Happy Harbor High School

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“We accept everyone here.”

Doctor Morrigan MacIntyre



Happy Harbor is a school outside of Staten Island that was part of a social project to integrate young metahumans into a learning curriculum. It was founded in 2019. After several years with no incidents, and at the behest of the student body, metahumans were encouraged to make their abilities publicly known as of the end of 2020. Happy Harbor is run by Headmistress Morrigan MacIntyre and retains a large number of metahumans as teachers and mentors.

In 2019, Tyler Eddington joined Happy Harbor High School after his parents were brutally murdered. His presence at the school became something that endangered him and other students and after an attempted kidnapping his

Important NPC's
  • Duncan Mallory - Assistant Director
  • Tyler Eddington - Junior, Creative Creation.
  • Declan Montgomery - Junior, One half of the Twins.
  • Delia Montgomery - Junior, One half of the Twins. Medium.

School Mascot
The Mascot for Happy Harbor High School is Hank the Harbor seal.

Happy Harbor High School
Established: 2019
Location: Happy Harbor
Leader: Morrigan MacIntyre
