8144/Silence Discourse

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Silence Discourse
Date of Scene: 06 October 2021
Location: A Nice, Beparked Area
Synopsis: Demona is tasked with fixing a thing for Quiet and Bando fails to catch a squirrel.
Cast of Characters: Susan Sullivan, Bando George, Stefani Houston

Susan Sullivan has posed:
    It is a lovely day. The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and a well-covered, veiny-pale-skinned woman sits with an antique, wind-up clock in pieces on a small blanket in front of her. She works with fine hand tools, bending gears back into place and filing burrs. Through the woman's skull-themed gas mask comes a voice singing trilly, wordless notes. It's like something Snow White would chirp out at animals.

Bando George has posed:
    Bando is holding his trail mix. Of course! Squirrel, get back here! The teen creeps on his toes, stalking the little furry gray creature. It hops away a little. He pauses, then advances, "Shhh," he whispers reassuringly. "It's okay, I just wanna give you some nuts," he offers. He holds a handful of the mix out, and starts making a ticking sound with his teeth. The squirrel hops again, and comes to a few feet away from Demona. Just as any proper Snow White with a...gas mask? Bando freezes, examining the strange woman, and becomes distracted from his squirrel taming, He purses his lips as if a question was forming, and tilts his head to one side.

Stefani Houston has posed:
Pale was the theme, although in Quiet's case it was more about skin shown than any actual apparent illness.

Public space demanded a more 'normal' outfit than her usual attire, instead the silent sniper was dressed in a simple backless top with enough neckline to let her 'breathe' and shorts that left her legs uncovered.

In her arms rested a heavy plastic case, the purpose of today's little meeting.

Susan Sullivan has posed:
    The masked woman stops singing as the squirrel hops onto her back and rushes up to look for somewhere to hide up higher. Demona squirms, which seems to surprise the squirrel a bit. "Hey, fella," she says, setting her tools into her lap and reaching back to pull the squirrl up and over her head. The squirrel sits on her hands and looks at her curiously, as if just now realizing she's another living being and not just a singing part of the landscape. She pets the squirrel, what looks at Bando with cautious optimism in its new hiding place. Demona looks up at Bando. "Oh, hey," says. "Is this your squirrel?"

Bando George has posed:
    Bando also has a less extreme outfit. He's wearing a button short sleeved shirt, blue and white checkered, with a pair of khaki shorts. He also breaks the pale, he himself rather tan. He's caucasian, but it's likely there's a little mediterranean descent somewhere in his lineage. "Uh, nope," he says, watching it. "But I saw a youtube video that said you can tame any animal if you feed it enough." Clearly the source of all wisdom in the world is YouTube. "What's with the gas mask?" he asks, unaware that Quiet is on her way up behind him.

Stefani Houston has posed:
Approaching...well, quietly, the dark haired woman simply steps around the man and his questions, a small non-verbal 'hmm' of her throat announcing herself more for her contact's approach than anything else.

There was a raise of her brow, clear questioning of if the woman in the mask was the person she was looking for punctuated with a tapping of her fingers against the case.

Susan Sullivan has posed:
    "Oh, uh," Demona says, shifting awkwardly. "Kind of a messed up face under it. I'll show you, if you want, but I'm really not as pretty as I used to be." She glances over at the woman with the large, plastic case. "Ooh, stuff," she says. "Hello," she says up to the quiet woman's face, waving. Tired of waiting, the squirrel rushes up Demona's arm, down her back, and squirrels off to do squirrel things.

Bando George has posed:
    "Oh, crap!" Bando watches the squirrel flee, realizing all too late that he missed his opportunity to have a squirrel companion! Rats. He spins, backing out of line of site between Demona and Quiet. "Oh, sorry, friends?" he asks, oblivious to anything else that might be going on for the moment. "You shouldn't be ashamed, people look all different sorts of ways," he declares, not that he has any horrible scars that might relate. "It has to be more comfortable than wearing that thing all the time, at least," he suggests. "I'm Bando." Nobody asked his name, but...that didn't keep him from introducing himself, giving a look to each lady as someone he is addressing.

Stefani Houston has posed:
No introductions come from Quiet, at least not verbally. Instead she reaches into the pockets of her shorts, withdrawing a small business card with the contact details still scrawled across them from when she'd been given Demona's infomation. A shift, the case is adjusted to be offered outwards towards the woman, only now does Quiet turn her head towards Bando at his comment and introduction alike, earning a nod of greeting.

Susan Sullivan has posed:
    "Hi, Bando," Demona says as she carefully takes the hard card, then the hard-case. She sets it in her lap and looks over the card. "Hmmm," she says. She looks up at the quiet woman, then at Bando. She huffs out a sigh. "Okay," she says. "There's enough mutants around who look inhuman that hopefully you guys won't freak out." She undoes a couple buckles and pulls off her mask and stocking cap, revealing an alopecia-bald head, long, pointed ears, sharp teeth, and what could generously be called a skin condition. Her pale skin was translucent, her veins vaguely visible through her features. Her bloodshot-red sclara were already visible, as were her pale-blue irises and pinprick pupils. She looks up to Quiet and says, "I don't speak Sign Language, so I hope you read lips," she says. Ah, misunderstandings.

Bando George has posed:
    Bando givs a sidelong glance as Quiet doesn't speak. "Is...is she deaf?" he asks prior to the mask removal, a little self-aware that it might come across as rude, though he didn't intend it that way. He looks back toward Demona, and does notably seem to react briefly. "Oh, oh wow, um, ok," he says, adjusting to the sight be accomadating quickly. "It's cool," he says with an encouraging tone. "I get why you'd be a little nervous," he admits. "But hey, I'm a mutant, too," he offers. Not that he has any physical abnormalities. "It's okay, right?" He offers a smile, and looks back to Quiet. Who...might be deaf?

Stefani Houston has posed:
A pretty common misunderstanding for Quiet, but one easily enough accomodated for with a shake of her head and a point to her lips before pointing to her ears and offering a thumbs up. Hopefully they'd get it, or at least glean she'd responded to their words. Watching the unveiling of Demona's face, there's a light quirk of her brow before she tilts her head to Bando's own admission.

She wasn't a mutant, but she was far from human either. Of course, it wasn't quite as easy to spot.

Susan Sullivan has posed:
    Demona opens the box a bit and leans to her side to peek into it. She closes it and latches it back up. She nods. "Any idea what's wrong with it?" she asks. She turns toward Bando and pats the ground next to the blanket filled with partly disassembled clock. Not super close, but close enough to pat.

Bando George has posed:
    Bando looks down at the blanket, and not wanting to be rude, takes the pat as an offer to sit down next to her. "Oh, it's like charades," he says to Quiet. "Um, ok, one word-no, mute!" he points, thinking he figured it out. "So you can hear but not talk, got it. That's wild. Did you lose your voice in an accident or something?" he asks. Apparently he got her portion of voice in the world. He doesn't seem to think much of the box. Why he is in the conversation is anyone's guess, but he seems to have made himself at home, even if he wasn't planned to be here.

Stefani Houston has posed:
A moment of pause, consideration to the case and then she brings her hands together, bringing them upwards and then dropping one into the palm of the other before bringing them apart in a mimed breaking. Odds are, the item had seen some impact...there was a reason why she couldn't just change batteries and call it a day.

Bando's question on her voice? There's a smirk of amusement, one hand lifted and wavered side to side in answer.

Susan Sullivan has posed:
    Demona nods. "Alright," she says after Quiet's pantomime. "I assume I'll be texting this number, rather than calling it, when I get it fixed?" She holds up the card before 'pocketing' it into the neckline of her shirt. Well, that's one way to make sure it doesn't get easily read by others or slip out of your wallet when you're going to pay for something with your debit card.

Bando George has posed:
    Still holding his bag of trail mix, it was intended for the squirrel, but now he's hungry. He takes a few of the nuts and pops them in his mouth, chewing. "Okay, sho," he says, "You're like an engineer or shomething?" he asks as he chews. "That's pretty cool. I'm still in high school, though I am a super hero," he boasts. "Save people and stuff, not sure how to get paid doin' that, though. Maybe if they make action figures of me or something, that'd be cool. Then I could do it full time." Nobody asked, it's true. "So what's that thing, anyway?" he asks, motioning at the box as if it was any of his business.

Susan Sullivan has posed:
    Demona laughs a bit. "You're a wordy highschooler," she says with a nod. "And are you hitting on me?" she asks, raising an eyebrow. "I'm, like, twice your age." She 'cleverly' avoids answering him about what's in the box.

Bando George has posed:
    Bando apparently didn't recognize his actions to sound like flirting. "What? No, I was just curious!" he declares. "I just thought we were sharing." Well, he was sharing at least. "I didn't mean anything by it." The attempt to derail him from the question has succeeded. "My folks don't even want me dating," he says. Super hero who's not allowed to date.

Susan Sullivan has posed:
    Demona laughs as he fumbles all over the accusation. "Hey, calm down!" she says, reaching out and putting a hand on his shoulder. "I was just playing with you. Felt like you were trying to impress me with the superhero thing." She sets the case aside and starts placing gears what looks like in random spots, reassembling the clock she's got in bits in front of her. However, nothing doesn't fit as she's working. She's just working quickly.

Bando George has posed:
    Bando looks blankly. "Oh," he says, looking a little sheepish. "Sorry, I was just talking, I do that sometimes. "I guess I should probably head on out, I've gotta get home before dinner." Yep, clearly a paragon of protection for the city. He gets up to his feet. "It was good to meet you both," he says, offering a mock salute.

Susan Sullivan has posed:
    "Thanks, Bando!" Demona says, finishing up the clock. She holds it up, now complete with no parts left over. She slips it nonchalantly into her pocket and waves at him. "Good luck in superhero stuff!"