9365/Father-Daughter Time
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Father-Daughter Time | |
Date of Scene: | 30 December 2021 |
Location: | Recreation Room |
Synopsis: | Rien informs Logan that the universe as they know it may very well end... she gets a hug, he does to drink. |
Cast of Characters: | Logan Howlett, Rien D'Arqueness
- Logan Howlett has posed:
Holiday break. For Logan what this meant was less kids around so he could enjoy a beer or three while playing pool. The only thing that would make it even more perfect was a cigar, but he was not risking that in the mansion... Charles was a stickler about that.
- Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
Rien steps into the room and takes in the scene for a moment before saying "Well, you look happy enough, at least so far as you can without a cigar. I wanted to talk to you in person about something important." She moves over to sit on the couch and continues "Join me, would you? This is one of the serious talks, I'm afraid."
- Logan Howlett has posed:
Her scent beat her to the room, so although Logan knew she was coming, he was lining up a shot when she entered. Offering a nod as she comes into the room, he sinks the six, then straightens to look at her when she speaks.
Laying the cue on the table, he collects his beer from the edge of the table and walks over to the couch. "Serious huh?" he questions, one brow lifting slightly, then he sits himself down. "Alright kid, what's up?"
- Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
"Well, I imagine you've heard of the evacuation of Manhattan, but you may not know the reason." She takes a breath and then continues, "It's bad. As in end of the universe bad. Believe it or not, but the entire heavenly Host under the Archangel Michael is going to descend on Manhattan on the sixth. We're still not completely sure of how to handle it, but I'm rather deeply involved."
She looks down at the floor for a moment before looking at him again "It seems to be some kind of test. You know that other universes are out there, like the one I'm from. Our universe is somehow damaging other universes, so strictly by the rules of the Creator, it should be unmade to stop the damage." She shakes her head, "I don't know what we need to do, but given the situation, I just wanted to see you before it started."
- Logan Howlett has posed:
That takes the old man a minute to let sink in. Logan is not a man who fully understand all the magic stuff, nor the angel stuff for that matter, but if Rien was saying it was bad, really bad, and there was talk of evacuation, then it was /bad/.
The beer gets set on the coffee table as he shifts slightly. "Okay, you already know half that went right over my had," he admits with a snort. "But what I got was evacuation, really bad shit coming down from on high, universes out of balance and a fight brewing, did I miss anything?" He runs it all through his head again and yeah, that seemed to be everything.
"Anything I can do to help? I mean other than show up and offer my claws, cause you know you can count on that."
- Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
Rien thinks for a moment then replies, "We're still in the planning stage, but I will let you know. If it comes down to it, your claws might help. From what I understand, the rank and file of angels can be fought with normal weapons, it's just the major ones that require special handling. I'll keep you in the loop, and if you want to let your guys here know what's up, we might need more fighters when the ball drops. And if you know anyone who's trained in magic, they could be helpful too, at least to give us more options."
- Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan grabs the beer off the coffee table again, deciding to finish it and break out the sake upstairs later. Definitely a sake night.
"I'll let Jean and Scott know in the morning," he says with a nod. "If they don't already know. Magic people though, you're pretty much it for me kid, that I know about."
A large drink of the beer is taken, then he adds, "Keep me posted, and I'll see who I can get to lend a hand."
- Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
With a smile, Rien leans towards him and gives him a quick peck on the cheek. "Thanks dad, wish me luck. Even our trip to Hell kind of pales before this mess, but we need to keep it positive. I think it will all come down to convincing Michael that this universe it worth it, but I don't know what that will require. If it means every one of us sacrificing our lives to prove the people here are worth saving, I'll do it happily. But I didn't want it to happen without at least saying goodbye."
She rises from the couch and heads for the door, commenting, "Have a cigar, the universe might end in a week." before stepping out of the room.
- Logan Howlett has posed:
Standing as Rien does, Logan takes a moment to give his daughter a hug before she escapes back to the reality that the universe might be ending. He's not normally a sentimental, huggy type, and she wasn't /really/ his kid, she came from another reality... but in that moment, it didn't matter. She was /his/ daughter and this might be good-bye, so she got a hug and a kiss on the top of her head before she left.
"I'm having a cigar alright, and some sake, and later I might add vodka," he comments as she heads out, cause the hug was the only emotional thing she was getting.