A Fair Trial

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A Fair Trial
Date of Cutscene: 21 May 2024
Location: Gotham City Courthouse
Synopsis: The impending trial of Salvatore Maroni doesn't go according to plan. Following that abomination of justice, another tragedy strikes Gotham City when an elected official is attacked.
Cast of Characters: Harvey Dent
Tinyplot: Harvey Dent: The Split

Today is the day. Evidence upon evidence has been compiled against the accused. Today Harvey Dent, District Attorney of Gotham City, will put Salvatore Maroni away for good. Hopefully for life, without the possibility of parole. In a perfect world? He'd get a hanging or a chair or an injection.

Sometimes it's from the most unexpect quarters that the best laid plans can unravel at their seams. The request was made from the defense for an extension and, even more absurdly, bail. It's long been rumored that Judge Angela Chambers was under the thumb of the Maroni crime family and, for District Attorney Dent, today has only proved that yet further.

It's a scandal. It's an outrage. It's a miscarriage of justice. Yet when the proclamation is made and the District Attorney Dent launches to his feet, it isn't with cries or shouts of outrage that he spouts. Nervously his hand moves and his thumb flicks, sending the coin up. Twirling it flips end over end, until finally landing within an open palm. Fingers close around it and by touch he knows the results of the coin warmed by his own hand. The anxiousness, the anger, the frustration bleeds out in a moment. Again Dent drops into his seat without a word of protest on the Judge's decision.

A short time later on the steps of the Gotham City Courthouse, District Attorney Harvey Dent's confronted by a wedge of reporters intent on getting his comment on the surprise judicial declaration. If the District Attorney isn't making a big deal out of the matter, then the public can rest assured that it's well under control. Right?

With microphones, phones, cameras, and other recording devices thrust toward him; Harvey speaks with ease and confidence. "It would be a lie to say that today wasn't surprising, but we know that our case is strong. Mister Maroni is entitled to a fair trial as is every citizen of this country and if Judge Chambers..."

It is in that moment that Salvatore Maroni exits the courthouse surrounded loosely by his own retinue. While some of the reporters begin to drift away from Gotham's DA and toward Maroni, his personal security seems to keep most at a safe distance. The arrival is enough to even draw Dent's attention and the District Attorney is filmed openly staring - and glaring - toward Maroni.

The two draw parties draw closer as Maroni's descent carries him closer to District Attorney's interview. The two exchange scowls and finally Dent looks away, returning his attention to his interview.

The shout comes from Dent's left, "This is for my son!" Something wet splashes across Dent's face and his hand rises up to quickly wipe it away. Then the screams erupt out of the District Attorney as skin begins to bubble.

On recordings and cameras, Salvatore Maroni can be witnessed slinging a bottle liquid toward Harvey Dent. Following his shout, Marino is pulled and then tackled to the ground with further shouts of, "Remember Bertie, you rat bastard!"