7128/During stress and worry, food and alcohol are required.

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During stress and worry, food and alcohol are required.
Date of Scene: 29 July 2021
Location: Cafeteria and Bar
Synopsis: Well, at least Clarice ate something... sometimes the truth sucks, but it should all work out, right?
Cast of Characters: Raven Darkholme, Clarice Ferguson, Lydia Dietrich, Samuel Guthrie

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Having spent nearly twenty-four hours locked in the mainframe room, going through hours and hours of camera footage from all over the world, Mystique had managed to find what was needed to find Rahne. Exhausted, she left actually finding the girl up to the X-Men and Clarice, and tried to sleep.

A few hours of sleep was enough and really all her mind would allow her, then she was back up to find X-Men on the Asteroid. That sent her to the mainframe room to monitor the cameras all over the asteroid and ensure no one did anything stupid. No, she wasn't worried about the X-Men, it was their nature to behave... she was worried about her own people. The changes hadn't been openly acceptable and the chance to strike at actual X-Men might be too much. Thankfully, nothing happened and things seemed settled.

Programming her pad to alert her to trouble, Mystique headed to the med-bay.

"Clarice," she states quietly, looking Rahne over. "Go shower, change your clothing and meet me in the bar. This is not a request." She offers Hank and Sam a nod before turning to walk out and head to the bar herself.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice was loathe to leave Rahne's side - but since Hank and the other doctors and nurses needed the space to work anyways, she (and Sam) would find themselves strongly encouraged to follow Mystique's 'suggestion.' Gritting her teeth, but unable to find a suitable counter arguement, she complied - taking a remarkably short shower from which her hair is still wet. Now clean, and changed, she seats herself at one of the tables in the bar, staring without much interest at a plate of pasta, and nibbling idly at a plate of french fries.
    What? Only carbs had really appealed to her, and even those just barely. Anxiety, frustration, and lingering anger keeps her form tense and her expression tight as she stays locked in her own thoughts for the moment.

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia had heard that there were X-Men on the Asteroid and came up to investigate only to find out that Rahne was seriously injured. Immediately worried for her and for Clare, she sets out to find them. Rahne was in the med by and was instructed that she was not to be disturbed, so she went to check in on her friend, checking out the bar to see if she's there.

Instead she finds her girlfriend, whom she slides up to and wraps her arms around her. "Hey there." She says gently. "I heard about Rahne, but they wouldn't let me in to see her. How's she doing? How's Clarice doing. Hell, how are /you/ doing amongst all of this?"

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie comes walking into the place. He scans about the room with a slow look, trying to take it all in before moving farther into the room. He hmms and will move to check out the food, he was making himself a sandwich before all this went down after all. He is wearing black pants and his police academy polo.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique had chosen one of the table instead the bar, a rare occurance but the last few days have been pure stress and she wants to just sit and relax over a drink.

When Lydia enters she lights up, and even more so when she comes right over and wraps her arms around her. The action is returned, both arms go around Lydia for a tight embrace, a moment of comfort and then she sits back.

"Too many people hovering over Rahne as it is, doctors are bitching about it, so please don't take it personally. She's in a coma," she says once she's settled again, and takes a drink from her glass. The usual, whiskey with grenadine syrup. "I just ordered Clarice into a shower and to eat."

Now her eyes shift to look at Clarice for a moment, gauging the woman carefully, but that changes when Sam enters.

"Evening Mr Gutherie," she offers to him, then her eyes shift back to Lydia. "I'll tell you more about me and my state another time."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice continues to nibble at her fries, until she finally forces herself to pick up her fork, and twirl some of the pasta around it. Shakes a bite, but doesn't seem to be really tasting or enjoying her food at the moment, as her gaze instead flicks in the direction of where the Medical Bay is at.
    There's nothing she could do to help if she were there - but at least she would know if anything changed. And if the last day had taught her anything, it was how well-founded her anxiety had been, and how much she hated the uncertainty of not knowing what is going on.

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia grimaces when she hears about Rahne's state. "That's bad. I hope she comes out of it okay." She goes over to the bar to make her own drink, a Manhattan before returning to the booth to sit by Mystique. She nods to her and simply says, "We'll talk later, then."

Clarice gets a concerned look before looking up at Sam. She offers him a weary smile. "Good evening," she says pleasantly enough, though. "I haven't seen you around here before." It's a silent question. She's heard X-Men were on the Asteroid and is asking, in her way, if he's one of them.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie will head to grab some food off the buffet bar, not wanting to be to much trouble. He gathers food and drink to his tray and then heads over to the ladies. He nods to them in greeting and says "First time, just got done playing booster rocket for my friend's ship." He hmms "Going to have to grab a space suit off his ship or something to keep handy."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique doesn't seem to mind Sam joining, she indicates another chair at the table even. "We have space suits, if you'd like to borrow one while you're here. I strongly suggest you take your walk off the upper air lock, you can see the earth better from up there."

Again she looks over at Clarice, then picks herself up and moves to her table.

"Better yet, let's all join Clarice and get her talking, because she needs to talk it out."

With or without permission, she sits herself down at Clarice's table, "You know she'll be alright, right? We have a healing Mutant on call, she'll arrive tomorrow."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "I'm sure she will be," Clarice forces herself to say - without any real energy or conviction behind the statement. Her gaze only rises to meet Mystique for a few moments, before she's glaring down at her plate again.
    She doubts she'll feel better until Rahne wakes up.
    "I hate that I was right," she says quietly. "I kept hoping I was worrying over nothing... If we'd waited much longer..." Would she have been able to pull through on her own? Even with her ability to heal? She stabs forcefully at her plate with her fork, and starts twirling up another bite of pasta.

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia nods to Mystique and picks up her drink and follows her to Clarice's table. She sets it down and takes a seat. "And we're here for you if you need anything," she says helplessly. She wants to make this kind of thing better, but, really, there's nothing she can do.

To Sam she says, "I haven't actually gone on a space walk but I have to agree that any chance to see the earth out in space is worth taking." That's something she's going to have to ask Mystique about when things have calmed down. Going for a space walk and experiencing microgravity.

"What happened?" She asks. She wasn't given any details other than 'Rahne has been critically injured and is in the medbay.'

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks over, and says "She will be ok, Ah have seen her heal from a lot of stuff, Ah am sure, her healing factor with Dr. McCoy's help will keep her steady if not improving even by the time your healer gets her. Rahne's a tough girl trust me Ah've seen it."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Another sip is taken of her drink and Mystique settles more comfortably, crossing one leg over the other before wrapping her free arm around the back of Lydia's chair.

"It sucks to be right," she states rather bluntly. "I've said it before, I'll say it again, it's not safe to be a mutant and alone out in the world. Everything that can go wrong will go wrong, or we get blamed for it by the ignorance of human's too afraid to look for the reasonable answers to a problem." Although she is blunt, there is no real malice to her tone, the sort that normally would be there when speaking about humans and their sheer stupidity.

"Jasmine is only available when she chooses to be, she prefers to remain with her people in India, but she agreed to come and help Rahne. I'm still looking for a fulltime mutant with healing abilities. There are a couple of others here that can manage minor wounds, but the major stuff... that's just Jasmine."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Some idiots saw her teleport in - and assumed she was an //alien// attacking the Earth and they- beat. They tried to kill her, they thought they did," Clarice explains for Lydia - before her gaze flicks to Sam, and then Mystique.
    "There's a chance I may have killed one of them. I left him in bad shape, when he said- he told me they'd killed her." There's no regret or guilt in her tone as she delivers this news. Instead, her tone is almost flat as she continues picking at her food.

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia scooches her chair over to make it easier for Mystique to get her arm around her. She doesn't look like she quite agrees with Mystique's assessment of the safety of Mutants in the world, but the more that she hangs out with the Brotherhood, the more she sees the reason why Mystique thinks that way,j and the more she starts to agree with her.

Her face darkens when Clarice explains what happened. "My God," she says, aghast. "An /alien/? She doesn't even /look/ like one of them!" She huffs out a breath of frustration. "I swear people will take any excuse to be horrible to each other."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie will have a seat, and says "Tried calling one of our main healers, but seems he is off the grid right now." He admits. He looks to Clarice, and says "I think the guy will live, might never eat solid food again but should live. Trust me, I wanted to drop the guy I had when he told me they killed her, but I knew she would not want that, was the only thing kept me from letting him go splat."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique doesn't seem phased at all by the news, not that they thought Rahne was an alien or that Clarice nearly killed someone.

"What I know about Rahne, she wouldn't want you to kill the guy, so let's hope he pulls through... even if I would have personally shoved a dagger into his kidney, several times." She has no issues talking about killing, or the desire to kill, so long as she doesn't do it unless they are truly, truly deserving. "It would be better if someone else had done it, because you are close to Rahne."

Leaning a little closer toward Lydia, not entirely against her but enough she can feel Lydia there, her body remains tense while at the same time looking relaxed. The mask is in place, probably for many reasons.

"Tell me Sam," her amber eyes shift to him. "You think that man deserves to die?"

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "She wouldn't have wanted me to," Clarice agrees quietly. "But I wasn't thinking of that." She pauses for a moment before adding, "I wasn't thinking." She'd snapped - and she knows it.
    "There's part of me that wishes I'd killed him. That wants to go back and kill him, still." All of them. They'd been - what? Celebrating that they'd beaten a woman to death? That's what they thought, right?
    Letting out a frustrated sigh, she sets down her fork abruptly, pushing away her plate. She had no stomach at the moment.

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia feels the tension radiating from Mystique and moves her chair a little bit closer so she would be the one leaning on her. She takes a sip of her Manhattan and and considers the topic of killing. "I don't think he deserves to die," she says, looking up to Mystique apologetically. "How could I? I didn't think /you/ deserved to die either, and look at how that worked out?" She lets out a breath, "But having said that, should he die I would not shed a tear."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks to the woman, and says "Ah was tempted very much so, but no, Ah should not kill him. Ah do want to go back and make sure he is punished to the fullest extend of the law. But killing aint the answer you kill folks never get a second chance, you got one, Clarice got one, heck even Ah got one." He comments about his past. "And the whole eye for an eye, well as has been said, you end up with a whole lot of blind folks."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Both of Mystique's brows lift slightly. Apparently Lydia and Sam's words strike something in her mind and she has to take a moment to think about it. Setting her glass on the table, she takes that time, turning things over in her own thoughts while looking at Clarice.

"Stop beating yourself up," is what the cobalt mutant says first, to Clarice. "We all have times that we've lost control, and it will happen again and again in our lifetimes. It happens, we learn and move on. I would have snapped as well Clarice, and not one of those men would be alive right now, if I had been there."

A slow, deep breath is taken and now she looks between Sam and Lydia, "You both pointed something out to me that I had never considered... second chances. Until recently, I never thought of humans as deserving second chances, they've had all chances throughout the years, and still seem to make the same mistakes over and over." Now she collects her drink again, for a sip and then she continues. "But I am guilty of looking at all humans as one entity, and not at each human individually. So long as the law actually punishes these men for their crimes, and trust me I will be watching that they do, I won't do what I was considering doing."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "I'm not," Clarice answers simply, lifting her gaze towards Mystique's for a moment, her expression still flat. Her gaze returns to her plates of unfinished food before she adds, "I'm not good company, though. I should head back to the Medical Bay and wait there." That would be better for everyone involved, she thinks. She certainly didn't stand a chance of explaining what was troubling her - she didn't even know, herself. Not really.

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia smiles as her girlfriend begins to understand. "Don't get me wrong. There are certainly terrible people out there." She shoulderbumps Mystique "But sometimes all they need is the right person in their lives to help turn things around." She shakes her head. "But then some people are unrepentant bastards."

She looks at Clarice and nods. "Go be with her," she says. "I'm sure you're the first thing she'll want to see when she wakes up."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie finishes his food and looks to the ladies and says "If you ladies will excuse me, Ah think I am going to do a a little bit of looking around if it is ok. Maybe take some pictures out the windows or even go eva if that suit offer is legit. Ma and the little ones would love to see the pics." He stands to head.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Wearing her usual attire for about the Asteroid, it doesn't look like Mystique has any pockets, but she apparently she does. As Sam prepares to leave, she reaches into the one and only pocket maintained in her boots, and removes a small thumb drive.

"Give this to the police," she says, offering it to Sam. "It is the video they will find on their own surveillance cameras, as well as the date and time of the location of it for them to verify the information. This will put those men in jail for a very long time, /if/ the law does what it should. As I said, I will be watching. If the law fails to incarcerate them... I will take the law into my own hands. Take care of yourself Sam, off limit areas are clearly marked and have guards, but feel free to look around."

Her attention turns back to Clarice, watching her, she could feel it crawling around inside the woman... the thing she couldn't figure out that was bothering, Mystique already knew. "I think it best you remain here for at least another thirty minutes, give the doctor's room and time. They already want all of you out and on a schedule for visiting, let's not push it." She glances to see if Sam has truly gone before she continues. "You may not be able to put your finger on what is troubling you, the reason you find yourself to be bad company right now, but I'm pretty sure I know what it is. If you stick here for just a little longer, I can maybe try to explain it?"

Now her eyes shift to Lydia and there is something of a smile playing at the corner of her lips. She nudges her back lightly, "I'm learning, slowly... part of me still doesn't give a fuck about humans, another part is... learning."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "You should visit the garden," Clarice offers simply towards Sam, looking towards him and offering a ghost of a smile for a moment, before she lets Mystique draw her attention back. That blank, almost numb expression on her features cracks long enough to show frustration at being asked to stay away. Even if the doctors still needed her out of the room - she'd rather be //there//, nearby.
    "Fine," she answers more sharply than she'd intended. "I mean... sure." She slumps back into her seat offering simply, "Go for it."

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Once Sam is gone and out of the room, Lydia snuggles up more to Mystique. "I know," she tells her. "and I don't blame you for the resentment that you harbor. From what you've shared it's well earned.." She's settles in to listen to what her girlfriend has to say about Clarice.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Finding the right words in her head takes Mystique a moment, but only a single moment.

"Clarice," she begins softly, seeming to relax a little, the tension slipping now that Sam is not present. "You're feeling what you are because you're fond of Rahne, and not just merely as a friend. You have feelings for her that go beyond that, you just haven't identified them yet. You feel this attack against her as strongly as if it had been against you, or others you love and care about. You want revenge more so because they did this to her, knowing she is not a fighter and that in your mind, subconscious or not, you have decided to protect her because of that. It's a large jumble of emotions you don't know how to deal with or even express, but they're all there at the same moment in your head, kicking your ass."

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia listens to Mystique and nods along, silently agreeing with her. "It's hard to identify those feelings, especially if it's your first time," she adds.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "I..." Clarice starts uncertainly, floundering for words as her gaze flicks between Mystique and Lydia. She's not sure what to say - which is no surprised given she wasn't sure what she was feeling. Hell, she was trying //not// to feel.
    "They almost killed her. They tried to kill her - they //thought// they'd killed her. I- I should have killed them." She stubbornly blinks away a few tears, before returning her gaze to her unfinished food, staring at it unseeingly.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Detangling herself from Lydia for a moment, Mystique moves around the table to sit in the chair by Clarice, wrapping her arms around the woman for a close and tight hug, the action offering Clarice the cover of her own body to cry if she wants to, because she needs to and Mystique knows it.

"I know," she comforts. Her voice is soooo tender and soft, she didn't even know she could sound like this. "I promise you Clarice, if the law doesn't do what should be done, we will go kill them... but for now, focus your mind on Rahne, on her getting better, on you being there for her, and Lydia and I being there for you."

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia moves her chair to the other side of Clarice and starts rubbing her back soothingly. A gentle, comforting touch. She doesn't say anything since Mystique has said it all, and tries to put aside all the talk about killing. Those emotions are for tomorrow Lydia. Today Lydia be there for Clarice in any capacity that she can.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "If I'd had my powers..." She wouldn't have left any of them standing. Clarice is certain of that. It takes a few breaths for the tension in her form to ease, but she does in the end turn slightly to lean into Mystique, tears streaking silently down her cheeks. Lydia's touch on her back, however, brings some of the tension back - it's a lot to take in, this much familiarity and intimacy, from two people at once.
    "If we hadn't found her... if we hadn't come when we had..." Would Rahne have survived? How much longer could she have lasted down there?

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Despite the tension seeping back into Clarice's body, Mystique keeps her close, letting her cry and take what comfort it offers.

"They had left her by that point Clarice, her own healing would have kept her alive until you came." She comments in plain manner, though still softly, that same tone. "So long as they left her alone, and they would have, she would have remained in that state. I went as fast as I could, I promise, I stayed up searching every piece of camera footage I could get my hands on. Hacked more city storage facilities then I probably should have. She's safe now, healing and tomorrow Jasmine will see to the worst of it so Rahne can heal in her own time. You need to try and focus your mind on the now, not on the what ifs."

She glances to Lydia for a moment, offering her a soft smile. Sometimes being the Brotherhood leader also meant being the mom.

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia feels the tension return in Clarice's back and she pulls her hand away. She holds it there for a moment before kind of helplessly placing it back in her lap. She moves the chair back to where her Manhattan is waiting for her, and takes a sip of it.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Would she have? Was her healing really strong enough to keep her alive? Clarice hoped they never had cause to figure that one out.
    The tears keep falling - wordlessly and silently, though she does finally manage to force out, "I know. I know you did your best."
    That's all she seems to have to say for the moment, as she tries and fails to keep her breathing steady and even.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
For now Mystique just remains there, arms wrapped around Clarice, allowing the purple mutant a chance to cry it out and pretend it's not happening at the same time. She knows how difficult it is for the younger mutant to deal with her emotions, let alone let them out, so she is merely attempting to offer a safe place to let it happen. Later, she'll be willing to pretend it never happened if that's what Clarice wants, but for now... she's there.

"The most important thing right now is that we are all here for Rahne and for you," she continues as if nothing else is happening. "That means I'll make sure you eat and sleep if needed, because you have to keep your strength up so you can be there in full awareness when Rahne wakes up. The last thing she would want is you making yourself sick."

She wishes she could explain to Lydia about this, how Clarice only has so much close contact in her before she gets tense.... the cobalt mutant isn't much different in that regard really. Certain people were allowed into her bubble without warning, other's, well they could expect a knife in their body, but those certain people were safe.

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia watches the pair silently, not wanting to interrupt now. This is something Clarice needs, and, well, there just isn't much Lydia can do to help at this point.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "I won't make myself sick," Clarice promises quietly.
    A few moments later - and she's staring to pull away from Mystique's arms, trying to wipe at her cheeks surruptitiously, as she attempts to play it off as if nothing were amiss. Not that anyone who was paying any sort of attention would believe that for a moment. She even takes a moment to flash Lydia a small, apologetic smile.
    "I'm alright," she adds. "Sorry, I- I'm alright."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
If anyone was paying attention, or even looked toward the table, they got a cold hard stare from Mystique so they instantly looked anywhere else. Over protective much? Yes, she is.

When Clarice pulls away, Mystique doesn't stop her, she leans back and looks to Lydia while casually offering Clarice a napkin for her eyes or nose, whichever.

"I didn't figure you'd make yourself sick," she comments to Clarice, though looking at Lydia. That moment of private despite being right there. Then she looks back to Clarice, offers a nod and moves back around the table to sit by Lydia. Her arm goes around her girlfriend as if she'd been in that spot all along.

"I just had to make sure you knew I'd be keeping an eye on you Clarice, to make sure you didn't," she says with a smile once she's settled again. "I can't help but worry about you."

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia gives Clarice a small, sympathetic smile in return. "It's okay," she reassures. "Nothing to apologize over." Sometimes it feels good to let it out, even partially. Lord knows she let enough out after coming out to her parents. She settles in once again to Mystique's side. "I worry, too. You're my friend."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "I know," Clarice answers after her eyes with the offered napkin, her gaze flicking between the two. There was something subtly different about her demeanor - even though the amount of time she'd allowed herself to cry was relatively brief. There was less tension in her, and her expression didn't carry the same numb, neutral fix to it. Was sad and worried an improvement?
    "I- I appreciate it. I'm lucky to have friends like the both of you. "I'll take care of myself, though. I'll be okay."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Picking up her drink, Mystique takes a sip before saying, "You don't have to take care of yourself, I mean you do," she blinks, shaking her head. Seems all the smart just ran away. "What I mean is, you don't have to handle it all on your own, remember that."

She leans herself into Lydia, then turns her head to play a soft kiss on the woman's cheek. "Sometimes, having someone else to help makes all the difference. I'm learning that rather quickly."

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia leans into the kiss and then turns to Mystique. "Glad I'm rubbing off on you. She demonstrates this 'rubbing off' by rubbing her nose against Mystique's cheek with a little giggle. She looks back at Clarice and her expression drops a little when she realizes something. "Sorry. I... sorry. That must have seemed like I was rubbing our relationship in your face."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "I know I'm not alone," Clarice answers - a small smile sliding into place. "We have each others' backs - and I appreciate it." Even if she isn't always able to show it, or express it.
    The looks that Lydia gets, however, is a mix of surprise and bafflement. "No," she answers smile. "It didn't Honestly, I- if you're happy, then I'm glad for both of you. I don't feel like you're- you should be happy. Both of you, that's what I want."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique smirks slightly, which turns into a grin slowly, "Would be entirely different it was Creed however, that would make her twitch." She looks over to Lydia then kisses the end of the nose that 'rubbed off on her'. "Yes, that's one way of rubbing off." For Clarice's sake she doesn't go into the other ways.

"I haven't been happy in a long time, I've just... existed, but I am happy and that's thanks to Lydia, and to you Clarice. I don't get it, or how it happened, but I'm accepting it because I'm really liking not feeling like crap all the time."

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia giggles again when her snoot is smooched. She does catch that gleam in Mystiques eye that tells her that she's biting back from saying something suggestive, and gives a mock exasperated shake of the head. "Thank you Clarice. This is the happiest I've been in a while, too. I feel like I'm making a tangible difference working for the Brotherhood, and I have a lovely girlfriend." She turns to face Mystique, "Just existing is no way to live, and I'm happy to have pulled you out of it."

She turns back to Clarice. "I hope that once Rahne recovers, you can see if she's the one who makes you happy like that."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Just the suggestion or a relationship between Creed and Mystique does indeed make Clarice visibly twitch - proof in itself that she wasn't quite as numb as she had been a short time before, though she doesn't rise to the bait and raise any sort of protest. "It's much better," she agrees. "Having people you care about - people who care about you.
    As for Lydia's sentiment - she smiles tensely, fumbling for a response to the words. "Maybe," she agrees. "I mean- I don't know. If she can accept me."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Now there is a slight nibble of Lydia's ear, while she is talking, just a quick little one before Mystique sits herself up and decides to be nice. She takes another sip of her drink, which is mostly watered down now, but she's fine with that.

"What do you think she can't accept?" She asks Clarice, tilting her head slightly. "I assume you mean the fact that you do kill, and she's against that... but she knew about about you before hand. Oh christ," she pauses a moment right there, shaking her head. "I wonder if she's one of those people who believes you can change someone to something you prefer, change their habits and such. People don't change unless they want to, so you can't go into something expecting them to change. Worst mistake people make in relationships."

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia gives a weak little stoppit kind of bat with her hand when her ear gets nibbled. She's about to ask the same question that Mystique asks about Clarice, but she beats her to it. The reminder that sweet Clarice also kills draws her lips into a frown, but she reminds herself exactly where she's at and the company she keeps.

However, she nods with Mystique. "If somebody loves you for who you are then you shouldn't be with them. Trying to change somebody like that is disastrous for a relationship. Sometimes it can end up being abusive." She shakes her head, "Not that I think Rahne /could/ be abusive."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice nods her head in confirmation of Mystique's assumption. "She knows," she confirms. "I just doubt she really knows the extent of it. It's not like anyone seems to have pieced together the articles," she remarks, her gaze flicking away from the pair across from her - and back towards the Medical Bay once more.
    It's fine, Clarice. Everything is fine. It //has// to be - or Hank would have tried to send for her. Right?

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique hasn't seen this level of obsession on Clarice before, except over Creed for different things. It was becoming more and more clear to her that Clarice has true feelings for Rahne, and that was also starting to worry her. If Rhane couldn't come to terms with the person that Clarice was, she wouldn't stay, and honestly, deep in her mind, the cobalt mutant didn't believe that Rahne would be able to. Not many knew the full truth that was Clarice, in fact it was likely that only she and Creed really knew Clarice, the real Clarice.

"Not many would think to look at those article and put it together Clarice," she admits plainly. "Things like that end up deep in the pages of the paper, or buried on the internet behind other things." Her eyes follow Clarice's toward the med-bay, "If something happens, any changes at all, my tablet will get pinged, I promise."

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
That piques Lydia's curiosity. "Articles?" she asks, innocently enough. There's something not being said here. They're kind of talking over her head and this leaves her feeling kind of uncomfortable.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "No, I suppose they wouldn't," Clarice agrees. She reaches out and actually claims one of the fries she'd pushed away earlier, nibbling at it before making a face. Cold french fries were never exciting.
    Lydia's question earn her attention and - for a moment - she almost looks puzzled. Somehow, the fact that Lydia //doesn't// already know has somehow escaped her notice. After all, Lydia already knows about the sins of her past - the horrible things she did while under the control of the Magistrates. "The articles," she repeats simply.
    She retrieves her phone from her pocket, and it doesn't take her long to pull one of them up, before sliding the device towards Lydia. After all - it was already in her browser history.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique falls quiet now, watching as Clarice offers Lydia the article on her phone. She knew Lydia didn't know, but it wasn't her place to have ever said anything, so she kept it to herself. She honestly didn't think Lydia would take it well, so she tightens her arm around her, places a kiss on her cheek and waits.

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia scowls, picking up the phone and reads the article. Her brows furrow in confusion as she reads and looks up at Clarice. "Why would she be upset that you saved..." she looks at the phone to make sure she gets the numbers right, "57 women and 78 children?"

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "I don't think it's the saving that she'd mind so much," Clarice answers. "So much as the killing." She claims another fry, nibbling at it without much appetite, and offering Lydia a brief smile. "But maybe you're right. Maybe it won't matter to her as much as I worry it might. Who knows."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique's head tilts slightly as she looks at Lydia. Did she miss the whole story, the point that Clarice was attempting to make? No, not all the information was in that article, the part that Clarice was leaving out that required being spoken. The fact that she liked killing those people and saving the people was secondary.

"Rahne doesn't like any violence really," she offers, not touching on the subject Clarice left out. It still wasn't her place. "So whether the woman and children were saved or not, in the end there is the chance knowing that Clarice is capable of that kind of violence and killing," and liking it. "may cause Rahne problems."

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia Dietrich says, "Ah," Lydia says, nodding in understanding. "I admit that I don't like violence either but..." she shakes her head. "Sometimes the ends do justify the means." She chuckles, "I mean, especially when you save over a hundred lives.""

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Yes, but I do like it," Clarice answers quietly. "Mister Creed and I both do." She reaches out to reclaim her phone, and slips it back into her pocket without another word, before claiming another fry from her plate. She doesn't bother to eat this one, though, and instead proceeds to shred it into smaller pieces. It's not as satisfying as shredding one of the fritters, but it'll do in a pinch.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
There it is, the true answer that Mystique had been waiting for Clarice to give. She honestly didn't think she would, but perhaps she was testing Lydia's reaction in a sense, to see how Rahne might also react when, if she found out. Her arm stays tightly around Lydia, that never changed, but she does reach to finish off her drink before looking to Lydia for her reaction to that news.

Lydia Dietrich has posed:

Lydia is quiet for a moment. Killing out of necessity is different than genuinely enjoying killing for the sake of killing. Again, she doesn't know why she's surprised by this, but she is. She takes a sip of her Manhattan, and then reconsiders and takes a whole gulp of it.

"I suppose that's what you mean when you say you and Mister Creed go hunting. You go hunt humans," she says quietly. It's not really a question.

She reflects on her feelings some more. She supposes that the hurt that she feels stems more from the fact that they had been keeping this fact from her. Sure they never outright lied to her but it's still something of a lie of omission, and for some reason that hurts more than learning that your friend is kind of a serial killer.

She stares at her Manhattan while she contemplates all this and then suddenly drains the whole thing. "I think I need to take some time to process this." She says, standing. "Alone."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "We do," Clarice confirms, still seeming to pay more attention to the fries she's now determinedly shredding, than to Lydia herself. "I mean... I've been targetting people like that, but..." It doesn't change that fact of what it is.
    As Lydia stands, Clarice closes her eyes, only reopening them when that flat, neutral mask she'd been wearing earlier was back in place over her features. "Of course," she answers simply, not sure of what else to say. "...I should get back to Medical anyways," she finally says, for lack of anything else to contribute.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique pulls her arm away as Lydia stands and she looks away, off toward the video games as if something over there was suddenly very interesting.

Although she understood that Lydia needed time, she hadn't really done anything so the reaction is accompanied by a wince, and then the mask of neutrality slides into place as easily as someone takes a breath. There were a large number of secrets she had, things right on par with Clarice's secret, and they had not even been hinted at. How could Lydia react to those? Seeing this reaction places her thinking firmly in the 'never tell' category, and yet that was wrong and she knew it.

"I'll be around if either of you need anything," she comments, that same tone that lacked any indication of emotion that she used when she was in fact concealing and locking things away inside herself. She downs the rest of her drink and stands as well, but there is nothing else added to it, she's apparently just done and starts to leave herself.

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Before Mystique can leave, Lydia stops her, turns her around, and kisses her on the lips. "I may be upset," she says, "but I'm not pushing you away. I just need some time. I'll see you tomorrow and we'll talk about this once I know /what/ I'm feeling and /why/. There's just...." she begins. She doesn't even know how to explain. "It's a lot."

She looks at Clarice and is about to say something. But say what though? 'I don't hate you even though you're a serial killer?' That would be childish, and despite how upset she is, she wants to handle this like an adult. That's why she needs time. Instead she says, "I'll see you tomorrow, too."

And now that all three are going their separate ways, Lydia goes to get somebody to portal her back home.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "I'll see you tomorrow," Clarice echoes quietly. She waits until Lydia is near the exit before she'll rise as well, to follow the other two towards the exit from the cafeteria. Passing near Mystique she adds in a quiet voice, "I hope I didn't ruin things." She doesn't clarify what she thinks she may have ruined, however, as she turns to make her way towards Medical.
    Mystique would know where to find her, certainly, if she wanted to do so, as would Lydia, but for the moment she's effectively gone from being surrounded by friends who love and support her... to being alone.
    Hopefully temporarily.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique taps Clarice on the shoulder, "Hey, you didn't do shit. Lydia and I will work it out. She's one of those who needs to think and process alone. Don't you worry about that, and if she chooses to have a problem with it, that doesn't change a damn thing between you and I. Lydia has to accept, in the end, or she'll leave. That's just how it is, but it's not your fault."

She offers Clarice a smile, then let's the woman wander back to the med-bay, as for her... she's going to the training room to kill things, many things, and some might not be human's.