9358/Ponderings of Politics

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Ponderings of Politics
Date of Scene: 30 December 2021
Location: Emma's Suite - Hellfire Club
Synopsis: Cable comes to visit Emma and talk of Namor. There are strains between the soldier of the future and the telepath of the current era.
Cast of Characters: Emma Frost, Cable

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost is currently sitting over at a desk in her room in the Hellfire Club. The area sealed off fully, security engaged, and Emma has spent some time ensuring that she's alone with her telepathy. With words given out to the guards to not have her distrubed for anything short of the oncoming asteroid actually hitting the Earth, she's getting to work. A glass of red wine to the side, some books on a table with information on Atlantis, Hellfire Club records on Namor, United Nations documents on Atlantis.. And various other historical documents in scanned or copied form.

Cable has posed:
Teleportation is an amazing tactical asset. Nathan Summers was no stranger to its application. Thanks to the powers that be on Asteroid M, he appeared right in front of the door to miss Frost's office. The guards acting as sentries jump with a start, but Cable seizes both of their weapon hands before they can draw their pistols.

"You don't want to do that." His eye offers a menacingly glow and a faint push telepathy works on the minds of the guards just to emphasize the intimidation. "This is a courtesy call anyway. Please let Miss Frost know that she has a guest named Cable who is... insistent on meeting with her."

The callsign Cable would show up in a few databanks if quickly researched. A mercenary and freedom fighter, he's known to take jobs that cripple anti-mutant factions across the globe and other threats.

Emma Frost has posed:
There's a quick knock over on the doors as Emma would get an update. WIth a sigh she would go to tap at her wrist, and then go to open the doors. Some tricks were kept to onself; like not letting everyone know she ws a telepath. An ace up one's sleeve could be useful, to control information.

"So pray tell me.. Cable, is it? What brings you here threatening my guards and demanding to see me? I don't think that we've met." Emma is wearing what could be called 'standard' attire for herself. White corset, leather pants, heels.. Her cape had been removed and hung on a hangar by the door.

"And since we're being social, might I get you a drink?" Emma not bothering to read his mind yet. Thoughtful and considerate. The groups of papers and book son her desk carefully sorted.

Cable has posed:
Cable wears a trenchcoat, blue body suit, and harnesses. The large weapon slung over his shoulder is decidedly not mundane technology, some kind of energy weapon upon closer inspection.

The long sleeve of the coat manages to hide most of his cybernetic arm, though the hand is presently uncovered. "I just caught wind of the Atlantis announcement. That's decided off-script, so I checked my records for someone in this timeline who was political savvy and knowledgeable. The name Emma Frost came to the forefront."

That statement probably created more questions then provided answers.

He steps into the office and nods, "Bourbon if you have it."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would get up, "Of course." She would get up and over and move to pour a bourbon. "Straight? Or was my presumption wrong?" As Cable would mention 'this timeline' Emma would look surprised. Then go to try and scan his surface thoughts, particularly as the cybernetics would become visible. Going to get out a glass, moving to get out a bottle of bourbon that was so old the label on the bottle seemed faded.

"And if straight then on the rocks?" Going to walk forwards if nothing else was asked for.

Cable has posed:
Emma will find the Cable's mind is a well-fortified fortress. Clearly a mutant with some telepathic capabilities of his own, his mind stubbornly refuses to be read casually. He tilts his head in amusement, recognizing the intrusion. "Straight and neat, just like I like my thoughts, Miss Frost."

He unslings his weapon and leans it casually against her deck. Unfastening the trench coat, he shrugs it off and folds it, setting beside the weapon. This leaves the cybernetics which infest his left arm and hand fully exposed.

"Apologies for the intrusion. I ran a few scenarios, and most of them left me waiting for weeks, if I managed an appointment at all. I'm too impatient for that." He waits for his drink to be poured.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would pass the glass over. "Prohibition era Kentucky. Hardly so neat and refined. Not my vice. But useful when needed." Emma would go to sit down, the probe fended off.

"Do permit me a modicum of wariness, please given the circumstances." She would tap her fingers in amusement. "And I would have been more than happy to prioritize you. A.. Time traveling cyborg with psionic abilities?" The blonde would radiate amusement.

"Very well. I've only begun my preliminary research and much of what I've taken in will be in the public domain, and I lack evaluations of what many of the power players in mutant society shall do."

Cable has posed:
"You got it on the nose, Miss Frost. The cybernetics were not a choice, but that's a story for another time."

He accepts the glass and takes a refined sip, a low murmur of appreciation rumbling in his broad chest. "Ah, that's good... really good."

Frowning, he takes a chair and sits. "Maybe I caught you too soon then. I've got at my disposal a few records from an already defunct timeline of the future. Atlantis always played it cards close to its chest. I'm aware of a momentary alliance between Atlantis and Genosha in light of a brief romance between Namor and Queen Dorne."

He tilts his head to the side, "But, Atlantis never positioned it so decisively at the the forefront, not unless the seas themselves were under threat. I wonder how it will position itself among the other mutant powerhouses like Asteroid M, Genosha, and a certain school."

Emma Frost has posed:
Defunct timeline? She truly wants to ask on that but decides that now is not the time to make inquiries. "The announcement was made yesterday. The.. Situtation between the Princes of Atlantis is somewhat tricky to navigate." Whatever exctly the dynamic was between Arthur and Namor she hadn't even begun to touch on, in official or unofficial terms.

"Namor seems to be making his offer sincerely and with good faith for now. He.. Was horrified by Genosha, as we all were." Her taking a breath and closing her eyes, pushing away memories and trauma and nightmares.

"Many of the.. Other nations have at least stated a willingness to assist or tolerate the offer. The diplomatic issues will be over small spots of sovereign territory; islands that Atlantis has influence on that the countries they're connected to might wish to remedy."

Cable has posed:
"If Namor continues this position, he will inevitably enter conflicts with China and the United States. China is already notorious for its current practices, and elements of the U.S. government are always plotting to -purify- the nation." The white haired mutant frowns and sips from his glass.

"Sincerity isn't problem in my opinion. I don't believe Namor has the diplomatic chops to navigate the inevitable international crisis that will land on his doorstep the first time he harbors a declared enemy of one of the world's superpowers." He kisses the back of his teeth.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would give a light nod to Cable's comments. "He.. Does not have a reputation for such. Though he seemed at least in his appearance and in followup media interviews to be accomodating and diplomatic, so there's at least some attempted followup for him. My.. Understanding is from most of the power brokers there is a tactit amount of tolerance or support, but mostly wariness. Many agree in spirit."

Cable has posed:
"Guess time will tell, but I don't think it was... the right move." He swirls his glass momentarily and takes another sip from it.

"There are still efforts to rebuild Genosha from what I know, and Asteroid M is a bastion. Guess we'll really see how this plays out the first time Magneto and Namor meet on the subject." He chuckles in anticipation.

Humming, he looks to Emma. "And you should probably meet with Mystique. I need to ask her myself what her opinion is on this development. I'm sure its closed some doors and opened others."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would glance at Cable, "Magnus was at the event. I might suggest that you could simply look at video fo it. He's quite guarded when it comes to his emotions, but if you watch them carefully you might get a few cues on it. I didn't take much note of his actions, which may have meanings unto itself."

She would take a sip of her wine, "Will we be working independently of one another then? And I'd rather not work at cross-purpsoes to other things going on, or undermine them."

Cable has posed:
"Grand scheme of things, I think Namor probably just started a cold war between Atlantis and the anti-mutant factions embedded in the world's super powers. Honestly, I'm rooting for him. Though I'd rather him be campaigning for the health of the whole planet. There's other champions of mutant-kind out there. I haven't witnessed a timeline where we don't ruin this ball of rock we call home." He grumbles and takes another drink, sighing content at the quality of the booze.

He leans forward in his chair, "I don't know if we are at cross-purposes, Miss Frost. It depends on rather you intend to make your own play for power, or if you decide to be a force that smoothens the rough edges. The history I have on you is a little bit angel and a lot of devil. Both have their uses."

"I'm personally shacking up with the Brotherhood at the moment, because they've turned.. an interesting direction. Also deviant of the timeline I'm familiar with. That might be a sign that you could be a mutant savior too instead of someone who drags us toward our worst temptations for power." He extends the index finger from his glass holding hand to point at her.

"Your decision in the end. Work for the better of mutant-kind and the planet. We'll never be at cross-purposes. Follow your own agenda. Prepare for a spanking." He grins, his eye offering a menacing glow.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would just give Cable a calm look from her chair, sitting with one leg crossed over the other. "There are many champions. And many villains. But I'd like to think that for all our intents and purposes most of us have the same endgoal, if different methods to go about it. Charles and Magnus are friends. They both want to make the world a better place. They can work together. The rest of us can as well. WE can work with Namor instead of against him to help ensure that this does not as you seem to fear collapse atop itself. Let us make sure that for those mutants whom might wish it they have somewhere to go. I will not turn down Namor's offer."

Then as he would go on about her, she would rub at her temples, "So lovely that you judge me by a reputation that I may or may not have at all. How very presumptuous of you to give me such impossible standards to measure myself against. And do you even know what timeline you're on, if your own is disjointed?"

Then as that finger would go to point at her, Emma would meet Cable's gaze. "I let you come in here to talk with me on good faith and to listen. Yet here you are threatening me." Emma would lock her gaze back, own eyes diamond.

"I don't presume to know or to judge you, but I do loathe being judged and accused of things. YOu have made your statement. Now get out of my room." There's no telepathic command in it. No fear on her. Just annoyance at the interruption.

Cable has posed:
"Touchy." Cable set his glass down and rises. Draping his trench coat and then rifle over his shoulder, he shakes his head.

"You know your own demons better then anyone else. I'm not judging you. I'm just going off the data. You have the potential to be great or terrible. If anything, I'm giving you a compliment, and also pointing out the obvious. If one thing seems consistent, you've never been one for a lack of confidence." He gazes to the side in thought.

"It's not my timeline and I'm glad of it, because the future I come from is fucked. There are patterns though. The data is an advantage I can use to not repeat the worst of what could be, and trust me, it can get very bad." He starts to walk toward her door.

"If you do intend to given into your worst impulses, Emma Frost. Consider the threat delivered. Personally, I'm holding out that you have the charisma and genius to keep angry old men from destroying mutantkind and the planet." He stands in the door way and looks over his shoulder.

"I'll email you contact information. Call me if you want to compare notes again. Thanks for the bourbon."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would just tap at her shoulder, "You could have very much just stopped in and asked to see me. Wihtout all this grandiose theatrics. But your comments have been delivered. And if I decide in turn that I can trust you to act on things in a way that might improve the circumstances, then I'll be in touch. But this has the sense that things must be settled by diplomacy and negotiations. Can you turn away your worst fears from it and not project them onto it? And understand taht direct action of any sort, particularly borne from paranoia might make those circumstances what you fear most?"

Emma going to open the door for Cable. "If you feel like you can answer those questions affirmatively, then stay in touch and we can work together. If not.. If not then I fear that you will add a heavier layer of complication to things." She would offer her hand. "And do keep the bourbon. I'm glad that someone enjoys it."

Cable has posed:
"Ah, now there is the Frost I was hoping to hear. I'm not presently acting as a free agent. I'm letting those native to the timeline call the shots until I decide rather they are going to make a repeat of the terrors that haunt my nightmares." He takes the hand in his good one and gives it a firm shake. There is something in the way he delivers the praise and smiles that may seem oddly familiar.

"I can't let go of the paranoia, but I can keep the safety on. I think we'll be in touch again. Thanks for the bourbon." He takes the bottle and the steps out into the hallway. A few moments later, he's in one of the public bathrooms within the facility. Another moment later, he's left the building via the same method he entered, mutant assisted teleportation.

Emma Frost has posed:
He at least had the courtesy to not teleport out of her room. Emma would go to check on the guards, and then sigh, "GO ahead adn end your shifts. I'm going to lock up here and continue another time." So much for her early attempts at having done some research. Now she had further troubles to sort out and deal with. Ah well..

Now it was time to do research of a different sort.