7643/Look at that look at that.

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Look at that look at that.
Date of Scene: 01 September 2021
Location: Midtown
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Bart Allen, Naria Shepard

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen is out about doing a circuit of the city. The young man has stopped at a rooftop and is looking out of the city. He does not get a birds eye view often "Wow, I can see why people hang out here, should I practice my brooding, I wonder." He hmms.

Naria Shepard has posed:
A streak of light, one glowing comet of neon weaves its way through the city, between traffic that might as well be still and up the sides of buildings alike until a sudden break in motion has the figure of a young woman revealed, leaping into the air and lifting her phone to take a 'selfie' in that first moment of gravity attempting to catch her in fall...then she was off again, the neon bluenette speedster obvious out and about on her own version of patrol.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen 's brow raises a bit. that looks close to XS's colors, but not quite. He sees the young lady and hmms. He is off, down the side of the building and heading to intercept her, so as he comes off on the side street, he is running abreast of her. "Hey, don't think we have met." He calls over to her. He is wearing something akin to the Flash suit, but color scheme is different.

Naria Shepard has posed:
Had they met? Rave actually turns her head and blinks. She'd met a flash, two of them actually...but this one she didn't recognize.

Compared to their sleek suit, Rave's attire of simple yoga pants and a hoodie didn't exactly scream superhero, but at least she wasn't wearing her usual 'clubbing' gear.

"You're a new one! Don't you guys talk to each other?"

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over to her and smiles a bit of course we do, but you know how much stuff we see." He continues running with her offering her his hand "I'm Impulse." He offers in introduction to her "I mean other speedsters come up now and again, but more often if they are bad guys so we know what to be prepared for your nor a bad guy are you?"

Naria Shepard has posed:
Coming to a stop with a flare of that neon light around her, Rave moves to pause at the edge of a building, crossing her arms under her bust and tilting her to the side. "I mean...do I look like a bad guy? That's...isn't that kinda rude to just ask that outright?"

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen stops, and looks at her, and hmms "Not really, and I don't think so, I mean most people are going to say no, but if they say yes, it makes things a lot easier to know what your dealing with. And it is not always the dumb ones who will admit it some are just that cocky and think it does not matter if we know."

Naria Shepard has posed:
A little laugh, Rave shrugs her bare shoulders and considers for a moment before looking back over the city.

"I suppose...but...I'm Rave, look me up on my social media page? The 'hero feed'?"