I don't like suppressing it either. But the pills are better than... the damned collar. And if we don't keep it under wraps, I could open a portal to a volcano, or the ocean depths, or the black of space... And not be able to close it. The portals are completely out of my control, right now, and that's pretty dangerous."

Henry McCoy has posed:
Taking the medication, he retrieves his reading glasses from his labcoat pocket. Quickly donning the specs, he looks down his nose to better view the tiny print on the bottle. "Indeed - those sort of events could prove catastrophic." The man agrees. "And you might even upset Namor if you dropped a portal to Atlantis and started flooding the land with his water." A wry grin from Henry. "Forced vacation. I fear we've all had our fair share of those, Claice."

"Rest up, turn on the television if you like - I'll look over this documentation and chart any genetic changes. I'll be right here if you need, or wish to chat." A friendly smile to her as he wheels over a comfortable ergonomic stool.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "You really think he might have change my genetics?" Clarice asks in a dubious tone, her lips pressing together at the thought. "I mean - maybe this is something I could just... train myself around?" she says, as she sinks onto the stool. "Though - Mansa seemed convinced it would just fade over time. If it was a change on the genetic level - is that something that just reverts over time? I- don't have much a science education, so... So I don't really understand any of this," she admits. She still isn't sure if that makes things better or worse for her.

Henry McCoy has posed:
He tucks in on the stool, flipping through the tablet with his glasses on. "I think that among our people, we have such a varied number of gifts that it is hard to say." Henry explains, as he scrolls through the data. "And if they believe it will return to normal, it might simply be a genetic shift. One that is temporary, as they say."

His mind is processing all the data as he takes it in, even as he chats with Clarice. "I've run across temporary changes - for example, when Rogue touches someone flesh to flesh." He smirks. "Did Mansa explain what their power is exactly? Is it only to make other mutations unstable and uncontrolled?"

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "'Scrambling' is how it got translated," Clarice explains. "He says he can 'scramble' people's powers, so they lose their control over it. Shape shifters can't control their form, telepaths can't control who they hear and when, energy blasts can't be controlled... I mean, honestly, it sounds like a pretty dangerous ability." She lets out an annoyed puff of air. "But - what can you? Mutation seems to take on infinite forms."

Henry McCoy has posed:
The Beast nods. "Indeed, it does. And it is ever evolving, even in each of us." He says, quietly. A tap on the screen, shows both her CAT scans side by side. "It may be that he creates an inhibitor in your system that short-circuits the control center for your gifts. A dangerous talent, indeed." He says, thinking a bit. "Would you mind if I took a blood sample? I might be able to isolate this as needed." He smiles.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Not at all," Clarice answers - holding out her right arm at first, then shifting position so she's offering her left, instead. "I, uhhh... I trust you to keep this all confidential, and not let anything call into the wrong hands," she remarks. Sure - the Brotherhood and the X-Men haven't always seen eye-to-eye - but Clarice has never felt hostile to the X-Men.
    She's fairly certain none of the X-Men are particularly hostile towards her, either...

Henry McCoy has posed:
Wheeling over to one of the cabinets, he withdraws a syringe and a few vials. "Confidential indeed, Clarice. I have no interest in divulging your information to anyone. I may keep record of any resolution, in terms of using it to help another should it come up - but your information is completely confidential." Henry assures. Her arm is swabbed, his fingers feeling along her skin for a good vein.

"Take a breath?" He suggests, readying the needle. Once she is ready, he's quick and efficient - taking two sample vials. A cotton swab is pressed to the puncture, as he withdraws the needle. "Keep a bit of pressure on it for a moment, all right?"

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "I mean - of course, if you learn anything useful - it //should// be used to help others," Clarice agrees readily. She wouldn't have it any other way. "No one should be trapped like that," she mutters under her breath. Because 'trapped' is very much how she feels, without her portals.
    When she's advised to take a breath, she does so - holding it, and letting it out slowly once the needle is in place. After the needle has been withdrawn, she closes her hand over the cotton swab, pulling her arm in closer to her body.
    "So - umm - as part of the Mutate program on Genosha, my DNA was probably altered, already. They did a lot of experiments and such on me when I was younger. I don't remember everything, and they certainly didn't bother explaining it to me. But they triggered my portals when I was still really small - and possibly heightened my abilities. I mean, I don't know if that'll have any bearing on this, but..."

Henry McCoy has posed:
Henry listens, putting the vials in the centrifuge for preparation. "We'll get you sorted out, Clarice." The man smiles, turning on the device to separate the blood cells. There's a definite frown as she mentions the experiments, Henry shaking his head. "I cannot... ever get over the audacity and immorality of those who would experiment on other people, mutants or not." He grumbles.

Still, he takes notes on her explanation. "I don't think it should factor in, but I will take it under advisement. I'm sorry you had to go through that, Clarice."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "It was pretty shitty," Clarice replies casually - though her gaze is fixed on the floor a short ways in front of her, rather than directed at Hank. "But I wouldn't be who I am today otherwise. And I probably wouldn't be as skilled and capable as I am today." She gives a shrug of her shoulders before adding, "We can't change to past."
    She clears her throat before adding, "Anyways. Just - thought it might be helpful for you to know that. I'd hate for things to work out so that I get... I don't know 'reset' somehow, and end up less powerful than I was."