Amelia Au Claire |
Amelia Au Claire (Scenesys ID: 4658)
Amelia Au Claire
Hominus Nocturne
New York City
Private Tutors
Original (OC)
Hellfire Club
Apparent Age:
Actual Age:
Date of Birth
01 May 1765
Played By
5' 3"
105 lb
Hair Color:
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Theme Song:
She's Not A Saint - Blutangel and Juke-Joint Jezebel - KMFDM
Character Info
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Amelia Au Claire is a regular figure in the New York City nightlife. A common sight in nightclubs and bars all over the city, her bubbly personality hides a terrible secret. Amelia is an old vampire and master of blood sorcery, teetering on the edge between humanity and depraved bloodthirst. The mask she wears hides the monster within, and she spends her nights trying not to let it out.
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* 1765 Born in Newcastle on Tyne to a family in the printing business.
* 1770 Her education begins with various private tutors and she proves a quick study.
* 1790 Her Hominus Nocturne blood awakens, and she is spirited away to Eastern Europe for further education and training.
*1800 Begins developing a style of magic that uses the power inherent in vampiric blood to fuel it's effects. She calls it Hemocraft.
*1890 Having mastered the basics of Hemocraft and endured a century of training with her vampiric powers, she is released.
*1890 Spends the next fifty years roaming Europe and stockpiling Occult texts
*1940 Goes into hiding to preserve herself and her trove from the Nazis and the War itself.
*1950 After the war, she flees to the United States where she sets up shop in New York City.
*2023 After years of laying low and honing her craft, Amelia emerges into the mystic world of the modern day.
IC Journal
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Amelia comes off as a flighty party girl. She's always at some happening bar or club, mingling and being a social butterfly. It's not all the act of a cunning and devious predator who feasts on the blood of the living. Some of it is clinging to her humanity, trying to stave off that monster with frivolous fun and the basic pleasures of life. It's mostly worked.
Occult Nerd:
For nearly two centuries, Amelia has been steeped in the occult. Being a vampire is part of it, but she was raised in England as the rising swells of Occultism began to pervade society. She was hooked like many others, but it just so happened that it was actually useful, rather than a novelty. Even to this day, she will talk someone's ear off about Crowley, magick, old rituals and whatever other weird things hit her mind.
Amelia is, no matter how hard she tries to hide it, still a vampire. She is an immortal, life drinking monster who is doomed to a life of personal stasis and the hunt for power and blood. Most of the time, she can turn it off, act like a person. When she can't, her whole demeanor changes. Gone is the bubbly party girl, replaced by an old, hungry thing that looks at people like people look at pizza.
Character Sheet
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Her years of immersion in the occult, plus the natural mystic potential of vampirism have led her to experiment and create a version of blood sorcery she calls hemocraft. By spilling her own blood and enacting her will upon the power within it, she is capable of many feats. At the moment, her power is largely conjuration. Simple objects that will remain until the sunrise, for example. Mainly used for melee weapons and other small, but useful, tools. She is also in the process of developing techniques to use the blood sorcery to conjure elemental energy, but this is in the early stages and can, at best, deliver a shock like a commercial tazer, or let her make claws from ice.
As a rather old Hominus Nocturne vampire, Amelia has all of the strengths of such a creature. Strong enough to throw a small car, fast enough to move before being shot at and resilient enough to not care if she doesn't dodge them. Her senses of hearing, sight and smell are far beyond that of a human. She can heal from anything short of decapitation fairly rapidly, though if the damage is severe enough she will become ravenously hungry. She is capable if defying gravity, leaping incredible distances and climbing sheer walls like some kind of spider-woman.
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Amelia spent one hundred years learning from the best that her people had to offer. She is skilled in bladed weapons and firearms, slightly favoring the blades. While not a master combatant, she is competent, using her vampiric strength and speed to compensate where she can. Currently, her favored weapons are a pair of short, heavy blades created by Hemocraft. As for guns, pistols are fine.
Faking It:
Amelia's entire existence is walking a line between actual person and ravenous, bloodthirsty monster. It's a balance that she's had to do for many years and only gets harder as they go by. She believes in the term 'Fake it til you Make it', and engages in it daily. Her visage as a bubbly party girl must be solid. It must be as real as it can be. She has gotten quite good at it. Good enough that it seems almost effortless to put that mask on. Almost being the key word.
Occult Knowledge:
Amelia is a vast repository of occult knowledge. Her main area of expertise is blood magic, but her knowledge base is otherwise broad, if shallow. Magic, creatures, artifacts, she knows about these things and more, at least on a surface level.
Being an occult nerd, Amelia is very good at digging information out of old dusty tomes. She knows the best way to find things in books, is a very fast reader, and retains information well. If you put her in a library, she will likely be able to find what she's looking for in fairly short order. She's not quite as good with a computer, but she's learning quickly.
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Like many vampires, Amelia is independantly wealthy. She's not multibillion dollars rich, but years of sound investments, plus payments for tasks she has done in the supernatural community, have left her with a comfortable nest egg. She owns a brownstone, and has for almost a hundred years, in Queens. She's moved in and out more than once, relocating to hide the fact that she is immortal. She's not out there buying buildings, but if there's a mundane item she wants, she can probably afford it.
Occult Library:
Over the years she has been active and free, Amelia has been collecting every occult tome she can get her hands on. While she does not rival the library of Ravencrest, or other major holds of books, she has enough. Mainly focusing on blood magic and vampiric issues, her library has answers for many questions, and often answers that lead to even more questions that will put her in conflict or concert with the local occult circles.
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Vampire hunters are a constant threat to the undead. Even one as potent as Amelia can be killed by a group of angry humans with good tactics and weapons that can kill her. There's also the fact that if they were to find her during the day, she would be easily dispatched.
The Mask:
Amelia's greatest weakness is the fact that she inhabits a mask. The fun, party girl exterior is just that, an exterior. No matter how much she lies to herself. No matter how much she throws herself into the role, subsuming it over her nature so hard that she almost forgets what is true. The fact remains that she is an immortal killer, a life drinker, and the mask is a means to an end. The mask hides the fact that she is a cold and calculating killer, nightly teetering on the edge between depraved bloodlust and the remains of her humanity. She clinks by her fingernails to the cliff, hoping a stray gust does not blow her into oblivion.
Vampiric Nature:
Amelia's biggest weakness is her vampiric nature. Her thirst for blood, her vulnerability to sunlight, fire, garlic and consecrated ground are all dangers she has to contend with on a nightly basis. Her inability to act during the day complicates matters for her and she often has to use hired agents to enact business for her while the sun is in the sky.
Entertainment Credits
Amelia Au Claire/gallery
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