9448/New Year's Eve in Starling City
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New Year's Eve in Starling City | |
Date of Scene: | 04 January 2022 |
Location: | Verdant - Abandoned Warehouse |
Synopsis: | Vintridr, Slade, Thea, Alexander, and Felicity all have occasion to meet and hobnob during a New Year's celebration. |
Cast of Characters: | Thea Queen, Alexander Aaron, Felicity Smoak, Vintridr, Slade Wilson
- Thea Queen has posed:
New Year's eve is going just fine at the Verdant! The soft opening is being a success with the party-goers having their fun resembling a roaring 20s party with all the flappers, and the quellazaires, the bob styled haircuts and tiaras. It's almost as if the whole place is sparkling with intensity. It's an intensity that Thea certainly isn't immune to, even if she has stayed sober the whole time. Yet all the dancing and having fun is making the woman's cheeks flushed and a light-hearted laugh escapes her lips once she comes out of a dance with Alex.
"I need a break." She admits after stepping down from the dance floor, "Not everyone can have the same kind of stamina as your kind does." she makes her way over to the bar, hand reaching for her phone to check it. "Oh, got a couple of messages.." her brows furrow. One from a certain contact and another from Felicity.
"My friend Felicity is here. Have you met her? And don't worry, she's nothing like Alicia." another brief laugh. "Why don't you find her and keep her company a bit? I need to go make a call." and by her look it's an important one. But in the meantime a message is sent to Felicity:
> Hey, where are you?! I hope you didn't come alone. It doesn't matter, I am sending David Bowie to the rescue. You will notice him easily, the only guy here not dressed like he belongs in the 20s.
"There, now she will be able to find you. Anyway, back in a bit!" and she makes her way towards the stairwell that leads to the managerial area.
- Alexander Aaron has posed:
"As my kind." Alexander echoes as he steps down as well, his foot thumping on the floor, the noise oddly loud as the DJ takes a small break. But his smile is crooked as he follows after.
The Olympian did indeed enjoy the dancing, his vibe was something vaguely techno house and when he dances he's all short stops and starts and moving clean with the rhythm, always mixing it up from one beat to a double beat to fitting in smooth and sometimes elaborate movements in between the thuds off the bass.
But now he cut a rather fine silhouette through the crowd, if only because he was dressed from more the 80s than the 20s and his hair all spiky definitely lends oneself toward the Bowie end of the music spectrum.
"Oh?" About the messages, "No I don't think so." Hasn't met her, that he's aware. "But that's good." That she's not like the nosy Alicia.
Then Thea gives him his marching orders as he leans over her shoulder trying to read he message and failing when she turns back around. He nods, "Alright, I'll wander around and shout for Felicity as loud as I can." Which surely won't be embarrassing at all.
He turns and starts to mosey away from the bar and toward the door looking around. Very Bowie.
- Felicity Smoak has posed:
A party! One benefit to working... where she does. She's never at a loss for a potential to go to a party. It's something that the Queens seem to do quite well, and she's good with that!
Felicity is dressed for the occasion with a bright red fringed flapper dress that is a touch shorter than she'd initially expected. Still, she's going with it! The shoulder length blonde hair is tucked up into a bob-styled wig, complete with some red feather frou as a hair decoration. To finish off the look, a flowy feather boa hangs upon her, undoubtedly leaving pin-feathers behind. Glasses still adorn her face, however; not giving up being able to see!
She's in the door, and with the *ping* of the message on her phone, she quickly types out the message, 'Got it, thanks!' before she searches the room for the likely looking gent.
And there.. there he is. Not hard to miss, actually, and she starts her path towards him, reaching out first with,
"Hey.. I'm guessing your my contact. Looks really good." There's a brief pause before, "I'm Felicity, and if you're not Aaron, I'll be really embarrassed."
- Alexander Aaron has posed:
The music starts up with the thump-thump-thump oontzing of the bass line which makes it so Alexander has to answer by shouting a bit so he can be heard, "Alexander, yeah. Or Alex!" He closes the distance and ducks his head down, his shoulders rising in that instinctive way one has when they're trying to endure a good bit of noise.
"Aaron is my last name." He informs Felicity, "Nice outfit! We were hanging out by the bar!" Which might not entirely be true, it was where they were before they were dancing, and the flush of color might be evidence of that exertion. "C'mon, we'll go hang out while she does her thing!"
And as easy as that the Olympian youth tilts his head back and starts to navigate their way back to where Lady Thea Queen had been holding court amongst her friends and onlookers, though with her departure the crowd has thinned a bit. Their drinks are still there, however, and the bartender gives a nod letting them know he's aware of their arrival.
Once there Alex eases up and back against the counter, at least here the music is somewhat subdued that conversation isn't such a chore.
"So hey, tell me all of Thea's secrets." His smile is wry as he asks, looking as if he doesn't /mean/ it seriously. Right?
- Vintridr has posed:
Somewhat surprisingly perhaps, Vin didn't so much as bat an eyelid when Thea mentioned the theme of the evening, merely saying that she was "fairly sure she had something suitable" -- and while it could be argued that the striped shirt with rolled-up sleeves, suspenders and jazz pants were more of a men's choice, it is definitely era-appropriate and does work much better behind the bar than a full on dress would.
She's taken to the style with quite a bit of flair, and currently appears to have a certain amount of subdued fun with a small crowd of self-proclaimed connoiseurs trying to stump her by naming an era-appropriate drink she can't mix. So far she's batting a thousand.
- Felicity Smoak has posed:
Welp, there's the first faux pas of the evening, undoubtedly the first of many! "Alexander, then.. Alex," she corrects her self. The noise of the bass is almost deafening; like going to a concert where one's heartbeat is regulated by that low bass-line booming from speakers. A hand unconsciously rises to her chest, to cover her heart as if to make sure it's still beating properly. "Sorry. And thanks! One of those dresses that hang in the closet for years, waiting for that one party." She feels pretty good about the way it all turned out, though; any self-consciousness will easily be covered by a drink at the bar!
Felicity follows towards the bar; it's not hard to see where Thea'd been. That girl always has the crowds, even when she doesn't necessarily want it. "Rum and coke, please." Her regular.
Once ordered, then, Felicity turns her back to the bar and leans against one of the stools, her head canting slightly, "You know I'm the closest thing she has to a sister, right?" comes with a hint of amusement. "Well, okay.. no secrets. I'm pretty good at keeping them. And, I'm not someone who is going to say, 'I'll hurt you if you hurt her' because, well.. no chance there, so not going to try. Instead, how did you guys meet?" There's a pause before she continues, "Just, you know, curious."
- Alexander Aaron has posed:
"Ah, that's a story." Alexander says and tilts his head toward Vintridr. His attention lingers, albeit briefly before he asks, "Another flute of champagne, please?"
That had been his order so far for the night, twice before. Matching the glasses of orange juice that Thea had been having. But now his attention is on Felicity as he settles in, one arm resting on the counter-top, the other hand against his hip.
"Alright no secrets," And he doesn't seem too disappointed, but then he offers his own in return, as to the meeting of Thea and himself.
"A year and some ago..." His eyebrows lift followed by those curious pale hazel eyes as if trying to pin down the time and the date. His attention returns to Felicity as he offers, "We met through Roy, who was going to the school I was attending at the time. Got along well."
For a brief moment he looks past Felicity, beyond a little, then his attention returns. "I went away for a year or so, and when I came back we caught up. And..." His brow furrows, "Well, she seems like she's endured a lot. And things clicked."
- Thea Queen has posed:
Upstairs the Queen is standing by that window which gives a good view of the bar below, one arm crossed around her waist and the other holding up the phone to her ear. "What do you mean you are cutting off the supply?" some talk on the other side, "Who pressured you to do this?" but the answer she gets from the other side is the phone being hung up. Great, another issue to deal with now that the Verdant is trying to go full business.
Yet at least she notices Alex and Felicity have met up. Good! It makes her smile at least. But now it's time to go back to the party. After getting her face clean, and giving that whiskey bottle another look. Tempting. But not tonight.
She comes back down the stairs, through the throng of people gathered about and slides in behind Felicity, elbow resting on the counter, "Hello there, glad you could join us." sneaky git! "Spilling all the secrets away, are we?" she laughing softly before turning her head to regard Vintridr.
"You have met Vinnie already, Felicity, haven't you? She finally accepted my offer to work with me here. Alex, this is Vintridr, a dear friend and the best bartender on this side of Starling." she says, a wink given to the bartender.
- Vintridr has posed:
"We did, yes," Vintridr replies to Thea with a nod to Felicity. "You're looking well, miss Smoak," she tells the woman as she puts down a glass before snagging a couple of bottles and pouring both at once, tilting them at differing angles to get the proper ratio before pulling back with a flourish, replacing both bottles in their racks and turning to Alexander, giving him a brief but odd look before nodding.
"Champagne it is," she confirms, picking up a flute and grabbing the currently open bottle. "We're starting to run low on gin," she mentions to Thea as she pours, with a quick nod of the head towards the cluster of mostly college-age guys laughing at one another as they drink. "Herbert over there fancies himself something of an expert on the topic of gin cocktails and is certain that if he just tries hard enough he'll come up with one I don't know - and at this point he has to because there's a running bet involving who picks up the tab..."
- Felicity Smoak has posed:
Felicity takes her drink, waiting a couple of moments for the fizz to subside so it doesn't make little speckles on her glass lenses. It's okay, though; she's used to it. And, she's listening to the story, in a nutshell. Nodding her head first, brows rise and she smiles slyly, "I'll neither confirm nor deny that she's endured a lot." It's pretty evident, all told, that the slightly older woman is fond of the younger Queen. Protective, perhaps.
Twisting around at the arrival of Thea, her smile grows, "Hey. Welcome back, and you look amazing." Like always! "There's no one I need to shut down, right?" That last bit is lightly spoken, but there's a gleam in those blue eyes; she's serious. "And, I managed to clear my schedule for this." An evening of ice cream and NetFlix in her apartment. Or, conversely, another night in the Arrowcave, tracking down 'bad guys' <tm>.
Looking over to the bartender with the mostest, Felicity nods, her mood still elevated. She's enjoying herself. "Yes, and you too. Quite a following now, and that's amazing. Exactly what's needed."
- Alexander Aaron has posed:
Eyes brightening at Thea's return and then the introduction, he steps forward and /leeeeans/ across the bar-top extending a hand to offer for a handshake in Vintridr's direction. "It's good to meet you, Vintridr." He speaks the name with a touch of Norwegian emphasis and that slight sharpness to the Rs. Though it's a little awkward for a handshake he'll give a nice one before he eases back to turn and incorporate everyone into the conversational circle. At least now he has his champagne.
"I'm Alexander," He offers to Vintridr though assuredly she's already heard.
To Thea he relays lightly, "I was telling her how we met, some time ago. But we didn't decide to get involved until recently." He pushes a hand through his spiky-spiky hair and then casually mentions, "I got to see this place ages ago though, I'm... impressed it's finally open." He says those last few words with some formality as he nods to Thea, as if to show that he's finally accepting he can't tease her anymore about the club's ever in progress status.
- Thea Queen has posed:
"Oh, Herbert..." That has Thea snorting, a glance to the group he brought along with him. "Don't worry, at this point it's a matter of pride for him. He will be good to pay it in the end." is there someone Thea doesn't know at this party?! "I know he has no chance of winning. Yet speaking of, how about you get me a drink? Surprise me. The only condition is no alcohol." she says to Vin with a grin.
As they go around exchanging greetings Thea comments upon taking a look at Felicity's dress, "Matching colors too." she grinning, "Now we look like proper sisters." she teases the blonde, "My brother didn't manage to come though.." which makes her lose a bit of her smile but she pushes through.
"It's only a soft opening. Just don't mind the unfinished painting." She then looking at Alexander with a chuckle. She knows what's on his mind!
- Slade Wilson has posed:
Slade Wilson was here.
Not as Deathstroke the Terminator, one of the most dangerous bounty hunters and contract killers alive, but as a simple guest of this party. White hair clearly shown and an eyepatch covering the missing orb in his head, Slade Wilson looks as if he perfectly mimiced Al Capone. He arrives wearing the full trench coat and lined suit number, with a fedorah on his head and everything. Thankfully, no Tommy gun on his person.
That'd be bad.
But Slade starts to move through the party, giving nods and simple greetings to folks, even as his eyes find at least two people he actively recognizes. That being Thea Queen and Felicity Smoak.
Though he sees some new faces as well, such as Alexander Aaron, Slade thinks he's seen him before at a Hellfire Club party or five, but never actually met him. Though his eyes also manage to find Vintridr. Mysterious. Unknown. Further investigation required.
- Vintridr has posed:
Vintridr smiles. "Oh, I know. The reason he made the bet in the first place was because his great-grandfather used to own a gin joint and apparently the recipes were handed down in his family."
She leans in conspirationally as she starts mixing Thea's request, plucking various fruit juice bottles from their places. "... The reason I know this is because I worked for the man for about a decade," she finishes with a grin as she pours one bottle after the other with the care and ease of long practice, expertly layering each color. "Tart apple juice, a shot of lime, a fragment of cucumber for zest..." She glances up at Alexander for a moment. "... And Pomegranate juice to top it off."
- Felicity Smoak has posed:
"It's been a little while, getting the club going," Felicity offers in amused defense, "I think she's doing a great job." It's been a rough going, what with things that would constantly creep up and interrupt things! Now, the club is coming together, and it can easily serve as a little 'I'm not quite so much of a loser' kind of hangout for the blonde geek.
Matching colors! Felicity moves to stand beside Thea, just to underscore the 'sisters' comment, ready for any sort of picture or selfie. She does give a nodded frown, echoing Thea's own, adding, "He's been quiet lately. I haven't seen much of him either. So, either he's.." Nope, not going to continue. Instead, she finishes with, "Meetings. Must be." There.
Vin's care for the mixing of drinks does gain the woman a smile and a little waved 'toast' of her very basic drink.
Who can miss the arrival of one Slade Wilson, however? Blue eyes shift to watch his approach, and there's that conflicted expression; a smile to see another she recognizes, coupled with that healthy hint of fear/respect. Still, she excuses herself briefly to gain his attention to join her, join them. Of course, at the same time, Felicity is tugging at the suddenly short hem on that flapper dress, self-consciously with her free hand.
- Alexander Aaron has posed:
There's a warmth to Alexander's expression as he crinkles his nose at Thea, and his features are flushed a bit as he takes a sip of the champagne. It doesn't do much at a sip here or there, but the taste is nice if only because it reminds him of celebrations, a proper thing to be had during them.
At a distance the young Olympian might well stand out, considering his own choice of garb is less 1920s more 1980s. Either perhaps he didn't get the note about the event, or... he imagines David Bowie might be a time-traveler. Either seems likely plausible. Yet he is chatting pleasantly, animatedly, and had indeed been seen about the Hellfire Club at points in the past. A legacy member? Something along those lines. Rank-filler neither mover nor shaker.
But for now his attention is engaged with the women around him, yet he does have a manner about him. Easy-going. There is an awareness to him. A subtle precision to his stance even when seeming so engaged in revelry. As if it were important for one to know their surroundings.
The offer of Pomegranate gets a smile brought forth more to prominence, however. But he doesn't interfere with the relating of Thea's new drink. His eyes do hang upon Vintridr for a time, thoughtful but then it's back to the give and take of conversation.
"Just a little while," He echoes Felcity's words, "But yeah it's come together nicely. I remember it being..." His hazel eyes drift as he adds, "Very different."
Only for Fel to make that perhaps brief departure. His own attention naturally follows after, then lights on Slade. A lift of his brow then he turns to ask a silent question of Thea.
- Slade Wilson has posed:
It wasn't hard for Slade to notice Felicity's approach, nor her gesture for him to come join her. With a steady approach, Slade walks towards Felicity and he gives her a small smile when he draws near. Offering her a hand in greeting. "Ms. Smoak. You look rather...roaring." Is this Slade's way of being friendly or is this his way of flirting?
Who knows. Suc ha strange man.
"Who are your friends? Are you having a good time?" Slade recalls helping her out with her...situation a few days ago, but he has not forgotten all the same. Though his attention turns to Alex and Thea, the latter he seems to gesture to come closer with a hand.
- Vintridr has posed:
Vin chuckles. "Let us not mince words. When first I saw this place it was about one bad day away from a ruin. But yes, it has come along very nicely since. The Young Queen has every right to be proud of her work here."
Instinct makes her look up just as Slade's eye falls on her, and her own eyes narrow as she meets his gaze. She relaxes a moment later, and by the time she turns back to the college dudes calling their next order her scowl is gone so completely one might believe it had never been there...
- Felicity Smoak has posed:
One of Felicity's nervous 'tells' is the pushing up of her glasses, and that's exactly what she does. With a quick attention given to the frames to settle them higher on her nose, she extends her other hand to Slade, "It is the 20s. Maybe it'll make a comeback?" It's her turn, however, and she adds, "You're looking very stylish yourself." One of those men that can wear any suit and still look proper!
She turns around to look back at the others partially abandoned at the bar, and starts her walk/lead. He knows Thea, OBVIOUSLY, but the others? "That's Alexander Aaron, a friend of Thea's, Vin.. Thea's friend and bartender." Pointing at the gaggle of college aged young men, "They're regulars."
The closer to the bar, the less the jazz music *thrums* through, and much easier to hold conversation, even if voices still need to be elevated a little. "It's fun. I'm not up on my Charleston, though. Two left feet."
- Alexander Aaron has posed:
As Fel moves off, Alexander's attention shifts over toward Vintridr and listens to the words offered. As she speaks his smile broadens slowly, then when she dares to say something similar to what he has said in the past about Verdant he looks across the way to Thea and points at himself with eyebrows raising, then shakes his head and waves that hand slightly to the side as if to say, 'Hey, I didn't say it.'
Though a moment as Vintridr turns away sees Alexander's eyes drifting to Slade and good Felicity as they share a few words. There is a frank appraisal made by the Bowie-Like figure in his broad white collar and those black leather pants. Though at this point in the evening his spiky hair might be losing a bit of the spike.
When Felicity points him out he lifts a hand to wave. Cheerful fellow.
- Thea Queen has posed:
"Look." This said to Vin, "The place was an old abandoned warehouse used for criminal activities. Of course it was falling down in pieces. That was the whole point, restoring it!" defensive much? Just a little. A grin to Alexander, "I told you she was the best where it comes to drinks." Thea has her attention down on the glass being prepared by Vin though, which means she misses the arrival of Slade. Maybe for the best? Probably not as when she turns and then there's Felicity coming back with Slade in tow it makes Thea look very ..., un-Thea.
Like a deer caught in headlights?
She looks at the one-eyed assassin with some surprise. "Mr. Wilson." she says, her tone gaining a more formal respect she hadn't injected in the rest of her talk during the evening so far. She dislodges herself from the bar to approach at the gesture to come closer.
"I am glad you could make it." the small walk towards them has her gather her bearings more properly, getting her confidence back too, "It suits you." she says of the choice of clothing for the man. Gangster. Yes, quite suitable.
"Don't lie, Fel. I have seen you dancing, remember?" she may even have taught her a dance move or two!
- Slade Wilson has posed:
With Thea approaching, Slade gives her a gentle nod. "Ms. Queen." He greets her with that same kind of formal respect, yet the kind of a mentor to a student. Mutual, what is given is returned. "How have you been? I understand that business has kept us separate for some time." A silent coded question in there. Has she been keeping up with her training? Has she beenwatching and waiting like he had taught her, rather than going in recklessly?
The question to him makes him chuckle deeply. "Likewise. I rarely am able to attend these functions, but the rare times that I can are typically enjoyable. And thank you, your outfit suits you well indeed."
Quite suitable.
Though his eyes shift to Felicity and begins to walk with her and Thea towards the bar. His attention is directed towards Alex, who waves back. "Charming." one word with epic volume, yet Slade does simply lift a glass to him in a greeting. Pointed to Vintrindr, Slade's eye narrows back at her, meeting that gaze. There's something there...trained. A warrior. She does not hide her body language well, yet even Slade's trained eye can identify a fighter.
He returns his attention to Felicity and gives her a charming smile. "Perhaps so." He accepts Felicity's hand and gives her knuckles a gentle kiss if she allows. The greeting of a gentleman. Whether it was chaste is up for debate and whether she allows the contact at all just as much so.
"Thea seems to disagree. Yet dancers are their own worst critic."
- Vintridr has posed:
Slade gets a coolly courteous nod in return when Thea introduces him to Vin, and that's apparently all the woman can spare before she goes back to serving an increasingly concerned Herbert every cocktail he can name, calmly pouring liquid from one bottle after another and mixing them one-handed in a brief show of skill.
- Felicity Smoak has posed:
Felicity doesn't draw her hand back from the greeting, and is that something of a pinking of her cheeks at the brushed kiss of her hand? Probably. And that's also a smile that she can't keep from coming to her face in the gentlemanly gesture, but once finished, she does retrieve her hand, her manner and mien definitely.. pleased if not a trifle on the self-conscious side.
Joined by Thea, the tech genius looks between the pair; more here than meets the eye, perhaps, if she can read her friend right (which is saying something for the poorly socialized hacker!). "Please. The dancing you saw, anyone can do. It's a 'move foot and wiggle', which, I remind you, I'm horrible at."
Looking back to Slade, Felicity chuckles, pushes on her glasses again, and shakes her head. "I.. can't dance. I really can't. Not.." and she waves a hand on the dancefloor, "like that."
- Alexander Aaron has posed:
Left at the bar for the moment, Alexander tilts his head to the side as his gaze settles on Vintridr. He'll watch as she tends fellow known as Herbert seeking his repast and is inclined to wait until there might be a moment when she's near enough to share a word that is not so easily overheard nor overwhelmed by the smooooth sound of jazz.
"You wouldn't happen to have been about some time ago during that first war with the Svartalfar?" The last word pronounced with a precision that likely entails it being related to him in such a particular way. He takes a sip of the champagne and sets the flute down though it's still half-full. "I have heard a few stories from that time."
A few stolen words, a brief moment of a back and forth, then his attention returns to those who hath wandered and now returned. His smile is so effortless, at ease. Yet it's not the blithe bliss of ignorance, but something almost seen from ages past.
Wherever a senator stood it was there that was Rome.
And so too did Alexander present himself.
Though his voice rises to offer pleasantly, "Is everyone set for drinks?" At hand is Thea's juice and his flute is recovered. A glance is given from face to face to face. Ending with a look to Thea as he elevates her drink slightly.
- Thea Queen has posed:
"Yes, you really can't." Pause, "Not dance tonight." See? Thea is there to help Felicity formulate what she really means to say. Or what Thea imagines she means to say. Isn't it the same thing? Details! She still smiles though, watching the interaction between Slade and Felicity for a moment longer. There's still a protective streak towards Felicity though, perhaps not fully sure that her choice of dancer should be Slade! She knows what he is.. "But you two know each other?" that surprises her a small bit. "There's a tale behind this I am sure." she gestures for them to go to the table. "And it's unfortunate that we haven't been able to meet again for a while." she agreeing with Slade, "But don't worry, those meets are always at the forefront of my mind." yes, she caught the question underneath.
"We are back, Alex." She reaching to take the drink and ..., drain half of it in one go. Maybe she wishes this had alcohol now. But it's still fantastic. "I knew it would taste great." a glance to Vin, then towards her posture and the way she is mixing drinks now. A very brief nod is given towards the Bartender. Perhaps telling her that all is fine.
Let's try not to blow up the Verdant on New Year's!
"This is Mr. Wilson." She says to Alex, "I believe you are both part of the same club? Hellfire?" She is too. But she's in because of her father having been a member. Does that count?
- Slade Wilson has posed:
Slade is a member of the Hellfire Club. Somehow, he's managed to get himself into the inner circle even. It feels like he's everywhere, perhaps. Always watching, always looming from the shadows or striking hidden deals or taking pieces off of the board. A perfect Black Knight for the job. Yet even as he seems to keep much of his attention on Felicity, he's keeping his eye open.
Namely on Vintridr.
She makes this showy bottle-mixology skill, but Slade's eye isn't on the magic trick, its on the magician. Its a spectacle. A very carefully performed show that doesn't sway the Deathstroke. "Seem to know your stuff." He notices the one hand she keeps free. One hand to reach for a weapon or defend herself if need be.
His eye turns to Alex and he extends a hand. "Slade Wilson." He greets him simply enough, the wolf who had come not to devour Rome, but to simply rest at it's doorstep...which may arguably be more dangerous.
Though his eye turns to Thea and he seems a little bit amused. He can see the distrust there. "We do. We met at one o the many coffee places in Starling City. She's good company, if you would believe it." Yet there is something in Slade's eye. He means nobody here harm, at least not tonight.
- Felicity Smoak has posed:
Felicity exhales in a put-upon sigh for Thea's attempts to get her onto the dance floor, a pursed-lipped smile given to her friend. She'd deny once again that she can dance, but for all the good that'd do her?
Absolutely none.
"We do," and she casts a glance back to the zoot-suited gent before she lifts her rum and coke, ready to finish it off in a slightly unlady-like fashion. She does think better of it with the fizz, and the rum that sits a little heavy in the soda, and instead takes a sip. She doesn't usually drink, so one, maybe two on the outside will be the limit. Finishing up Slade's account, Felicity adds, "At the end of Hanukkah. Really needed the donut fix." Which, of course, makes the entire story that much more believable because, well.. it's the truth. She glances back at Slade, quirks her head at the compliment, before she nods her head slowly at the other introduction, more to Alexander than Vin.
"The Hellfire club?" A place she hasn't yet been, and from the sounds of it, won't ever be. Hello reminder than she doesn't run in those circles! Not one of the 'beautiful people'. Just one of the employees. "I think I've heard of it."
- Vintridr has posed:
If Alexander's comment comes as a surprise, Vin doesn't let it show. Instead, she gives him a slightly amused/indulgent smile.
"That one was a bit before my time, I'm afraid," she replies equally softly before the others return.
She acknowledges Thea's nod with one of her own. Message received and understood. She glances at Slade and gives another nod. As long as he doesn't start any trouble, she'll return the courtesy.
At least for tonight.
A blink, and the moment passes, and she once again smiles at Thea. "It's likely the healthiest drink I'll be serving tonight. I'll have to figure out what to call it," she replies.
Somehow, Felicity's drink seems to have topped itself up while she wasn't paying attention, but by the time she can look at Vin to ask any questions the bartender is already back mixing more drinks for an increasingly cheerful crowd, although she holds out her free hand to take possession of their car keys before she pours the next round...
- Alexander Aaron has posed:
As Thea draws near, that smile reaches his eyes and he gives a small laugh, "Want me to grab you another?" As he looks back in Vintridr's way... but she's already hustled and taken care of Fel's.
But introductions are in the offing so his attention snaps back to the here and now as well as to the fore. "Mr. Wilson." The words are spoken with respect, "Ah," A glance to Thea as she mentions the Hellfire Club, "My father, John Aaron, is a member. I only at times attend at his behest."
He shifts his drink to the other hand and presents his right in offering for a shake. Business-like and precise, formal as if hearkening to the time when one was checking their opposite for that dagger in the sleeve. Just three pumps given, not aggressive, yet firm.
It's to Felicity then that he adds an explanation, "It's a gathering of..." A look is given to Slade as if seeking support in the description. "Influential people and those who want influence?" As if that might be a good way of phrasing it. Then his tone lowers as he murmurs, almost conspiratorially to her. "Though when I was younger, I'd go there sometimes and do my homework in their lobby out of spite. That showed them."
- Thea Queen has posed:
"The fruity explosion?" Thea suggests to Vin before wrinkling her nose. "Ugh, it sounded better in my head." it really did. But she will certainly accept a refill, taking a moment to take in the more relaxed posture on Vin and again nodding. Clearly not just a simple bartender! At least to the trained eye...
Looking back to the others she smiles faintly. "We get to meet the most curious of people in Starling City cafes. I would know." she says with mild amusement. "I am amused that you two got along so well." this about Felicity and Slade. Yes, very amused. It of course means she will have to have a talk with Felicity later. But tonight? New Year's and all that. She shifts her attention to Alexander, "Isn't it a bunch of old sods trying to hold on to power that is quickly vanishing from their aging hands?" tone all so casual. Then a wink, "I only heard the rumors." she quirks a brow, "You went there to do homework?" shr snorts at that before shaking her head. Typical Alex.
To Slade she says, "I am hoping we are able to meet again soon, Mr. Wilson. We shouldn't let business lie dormant for too long."
- Slade Wilson has posed:
"Fruity explosion?" Slade questions Thea and Vin. "I don't think that's a good drink name. Maybe something along the lines of 'tropical surprise'?" Because then it sounds mysterious and applies to the fruity flavor. But that's just his opinion. Though he looks at Vin and notices the Valknut pendant. "...Nordic?" He questions Vintridr about the necklace, and keeps his full attention on her for a moment, as if to await her answer. "If I can have a whiskey, that'd be lovely." He puts money down in advance so its guaranteed pay.
Helps that its extremely difficult for him to get drunk.
Though giving Alex a good look. "John Aaron...yes, I've met him. Straightforward man, looks of military discipline. I enjoy his company and his stories." Slade suggests to Alex with a bit of a friendly smile. Yet its the eye that tells the whole story. He hasn't looked into the 'Aaron's', so they are unknown dangers in his mind. He's heard reports, but nothing solid. He's watching Alex, and the Fear God may feel that steady, lingering gaze.
"That's an accurate description. It was...entertaining." on Alex's homework, anyway.
Though he looks to Thea giving her a nod. "Heh. As am I." He looks at Felicity a moment, "her company is good company, and she is stronger than she knows." Slade compliments Felicity, and his eyes return to Thea. "You chose a good friend." He mentions to her, before he looks at Felicity.
"She actually ran from me when we first met, if you could believe it. She was in quite a rush."
- Felicity Smoak has posed:
Felicity nods in the explanation and description of the place. "Sounds about right, then," she nods. Just the sort of people that she puts under the occasional surveillance because of sins, both real and imagined. Mostly real. She still takes her 'Overwatch' responsibilities seriously. She's no less the hactivist; she only chooses her targets a little more sensibly. She does laugh soon after, "Homework? I bet they loved that. Points if you asked for help in calculus."
The question regarding a new name for Thea's drink, however, earns a slow shake of her head and a quick shrug of a single shoulder. "Don't ask me. I think 'Spot' is a good name for a dog." She's the worst!
There's a seemingly innocent smile offered, as well, to Thea, complete with that second shrug. "He's.. he wears a suit well?" is theatrically whispered. "We bonded over coffee."
Slade's addition to the story produces and embarrassed smile, and Felicity slouches a little before she defends herself, "I had my donuts." Two of them, because it's less pathetic than only buying one! With two, she could have claimed she was buying the other for someone else! "I didn't .. run. I walked. After getting my donuts. And an introduction and brief conversation."
Okay, so there's a story.
Felicity reaches for her drink that she'd left on the counter top, and finds that it's been refilled. Blue eyes move to Vin, brows rising before she retakes the glass, warning, "I'm glad I can still get a taxi around here..". She doesn't drive.
- Vintridr has posed:
"Of a sort," Vin replies to Slade as she pulls out a whiskey bottle. "Shot glass, or full?" she asks.
She tilts her head at the description of the Hellfire Club. "The name sounds familiar... A gathering place for the young, the rich, the powerful and the interesting, wasn't it?"
Felicity's comment gets a grin. "It will be arranged," she replies. "The Verdant aims to please."
- Alexander Aaron has posed:
Drawing his lower lip between his teeth, Alexander answers Thea with that oh so innocent look that says distinctly. 'Maybe?' Perhaps she'll have to wrangle the story out of him later.
But he's drawn back to Slade, listening to the words spoken his way, then he nods once. "He has many of them, sir." Stories that is. Yet as Slade looks at him, many a man has felt themselves wilt under such a gaze. But this blond youth with the calm smile. He seems to just endure.
Perhaps he's simple.
Then as Mr. Wilson backs up his description of the Hellfire Club his smile broadens a little though likely with those opinions voiced the matter is settled. But then Felicity digs ever so slightly on the topic of the Homeworkening.
"One person inquired if she could help once, I think she was a billionaire." He sips his champagne and murmurs, "Had some interesting insight into history."