8017/Clarice's New Toy

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Clarice's New Toy
Date of Scene: 27 September 2021
Location: Training Room
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Clarice Ferguson, Henry McCoy

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "We can test it out in here," Clarice says - an eager note in her voice as she leads Hank into the massive space that was the Brotherhood's training room. Moving towards the control panel, her fingers tap at the controls in a slow, thoughtful manner. She's honestly not that great at computer interfaces yet - but she's learning, a little at a time. After a few few moments, though, she manages to program in a smaller, partitioned area that will allow the rest of the training room to still be used by whoever needs it. "The systems in here should record all this so I can go over it later and see how I'm doing," she adds - leading the way into the smaller area she created, with Hank still lugging his creation. It also means that Mystique can check up on her, whenever she likes.
    "So tell me how it works?" she asks excitedly.

Henry McCoy has posed:
The large tactical crate is perched on his shoulder, his arm up to support it. "Well, there are all sorts of analogs for human cadavers nowadays, to help with atonomical studies and practice some surgical procedures. That way they don't have to perform actual surgeries on humans." Henry smiles, setting the box down and unfastening all the latches. Inside, is a deconstructed target dummy. He starts pulling out the parts, the torso having a stand. Legs and arms are attached after.

A tap of his hand to the chest of the practice target. "Inside, there are synthetic organs - with a proper flow of circulation and everything. Major nerve centers are keyed in as well - to avoid." A smile. There's a tablet linked, that is handed over. "From here, you can see the effectiveness of the placement." There are a few bottles there too. "Those will allow you to seal up any damage to the organs or circulation paths."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice watching him set the dummy up with attentive curiousity - making sure to study each step, and the order he does them in. It'll help to have //that// on record as well. "I'll probably be doing a lot of that at first," Clarice admits.
    "Where would you recommend placing a sedative - to have the best chance of quickly sedating them, with the least chance of causing serious harm? I assumed you'd want to drop it somewhere in their circulatory system, and the heart's the biggest target. But screw that up..." And it doesn't take someone long to bleed out, she imagines.
    "If I dropped a sedative into - say - their muscle mass where I have less chance of causing serious harm - it would still knock them out, yeah? How long would that take, you think?"

Henry McCoy has posed:
Henry thinks on that, hrming. "Well, if we had a capsule, the stomach is the easiest target - as it is a void of sorts. If it's quick disolving, it would enter the blood stream very quickly from there. Muscle mass might work as well, gluteous maximus for best effect with less side affects." He chuckles. "It's where a large mass of muscle is, and with the femoral artery near, it would transmit the sedative rather well."

He grins, nodding. "It's called practice for a reason - if we did it perfect from the get go, we'd never need practice." A smile. "In either of those location, it should detect the sedative and the distribution. Once you administer the sedative, you will need to flush the ciruclation on the dummy."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Shit - really?" Clarice asks, her tone sounding impressed that the device was that advanced. "What's running through the circulatory system? Just... water, or something equally mundane? How much fluid does it need to flush and recharge between each attempt?" she asks curiously. "And what material is it set to actually detect as the 'sedative'? Am I practicing using actual drugs? Or could it say - detect if I'd administered a certain amount of saline?"

Henry McCoy has posed:
The man nods. "Really. Simple saline is in the circulatory system." He offers. "It's conductive and allows the sensors to do the work of detecting the traces of the sedative." He explains. "The tablets are quick disolve with dish soap in them. The base nature of the soap will change the pH of the saline." Henry beams.

"The dummy has 1.4 gallons of 'blood' that circulates." A tap of his foot to one of the smaller devices in the case. "And this little box here will make the capsules as you need them."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "I'm sure it's been said before - but Hank, you're a genius." In a moment of perhaps unexpected effusive behavior, she goes up onto her toes to plant a kiss on one furry cheek, while holding to Hank's arm. She backs off a moment later, as she approaches the little box he indicated. "Let's give it a test run," she says eagerly, studying the controls and, if they're simple enough to suss out - pressing the needed buttons to make a capsule.
    "Try for the stomach first - I'd think?"

Henry McCoy has posed:
The Beast scuffs his foot. "It's nothing, really." The interface is simple, easy enough with the large interface. It even has a graphical display to show where the 'sedative' has reached. The capsule takes about sixty seconds to make. "Normally, one dose should do it for normal people. Those who heal quicker or are larger in mass, might need more."

He steps back from the target, motioning to it. "Give it your best shot. Stomach, yes."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice already had a good understanding of anatomy - curtesy of her rather unusual upbringing, so she doesn't need to ask where to locate someone's stomach. She simply knows.
    Or maybe she just thinks she does. She was usually more concerned with //other// organs - and most noteably, she was used to larger areas of affect. Implanting something, while not letting her powers shred tissue? It was going to take some work, because she just did a real number on the poor dummy's stomach.
    "How was that?" she asks, moving over to study the readouts, once the little capsule had vanished with a small, purple flash.

Henry McCoy has posed:
Henry looks over the display, turning it to show her the image. The stomach is... well, burst. She can see the damage on the graphic. "You got the stomach, but... it ruptured. It might be that the portal was too close to the lining?" He suggests, walking over to the dummy. If she's looking at the image still, she can see the slow spread of the sedative, regardless. However, the dummy reports as critically injured.

He leans in, pressing an ear to the midsection. "Yes, I can hear the emptying of the stomach." He says, looking over to her. "Easy enough to patch up and reset."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Whoops," Clarice murmurs quietly. "Well. This is why I'm not practicing on Mister Creed. I mean, I know he can heal, but-" That's just mean. And she likes him too much.
    "Better show me how to fix it," she adds in a wry tone. "I have a feeling that's going to keep happening before I get it right. And if I can't get this right - I don't know - at least 19 times out of 20, then... Just not worth risking it unless I really hate the target."

Henry McCoy has posed:
He thinks on that. "How small can you make your portals? Are you envisioning them horizontally? That might be the best method - due to how the stomach lays in the body." He hrms, showing her where the seam is in the back. He reaches into the dummy, and pulls out the replica stomach. There's a clean slice where her portal cut the organ. He pulls out the bottle of fluid, using it much like super-glue to seal the rip.

"You might try just portaling the capsule onto a table, to see how small an opening you can make."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "I can make it small - but it's tricky. And even when it's small, there can be this sort of... displacement wave. I don't know. My portals can shred things where they emerge, and it's difficult to control. It's... well. Watch." Clarice pulls off her boot, and then her sock. She tosses it into the air, tracking it with her gaze - and then summons one of her portals directly on top on top of it - connected to small portal that's just in front of her hand.
    It's a small portal - only five or so inches across, but it absolutely shreds the sock.
    "I wasn't trying to control the diplacement energy on that one though," she remarks, as she stands there with one booted foot - and one barefoot.

Henry McCoy has posed:
There's a whistle. "But that's not a result of everything that goes through, right? You portal people so..." He murmurs, tapping at his chin. "So we need to work on that control, then. That smaller, finer control. I've seen you hurl javelins of this stuff..."

"How do you manifest those? Is it a differnent method? Or more focused concentration?"

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "It... I don't know, really, I just do it," Clarice answers wryly. "It's a way of targetting where the outgoing portal will manifest. I can always blink myself away - and sort of scoop up anyone in my immediate vacinity. I mean, really, I can usually only make a portal with a radius of about ten feet or so. Big enough to drive a Semi through is the best I've got. If I want to get something or someone further away - that's when I rely on the javelins."
    Her expression grows more serious as she adds, "When I was younger, I had more trouble controlling it. It's still possible that if I- I mean, I recently teleported myself and my friends home while I was being hit by sedatives. If I'd lost concentration, we could have had trouble on... re-entry, as it were. Luckily I didn't lose consciousness until we were safely in the Medbay. But when I was first learning, and they had me experimenting on animals and, well, prisonners - some came out shredded. It's- I haven't had that happen in about a decade, though." It's a thing of the past! Her portals are perfectly safe! ...right?