8243/Hellfire Vampire

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Hellfire Vampire
Date of Scene: 14 October 2021
Location: VIP Lounge - Hellfire Club
Synopsis: A party at the Hellfire Club is never what it seems, specially where Elektra is concerned. Elektra brings Selene to the Club for the first time. Rules are broken, revelations are made and a conspiracy that may shake the core of Selene's Coven comes to light. And now? It was time for bloody action.
Cast of Characters: Elektra Natchios, Selene Corvinus

Elektra Natchios has posed:
So it was that at last Selene would come to the Hellfire Club for the first time, or at least to where the VIPs areas were. A much needed respite from the previous nights where both vampire and assassin had ran through the underworld and dug through the muck of society while ridding the world of a few people that quite deserved it. At first it had been to test some new succubus-gifted gun but it had soon turned into a rampage.

A much needed one.

And now? They would rest. Or would they? At least apparently so for last night an invitation had been sent to Selene. For her to come to the hellfire club, dress formal.

Elektra is already upstairs, on that rather exclusive area where only those with power gather, sitting by the bar and with a martini in front of her. She is dressed in a long gown of a blood red color, the ends on the back touching the ground. Hands and arms are clad in gloves that go all the way up the forearm, tight leather.

Selene Corvinus has posed:
Selene arrives in a white dress that leaves her shoulders and arms bare, along with the left side of her body all the way down to her leg, the dress somehow staying on her without even being connected on the left side of her body at all. The rest of the dress however is pretty standard with a silky flow to it down over her right leg. She has a black choker on and her dark hair is tied up in to a buwn on the crown of her head, with her bangs curled and laying down the sides of her face.

She arrives and strides through the party goers, her eyes sweeping around them as she wanders and searches for Elektra. She does receive a drink that she lifts off the platter with a smile and nod to the server, her heeled shoes making her even taller amongst those around her than she normally is. She sips her drink and finally spots Elektra in her red dress. A smile crosses her lips and she proceeds toward her with a calm pace to her walk, her dress flowing around her body as she moves.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
White? That raises an eyebrow. Not only from some of the sparse gathering of people up here on the VIP area tonight but also from the Assassin herself when she catches sight of the figure. Certainly not the usual color Elektra is used to seeing Selene in. "I wonder if I am getting too predictable with all my red dresses." it's true, Elektra has a style and color she often has difficulty detaching herself from. Still, those eyes roam Selene's appearance with quite the appreciative look on that usually hardened expression, softened now that the other woman has arrived.

"Ethereal and right out of a dream." Elektra tells the other in praise of her dress and appearance. Leather-clad fingertips reach up to rest on the vampire's bare shoulder in a gesture of greeting, and a lot more. "I am glad you could join me tonight. A bit of a change from our usual nights out." a flash of a deadly grin on her expression for a second before she gestures.

"Welcome to the Hellfire Club, Selene."

Selene Corvinus has posed:
Selene's eyes go down to herself as she gets to Elektra and it makes her smile openly. She feels the touch from the other woman and leans her left side to her to brush shoulders together. "Yes, well. A member of my team suggested this dress maker and the dress maker looked at me and... designed this..." She looks down at her left side and reaches over to the side of her exposed breast edge to tug on the edge of the dress fabric a bit trying in vain to cover herself a bit more there.

"I guess I just embrace the Hell out of it tonight." She says with a growing grin to Elektra then. Her left hand reaches to touch Elektra's back then. "I like your red obsession too. It makes me, well... you know..." Her grin persists before she looks away to some of the movement around them. She indulges another drink from her glass but leaves her hand on Elektra's back for the time being.

"I can tell this place is dangerously too close to something I belong in..." She looks back to Ele then. "i'm not sure how to feel about that either..." She's jesting of course, as Elektra would know by now.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
Shoulders brush together, the kind of mute intimacy they share even in such a public setting, natural, Elektra remaining close to Selene as they stay by the bar, martini now in hand and she taking a brief sip, "Good eye on that dress maker. I certainly approve." her grin then growing when Selene speaks about embracing the Hell out of it tonight. "That's the whole point, Selene." she gestures around them. "Embracing our nature, who we really are. There are little boundaries that are found in this club." she explains.

"It keeps me sane sometimes." All that killing has to go somewhere apparently.

"The machinations of the covens and your high society vampire parties?" She muses when Selene speaks about how close it is to where she belongs. A faint, enigmatic grin appears after, "Well, maybe it will be closer than you imagine. But all in due time. For right now we can share some time here. The tour of the facility will come a touch later."

Selene Corvinus has posed:
Selene watches the stares she gets in her attire but it doesn't seem to phase her. She lowers her drink after another sip from it and looks back to Elektra. "At least my skin is almost the same color as the dress. You can barely even tell where one starts and the other stops." She jokes dryly again before grinning more openly at Ele.

The talk of Vampire society parties has Selene looking away again as she turns her back to the bar, the back of her dress slitted like claw marks went right down it... symbolizing a fight with a certain kind of hairy beast perhaps?

"You know how I feel about parties amongst my people." Selene says as she faces Elektra directly now, taking up the bar space in front of the red clad woman. "I much prefer the company of strangers at my parties." She smiles as she sweeps her gaze around the room. "Everyone here has a story, a secret of sorts. I like trying to figure them out..."

When she looks back to Ele next though she quirks an eye brow. "A tour?" She inquires.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"I can tell." Elektra points out about the difference between skin and dress, again those eyes twinkling with the kind of cumplicit amusement between them that has become common as of late. "But don't worry, you are not out of place. In fact, barely anything is out of place here." a beat, "We just don't tolerate mundane vulgarity." a brief twist of her nose at that. Perhaps recalling that other night when they tested the gun.

Catching a glimpse of Selene's back and the slitted claw marks there Elektra finally breaks. "Okay, you are going to give me the number of that designer because I want a dress like that too." that's what you get for displaying beautiful things in front of Elektra. She covets them too! "And I know how you prefer the company of strangers." she says, "One of your favorite games after all ..., finding their stories. This is a game we have played." a look around the room again. Well-dressed gents here and there, women in elegant dresses, some in barely any dress at all with just close to scandalous. Some even wear a mask. "Care to try with anyone?" she suggests.

"And of course a tour, or do you think we'd stay up here and simply drink martinis? There is much I wish to show you." Again that tone on her lips. One of intent. Shoulder brushes with the other woman again.

Selene Corvinus has posed:
Selene gives a quick and subtle glance over her shoulder as the dress maker is brought up. When she looks back she just grins at Elektra and raises her drink up for another sip. Once lowered again she speaks up. "They got me... finally. It was a rough night, but I somehow managed to survive." She teases with a lingering look on the other woman. When Ele motions out at the crowd, Selene looks out at them and purses her lips in thought.

"There certainly are a colorful cast of characters here. Some even in more risque attire than I... and its not even all Hallows Eve yet..." She replies before looking back to Elektra. "I'll have the designer dream one up for you too, a dress that is." She states with another little playful grin.

"But." Selene continues as she straightens up off of the bar and stands there before Elektra. "I don't need to know any other's stories. I'm with the most interesting person here, after all." She says with a smile toward the red dressed assassin. "You know it's been a whole entire year since we we met now, right?" She glances around the party. "This is quite the change of scenery from that dive bar party we were at last year, no?"

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"I would be rather cross if you hadn't managed to survive." Elektra retorts back at Selene when she jokes about the 'slash' on the back of her dress, even if her lips curl up in an amused smirk at the other while they continue their banter with each other. "Maybe even angry." oh gosh!

The offer of having the designer design a dress for Elektra is met with a grin, "I will look forward to it." she whispers, fingertips moving behind the woman to lace over those slashes on the dress on Selene's back, a fingertip playing with the skin underneath. Subtle, but the touch is certainly felt.

"It has been that long." She states, blinking once. Is she surprised that Selene remembered it? Or that Elektra hadn't realized it had been on actual Halloween. Regardless, she tips her glass with Selene's, "To our next year." she then toasts, "May it be even better." and then she laughing. "That dive bar party last here was ..., certainly special. I was quite amused we were dressed pretty much to kill and we fit right in."

Selene Corvinus has posed:
The touch is the moment that Selene looks over to Elektra and grins softly at her, feeling the woman's fingers touching her skin through the slits on the back of her dress. The talk of the party last year where they met has Selene raising her drink up to her lips and sipping from it before she lowers it with a smile forming again in thought of that.

The benefit of Gotham, especially its night life, is that no one bats an eye if you show up in a leather catsuit, or...." She eyes Ele again. "Ninja clothing." She says with a little grin and an affectionate lean toward Ele's shoulder against her own.

She shakes her head then as her eyes go out to the party they are at tonight. "It seems we've already upgraded though, in just a year's time. Why this place is down right fancy compared to that trash filled warehouse of yester year." She looks over to the other woman and leans her head toward hers for a second before straightening again. "Well." She says. "What should we do tonight? A bit of dancing? A bit of wandering and judging the others here? Or just find a dark corner to enjoy ourselves?" She asks, these questions laced with a underlying sultry amusement.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"There's a reason I love operating in Gotham..." Elektra admits to Selene, chuckling softly, "Even if I do tend to make my stays there brief. Batman isn't too fond of killings on his turf. Even if the killings may be mobsters.." a shrug. "Idealists.." something she clearly is *not*.

The assassin remains close to Selene now, shoulder to shoulder, or touching heads as they quietly and intimately talk with one another at the prestigious club. A secretive grin comes to her lips. "I do have a few ideas..." those dark eyes holding a lot of promise there.

"Yet we shall start with the gift I have for you. Which will involve a small tour of the place.." she dislodges herself from Selene, offering her her hand. " ... and I promise I will bite." she teases in the end.

Still, even with all the teasing there's a glint of danger on those eyes. Whatever this gift may be doesn't seem like it will be an harmless thing.

Selene Corvinus has posed:
Selene lets her eyes wander a moment as she considers the Batman. She shakes her head gently. "My people and I have discussed him, but yet to encounter him. Our tactic in that is to avoid open spaces in the city, as much as we can. Take things underground, in to the subways and tunnels beneath the city. Batman seems less likely to pick up on your activities if you're not sending signals up in to the sky... But that is a hunch at most, even if it's worked out so far... Maybe he just doesn't care about vampires and angry wolven people though." She says with a ghostly grin.

"A tour?" Selene asks then as she turns toward Elektra to face her fully, her glass settling down on the bar to her right. "How large is this place, anyway?" She then asks as she looks around once more. "Admittedly this is a part of the Manhattan experience I haven't looked in to that deeply. Mmh, even if I know Kraven has had an affinity for its parties... Of which I hear there is one coming up for All Hallows Eve...."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"I have met him a couple of times." Elektra admits. "We even fought together once, amazingly. Enemy of my enemy and all that.." Elektra's fingertips lace with Selene's, prepared to take her away from the main room. Martini is still in hand though, she taking another sip.

"Larger than most think." She then answers, "Hidden rooms, corridors, and the club isn't only this building. It's reach is .., global." her voice a whisper as she shares those secrets with the other woman.

Elektra starts bringing Selene out of the main room, over the back, wandering through a corridor until the only sound they hear is their heels. Around them is all lush portraits and other works of art, all the way to a ..., wall? It doesn't deter Elektra, she clicking on some hidden button on the side of a painting and an hidden door sliding open, giving way to an elevator.

She walks in.

"Not many know it. But I am part of a group of people that rules on this club, and it's reach. And in turn I have access to their secrets." she places her hand on a biometric sensor, the doors closing and then they starting to go ..., down? At least there's no elevator music.

Selene Corvinus has posed:
"Is that so?" Selene had said in response to the bit about Batman. She had shown a playful grin at the notion of Elektra fighting with the Bat. "Well I'm sorry I missed that. If there is another round of that to come in the future, please reach out with an invitation. I've heard he's quite a fetching specimen, for a man, of course."

They walk together then and Selene does look around the much more quiet environment before they reach the fake wall that leads to a lift. "I've heard of the Hellfire club in the past, whispers of it here and there, but I was under the impression it was solely a thing for depraved wealthy fat men to ... well... enjoy one another in the dark." She grins as the lift reveals itself. "Maybe I didn't have the full story though... That happens. Sometimes." She says with a cheeky grin to the other.

Gracefully she is lead in to the quiet lift where she lets her eyes roam a moment or two before they inevitably go back to Elektra's form. "This is ... quite ominous, you know. A whole new side of you I've yet to see... Even more exciting." She says in that rumbly seductive tone of hers.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"Oh?" Elektra comments about Selene mentioning Batman being a feching specimen. "A thing for the Bat, have we?" she teases, leaning in to press her forehead gently to the side of the other woman's head, "I will make sure you are present next time. Even if there's always that problem of him enjoying to drop by uninvited. It can be tiring sometimes.." a sigh.

Elektra nods slowly as Selene speaks of what she knows of the club. "There was a time in which the club was just that." she admits, "But it has changed now once more ..., ambitious people took over." she apparently including herself in that lot of ambitious people. "But make no mistake, that still happens. In many ways this is still a place for those with the means for such to .., indulge." and is that what Elektra wants tonight? That demeanor of hers seem playful but there's an intention to her. As if there was something more to tonight.

"You spoke of Kraven earlier." She says, "And indeed he is a member. Not in a leadership role, of course. But he has been pushing to enter our circle.."

The elevator 'dings' as they reach the bottom floor and Elektra steps out. Another corridor, dark red lights, lots of shadows about. And here there isn't silence anymore but muffled sounds, coming from rooms around. Those indulging. To one with sharper senses? Indeed those sounds will be rather noticeable.

"Come." She offers, again taking Selene's hand to lead her through. "I have many sides you have yet to see. As I am sure I have many of yours to discover."

Selene Corvinus has posed:
"Mmh." Selene says when Kraven is brought up again. She looks to Elektra and just very vaguely shakes her head. "I knew he went to parties here, 'galas' and the like. To scour the fields for sicophantic followers to hang on his arms..." She trails off. "Part of me believes, even if its entirely wrong and purely self involved, that he does those things to try and 'prove' to me how much I should be jealous of those women..." Kraven has desired Selene for a long long time now.

She releases those thoughts though and when the lift arrives she looks to the new floor they step out on. Red lights, shadows everywhere. And... background noises... "Oh my." Selene says with her pale skin illuminated in a dimm red hue now. "We've really stepped in to the darker corners haven't we?" She asks the other with yet more grinning visible upon her lips. She turns her head to follow the sounds that she hears, coming from different directions.

"After six hundred years, it's rare for me to feel as though I'm in a place where I do not know whats around the next corner, but I feel like you have found such a place now for me..." She adds as giving Elektra's hand a light squeeze, while walking alongside her with her dress flowing around her legs, that side cut to her dress making her feel even more exposed up her entire left side now as she hears more in the background.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
Sensual sounds are all about them. Fleeting and ethereal, almost like a dream, some in the distance, others close by. Coming unexpectedly. It's certainly an experience. And one that Elektra seems to be used to already. She only smiles back at Selene, her own face blood-red with the lights. Somehow it seems to fit. She leads them in silence for now, those heels echoing just so, staying close to the vampire, shoulders brushing from time to time. She doesn't seem to be in any hurry to reach their destination but eventually they *do* get to another door.

Elektra again places her hand to a sensor and it opens silently. Inside there's the same red light, the room empty but for a couple of chairs. All around it there are mirrors. Blackened so far but for some reason it does seem as if they can become clear so as to allow vision inside another room, "This is a room exclusive to me, and those in the Inner Circle." she explains.

"Sometimes we .., take particular interest in meetings that happen in the club. Meetings that were supposed to be private." a faint smile. "And tonight is one of those nights."

She paces around the chairs, bringing Selene to one of the mirrors. "Kraven is here tonight." she tells her, stepping around the woman, arms wrapping about her from behind, lips close to the woman's ear, "Meeting a particular person. A meeting I wanted you to witness.." a touch on the window, a flicker, and it starts to clear, revealing what is on the other side. Kraven is standing there face to face with what seems to be a sworn enemy of the Coven. A lycan. Even if in human form.

Selene Corvinus has posed:
Selene is lead in to the room and just stays quietly observant as they part ways to go around the chairs. She's in the process of sitting when the black mirrors come up to reveal Kraven and... Raze.... "Raze." Selene instantly says. She doesn't sit any more, instead jumping to her feet and walking to the glass. Her nose is practically touching it as she looks at Raze standing there in his massive human form just staring angrily at Kraven sitting in a plush chair with a glass of wine.

"He's supposed to have died decades ago. In the ... subways..." Selene mutters softly. "Nathaniel ... said he killed him."

Selene looks back to Elektra and is about to say something to her when Raze shouts at Kraven.... They clearly have no idea the two women are watching.

The shout makes Selene look back to them through the glass. Raze is demanding to know why they're here, while Kraven is boredly assuring Raze that they have a reason, to trust him.

This is all... a lot for Selene to handle, and its clear upon her ghostly expression as she stares at them through the secret portal...

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"Yes." Elektra confirms when Selene speaks that name. Raze. She seems aware of what the man is, and who he is too. Her hand is felt on Selene's lower back as the vampire goes closer to the glass to watch, the assassin remaining close, "Unless lycans have a way of returning to life I do suppose someone was lying." her tone relentless, void of warmth. It's not comfort what Selene needs now. She knows it. What she offers is determination instead. Of something that's still unfinished. Something that will have to be taken care of.

Through the glass they can see the aggression on the two men's postures. These are people who are natural enemies of one another. Yet here they do not come to blows even if each do seem like they'd like nothing more than to do so. Visible in the way Raze opens and closes his hands, or how Kraven brushes his tongue over his fangs.

"I had told you Kraven was part of the club. He comes here from time to time, but I had never really followed much on what he does here. Never seemed like a player who pinged our radar..." which is telling of Kraven's sneakiness, "Yet I got an interest on him when you introduced us. Something felt off about the man and .., seems I was right."

Selene Corvinus has posed:
Selene seems utterly lost in thought. Her own mind swirling with the connections that this has severed, and the new strands it has tied together. All that this means. Who else might Kraven have on his side for this kind of treachery?

Elektra's voice is registered but it takes a moment for Selene to put her eyes upon the woman beside her. "This changes everything." Selene whispers. "I'm not sure who to trust now..." She says with a little more strength to her voice. "I need... to go to Amelia. She has to know of this."

Her stare goes back to her own reflection in the glass, and through it on to the two men. She slowly shakes her head as she sees Raze pacing impatiently while Kraven is texting with one hand on his phone. "That son of a bitch..." Selene mutters. She wants to confront him, wants to beat him to a pulp and drag him to their Coven leadership to make him answer for this. But...

"He has to be tracked. He and Raze both... There might yet be more to this."

Raze and Lucien both 'died' on the same night 20 years ago. Clearly that isn't the case for the hulking dark skinned man on the other side of the glass though...

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"Can you trust her?" Elektra questions, dark eyes turning to look directly at Selene now, her own face a mask of neutrality. It's perhaps a loaded question, but then again she has yet to meet Amelia, no matter how many praises Selene may have for that woman.

As Selene speaks of tracking them she nods, "Yes, if anything this Club is neutral grounds. No violence is to be wrought here. Even doing this that I am doing now ..." she placing her free hand up on the glass, "... is very much against the rules."

Eyes then return to Selene and the smallest of smiles comes to her lips. "But I was never someone to follow the rules..." still, her tone appears to imply there's danger for what is happening here right now. For them as well.

Elektra lets out a long breath, eyes back on the glass, "However you decide to handle this though.., you know you can count on me."

Selene Corvinus has posed:
Selene lingers her gaze on Elektra's face. She knows she can trust this woman, it goes without even saying. Her expression is still soft too, her eyes are still a deep brown, so Elektra will know that Selene is not enraged or preparing for anything aggressive... as much as she clearly wants to.

"Amelia is one of the Elders of my people. She's older than I am by six centuries. She's to begin her hibernation when my sire Viktor awakens at the end of this century. It's a cycle. The hibernation process allows us to regenerate our strength and power to their fullest potential. It's how our rulers have maintained the edge over our enemies all these years..." She trails off her words as Raze starts to shout at Kraven again.

Raze paces back toward Kraven and stares down harshly upon him. He growls out that he's waited long enough, and that's when Kraven agrees and stands up. He offers to show his phone to Raze...

Selene tries to see whats on it but the angle isn't possible from here.

"Just where I told you she'd be tonight." Kraven says next. "Tell your people when to expect her. Their plane will arrive in Montreal, precisely when I said, and that's where ... well... you beasts can do what you do best." Kraven says with a sly grin.

Selene takes a step back then. "Montreal." She says softly. "Amelia is headed there to speak with members of the Coven seeking to spread to that region. I have to ..." She doesn't have her phone on her, nor does she know who she can trust. "I have to stop them." She says then as she looks to Elektra.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
Brows furrow as the duo continues to talk, Elektra canting her head to the side as they speak of Montreal. A hit. She understands it immediately. Perks of being an assassin herself! But now they only need to know who the target will be. Which Selene reveals, making Elektra frown at the news, "She is heading for a trap." a beat, "How long until she gets there?" the dark-haired woman stepping back from the glass.

"We may be able to be there if we leave soon. I can arrange for a private jet on the hour." She reveals. Being part of the Club's Inner Circle does help after all!

"Though I imagine they will have a small army to attack her, considering she seems to be a rather powerful elder if she is even older than you." Yet by her tone and words she seems to be leaving the decision on what to do to Selene! Mostly just offering alternatives on how she can help.

Selene Corvinus has posed:
Selene watches as Raze storms out of the room that Kraven was within. Just as the big man leaves, three young women arrive and all move awkwardly around Raze as he goes. They then move to join Kraven who steps to greet them with his arms open...

Selene looks away then toward Elektra. "If you can make the arrangements, we must go now. Amelia is already in the air coming from Europe to Montreal, before she was to return to New York..." Selene is already turning to leave, though she does give one more look back over her shoulder at Kraven. A deathly glare.

Her eyes go to Elektra then next. "This is going to get bloody." She tells the other woman as she walks quickly now upon her heeled shoes.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
A sharp nod is given in return to Selene, "I will." she reaching into her dress to retrieve a small phone. She flips it open after dialing a number and steps towards the door, the glance over her shoulder going to Selene. A deadly grin full of promise appears on her expression, "That's exactly how I like things to be." this woman is no stranger to violence.

Heels echo on the floor as the duo steps out and begins to move, Elektra talking quietly as she makes the arrangements. For the jet. For the weapons and suits to be delivered there. Yes, they were going in a hurry but they certainly wouldn't go unprepared.

"Any other allies you want to call on? Or are we going to make this with just the two of us? Granted, the time schedule might mean we may not afford delays though.."

Selene Corvinus has posed:
Selene walks hurriedly through the hallway of red and shadow. When they reach the lift she turns once she enters it and presses the button to go back where they had come from, assuming to know how this place works after all. She looks to Elektra beside her and shakes her head. "My team is deployed in Gotham, they wouldn't make it before we have to leave." She looks away again to the elevator doors.

"I need to warn Amelia, but I don't know if Kraven has anyone working with him on her entourage. If I tip them off.... it could go badly before they even arrive."

She looks then back to Elektra. "Can you have someone follow Kraven?" She asks. "Once he leaves this place, I need to know where he is once we are done in Montreal." She pauses then and considers something, her stare softening some.

"Thank you." She says quietly to the other woman. "For ... revealing this to me. You've put your neck on the line for me here, and... it means a lot." She shows the hint of a smile then but due to the nature of the situation she loses the smile quickly again.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"I know someone." Elektra confirms. This about tracking Kraven. A quick message is typed on the phone and sent before she stashes the phone away, again a faint smile on her lips when they step into the elevator. If anything she seems to be handling this with some cool. But then again she is the type that deals with pressure most moments of her life. And this? It will be another mission.

Even if it is with the woman she loves.

"You do not have to thank me." She then replies, "You do mean a lot to me. A lot more than these ..., rules." the assassin taking a step closer, one hand reaching to rest on the other woman's shoulder. "We will find them. And then we will let our wrath be unleashed upon them." eyes widening just briefly. It's almost as if she can already taste it. The rush of the battle, the blood spilled.

One way or another there would be killing to be made tonight.

Selene Corvinus has posed:
After Elektra says these words of sweet and endearing love to Selene she reaches a hand up to cup the side of the other woman's face. Her pale skinned thumb strokes over Ele's cheekbone. She shows her another hint of a smile. "You're remarkable." The Vampire quietly says before she starts to lean in for a kiss.

And the elevator doors open up back to the party level. A couple of guys with women on their arms are standing there outside the lift with eyes that all go huge! Selene pauses her lean-in to look over at them.

"Ladies!" One of the men speaks up. "Well don't stop on our account! Keep the fun going!" He says as the others laugh softly. Selene just smirks at them before she looks back to Elektra and moves a hand down to take the other woman's. "Come on." She says softly then before she walks out of the lift back toward the party, splitting the two couples up, with one of the women going 'Awww, it was just about to get good.' and her date chiming in to her. 'Don't worry, babe, we'll pick up where they left off.' As they attempt to enter the lift next.

"Lovely place." Selene comments as she goes, a persistent grin showing on her pale lips.