8577/Chillaxing at the Pub

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Chillaxing at the Pub
Date of Scene: 07 November 2021
Location: O'Shughnessy's Restaurant
Synopsis: Megan 'bumps' into Daniel again, seeking answers
Cast of Characters: Megan Gwynn, Daniel Ketch

Megan Gwynn has posed:
It's an early night, but the pub is already starting to full up. There's a small stage and some light live music playing. On a quiet Saturday evening, a lot of people are drinking their worries away. Which begs the question, why is a certain pink haired, fairy winged girl here today, garnering quite a few arched brows from passersby as she steps into the pub? Is she even of age? She just grins impishly at peeps as she heads for the bar.

Daniel Ketch has posed:
Daniel still gets carded now and then, but he is old enough to drink and he is doing that at the bar, going slowly over a bottle of bourbon while reading a newspaper, the Daily Bugle. Something about Spider-Man being the most evil super-villain in history. But he is on page four.

The commotion of having an obviously underage non-human girl stepping into the bar fails to draw his attention for a few seconds. Until the bartender mutters something. Then he glances, and makes a double take. Oh. That girl.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn is decidedly younger than 21, but apparently she's good at faking her age as she buys herself a sugary white sangria after flashing the shocked bartender her fake Id. Then grins wickedly as she settles in for her drink. And then she peers around thoughtfully. But of course she doesn't usually do the bar scene and it's likely she'll attract some undue attention too, like from that pair of big burly men in the corner who ogle her, grinning wickedly. Well that's nice, just let 'em try..She's here on business after all, as she had heard she might find a certain someone here, and ooh, there he is. She grins impishly, nodding to Daniel, aka mr grumpy.

Daniel Ketch has posed:
In a bar like this, at this time of the day, Megan is probably going to find more problems because she has wings that because she is underage. Some people drink too much, and then become prone to blame others for their problems.

Daniel has reasons to be grumpy. And he has probably drunk a little too much already, although he is not prone to blame anyone but himself from his own problems. He really would prefer the Ghost Rider not to find any excuse to trash this bar. So, Megan, causes a facepalm.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn isn't totally stupid, hiding her wings under her jacket so only the tips peek out if she shifts this way or that. There's nothing to be done about the bright pink hair though and that plus pointy ears at least make her stand out more than most. Still she just makes a face at people who stare at her, and steps towards Daniel. "Heey, what's up?" she smirks, "Figured I'd find you here."

Daniel Ketch has posed:
"Really?" Daniel gives the girl a quizzical look. There are only twenty five thousand bars in New York. That was some good guessing." And he is somewhat curious about how she managed to find him, but not very, he assumes magic. "Nothing interesting is happening, I am just reading the newspaper and getting a drink," he points out.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn smirks and has clearly been following him or using magic to track him down. She shrugs, peering him, "Guess I did my research!" she beams and nods, "Can I buy you a drink? I have a couple questions."

Daniel Ketch has posed:
"No, I already have a drink," in fact Daniel has a whole bottle of Bourbon, still half-full. Or half-empty, as he would say. "I can't stop you from asking questions, but I think it is a bad idea to give you answers. What is your name, anyway?"

They have not introduced each other yet. At least the Ghost Rider did tell him who he was. It tells a supernatural monster is actually more into social niceties.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn shrugs and chuckles, "Hmm well I figured you'd ask for something in exchange for information. Oh yeah, I guess I didn't introduce myself." she offers a hand and smiles, "Hi, I'm Megan, nice to meet you! And you are..?" as for giving her answers, she just smiles as if amused. "Hey, dont worry about me, I'm used to trouble." she grins and winks.

Daniel Ketch has posed:
"Daniel Ketch," replies the young man laconically. "And I doubt you are used to the kind of trouble you seem to be seeking, girl," he pours some Bourbon into his glass and takes a sip, then folds the newspaper and leaves it aside. It looks he is going to have to talk, anyway. "You saw him, uh? That is why you want to talk with me."

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn smirks and shrugs, "Heey, I'm hardly normal, Yknow? I've seen more things than you might think!" still, she nods and smiles brightly at the name, "Nice to meet you, Daniel Ketch! And..Who exactly is it that you think I saw anyway?" she peers at him thoughtfully as she says that, making sure to keep her voice down, who knows what sorts of shady folks might over hear things they shouldn't afterall..

Daniel Ketch has posed:
Daniel does a vague handwave, "sometimes I remember part of what he does." Not saying much, no, because people keep looking at Megan with curiosity. He is just a guy, but she is an attractive pink-haired girl with pointy ears. "And you came looking for me, and that is not normal."

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn frowns, lowering her voice to a mere whisper. "Ghostrider...Is he..You..?" she ignores the stares. She's used to them really. They'd be foolish to mess with her. "That's who you mean, right?" well, he's not hiding it at least, "I thought the bike looked familiar, and yeah, I need to talk to him, cuz he knew about fae lore..But he's you , right? so why do you talk like he's a separate person?"

Daniel Ketch has posed:
Daniel shakes his head, "he is not me, and I doubt he will share what he knows. He is some kind of demon-like weirdo obsessed with vengeance that has attached to my family because of reasons no one wants to explain to me."

He sips from his drink and frowns. "It is dangerous to talk to him. If you are guilty of something, anything, he might just... well, he rarely kills, but he can burn souls and get into your head and break your mind."

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn blinks slowly at that? "Meepers, really? Geez, that's.." she shivers at the thought, "I'm sorry, that's gotta suck. I mean, I guess if I tick him off, he might come after me too right? Afterall, no one is perfectly sinless." she frowns, "All the same, that place where we fought that kraken thing..I suspect more will come from there, it didn't seem like a normal monster. I think it was summoned from the nevernever, but he seemed to know more about that place than me.." still, does she really wanna meet the scary guy again?

Daniel Ketch has posed:
Right, who would want to meet again the flaming skeleton with the grumpy attitude. The Rider has no friends, not even Daniel. "Eh, marine monsters? No my specialty. I am a city guy. Maybe you should talk with the Avengers, they have the Red Witch, and she might know about it."

And Daniel didn't even get Wanda name right, that shows how much he cares about superheroes in general.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn sighs, "I dunno the Avengers. I mean, I guess they're connected with the Xmen but..Ghost rider already seems to know more about him..You really don't think he would willingly help me?" she pouts a bit. "I mean we do have a common enemy, and maybe he can tell me more about faeries.." she shrugs and orders a ginger ale. Who knows, Ghost rider might condemn her for faking her ID, you never know. "But that's crazy, you real,y have no idea why he attached himself to you? Maybe he's connected to you somehow.."

Daniel Ketch has posed:
There is about zero chances the Rider will attack Megan for faking her ID or drinking alcohol when underaged, but Daniel is not completely sure he won't. Sometimes the Ghost Rider seems insane. "Uh, he maybe can tell you what and why himself, I don't exactly talk to him much to him, y'know?" Mostly because they are not on Earth at the same time. And no, they don't leave notes for each other either.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn sighs and shakes her head. "Soo..What, you just lose consciousness when he takes over or something?" she pouts a bit as she sips her ginger ale. "And you have no way to contact him..He just pops up whenever he feels like it?" she pouts, "That's incredibly inconvenient. I mean, I suppose if he senses a sizeable threat and I happen to be in the area, that's the only way to bump into him again, huh?"

Daniel Ketch has posed:
Daniel shrugs, "yes, no. I mean, he doesn't come out at any time, only when he thinks he is needed." And when Daniel calls him, but Megan doesn't need to know that. "I don't remember much of what happens when he comes," he admits.

It is incredibly inconvenient. No kidding. He rolls his eyes. "You really want to meet him again?" Danny finds that really strange.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn shrugs, "Well to be honest he scares me half time death..But he also seems to be a wealth of knowledge, and so far I haven't had a lot of luck in contacting any Night Brigade members that can actually help.." she shrugs, "It's been pretty frustrating, some people don't take me seriously, and others barely notice I'm there." yeah avengers probably could care less.

Daniel Ketch has posed:
"What's a Night Brigade? A fairy thing?" See what Daniel knows. Superhero stuff rarely enters into his radar, he does know a few mystics, but new magical organizations are not in his radar right now.

"Look, if you want to learn more about..." what was it, anyway? "Look, I know a couple people that know about spooky stuff. Just even I find hard to believe half the crap they say."

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn hmms, "Some sort of magical team, but they're apparently hard to contact. It was weird, they have this bar run at least in part by someone my age..I didn't think that was even legal." she shrugs and smirks, "Wow, you're not really into the superhero thing even, are you." although what he says causes her to raise a brow, "Ooh really? Do tell!"

Daniel Ketch has posed:
"Uh, no," replies Daniel. "Those guys like their privacy and hold grudges," he half-explains. "And to be honest, you seem to be more curious than in dire need of assistance. Go read some old library books about fairy tales and mythology. They are probably spot on."

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn shrugs, "Meh, I did do a lot of reading, but there are some things that can't be learned from books. Like learning and sensing magic, and most books don't go into enough detail for what I'm looking." she arches a curious brow at him, "Soo, who are these people you know! who might help?"

Daniel Ketch has posed:
"Gravediggers and spooks," replies Daniel with a smirk. "And... maybe an alien princess that rides a Pegasus around. But I will have to talk to them before I even consider to tell you about them."

Because, really, he doesn't know Megan much, plus she is terribly nosy. In his experience, the supernatural folks dislike the curious.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn oohs, "Gravediggers and Spoooks? Sounds fun! And did you say a Pegasus?" she giggles, "I know someone who has a Pegasus..Shes a Valkyrie.."Megan sighs wistfully, "That must be the coolest pet everrr.." although he seems a bit hesitant. "Soo..Maybe I can give you my number and you can pass it on..?"

Daniel Ketch has posed:
"You have a weird definition of fun," deadpans Daniel. Phone numbers? It is sad this is the first time in a year a woman will give him her phone number. On the other hand, if she really wants to contact with... hrm. "No promises," he states, "you don't seem to need help. You are just curious and very weirdly happy."

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn smirks, "Heh, and you're just grumpy and oddly unenthusiastic." she counters. All the same, she pulls out a pen and paper and starts scribbling down her name and number. And email. And Snapchat and Twitter and Tiktok account. Just in case he wants to see her cool cosplays and music videos online. Yeaaaah Megs is an oddball and oddly chipper, like all the time. "Here!" she says brightly, "Oooh, so I wonder if this person you know is like, another Valkyrie princess? Cuz that'd be cool!"

Daniel Ketch has posed:
"Didn't ask, but she didn't struck me as the Viking type," points out Daniel. In fact, she often acts like a normal American girl, which he finds interesting but has yet to ask her about it. He also looks at all the social media accounts, somehow not surprised at all. "Okay, I guess... this is my email," he scribbles something. "I try to check it every day, but it is just not always possible."

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn nods and takes his email. "Cool! Well hopefully we can catch up soon..That is, if you're not too scared of me.." she giggles because she has more reason to be scared of him, really. But apparently Megan is pretty nuts. "Soo this girl, what's her name, anyway?"

Daniel Ketch has posed:
Daniel considers the question for a few seconds. "Amethyst," he replies. It is probably a codename. "And you should stay away from people like me, I am bad news." Apparently she is pretty nuts, indeed. And mildly annoying, but Daniel doesn't have much of a social life right now, so he will answer emails. Probably.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn oohs, "Amethyst. What a pretty name!" as for staying away from him, she sighs a bit, shaking her head, "Heey come on now, most guys would be flattered at getting so much attention from a cute girl..Besides you seemed pretty lonely." she shrugs, "You looked like you could use a friend.."

Daniel Ketch has posed:
Daniel sighs, taking a long drink from the glass, "yeah, well... I like to keep my friends safe, and that is at some distance from me." Flattered and lonely? Maybe, but chances are Megan will end up injured or worse if she keeps hovering around him. "So, stay in touch? Sure. Hanging around me? Really bad idea."

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn shrugs again and chuckles, finishing off her ginger ale and climbing to her feeet. "Sure, if you say so. But talk to your...That guy, I'm sure he'll tell you that I'm more than capable of taking care of myself." she smiles, slipping his email away I'm her wallet. "Well, I suppose you wanna be left alone but keep in touch. Thanks for the info, see you around!" she waves cheerfully at him, clearly not off out by his grumpiness.